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单词 Open Standard
1. So whatever happened to Open Standards?
2. It's also an open standard supported by IEEE.
3. That promising, newest open standard in the market, however, is not always the best one to adopt.
4. So by using the open standard approach of UIMA, you gain the advantage of possibly being able to leverage the work that others may have already done to solve similar problems.
5. Since, XML Schema is an open standard, it only requires the addition of a few proprietary features in the mapping language specification.
6. Earlier this year, Google released KML as an open standard that was adopted by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
7. The subsystem is based on Mercury's flexible, open standard Ensemble AdvancedTCA Application Platform.
8. JDO facilitates rapid development with an open standard and can be used in nearly any Java environment.
9. Service Data Objects (SDO) is an open standard for enabling applications to handle data from different data sources in a uniform way, as data graphs.
10. Keep in mind that, as already mentioned, VNC is an open standard which supports an abundance of implementations.
11. The WebSphere platform provides the tooling and runtime to integrate EIS into a SOA based on open standard specifications and technologies.
12. XForms is a good choice for this kind of data-driven form because it is an open standard that can run on a variety of Web-enabled platforms.
13. In each of these cases, there was a great demand for functionality, and, as a result, multiple vendors used some open standard to offer that feature.
13. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
14. One nice aspect of the project's web site is that it was built with open standard and modern web development techniques in mind.
15. Once an OSS become de facto standard it's still an open standard.
16. This article provided you with some basic knowledge of Workplace Forms Designer and stepped you through the process of designing a form that leverages the XForms open standard.
17. Consumers can choose one or more usage rights through DRM standards that encourage some CC ideals supplemented with an open standard such as ODRL.
18. RabitMQ is an implementation of AMQP protocol, which is an open standard for messaging middleware.
19. InfoQ: Why is it important for the development community to have an open standard for interfacing with OLAP servers?
20. For start ups there'll be the additional costs of reformatting for each different platform versus an open standard.
21. All of the tools are heavily used by developers and support open standard technologies.




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