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单词 Murdoch
1. Iris Murdoch was regarded by many as a supremely good and serious writer.
2. In fact, Mr Murdoch could not sit still.
3. The investigation will be led by Officer Murdoch.
4. Mr Murdoch had been dominating the headlines again.
5. Why, it's Murdoch, the scamp!
6. When something needs doing, Murdoch does it.
7. Joint administrative receiver Murdoch McKillop said cuts were part of a scaling down of production to meet reduced demand.
8. Mr Murdoch, like Mr Gower, has a way of playing that was bound to run into trouble.
9. At one extreme, Murdoch employs a small fraction of the 6,000 production workers he had in Fleet Street.
10. Does Murdoch have any personal values that influence the content of the messages transmitted by his media?
11. What makes Murdoch so vile is the same thing that makes him such a good entrepreneur.
12. And Murdoch was again Thistle's hero when he blocked a close range shot from Trevor Steven.
13. Murdoch had turned his hat on a lathe, thereby inventing a method of turning oval objects.
14. Ultimately, they blame Rupert Murdoch for losing confidence in his gut instincts.
15. Messrs Murdoch, Maxwell and Rowland, amongst others, are known to have attempted to exercise control over editorial content.
16. But one analyst said it made sense for Murdoch to bring in Malone to help finance the Dodger purchase.
17. Murdoch said he hopes to expand beyond what those two companies offer and use satellites for data transmissions via computers.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. At a New York conference this week Mr Murdoch tried to play down the significance of the deal.
19. Murdoch is a newspaperman, which is something for other newspapermen to remember and value.
20. Why did Mr Murdoch so rapidly lose faith in the internet?
21. Careful as he is to cultivate bankers, Mr Murdoch borrows to avoid being controlled.
22. She carved up Muriel Spark and Iris Murdoch at the same time as the bacon.
23. Murdoch bought several TV stations, as part of his strategy for building a media empire.
24. Six minutes from the end Murdoch again came to the visitors' rescue when he dived to block a shot from Hateley.
25. Trouble was brewing elsewhere too, as the hard-pressed William Collins went down to Rupert Murdoch.
26. His most notorious story was a psychoanalysis of Rupert Murdoch based on material from sources including the office cleaners.
27. Anita Brookner began her career as a novelist some two decades later than Iris Murdoch.
28. The story goes that, after Wapping, Kinnock treated the Murdoch papers with such disdain that he deserved all he got.
29. Over the past few years the pace of his acquisitions would make Rupert Murdoch blush.
30. She was silent except for little violent outbursts about capital punishment and Iris Murdoch writing too much.
31. Mr Murdoch built Fox News from the ground up.
32. Emma Murdoch: It's where I first met my husband.
33. MURDOCH: Yes, sir. Full ahead, Mr. Moody.
34. Can we take work-study program at Murdoch?
35. "Right," said Murdoch, cinching again.
36. Mr Murdoch is a barbarian at the gates indeed.
37. Rhetorically, Mr Murdoch hit all the right notes.
38. Mr Murdoch was unwise to indulge in adolescent hyperbole.
39. Iris Murdoch: Books... I wrote?
40. In 1981 Murdoch bought the failing but prestigious London Times.
41. Murdoch in a about which deals he was working on , she said.
42. In the closest they've come to naming names , the protesters planned to visit the homes of News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and oil tycoon David Koch, among others.
43. Mr Murdoch, chairman of Sun's parent company News Corporation, was on hand to give his 32-year-old daughter away at an 18th century chapel at Oxfordshire's Blenheim Palace.
44. Instead, it was a Murdoch who did the knocking down that morning, albeit a Murdoch with rangy legs, lustrous black hair, and cheekbones to die for.
45. Associate professor Peter Dingle, an environmental toxicologist at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia, believes melamine may cause damage to the immune system too.
46. In 1900, Naomi Murdoch deserted her small - town family to go on the stage.
47. Murdoch runs a huge and very powerful empire, well connected to ultra-right interests around the world.
48. Iris Murdoch (1919-1999) is considered one of the most productive and prominent writers of postwar British literature.
49. Mr Murdoch is a tabloid king who has a reputation for taking everything he buys downmarket.
50. Here, Murdoch, left, meets with senior editors at the Post in the wake of a 1978 citywide press strike, when employees at the paper reached an agreement with management before their crosstown rivals.
51. And besides that the influence of existentialism on Murdoch is explored. Murdoch was greatly influenced by the existentialist philosopher Sartre.
52. To at the Olympic Games, a Murdoch arrived in Beijing early on.
53. Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch thinks the future of media relies on interaction through the Internet.
54. Iris Murdoch (1919 - 1999) is considered one of the most productive and influential novelists in English literature after the Second World War.
55. We understand that Rupert Murdoch is a media giant and he is from Australia.
56. Mr. Gansman now awaits a fate he rued with Ms. Murdoch.
57. Emma Murdoch : I wish I knew. What brings you here?
58. In Iris Murdoch s novels there is often a "trapped" pattern, in which the typologized characters vividly show the moral dilemma.
59. Young Iris Murdoch: I wouldn't say you'd had me, just yet.
60. Iris Murdoch, who combines a prolific output with a consistently high level of fictional achievement, is universally acknowledged as one of the most important novelists in postwar Britain.
61. And how many tears were shed by the capitalists for the 1,400 workers who lost their jobs when Murdoch moved his newspapers lock, stock and barrel to Wapping in 1986?
62. Murdoch is the most pessimistic remarks on the owner of City News.
63. BOB DOUGHTY: The British writer Iris Murdoch died of Alzheimer's disease.
64. And proxy advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services recently recommended that News Corp shareholders not reelect several board members, including chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch, and his sons.
65. Conservatives have long celebrated Mr Murdoch as a kindred spirit and business buccaneer.
66. Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corporation, this month summed up the shift in thinking.
67. For those who don't know, Rupert Murdoch controls the majority of American news media.
68. Mr. Murdoch has a well-earned reputation for making the deals that appeal to him personally, like the Dow Jones purchase, whether or not experts agree.
69. The State Government and Murdoch University signed an agreement to co-locate the Department of Agriculture and Food WA at Murdoch University.
70. My feeling is that the Murdoch (NWS) purchase of the WSJ got competitive juices flowing at both newspapers for the first time in a while, and that readers are picking up on that.
71. Murdoch visited Blair three times personally in order to pressurise him on behalf of George Bush to support the Iraq invasion.
72. Rupert Murdoch, buccaneer owner of Fox and much else of the world's communications business.
73. For far too long – under both James Murdoch and her own reign – the cleansing of the Augean stables looked more like a light dusting.
74. Mr Murdoch 's tougher management will no doubt squeeze out some cost savings.
75. Rupert Murdoch has reportedly said that Mr Bloomberg is his preferred choice.
76. Iris Murdoch is an outstanding post-war British writer of international renown, prolific in literary as well as philosophical writing .
77. "I know it's time, " Murdoch said cheerfully, putting the Post down and cinching his bathrobe.Sentence dictionary
78. Or is it all a rhubarb goulash, as Murdoch would have it?
79. One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.
80. Iris Murdoch (1919-1999) was something of a phenomenon in the history of British literature.
81. The Daily Mirror and the Daily Star focus on the protestor who hit Rupert Murdoch in the face with a custard pie.
82. The Atlantic frets that the Murdoch model will sacrifice "responsible, serious journalism" and damage public life in the process. Mr Murdoch's defenders regard this as self-important tosh.
83. Rupert Murdoch has this month - and - drop, company diversified into all news sites.
84. Born in 1931 in Melbourne, Keith Rupert Murdoch was named for his father Sir Keith Murdoch, a celebrated journalist who later became a newspaper executive.
85. Rupert Murdoch is expected to invest heavily in Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal.
86. Australia's Next Top Model's two finalists had already made their winner's and loser's speeches when presenter Sarah Murdoch, daughter-in-law of media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, revealed the mix-up.
87. Suddenly one man took out a white cake from a black bag and threw it on Murdoch.
88. Rupert Murdoch offer ed to b u y Dow Jones become ( became ) public in May.
89. Emma Murdoch: That's just what my husband once said to me on this very spot.
90. Speaking of the Post, don't you imagine that owner Rupert Murdoch, who hates the Times in a quasi-religious way, is chuckling over having beaten them to market by a day?
91. Murdoch was reading a New York Post in the breakfast nook, having just chased his wife, Wendi, and their two daughters out the door for a ballet lesson.
92. Now, reports Gillian Murdoch in this Reuters article, peat is the new 'black gold', and conserving Indonesia's peat bog forests is a hot investment ticket.
93. On the boat deck , First Officer Murdoch found himself in charge of the odd-numbered starboard lifeboats, while Chief Officer Wilder was in charge of the even -numbered ones on the port side.
94. As writer and philosopher Iris Murdoch writes, "We are condemned to be free."
95. The Bell is one of Iris Murdoch s early prominent novels, and the introduction of myth and archetype to the novel is its most important poetic feature.
96. In the novel, Murdoch employed various literary devices to illuminate the existential subject and the central theme, such as a well-knit overall structure and different images with symbolic meanings.
97. "You can be Nerdock" (his hilarious pronunciation of Murdoch), he said, offering up his favorite train if I would just get down on the floor and vroom trains with him.
98. Peter Dingle, an environmental toxicologist at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia, said he was mystified why milk powder was so popular in China.




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