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单词 Follow-on
1. The inspection was a follow-on from the review process.
2. The movie 'Arthur 2' was a successful follow-on to 'Arthur'.
3. What was needed was an advanced, geosynchronous follow-on system to Rhyolite.
4. He bowled Victor Trumper, and also enforced the follow-on. 9.
5. The follow-on P6 will represent an even greater though unstated amount of investment.
6. There is also a very real risk of follow-on effects.
7. In a follow-on article, I will review availability, resiliency, and even mobility aspects.
8. A follow-on contract for full-scale production of the AESA RBE2 radar is due to be signed in 2009 as part of the fourth tranche order of 60 Rafales, he said.
9. The prime follow-on contract from the Navy's Military Sealift Command, Washington, D.C., calls for SAIC to provide data center, IT and disaster recovery site support.
10. The follow-on task order has one base year and four, one-year options.
11. The follow-on contract calls for the contractor to provide bandwidth and systems engineering, operations and maintenance support for the Army's Trojan satellite communications.
12. It is a follow-on to the AIM-7 Sparrow missile series. The missile is faster, smaller and lighter, and has improved capabilities against low-altitude targets.
13. If you are committed to winning follow-on business, you should use the diagnostic study to establish relationships with every major constituency in the buying process.
14. This tutorial is a follow-on to " Build an RPC service and client using JAX-RPC."
15. A follow-on article will discuss testing more complex components, such as BPEL processes, where you also need to consider the testing of side effects.
16. GSM is the follow-on procurement to DISN Global Support, which DISA awarded 10 years ago to Science Applications International Corp. and Apptis (formerly SETA).
17. The WHO has now developed a follow-on initiative to advance the idea of Global Oximetry.
18. This course for bridge players with some experience is intended as a follow-on to the Beginners' course.
19. Members of each task role are readers for every sub- and follow-on task of this task, including escalations of one of these tasks.
20. Another one is that the target flight module designed as required for follow-on space labs can test and verify the key skill while completing the task of rendezvous and docking.
21. Note that this is the second benchmark; there will be a follow-on article that dissects the third (and current) benchmark.
22. Public companies selling more shares of their stock through follow-on deals are encountering an increasingly vibrant market.
23. The IS-27 UHF hosted payload provides capability to complement the existing UHF Follow-On (UFO) and future Multi-User Objective System (MUOS) satellites.
24. However, we made sure all their suggestions were recorded, since many of their ideas were very good and would be worth revisiting in any follow-on work.
25. The SS men avoided the Soviet troops, leaving them for follow-on forces,(Sentencedict) and aimed for a crossing point over the River Dnieper at Shklov.
26. Within a process flow in which multiple activities can be executed in parallel to optimize performance, follow-on dependent activities need to be synchronized.
27. Producers of intellectual property can actually benefit from free riding if IP "thieves" become a paying market for follow-on and complementary products, as often happens.
28. Escalation receivers are readers for the escalated task, and for every sub- and follow-on task of this task, including escalations of one of these tasks.
29. After successful completion of this initial three-year effort, a follow-on effort to demonstrate in-flight, stand-off jamming on the B-52 is scheduled for 2011-2012.
30. A task administrator is administrator for every sub- and follow-on task of this task, including escalations of one of these tasks.
31. For follow-on code reviews, you do not need a major guru to lead the effort, although you might have one on your team.
32. In follow-on articles in this series, we'll create service specifications and implementations that fulfill those requirements with an architecture that enables future reuse and business agility.
33. U.S. and Indian officials met over the weekend to try and formalize a follow-on pact, which is designed to ensure that New Delhi won't reprocess American-sold nuclear fuel into weapons-grade material.
34. For follow-on human operations, the proximity of the Moon to the Earth will allow astronauts to return to the Earth in three days in the event of emergencies.
35. Currently, using some variation of access beans pattern is considered state-of-the-art and I will assume this pattern for all follow-on examples.
36. A follow-on article in 2009 talked about the improvements in the V6.2 release of IBM's BPM stack products, which make process modeling for execution easier.




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