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单词 Outside in
(1) He's outside in the garden.
(2) Don't walk around outside in your bare feet.
(3) We had to wait outside in the corridor until our names were called.
(4) They heard voices coming from outside in the corridor.
(5) Outside in the road, a cat yowled.
(6) The birds will winter outside in an aviary.
(7) Wait outside in case you can be useful.
(8) Amy sat outside in the sun.
(9) Rain was falling outside in a continuous silver curtain.
(10) Don't stand outside in the cold.
(11) We stood outside in the pitch dark .
(12) Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain.
(13) Someone was waiting outside in the passage.
(14) We sat outside in the brilliant sunshine .
(15) We would resist any armed intervention from outside in our country's affairs.
(16) Quite a few people were eating outside in the blazing sun.
(17) If you leave your metal tools outside in the rain,() they will rust.
(18) She took exception to having to wait outside in the rain.
(19) But let him not step outside in the darkness!
(20) Neta, feeling dizzy, sat outside in their stuffed chair.
(21) We sat outside in the warm spring sunshine.
(22) Outside in the street Maggie linked arms with Laura.
(23) Outside in her car she kept a tight grip on herself, refusing to let her humiliation reduce her to tears.
(24) Plant okra outside in May once the soil is warm.
(25) Coming from outside in the street was the sound of children playing.
(26) Outside in the street, car doors slammed and people were shouting.
(27) A moment later he was outside in the bright morning sunshine.
(28) From outside in the passageway the sound of water bubbling and steaming on the old gas cooker could be heard.
(29) Prisoners, unable to exercise outside in sub-zero temperatures, had been allowed longer in the recreation rooms.
(30) Other rot is obvious, including that working from the outside in after the brittle paint has fractured.
(1) He's outside in the garden.
(2) Don't walk around outside in your bare feet.
(3) We had to wait outside in the corridor until our names were called.
(31) Seb opened the door to find Melody standing outside in the darkness.
(32) Regular spraying with this soot solution kept leaf miners off chrysanthemums standing outside in pots.
(33) The men took cigars and brandy outside in the garden, under the awning of wisteria that enveloped the terrace.
(34) She waited outside in the street, shaking in anticipation of the telephone call.
(35) It was served outside in the most beautiful garden I have ever seen.
(36) Outside in a triumph of properly-laid crazy paving pathways and terraces, to give several levels.
(37) It is over my ankles and outside in some places it is waist high.
(38) Outside in the street student protest marches wander aimlessly by.
(39) Could I speak with you outside in the hall for just a minute?
(40) Cyclamen may also be raised from seed sown now in pots and pans and put outside in a shaded cold frame.
(41) Sow herbs indoors now, then transplant outside in late March or early April.
(42) There it was in all its glory abandoned outside in all weathers.
(43) Outside in the passage Ferris was prancing gently on his toes like a runner limbering for a race.
(44) The Courtyard provides a delightful setting for refreshment with tables and chairs placed outside in fine weather.
(45) What thanks is this for keeping vigil outside in the street nearly all night?
(46) Towards the end of March, the potatoes can be planted outside in the ground.
(47) Going to camp is like going on Pack holiday but everyone sleeps outside in tents.
(48) A rather bedraggled crowd waited outside in the pouring rain.
(49) And John Henry was drawn on the outside in the starting gate at number 12.
(50) It was followed by a lunch party at a local restaurant where the tables had been placed outside in the cobbled square.
(51) City walls, narrow streets, open shutters, old women sitting outside in the early evening.
(52) Tell you the truth, I think they just needed us outside in the field.
(53) Outside in the war-torn street,(sentence dictionary) Special Forces vehicles drew up in an uncompromising line.
(54) Trouble erupted again outside in the street which left a man injured.
(55) Outside in the lot, a car was honking its horn.
(56) Once back outside in the Berlin night, Harry gasped for air.
(57) The old furniture was left outside in the sun to air.
(58) That considered, an unvented attic can be 10 to 20 degrees warmer than outside in winter.
(59) I was sitting outside in a blue-and-white striped deckchair.
(60) Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl.
(61) Galvanized pipe outside in engine room!
(62) They stood outside in the snow, quivering with cold.
(63) "When we are outside in the community, we know other people perceive us as a black and white couple," Spearman says.
(64) So I've been recharging it outside in the cold, including days when the windchill factor was about minus 5, and it worked fine, illuminating a dim corner of my kitchen.
(65) While you're watching, imagine you're going to kick from outside IN during your dolphin kick.
(66) While you're watching, imagine you're going kick from outside IN during your dolphin kick.
(67) Outside in the passageway, Dr. Goebbels, Bormann and a few others waited.
(68) Not so very long ago I was outside in the sunshine, inhaling the fragrance of rosemary and lavender, and picking a nosegay of penstemon and anemone.
(69) Mike Riegel, a 43-year-old roofer in Flemington, N.J., says he likes working "outside in the fresh air."
(70) Outside in the little lobby another scene was begin enacted.
(71) A manservant , Lotung, who was the brother of Lota, sat on the outside in Mr. Yao's cart, one leg crossed on the shaft and one left dangling.
(72) Put the pots into a terrarium with some air circulation. Or if the weather is mild, just put them outside in a sunny location with your other Sarracenia .
(73) One day, while sitting outside in his lawn chair , Larry had his eureka moment.
(74) Lotung, who was the brother of Lota, sat on the outside in Mr. Yao's cart, one leg crossed on the shaft and one left dangling.
(75) The steamer in November nighttime, outside in the middle of raining rain, the down stairs contains a street cleaner, a group of women are kicking a thigh.
(76) Once upon a time, there was a shepherd who kept some sheep. He herded them outside in daytime; at night, he drived them in the sheepfold which was inclosed by hays and pegs etc.
(77) Outside in the world, it was not springtime, but the hills and paddocks were lit with bursts of gorse flowers, and the heavy drunken perfume came blowing through the open window of the car.
(78) Outside in the night, sporadic machinegun fire rippled through the darkness.
(79) Once we stood outside in a blinding snowstorm for half an hour.
(80) I was also in Germany, and I saw that the waitress from Starbucks going outside in the street distributing free Frappe to walking people.
(81) Our factories purchase silicon rubber waste material , 2,000 tons of monthly consumption - 3,000 tons for a long time domestic , outside in a large amount now.
(82) And children were warned not to play outside in the noxious air.
(83) 'Give 'em a lifelong siesta, I would, ' snarled Uncle Vernon over the end of the newsreader 's sentence, but no matter: outside in the flowerbed, Harrys stomach seemed to unclench.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:30:34