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单词 And things
1. Judge not of men and things at first sight. 
2. He had chickens and things round the back.
3. I've been busy shopping and things.
4. She likes nice clothes and things like that.
5. Then the police arrived and things got really heavy.
6. A fight started and things got pretty ugly.
7. That was twenty years ago and things have changed since then.
8. There are mysterious lights in the sky and things that go bump in the night.
9. The car's getting old now, and things are starting to go wrong with it.
10. She took no interest in the people and things around her.
11. The shed is where we keep our tools and things.
12. We did this and things started going right.
13. And things about the human spirit nobody ever will.
14. And things that are truer than true.
15. On it there was boiled eggs and things.
16. And things weren't going as well as hoped.
17. Quite nice. Art galleries and bookshops and things.
18. Postings are separated into three categories: people, companies and things.
19. If he implements it and things go well,(http:///and things.html) he will be more receptive to employee input in the future.
20. There were a lot of fights at dances and things like that.
21. Then the volume of traffic built up and things got a little less traumatic.
22. There was a week to go to the deadline and things were looking good.
23. The Earth is made mainly of iron and silicon and things like that.
24. We don't want to squander that through lax cost control, irresponsible pay increases and things like that.
25. Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot of acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. Mark Twain 
26. Two wing commanders in a row had been fired, and things were getting progressively worse.
27. But we had an untrained and undisciplined group, with too many leaders, and things started to break down.
28. Broadly speaking, the coursebook is a record of things learnt and things to be learnt.
29. He's always been quite sensitive about having his girths done up and things like that.
30. Barnum started it all more than 150 years ago, and things have never been rosier for self-promoters.
31. We count the cost when we are deprived of activities and things we enjoy.
32. She was relieved when the New Year arrived and things returned to normal.
33. And you had your instruments, your set squares and your T-squares and things.
34. He should have finished at university long ago, but he kept taking extra courses, changing subjects and things.
35. Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
36. Your basis in your S corporation goes up and down as time goes by and things happen.
37. They used to travel around a lot, handing out leaflets and things.
38. He spliced up the tape afterwards and things like that.
39. Moving in together was a mistake, and things rapidly went downhill.
40. Her boss was pleased with her new forthrightness, and things improved.
41. My eyes adjusted, and things became edges, corners, bits and pieces of what they were.
42. I think good skin care is really important so I get sucked in by anti-wrinkle creams and things like that.
43. Acid house has happened, and things you smoke belong to the sixties.
44. We seem to be working really well as a unit and things really gel when we write together.
45. So I developed five acres on my own account and things just went on from there.
46. Most of them were sitting back at the damn base camps, working in clubs and things like that.
47. Then Gingrich started to push his policies through Congress, and things picked up.
48. Now there are earthquake survival kits, stuff to fasten down artwork and things in the home.
49. That was back in the early 1600s and things had been improving gradually ever since.
50. People and Things Children will be fascinated by the wealth of information in this book.
51. There were only three days now before the show and things were not going smoothly.
52. Force two females to share a nest,(sentence dictionary) and things become more complicated.
53. It is 2.30 am and things are very lively at Number 17 where it gets noisier by the minute.
54. Complicated things are never robust and things that are not robust require a disproportionate amount of attention.
55. There were usually some vegetarian pasties and things going cheap.
56. Children at this age commonly refer to being eaten up by tigers and lions and things of that nature.
57. Contemporary literary theory has also questioned whether a relation between words and things is easily achieved, even possible.
58. He began running at the end of 91/92 season to get fit for the next season and things snowballed from there.
59. She'd called the police, and had to wait while they took statements, and things.
60. Male speaker There's no more finger nail inspections and things like that.
61. My husband wasn't suspended but went through a disciplinary hearing and things were dealt with there, or so we thought.
62. It was selling ads, but it was a start, and things moved rapidly.
63. Lindsay wears very feminine clothes - pretty dresses with flowers on and things like that.
64. Creatures, men and women and things, of bronze and marble, breathe the same air as we do.
65. Antonia is very into fate, star signs and things like that.
66. But soon the rain set in and things began to go wrong.
67. Things were going on for so long that I thought he would stay here and things would be settled.
68. Installed an Apple Mac sampler at every desk and things have never been the same since.
69. Still, it is indisputable that numbers, facts, rules, and things occupied a large part of his mental universe.
70. In this world, there are things you can only do alone, and things you can only do with somebody else. It's important to combine the two in just the right amount. Haruki Murakami 
71. Leaders Sunderland made the short trip to Seaham and things looked close at half time as they nosed in front 19-14.
72. The business is going downhill fast, and things are even worse between me and your father.
73. She tries to get me to do things around the house, like changing light bulbs and things like that.
74. We drove through the humid night and things flew into the beam of the headlights.
75. When she makes love she screams like a banshee, and things are inclined to get knocked over.
76. She'd invited him round the previous evening and things hadn't gone at all as he'd hoped.
77. People, animals, and things all one to them.
78. On a Balance Sheet, a summary list of the property and things owned.
79. Originally a virtual drive, maintenance tools and things, there can be a killing anti-virus software!
79. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
80. Strange as it may seem this theory could explain a lot of the problems with the world and things such as carbon dating.
81. Social choice, as a basic kind of social action, means people's acceptance or rejection or sublate of others and things in their interaction.
82. It's the teams fourth straight defeat and things are beginning to look black.
83. This box is a hodgepodge of books, old toys and things.
84. Real property is land and things immovably attached to the land.
85. But the reports continue, and things could get a lot worse if the hoped-for rainy season does not arrive next month.
86. "That young tutor is an interesting fellow: we had some awfully good talk after dinner about books and things, " he threw out tentatively in the hansom.
87. JBM demonstrates impressive performance and things will only get better with the new append-only journaling storage that comes down the line.
88. As the number of connections between people and things add up, the consequences of those connections multiply out even faster, so that initial successes aren't self-limiting, but self-feeding.
89. But then came intermission and things began to go sour.
90. But then Kevin signed an astronomical nine - digit extension, and things got funny.
91. Solomon saw the futility of seeking satisfaction in people and things.
92. My parents had a home that had a formal garden, and many of the local people would borrow that for weddings and family reunions and things like that, which my parents gladly lent them the facilities.
93. A detective is trained to take note of people and things.
94. Consider Single Precision - far more important for gaming graphics, and things turn rather ugly.
95. This article focuses the realistic relationship between persons and things under the influence of consumerism and technicalization, and then seriously criticizes the context of economic decisions.
96. We are both persons and things. Our thingness comes to us through our body.
97. Beth: Yes, and things like cakes, candy and most kinds of takeout food.
98. People and things that lie idle start to lose their productive value. Then you're into all sorts of troubles, " says Karen Ward, senior global economist at HSBC Holdings (HBC) in London.
99. Kuang and his troupe of tyro assassins are younger and more in over their heads than they realize, and things get emotionally and operationally out of hand with a rapidity that is stunning.
100. The OSS Lab has continued to grow over the years, and things were getting a bit too toasty in there.
101. It was the tail end of the depression and things were tough.
102. How many people and things in their fragile lives could bear feigning ignorance or strangeness?
103. In advocating criminal integration, gradually the focus of crime control, punishment by ex post facto punishment, and things to advance in the prevention of the transfer.
104. They are getting a lot more efficient; they have a lot better crop genetics and agronomic practices like no-till farming and things like GPS [satellite-dependent global positioning system].
105. In this relation, Being manifests itself and the world and things are intermeshed.
106. The toxic fractions are all removed through natural processes, you know, oxidation and photodegradation and things like that, microbial decomposition.
107. Mohair is also used in floor rugs and carpets and things like doll hair.
108. Times and things changes so fast, but I will not forget Garrick's elegant smile, his long long hair and his clear eyes.
109. And he does try to bury( in my Egyptian cotton sheets) bones and things that are so badly decomposed they evade identification.
110. If they don't, everything will come to naught and things will go on as before.
111. Dewey stressed the continuum between experience and nature and incorporated nature and things as parts of experience, which foreshadowed his effect-oriented relativist concept of truth.
112. Like skiing, which is an outdoor sport and things like that.
113. Mohair is used in sweaters, scarves, coats and other and carpets and things like doll hair.
114. Probably anything to do with consumer durables is going to suffer, like electronics, like autos and trucks and things like that. And what else?Let's say, financial companies, already have suffered.
115. It's just that we bought a hibachi together, and then he ran off and got married, and things got pretty ugly.
116. Mohair flora , smart is also used in floor rugs and carpets and things like dorheredoll hair.
117. Most of our popular music, folk songs and things like that, are written in duple meter and in a major key.
118. But nobody woke up and things stayed violet, all except for a single Blue Jay who hadn't changed color and stayed the brightest blue.
119. A man of practice attaches much importance to integration of all creatures so he develops the ideas of loving life, ahimsa and things and human are from the same mother.
120. Manage of all kinds tennis racket, battledore and things of form a complete set.
121. Being based upon the taste, it incarnate that people look on things are depending on human feelings, and things also have retroaction on human feelings.
122. Just remember that this is beta software, and things will inevitably break.
123. But then his uncle Dervish a promise of help, and things look like they might improve.
124. So, I think these emoticons have become popular, little smiley faces, and things like that.




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