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单词 dialling tone
释义  Related topics: Telephone, telegraphˈdialling tone noun [countable]  TCT British English the sound you hear when you pick up the telephone that lets you know that you can make a call 〔电话的〕拨号音 SYN American English dial toneExamples from the Corpusdialling tone• Consider: the electricity has been cut off, the gas supply has stopped, the telephone has no dialling tone.• She jiggled the receiver and realised that there was no dialling tone.• He dialled the number again but this time there was no dialling tone - only silence stretching through the air-waves.• He grinned when he picked up the phone to check the dialling tone.• Lifted the receiver, listened to the dialling tone, put it down again.ˈdialling tone nounChineseSyllable  pick the up the sound hear Corpus telephone when you you




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