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单词 Prayer service
1. They performed prayer services when her father was dying in a Washington hospital.
2. Please join us for an interdenominational prayer service at 10:00 on Sundays.
3. Organise a prayer service and/or information event for your parish or deanery.
4. That evening, the usual prayer service was concluded early.
5. After a prayer service in church to honor Virgin Mary, children brought gifts and flowers to pay tribute to their own mothers.
6. But a top Iranian religious leader told a prayer service at Tehran University that execution was needless.
7. After the demonstration, we had a prayer service at St. Marks Church near the embassy.
8. Historic National Prayer Service held at Washington National Cathedral for victims of the September 11 attacks.
9. The inaugural events conclude with a prayer service the morning of January 21 at the Washington National Cathedral. After that, the work of the new administration begins in earnest.
10. Mr. Obama, who earlier attended a prayer service at Washington National Cathedral, is to hold talks today (Wednesday) with his economic advisers to discuss efforts to help the struggling economy.
11. We offer this prayer service to all religions, all countries, and all nationalities.
11. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
12. Obama later took part in a morning prayer service at the Washington National Cathedral, following a tradition dating back to George Washington, the first US president.
13. More than 500 students packed the Immaculate Conceptcion Chapel for a 50-minute campus-wide prayer service Thursday evening.
14. I accept; I'll be there tomorrow afternoon, after the prayer service at the National Cathedral.
15. It was a quiet prelude to four days of celebrations in the Nation's Capital - a welcoming concert at the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday, the swearing in on Tuesday, and a prayer service Wednesday morning.
16. Forty white roses were strewn atop the granite stones that mark his grave site,[] left by Kennedy family members during a private early morning prayer service.
17. Amid the yellow light of butter lamps and the sound of throaty Tibetan chants and long brass trumpets , they squeezed into a prayer service led by the Dalai Lama, a leader they still adore.
18. Maybe Zoe herself wasn't sure how much of her zeal for the Saturday evening prayer service was due to religious fervor and how much was due to Luke.
19. The President will lay a wreath where the twin towers once stood and then attend a prayer service at a nearby church.
20. Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami denounced Karroubi's rape allegations during a sermon at Tehran's main Friday prayer service and called for him to be prosecuted.
21. The larger group of protesters marched to the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sava, where a huge outdoor prayer service was held.
22. Realizing that her loose ways are setting a bad example to her younger siblings she decides to attend prayer service and forms a bound with God that is sure to bring happiness and balance in her life.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 7:52:30