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单词 Threaten
1. The black clouds threaten a storm.
2. Aggressive nations threaten world peace.
3. Climate changes threaten the continued existence of the species.
4. Ethnic rivalries threaten to tear this country apart.
5. Do you mean to threaten?
6. All we need do is threaten them.
7. 'Don't threaten me,' she whispered with false bravado.
8. He doesn't threaten easily.
9. The government's political and economic reforms threaten to plunge the country into chaos.
10. The newcomers directly threaten the livelihood of the established workers.
11. It could threaten the peace and stability of the region.
12. If you threaten me or use any force, I shall inform the police.
13. The clouds threaten snow.
14. Some of these corporations threaten to sue at the drop of a hat.
15. They will threaten legal action for nonpayment.
16. The beleaguered ones might threaten complaint.
17. Did he actually hit you or just threaten you?
18. Wider reality would threaten their existence.
19. A new airport may still threaten many bird species.
20. They threaten them with violence.
21. In arming the dictator, the US was creating a Frankenstein who would threaten their influence in the region.
22. Greenpeace works to promote awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.
23. The number of people who join the army is so low that it is beginning to threaten national security.
24. Some banks also have a hit list of people whom they threaten to sue for damages.
25. The most effective technique is to cajole rather than to threaten.
26. They'll usually give you your money back if you threaten to kick up a stink.
27. Even after their divorce he continued to stalk and threaten her.
28. We are reproducing ourselves at such a rate that our numbers threaten the ecology of the planet.
29. I must be careful not to tread on their toes. My job is to challenge(), but not threaten them.
30. Instead of the children being the monsters, the parents become the monsters who threaten to take over and exact revenge.
1. In arming the dictator, the US was creating a Frankenstein who would threaten their influence in the region.
31. He gave his evidence in Tehran's revolutionary court, which deals with matters that threaten national security.
32. This was to have a United Nations as a world policeman, able to intervene against dictatorships which threaten other countries.
33. Even modest elevations of sea level therefore can threaten many major population centers.
34. Yet there has also been dismay that concern over insider dealing may threaten the flow of information.
35. Any discovery which later may threaten it is rejected by one's mental defences and could upset the balance of the mind.
36. This idea has spawned irrational diets that defy science, cause much inconvenience, and may even threaten nutrition.
37. They claim the banks are slow to reduce interest rates and impose high charges which threaten business.
38. I don't want to threaten you but you've forced me into a corner.
39. Now she fears that her latest film, her masterwork, may threaten her ability to work there in the future.
40. The measures proposed would disrupt the entire state museum system, and would threaten museum collections.
41. Another guy I knew really did threaten to have his personal enemies killed by hired gunmen after the war.
42. It can also threaten to cancel federal contracts with any firms that refuse to change.
43. Yet he would certainly be tracked down if he tried anything else and that would threaten the larger enterprise.
44. A serious delay in modernizing the complex could threaten that compromise.
45. Acid rain and marine pollution hurt neighbouring countries; ozone depletion and global warming threaten the entire planet.
46. To the extent environmental controls undermine our economic base, they threaten our ability to pursue the environmental goals we all share.
47. The slightest crisis of confidence can threaten the survival of the banking system and the health of the whole economy.
48. Perhaps the working poor should threaten to incorporate in order to get local leaders to seriously address their plight.
49. Individual immortality would threaten the species as a whole - almost certainly with fatal results.
50. Does it enhance or threaten our security or is it of no consequence to us?
51. Less than a decade ago, no Tory minister dared threaten the tax break on mortgage interest.
52. Most children threaten at times to run away from home. This is the only thing that keeps some parents going. Phyllis Diller 
53. Truman did not threaten to use force to impose his views.
54. Its typical modus operandi is not to bid but threaten effectively to liquidate the trust, a vote of corporate hara-kiri.
55. W sports shop in nearby Catonsville, Tim Watson, to threaten a lawsuit.
56. Why should his death, however tragic, threaten irreparable damage to an institutional structure of such proven strength?
57. That prompted college trustees last month to threaten legal action if the architect and construction manager did not help resolve the problems.
58. Two Pinochetistas immediately board the bus and furiously upbraid and threaten her.
59. Objectives of this kind threaten to impoverish the nation and will cause the electorate to call a halt.
60. Secondly(Sentence dictionary), some forms of work design - autonomous group work in particular - appear to threaten traditional managerial decision-making prerogatives.
61. Censorship will continue to threaten Britain's lesbian and gay communities from within as well as from without.
62. In other words, failure on one new project could threaten the very existence of the company.
63. They scoff, and speak with malice; in their arrogance they threaten oppression.
64. Ten percent would threaten him, as Inkatha's militancy is not matched by mass support throughout the country.
65. A fundamental policy split between them could threaten the successful functioning of the single currency.
66. These issues will be the subject of Congressional hearings this month, but are unlikely to threaten the tour schedule.
67. Deck's theories threaten to make over-explicit what is more subtly revealed through metaphor.
68. If it is not rape to threaten a woman other than with immediate violence, questions will inevitably arise about other situations.
69. Yet all of these new ideas threaten that natural desert ecosystem, Evans says.
70. Secretions which block or threaten to block his airway have to be removed by suction.
71. The plane crash involves Dave with drug dealers, killers and federal agents, all of whom threaten his peace and family.
72. They can also threaten to get rid of you or deselect you.
73. A sudden collapse could cause a run on mutual funds, which could in turn threaten the financial system.
74. How could one river cause so much damage and threaten the livelihoods of so many farmers and landowners?
75. Indeed, in the long term, provider networks may threaten the very existence of HMOs as they are now known.
76. Of late, the preponderance of public relations firms have leveraged that influence against activists and proposed legislation that threaten big business.
77. They threaten not just our ability to enjoy our towns and countryside but our health and our children's future.
78. Only when work is optional, highly remunerative, or competitive with male labor does it threaten ideal motherhood.
79. The Pembrokeshire Shell Fishermen's Association challenge the claim, and warn that any such ban will threaten the livelihoods of locals.
80. Unfunded pension commitments threaten to push this debt to new and unsustainable levels early in the next century.
81. Carbon dioxide and moisture threaten to efface the Lascaux cave drawings.
82. Lower interest rates designed to pep up the corporate sector threaten to add more fuel to the consumer boom.
83. They asked for more, repeatedly, and continued to harass and threaten her.
84. When this happens it can dramatically slash profits - and can even threaten a business with extinction.
85. It means caring in circumstances which threaten both the well-being of family members and the economic survival of the household.
86. This production charts her struggle with, and ultimately victory over, the circumstances which threaten to destroy her.
87. But there are plenty of things that threaten anew to knock Clinton off his presidential perch.
88. Attempts to jail him on false charges,(http:///threaten.html) to bribe and threaten him had failed.
89. The build-up of ice on roofs is also creating leaks that threaten internal wiring and pose a fire hazard.
90. By 1921 indeed frustration with coalition was building up such a head of steam as seriously to threaten its future.
91. Those conflicts, however, do not seem to threaten regional integration.
92. He bashed me over the head and took out a knife to threaten me.
93. Whichever way I turn my eyes, he cried, I see nothing to threaten Realism.
94. It also allowed and even encouraged employers to threaten workers who want to organize.
95. The negotiations with the Soviets are at a crucial stage, and nothing must be allowed to threaten those talks.
96. Tate said the fences threaten to diminish property values in the neighborhood.
97. In general, elite settlements stem from long periods of conflict and crises that threaten to rekindle widespread violence.
98. Plans to build a new airfield could threaten the delicate ecology of the island.
99. The February attack could mark a change of tactics which will really threaten the regime if there is an escalation.
100. They would exacerbate the problems of unbalanced power that threaten any cooperative relationship.
101. Deny or threaten it, and you deny and threaten some one's existence.
102. Lawful strikes may threaten the fabric of a society much more than many unlawful acts.
103. Further building development would threaten valuable badger and red squirrel habitats.
104. Bed clinkering threaten startup of CFB boiler.
105. Don't threaten me with death; I'm past caring!
106. In fact, over the past few years, consistently close to double-digit inflation, high salary increases, and unrealistic property values have begun to threaten our future economic vitality.
107. When narco-trafficking and corruption threaten democracy in Latin America, it's America's problem too.
108. By counting each e-mail sent by a white-collar wrongdoer as a separate case of wire fraud, prosecutors can threaten him with a gargantuan sentence unless he confesses, or informs on his boss.
109. However, storms that form more north or east have a greater chance to threaten the Eastern seaboard or simply recurve into the open ocean.
110. Congenital abnormity, leucocythemia and death of suddenness threaten the life of child below 5 years old severely, it must be prevented and cured.
111. No American president or Congress would want to give their blessing to a nuclear-armed Iran continuing to threaten the Jewish state with destruction.
112. "Making less money than a female partner may threaten men's gender identity by calling into question the traditional notion of men as breadwinners," Munsch said.
113. Porcine contagious pleuropneumonia is one of the five primary diseases that threaten modern pig industry throughout the world.
114. Sixth, the pleasure-boat, in sailing, visitors can't get about at will , forbids getting drunk, making a fun, so as not to threaten the security of oneself and others.
115. China has undertaken unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states and nuclear-weapon-free zones.
116. Greenmail is the practice of buying larger share of a company's stock to threaten a hostile takeover and reselling it to the company at a price above market value.
117. BP Plc objected to proposed legislation that would bar the oil company from operating new drilling leases in U.S. waters,(http:///threaten.html) saying it could trigger job losses and threaten the nation's energy security.
118. But that it spread no further among the people, let us straitly threaten them, that they speak henceforth to no man in this name.
119. In the event it mixed a few sensible ideas (faster help for those whose banks threaten to repossess their houses) with a few dotty ones (luring first-time buyers into a falling market).
120. Since Gongzui Hydropower Station put into operation, the tail water level always threaten the flood control safety against pow er-house(in di cating powerhouse on the ground).
121. And they overlook the determination in Europe to make the euro stick—because to pull it apart would be ruinously costly and threaten the EU's very existence.
122. In fact, many of these ideas have been on the drawing board for years as part of NASA's planetary defense program against large space-based objects that might threaten Earth.
123. Now, as greater dangers threaten their conquests, charr legions and their war machines prepare for battle.
124. However, after all, perfect person nearly inexistence , once individual is subjected to media scrutiny, will his reputation tend to be threaten.
125. He asked the Democrats to work with him to reform the entitlement programs of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, which threaten to balloon into enormous long-term liabilities.
126. The hunt, officials here and in Moscow said, could resume as soon as this year or next, once a census is carried out and an annual quota that would not threaten the bears is set.
127. Moscow has threatened to target its missiles at former Warsaw Pact countries that host western military facilities, saying the U.S. missile shield plans threaten Russian security.
128. Some serious problems threaten the cultivation of bay scallop is analyzed and some suggestions are raised by author in this paper for sustainable development of cultivation of bay scallop in future.
129. Apparently he'd expected me to burst into tears, to rage at him, to threaten him with a 9) custody battle.
130. At the first blush, the princes of Europe, the owls of this dawn, shut their eyes, wounded and stupefied, and only opened them to threaten.
131. The popular Tagalog and Filipino languages threaten small indigenous languages in the Philippines.
132. These factors seriously threaten the survival and development of the Yugur folksong. Therefore it is extremely urgent for protection and inheritance of the folksong.
133. Electrical network flashing will threaten the safe operation of gas expander - main blower set in FCC unit.
134. Just as crops are harvested wildlife too must sometimes be "harvested". By allowing limited hunting, good management can control certain species that threaten to overpopulate their habitat.
135. The first is that the new rules threaten to politicise issues that were, in most cases, happily looked after at home.
136. Milan will travel to Florence to play high-flying Fiorentina, before revisiting Istanbul when Fenerbahce will threaten to give them another Champions League nightmare.
137. But "any time we threaten our partners by withholding sex or love whether we're male or female, we take the relationship in a negative direction."
138. So good is Gasol, so good are the Lakers, he gets a little love when the MVP voting rolls around. Not enough to actually win (or even threaten), but a nice little feather in his sombrero nonetheless.
139. In order to meet the increasingly serious threaten of the Laser Range Finder and object identifier in the battlefield, it is important to develop the laser warning technology.
140. The facilities corrosion problems in the petrochemical enterprises not only make the cost of replacing and maintaining facilities increased, but also threaten safe operation of thingamy severely.
141. U.S. soldiers wander through Mali's river port cities each evening after teaching Malian forces how to fight terrorists and rebels who threaten to take over the country's lawless northern region.
142. The major mode of our country -supermarket is faced with more and more threaten after China joined WTO.
143. I hope he will be amenable to reason, but if he cuts up rough I'll threaten him with legal action.
144. Of course, Beijing may react harshly to some of these measures and threaten a renewed embargo on the export of rare earth metals.
145. No matter what government or corporation, has taken the threaten of the multinational corporation's entry.
146. Much like the roar of a Bengal Tiger, those who would threaten to continue to do damage to one's field are held at bay as one stands their ground and terrorizes the forces of the dark into retracting.
147. Have plead for sb , threaten, also have those who talk about a condition.
147. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
148. Invaders such as purple-flowered Asian melastome and strawberry guava threaten to overrun delicate Hawaiian natives such as thornless roses and delicate tree ferns.
149. I savor the gentle, quiet terror of reading cuneiform tablets that threaten to crumble at my very presence.
150. Will Planet X or Eris approach the Earth and threaten our planet with destruction?
151. Typically, sales trail off as consumers wait for the new model to launch, but that hasn't happened as gas prices continued to soar beyond $4 a gallon and threaten to reach $5 a gallon this summer.
152. Upper limb lymphedema after mastectomy can severely threaten physical and mental health and life quality of the patients.
153. Singapore's prime minister warned Sunday in his National Day speech that "aggressive preaching" by religious groups and attempts to convert others threaten the tiny city-state's stability.
154. Yet recent declines in the population of these essential insects threaten the lucrative agricultural industry.
155. The atypical pneumonia (SARS) and avian flu have brought tremendous threaten to human's healthy.
156. Energy crises will threaten our existence because of our excessive exploitation and because of the growing population.
157. Under its revised Nuclear Posture Review, the Obama administration committed April 6 not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states that comply with the NPT.
158. The State Forest Administration will set up 150 observation stations nationwide and publicise any outbreaks of animal disease that could threaten human health.
159. I later learned that it's an old obstetric trick to threaten the mother oftwins with a C-section in order to get her to push out the second baby, but Dr. Gold insisted he wasn't playing that game.
160. Indeed, it's the songs of Pollard's erstwhile sideman, Tobin Sprout, that threaten to steal this particular show.
161. Stress is a kind of mentation when an individual faces the unaccommodated environment or feels in threaten, and stress is a kind of reaction when an individual deals with threaten or challenge.
162. The existence of gangdom brought serious problem to Korea, threaten, blackmail, a series of evildoing such as staking added social unrest element greatly.
163. Which of the Final Five Cylons does President Adama threaten to airlock in order to break the stalemate with D'Anna and the rebel Cylon fleet?
164. The Associated Press said the drifting ice island from the Petermann glacier could threaten oil platforms and shipping.
165. Mora argued that these practices threaten the entire military commission process.
166. It is a shocking event that reminds people of some more basic risks that may threaten the economies of the densely-populated and seismically vulnerable Japanese archipelago.
167. While Houston did not take the brunt of the storm the way Galveston did, Ike did knock out the city's water pumping systems, and that was sufficient to threaten the whole health-care system.
168. U.S. officials say the missile defense system does not threaten Russia or its defenses, but rather is designed to counter the growing missile threat from Iran.
169. De Silva notes that poaching, habitat encroachment, climate change and other factors threaten wild Asian elephant herds, such as those in Uda Walawe.
170. If an ambitious city state managed to master all of Hellas then a new and dangerous power would threaten to unbalance the tense equilibrium of the four empires.
171. Sean Connery was forced to threaten legal action after learning that he was "starring" in adverts for an anti-impotence drug alongside David Beckham – who was similarly furious.
172. The unhappiness burnout causes can eventually threaten your job, your relationships, and your health.
173. They threaten you to hand out a top - secret document?
174. Air pollution may threaten the future of one of east Asia's top financial destinations. Eric Cheng reports on a way to count the cost of the problem.
175. Thai law requires that any person who "slander, insult, or threaten the king, queen, crown prince or the prince regent, " and they could face punishment from 3 to 15 years in prison.
176. "The notion that China can threaten us with their large Treasury holdings is not serious," said Robert Scott, director of international programs at the Washington-based Economic Policy Institute.
177. Wheel tread wear is one of the main causes that threaten safety of trains, a kind of method is put forward, which is the subtraction of pattern recognition applying in the wheel tread wear of trains.
177. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
178. In the meantime, Philippine's export keeps plunging and falling price of palm also begins to threaten the export situation of Indonesia and Malaysia.
179. But Canberra should not sign up to the next US agenda item, which is to threaten China over its managed currency, accusing China of currency manipulation to win unfair export advantage.
180. Rising average temperatures, for example, threaten to unlock long-frozen stores of carbon dioxide and methane -- at least 20 times as potent a greenhouse gas as CO2 -- from the region's permafrost.
181. Fertility rates in many European nations and Japan have dropped below the replacement rate, causing concern that shortages of labor and productivity could threaten the quality of life.




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