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单词 Poll
1. The council tax replaces the poll tax next April.
2. The result of the poll has now been declared.
3. They expected a heavy poll.
4. The poll showed that 80% of the population supported regional self-government.
5. A straw poll conducted at the end of the meeting found most people agreed with Mr Forth.
6. The poll was widely discredited after allegations of ballot rigging.
7. A nationwide poll revealed different food preferences in the North and the South.
8. A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.
9. The poll gave a popular approval rating of 39% for the President.
10. A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion.
11. A recent poll found that 80% of Californians support the governor.
12. We're carrying out/conducting a poll to find out what people think about abortion.
13. The poll revealed massive support for the proposal.
14. Labour won the election with 40% of the poll.
15. Does this opinion poll accurately reflect the public mood?
16. They gained 20% of the poll.
17. Labour was top of the poll with forty-six percent.
18. We're conducting a poll among school leavers.
19. The poll provided a morale boost for the Conservatives.
20. A poll was conducted to gauge consumers' attitudes.
21. The poll reported Labour to be leading.
22. Smith changed his name by deed poll to Jervis-Smith.
23. They went there to poll.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. The latest poll gives the Republicans a 5% lead.
25. Labour is ahead in the poll.
26. He changed his name by deed poll.
27. The poll tax was a creature of the Government.
28. Nearly three-quarters of people questioned in an opinion poll agreed with the government's decision.
29. He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday.
30. The party is buoyed up by the latest opinion poll results.
1. The council tax replaces the poll tax next April.
2. They expected a heavy poll.
3. The poll showed that 80% of the population supported regional self-government.
4. A straw poll conducted at the end of the meeting found most people agreed with Mr Forth.
5. He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday.
6. The party is buoyed up by the latest opinion poll results.
7. The poll was widely discredited after allegations of ballot rigging.
8. A nationwide poll revealed different food preferences in the North and the South.
9. A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.
10. The poll gave a popular approval rating of 39% for the President.
11. A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion.
12. A recent poll found that 80% of Californians support the governor.
13. We're carrying out/conducting a poll to find out what people think about abortion.
14. They went there to poll.
15. The latest poll gives the Republicans a 5% lead.
16. The result of the poll won't be known until midnight.
31. A poll for the Observer showed Labour on 39 per cent with the Tories lagging a point behind.
32. The opinion poll is a clear signal of people's dissatisfaction with the government.
33. I took a straw poll among my colleagues to find out how many can use chopsticks.
34. We already have files on people's tax details, mortgages and poll tax.
35. The latest opinion poll shows that the president's popularity has declined.
36. The latest opinion poll suggests the vote could go either way.
37. The poll, whose objectivity is open to question, gave the party a 39% share of the vote.
38. A BBC poll gave the Labour Party a 12 per cent lead.
39. An opinion poll showed that 70% of adults were against legalizing drugs.
40. The latest opinion poll puts the Democrats in the lead.
41. The results of the poll dealt a humiliating rebuff to Mr Jones.
42. The latest public opinion poll showed that 25% of us consider ourselves superstitious.
43. There is now widespread support for these proposals, according to a recent public opinion poll.
44. According to the latest opinion poll, the noes have 60%, and the yeses have 40%.
45. Ministers believed it was vital to dump the poll tax before the election.
46. The poll suggests that the strongest unsatisfied appetite for home computers isn't among the richest consumers.
47. The prime minister's opinion poll ratings have hit rock bottom.
48. The poll shows that the government is leading by the narrowest of margins.
49. The Muslim RDR is demanding a rerun of last week's presidential poll.
50. The results of the opinion poll showed that most women supported this action.
51. 68% of those questioned in the poll thought noise levels had increased.
52. The poll showed that over 40% of Americans worship on a weekly basis.
53. A recent poll put Doctor Martens among the world's top thirty designer labels.
54. The opinion poll suggests a clean sweep for the Democrats.
55. We are doing a weekly poll on the president, and clearly his popularity has declined.
56. The result of the poll won't be known until midnight.
57. He has the highest opinion poll rating of any president this century.
58. In a recent opinion poll, a majority of respondents were against nuclear weapons.
59. The government will take comfort from the latest opinion poll.
60. The result of the poll won't be known until around midnight.
61. Trade unions are regarding the poll as a test of the public's confidence in the government.
62. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 per cent.
63. Steve changed his name by deed poll to Elvis Presley-Smith.
64. An opinion poll published in May showed Mrs Yardley was level-pegging with Mr Simpson.
65. A straw poll of local inhabitants concluded that British tourists were the worst dressed and Italians the most stylish.
66. The poll tax was a very unpopular form of taxation.
67. The final result of the poll will be known tomorrow.
68. But, as the opinion poll shows, the party's standing with the people at large has never been so low.
69. But then, nemesis: the exit poll, the Basildon result.
70. One new poll showed him pulling ahead of Sen.
71. Their refusal to curtail spending plans and to increase the burden on poll tax payers is expected.
72. The poll also pointed to a clean sweep for the Democrats in elections for lieutenant-governor and attorney-general.
73. Even water privatisation, which every opinion poll showed to be a deeply unpopular measure, was almost six times over-subscribed.
74. After all, the Literary Digest Poll for the 1932 election came within a tiny margin of the actual result.
75. Some election supervisors at poll booths were under 18 and were unable to answer voters' queries regarding elections, he said.
76. The poll tax has been a social, political and economic disaster of historic proportions.
77. Mr Alton said that the poll tax meant many people had dodged electoral registers in a bid to avoid payment.
78. As it lives on a diet of poll findings, it can not perform better than they do.
79. The council tax will retain the most objectionable parts of the poll tax - the head count tax on the individual.
80. It was used to justify the introduction of the poll tax and to justify breaking up metropolitan counties.
81. These are also designed with an eye to reassuring those who did well out of the switch from rates to poll tax.
82. First under the poll tax and now under the council tax, central control has replaced local democracy in determining spending.
83. We will abolish the poll tax Labour will abolish the poll tax immediately.
83. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
84. But it is hard to blame Labour's 1992 defeat on poll tax-related non-registration.
85. The poll tax will increase the numbers eligible for housing benefit.
86. I urge all Opposition Members who have not paid their poll tax to do so without delay.
87. The poll showed a much closer split on whether Jones's lawsuit should be delayed until after Clinton leaves office.
88. The community charge or poll tax is open to two major criticisms.
89. The authors give warning that the Government has drawn the wrong conclusions from its experience of the poll tax.
90. According to a recent poll, the governor has lost support among conservatives.
91. In 1979 we had won the election with 44 percent of the poll.
92. With the Second Ballot the winning candidate must poll more than half the votes to be elected at the first ballot.
93. Why should abolition not apply to the poll tax during what are allegedly its last two years?
94. If you fall into this category and have a low income, you may be entitled to Poll Tax Benefit.
95. The results of the opinion poll do not bode well for the Democrats.
96. Despite severe criticism, the newspaper conducted a poll in 1980 into the paranormal beliefs and experiences of its readers.
97. He was the leader of the Labour controlled council which came into conflict with the the Government over poll tax last year.
98. The poll is easy to use and quick to fill in-and your vote counts.
99. A recent Mainichi Shimbun newspaper poll found that only 10 percent of respondents thought government bureaucrats seek to fulfill the public good.
100. The poll, for the Press Association, is the largest and most comprehensive survey of the campaign.
101. However, many people are living in abject poverty because of the poll tax.
102. The poll highlights the problems Labour would have in raising business confidence.
103. The cash was promised to local authorities in last year's budget to ease the impact of poll tax bills.
104. The working group will look at ways of organising the poll and will also examine the legal issues.
105. A new poll makes drought-stricken Texas look like an oasis for the support-thirsty presidential campaign of presumptive Republican nominee Bob Dole.
106. Three days after the poll, Gen Noriega annulled the elections.
107. Poll results will be used to create a brand to help market the area.
108. The poll also gave a popular approval rating of 39 percent for the President, the lowest ever recorded by Bush.
109. A recent poll gives President Clinton the same 60 percent public approval rating that Ronald Reagan brought to his second term.
110. Avoiding the poll tax will be costly in terms of universal political citizenship.
111. I welcome the Secretary of State's announcement that the poll tax compensation of £700 million will not be clawed back.
112. The Daily News ran a poll the other day on the things that most annoy the local denizens.
113. Not surprisingly(/poll.html), there was enormous backbench pressure on the leadership either to amend the poll tax or to cushion its impact.
114. Are men more mechanical than women? 67% of all men responding to our poll answered in the affirmative.
115. He is expected to announce a March poll soon, but the elections could be delayed until June.
116. Is it not true that the Government want to divert that money to keep down the poll tax in Wandsworth and Westminster?
117. Senior Tories pressed Michael Heseltine, the environment secretary, to discuss radical changes to the poll tax.
118. A recent University of Iowa poll shows that Alexander is the only candidate to have gained significantly since December.
119. Like his new name, changed by deed poll nine years before.
120. Poll tax evasion is thought to be the main reason for the falling numbers.
121. And he identified poll tax dodgers as part of the problem.
122. The poll results indicate the depth of public concern about the economy.
123. That gap had not changed since a poll was conducted shortly before Dole announced he was quitting the Senate.
124. The council tax Bill exists because the poll tax was the disaster that so many hon. Members said it would be.
125. With opposition groups still voicing concerns about the March poll date, 16 of the 48 registered political parties boycotted the election.
126. The results yesterday beat the average estimate of 19 cents, based on a poll of seven analysts by Zacks Investment Research.
127. I am interested in whether the police national computer is linked with poll tax registers, electoral rolls and telephone numbers.
128. The Law Society will require evidence such as a marriage certificate, deed poll or statutory declaration.
129. This time around, the poll again will be used to determine the level of taxation voters would support.
130. The Daily Telegraph commissioned the Gallup Poll to conduct a post-election survey to help find the answers.
131. The California Public Education Partnership, a coalition of nonpartisan organizations trying to improve schools, commissioned the poll.
132. A recent poll found that more young people believe in UFOs than believe Social Security will exist when they retire.
133. The poll also found the Legislature remains unpopular among the electorate.
134. Blacks and whites do continue to express different views about the jury decisions themselves, the poll finds.
135. The Bill perpetuates all the anomalies, unfairness, regional variations and bureaucracy that made the poll tax unpopular.
136. Among the candidates, Buchanan has the most deeply committed supporters, the poll said.
137. He topped the poll for the shadow cabinet elections and played a leading role in the policy review process.
138. Changes in community care were recently postponed because they would add to Poll Tax charges.
139. The poll was organized by an electoral commission under a Kurdish judge, Amir Hawsizi and international monitors.
140. But he paid for phone banks, mailings, transportation and registration fees for his straw poll supporters.
141. Political analysts expect the Labor government to call the poll some time in February, about five weeks before it is held.
142. If you are currently receiving a Rate rebate you will automatically be assessed for Poll Tax Benefit.
143. This included the poll tax and changes in health provision, unemployment and housing benefits and education.
143. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
144. The battle with John McCain was politically and financially costly for Bush-asthe new Pew poll proves.
145. Less than four years ago, the House debated the Second Reading of the poll tax bill.
146. The Government refuses to hold a national poll despite pressure from its own backbenchers and senior party figures.
147. That is demonstrated by the findings of every Gallup and Roper poll taken in recent years.
148. However, as it is for any poll, the Electoral College outlook is a snapshot in time, not a prediction.
149. The poll tax cut across this, with its concept of a universal obligation.
150. The total is then distributed among local authorities on the basis of the number of people listed on the Poll Tax register.
151. Very much like being named No. 1 in the final Associated Press college football poll after the bowl games.
152. A company which refused to make attachment of earnings deductions against one poll tax offender, was fined £200 by magistrates.
153. That, at least, is the finding of a Harris Poll conducted for Shuttle by United.
154. He claimed he was inside for not paying his poll tax.
155. The poll, conducted by telephone Jan. 2-7, has a margin of error of 5. 5 percentage points.
156. Attitudes expressed in the poll reflect a society with conflicting views of firearms.
157. So the election countdown has effectively begun, though the poll probably will not be until May or June next year.
158. The poll, conducted this week, had a margin of error of 5 percent.
159. After changing his name by deed poll to Captain Beany he needed a renewed passport to match his new identity.
160. An Examiner poll showed that California voters, by a nearly 2-1 ratio, support the ban.
161. Because of the threat of poll tax capping this year, it was compelled to cut £5 million from its budget.
162. The poll tax registers, unlike the electoral registers, are updated monthly.
163. Mr Ashdown, buoyed up by the latest opinion poll results, has been touring both constituencies.
164. The poll, conducted last weekend, contains almost no comfort for the Tories.
165. The poll was conducted over the past week with a sample of 1,023 adults.
166. The council says the withholding of poll tax payments and industrial action by treasury staff have made it difficult to collect money.
167. In the event the poll was countermanded, but the affair reflected badly on the government and the Janata Dal.
168. But the Government has provided compensation allowances in income support payments equal to the average poll tax bill in each council area.
169. On this point it seems that the Literary Digest Poll and others committed two errors.
170. I suggested that he might think of removing the last three syllables from his name, which he did by deed poll.
171. If a newspaper commissioned a political poll based on the opinion of a single person it would immediately become a laughing-stock.
172. They also got a new source of money, the council tax, to replace Mrs Thatcher's hated poll tax.
173. In many ways, the poll tax embodies the attitude which dismisses our interdependence, and therefore our obligations towards each other.
173. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
174. Like the poll tax, the council tax would also take account of the number of adults in each household.
175. The importance of the head count element in the property poll tax is most clearly shown in the proposals for the discounts.
176. In the election day exit poll, two-thirds of Virginia voters expressed a negative opinion of Robertson.
177. The year before, 70 % in a breakfast television poll voted against it.
178. Darlington council has a sophisticated computer system to cope with the poll tax process.
179. Poll tax dodgers know the system will be scrapped in April and replaced by the Council Tax.
180. He proposed an amendment to the poll tax to take account of ability to pay and split the Conservative Party in 1988.
181. The Independent Sector, which commissioned the poll, estimated the dollar value of their time $ 170 billion.
182. Mr Clark says his department will be collecting poll tax arrears for years to come.
183. Technical analysis is a poll of market participants.
184. A recent poll carried out by a market research company called Public Issue showed the main opposition party is beating the ruling Pasok socialist party in voter support.
185. Dr Foy, whose marriage ended in the 1990s, changed her name by deed poll in 1993.
186. Economists in the Reuters poll were in-line with government forecasts, giving a median one-in-five chance of the economy dipping back into recession, the same as last month.
187. And a recent poll showed that 65% of people in stick-in-the-mud Greece want civil servants to lose their job security.
188. Forty-nine percent of respondents to the HeadHunter poll said they would "commit an unethical or immoral act" to keep their jobs.
189. The latest CNN poll, 56% of Americans support the public body photo of Osama bin Laden, 39% were opposed.
190. A poll showed that eighty-four per cent of African-Americans between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four saw Malcolm as "a hero for black Americans today."
191. The poll done for the college looked at how much the public knows about Washington and found that 46 percent knew that Washington led the Continental Army during the American Revolution.
192. About 75 U.S. embassy employees in Baku joined monitors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe as poll observers.
193. Secondly, this thesis discusses the single process, multithread and thread poll concurrency modes to meet the certain performance requirement of different call traffics.
194. The Gallop poll, conducted in mid-July, found that only 30 percent rated the Fed as doing an "excellent/good" job.
195. Charolais, Poll Dorset and Suffolk spend shorter time for taking feed, but need longer for rumination.
196. We have conducted an investigation of the favorableness for fast food by organizing an inquiry poll among 1200 college students in Chengdu.
197. But persistently high U.S. unemployment and the choking effect it is having on consumption has prompted analysts to trim their growth outlook for remainder of the year, a recent Reuters poll showed.
198. Obama's job approval rating has fallen from 61 percent in mid-June to 54 percent now, in part due to his handling of the Gates-Crowley situation, a Pew Research Center poll found.
199. The poll, one of the events marking the museum's centenary year, singled out the X-ray machine as the scientific advance with the greatest impact.
200. And the vast majority of the respondents to the AP-CNBC poll know the old adage that saving is the key to becoming a millionaire.
201. The independent Zimbabwe Election Support Network said many of its 9,400 observers live too far from the major cities of Harare and Bulawayo to get accredited before the June 27 poll.
202. Other categories in the poll of over 1, 500 T3 readers included the most useful gadget of the year.
203. One would think that with the abolition of property requirements and poll taxes, the enfranchisement of people of color, women, and 18-year-olds, the battle for the right to vote had been won.
203. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
204. The press has scoured every exit poll for the latest evidence of racial polarization, not just in terms of white and black, but black and brown as well.
205. A poll conducted by one of the Games sponsors found that almost 70 percent of city-bred Indians will closely follow the action in Beijing despite a clash with India's cricket tour of Sri Lanka.
206. One recent poll put the PdL just 2.5 percentage points ahead of the biggest opposition group, the Democratic Party.
207. The nationwide K-Y Touch Intimacy Poll highlights the need for more personal attention between partners, said Anne Hollonds from Relationships Australia.
208. As you give your voice command, put fingertip pressure on the horse's poll and add light pressure with your left hand on his nose if necessary.
209. An unofficial vote that is used either to predict the outcome of an official vote, or to measure the relative strength of candidates for office in a future election is called straw poll or straw vote.
210. Martinez moved around and up the poll with the athleticism of an accomplished gymnast, twisting, turning and pivoting with balletic grace.
211. They do: The most acceptable program to cut according to the poll was subsidies to build new nuclear power plants, with 57% of respondents agreeing.
212. Come to receive vote, but cannot importune others to poll for a certain person, but it is to want communal circumstance to establish ballot box commonly.
213. Thirty-seven economists, or 70%, said the effect would be 'very little, ' compared with just 6% in the public-opinion poll.
214. National exit poll results found Sen. Obama won two-thirds of Hispanics and more than two-thirds of voters aged 18 to 29.
215. The poll network mode has a great influence on the communication performance of tactical data link(TDL) for helicopter.




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更新时间:2025/2/1 4:10:46