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单词 Aplenty
1 There were problems aplenty at work.
2 Criticisms of the government were to be found aplenty.
3 There was food aplenty.
4 So there are red roses aplenty for red Gordon.
5 And there are penthouse suites aplenty.
6 There's platforms aplenty to jump on, and loads of collectable weapons to see off Krip's stormtroopers.
7 Objetsd'art there were aplenty, but most of them were held in trust for some collection or gallery.
8 There's adventure aplenty waiting for you here.
9 While old characters are departing, there are aplenty.
10 Climate change could indeed cause aplenty.
11 It has made mistakes aplenty down the years.
12 There was food and drink aplenty.
13 There are laughs here aplenty, and sexy, goofy , off - the - cuff charm.
14 Friends she had aplenty , but no one to call her own.
15 They rushed into green vines and leaves aplenty with big and round pumpkins.
16 Sun chairs, tables etc are aplenty, but no pool bar.
17 I have troubles aplenty.
18 Commissions came in aplenty, through his favourite ones wer for the poor.
19 There's water aplenty there.
20 If that's not enough, there are shows, films and amusements aplenty.
21 The back panel looks very busy indeed, with inputs and outputs aplenty.
22 The good ol' boys'll sell you tanks and planes aplenty.
23 There are other elements such as national politics, local politics, intrigue, financial struggles and personalities aplenty.
24 Just like a cattle auction, the women parade themselves around the stage, making their cosmetic surgeons proud with cleavage aplenty.
25 The E320 CDi we sampled uses a 3.2-litre turbo-diesel engine, with power aplenty to waft you along.
26 In addition to the low - lactose dairy products previously described, lactose - free calcium sources are aplenty in China.
27 The Emperor's forces rediscovered human worlds, cast out alien oppressors, and claimed new territory aplenty.
28 The final ten minute dash for the grid provided incident and talking points aplenty.
29 The countryside had no grotesqueries or mummer shows ... though it did have wells aplenty, to swallow up unwanted kittens, three-headed calves, and babes like him.
30 Though we have to go without fish and meat , There are fruits and vegetables aplenty.
31 In any case, there remain dangers aplenty for the president in this expectations game.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 1:15:00