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单词 Tension
1. The city is being sundered by racial tension.
2. The tension between Amy and Jim is palpable.
3. Tension is building up between the two communities.
4. There is mounting tension along the border.
5. Her scalp crawled with tension.
6. He suffers from nervous tension.
7. I could feel the tension in the room.
8. The tension in the room had dissipated.
9. There's an indefinable air of tension at the meeting.
10. Her jokes helped to relieve the tension.
11. Massage helps relieve the tension in one's muscles.
12. The case became symbolic of US racial tension.
13. The atmosphere crackled with tension.
14. When you feel tension building, find something fun to do. You'll find that the stress you feel will dissipate and your thoughts will become clearer.
15. The incident has further increased tension between the two countries.
16. They suffered from nervous tension when the signal was shown on a radarscope.
17. The two groups will meet next week to try to defuse the crisis/situation/tension.
18. The tension was becoming unbearable, and I wanted to scream.
19. The tension grew in inverse proportion to the distance from their final destination.
20. The border agreement was signed, the tension between the two countries began to ease off.
21. The tension between the two countries is likely to remain.
22. Tension in the home increases if you bottle things up.
23. The tension in the Far East is building up again.
24. Tension built up as the crisis approached.
25. When something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy. Conversely, in times of trouble and tension, when our spirits are low, unburdening our worries and fears to compassionate friends alleviates the stress. 
26. It would be useful if you could nail down the source of this tension.
27. These political developments should be seen against a background of increasing East-West tension.
28. There are fears that the march will heighten racial tension.
29. Recent developments in the area have brought latent ethnic tension out into the open.
30. As she lay in the warm bath all the tension drained away.
1. The city is being sundered by racial tension.
2. The tension between Amy and Jim is palpable.
3. Tension is building up between the two communities.
4. There is mounting tension along the border.
5. Her scalp crawled with tension.
6. He suffers from nervous tension.
7. The tension in the room had dissipated.
8. There's an indefinable air of tension at the meeting.
9. Her jokes helped to relieve the tension.
10. The case became symbolic of US racial tension.
11. The atmosphere crackled with tension.
12. The incident has further increased tension between the two countries.
13. The two groups will meet next week to try to defuse the crisis/situation/tension.
14. The tension was becoming unbearable, and I wanted to scream.
15. It would be useful if you could nail down the source of this tension.
16. The tension grew in inverse proportion to the distance from their final destination.
17. The tension between the two countries is likely to remain.
18. There are fears that the march will heighten racial tension.
19. Recent developments in the area have brought latent ethnic tension out into the open.
20. Tension in the home increases if you bottle things up.
21. The tension in the Far East is building up again.
22. For several hours, tension mounted.
23. Nail biting is often a subconscious reaction to tension.
24. The diplomat threw in a joke, and the tension was instantly relieved.
25. If you increase the tension of that violin string it will break.
26. This tension makes such unique transcendency the ultimate concern rooted in reality.
31. Tension in the neck muscles can cause headaches.
32. The atmosphere seemed to vibrate with tension.
33. Muscle tension can be a sign of stress.
34. We laughed and that helped ease the tension.
35. Tension is a major cause of heart disease.
36. It's just a release of tension.
37. Can you feel the tension in this room?
38. There were lines of tension about his mouth.
39. Tension began to build as they argued more frequently.
40. The tension and excitement built up gradually all day.
41. Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension.
42. This old racket needs its string tension adjusted.
43. Beneath his skin, the muscles were tight with tension.
44. There is a close connection between pain and tension.
45. As the movie progresses the tension builds.
46. His tension was seeping away.
47. The continued tension could explode into more violence.
48. The atmosphere was thick with tension.
49. She laughed and that broke the tension.
50. The tension and excitement built gradually all day.
51. Tension has heightened after the recent bomb attack.
52. I feel some tension in my shoulders.
53. She could have screamed with tension.
54. Massage can relieve tension in your shoulders and back.
55. The tension between them was almost tangible.
56. Walking is excellent for working off tension.
57. His speeches fanned the flames of racial tension.
58. The director never lets the tension slip.
59. The tension between the two countries has eased off.
60. When knitting,( ) try to keep the same tension throughout.
61. This wire will take 50 pounds tension.
62. It was probably the tension that made him jittery.
63. Tension in the city is rapidly reaching flashpoint.
64. She laughed, the tension inside her suddenly released.
65. There has been increased tension over the border incident.
66. For several hours, tension mounted.
67. There was an air of tension at the meeting.
68. Stay clear of cables which are under tension.
69. The war was over;the tension was relieved.
70. I sensed a note of tension in his voice.
71. The tension among the audience was palpable.
72. This affair keyed up the existing tension.
73. The tension eased off slowly.
74. She often used humour to defuse tension in meetings.
75. The tension between us has eased off a little.
76. The tension in the room began to melt.
77. These exercises help free the body of tension.
78. Racial tension has reached boiling point .
79. Laughter can be a great release of tension.
80. Nail biting is often a subconscious reaction to tension.
81. Walking and swimming are excellent for releasing tension.
82. The metal is weak in tension.
83. The move has heightened tension in the state.
84. Massage can bring some relief from tension.
85. Tension is mounting in the build-up to the elections.
86. An atmosphere of tension filled the room.
87. The hot bath eased the tension in his body.http:///tension.html
88. Her laughter soon dissipated the tension in the air.
89. There was a knot of tension in his stomach.
90. The tension in the room was almost palpable.
91. The song was banned on the grounds that it might foment racial tension.
92. All great songs are informed by a certain sadness and tension.
93. The tension between the two countries built up to a climax.
94. Adjust the string tension of your tennis racket to suit your style of playing.
95. The arrival of letters from the Pope did nothing to diffuse the tension.
96. Exercise is a good safety valve for the tension that builds up at work.
97. If you have men and women thrown together in inhospitable surroundings, you are going to get some sexual tension.
98. The tension in the office just dissolves when she walks out.
99. Local police are trying to defuse racial tension in the community.
100. After the arrival of the United Nations soldiers, tension in the area began to ease.
101. More police have been sent to areas of high political tension.
102. All societies have social mechanisms for the release of tension.
103. The sudden tension on the line told me I had hooked a fish.
104. In an attempt to diffuse the tension I suggested that we break off for lunch.
105. Tension ran high and fights broke out among the crowd.
106. The diplomat threw in a joke, and the tension was instantly relieved.
107. There's still an atmosphere of great hostility and tension in the city.
108. The tension in that story builds up toward a climax.
109. Horses are very sensitive to signs of tension in humans.
110. You have a lot of tension in your neck muscles.
111. In those days, there was a great deal of racial tension on campus.
112. The province was attacked a month ago after weeks of simmering tension.
113. Tension here is mounting , as we await the final result.
114. The film explored the tension between public duty and personal affections.
115. As soon as he entered, he sensed a tension in the air.
116. Many women suffer from premenstrual tension / syndrome, causing headaches and depression.
117. Money was always a source of tension between her parents.
118. Anxiety will cause tension,( ) which defeats the purpose of the exercise .
119. The incident has further increased the tension between the two countries.
120. I noticed a release of tension when he left the room.
121. Exercise is the ideal way to relieve tension after a hard day.
122. It is as well to bear in mind that laughter is a great releaser of tension.
123. Tension has reached such a pitch that the armed forces say soldiers may have to use their weapons to defend themselves against local people.
124. We're sitting on a powder keg of racial tension in the city.
125. The strong police presence only heightened the tension among the crowd.
126. It was against this backdrop of racial tension that the civil war began.
127. Tension between the two sides could explode at any time.
128. All mothers share to some extent in the tension of a wedding.
129. The increase in racial tension constitutes a threat to our society.
130. The Mud Bath is particularly recommended for relieving tension and stiff muscles.
131. You could feel the tension in the room as we waited for our exam results.
132. Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve tension and stress.
133. My hobby is a good safety-valve for the tension that builds up at work.
134. The tension was naturally high for a game with so much at stake.
135. Many social workers are in the front line of racial tension.
136. I sensed a lot of tension and jealousy beneath the surface.
137. Lenny still could not dissolve the nagging lump of tension in his chest.
138. The racial tension in the area makes it a tinderbox ready to ignite.
139. You need to release the tension in these shoulder muscles.
140. Money is often a source of tension and disagreements in young married couples.
141. There is often a tension between the aims of the company and the wishes of the employees.
142. There was a lot of tension on the wire before it snapped.
143. If you increase the tension of that violin string it will break.
144. There is tension in the region following the killing of seven civilians.
145. The tension soon transmitted itself to all the members of the crowd.
146. The atmosphere crackled with tension as the two boxers stepped into the ring.
147. This tension makes such unique transcendency the ultimate concern rooted in reality.
148. Correct breathing helps to clear the mind and reduce tension.
149. The obvious tension between Warren and Anne made everyone else uncomfortable.
150. In business, there's always a tension between the needs of customers and shareholders.
151. I try to ease the tension for players.
152. Tension is building between the two countries.
153. After a while the tension eased.
154. The tension was mounting perceptibly.
155. It is thought to have helped calm tension.
156. The key to this lies in dramatic tension.
157. We all needed a break from the tension.
158. But tension starting to drain out of whole thing.
159. This should not defuse the dramatic tension.
160. We can create dramatic tension by building up expectations.
161. There is no answer to this tension, no way to relieve it.
162. This trade-off underscores a serious tension between open architecture and investment incentive during the initial deployment and development of the I-way.
163. Talks between representatives of the three communities appeared to defuse some of the tension.
164. Blanche eased herself up and Dexter watched the tension start to drain from Lancaster's body.
165. Others seem to hear your heartbeat and remain in a constant state of nervous tension.
166. The compromise solution in Berlin did not lead to a permanent end to tension.
167. Tension in the hands and feet can be eased by alternately stretching and clenching fingers and toes half a dozen times.
168. There was something in his utter stillness - a tension that communicated itself to her.
169. Tension mounted in the early hours of yesterday morning when a shot was heard in the area of the siege house.
170. The Washington summit actually eliminated major causes of tension, and promised to inaugurate a new world structure.
171. Tension can be reduced and warmth increased with soft, warm hellos, friendly smiles, and long, affectionate hugs.
172. The story of the Unabomber crackles with the raw mystery and tension of a cops-and-robbers potboiler.
173. The oscilloscope graph of both voices was flattened in the lower register: tension was restricting the movement of their vocal chords.
174. An additional benefit is the relief of stress and tension.
175. Similarly an insect walking on the surface of a pond would have gravity counteracted by the surface tension of the water.
176. Passion flower is employed around the world as a mild sedative that reduces nervous tension and anxiety.
177. He was relaxed,(sentence dictionary) a contrast to the tension which had gripped him while he spoke of the MacQuillan calumny.
178. Smile for Safety Week aims to counteract the effects of stress and tension, the biggest health destroyers and causes of accidents.
179. Playing the game is not in itself drama, though a great deal of dramatic tension arises when it is well played.
180. The teacher should plan carefully first to create dramatic tension, and then to use it productively.
181. Excess water lowers the surface tension and makes the clay soft and weak.
182. This anxiety will cause tension which defeats the purpose of the exercise.
183. But he seems to enjoy working in an atmosphere of tension.
184. But it can also strike on the potential for tension between bringing out individuality and creating conformity.
185. Finally, his decision to sign no doubt will ease the tension between his government and Washington.
186. And the tension seemed to have affected her in other ways, too.
187. But her mouth twitched in reply to his cheeky grin, and she sighed, visibly letting go some of her tension.
188. The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension and love causes it. Woody Allen 
189. Peace is the foundation of happiness - for where there is anxiety, tension, and turmoil, joy cannot exist. RVM 
190. You can always bank on Ally McCoist to defuse the tension.
191. It caused a lot of tension, riots, and they barricaded the cells.
192. With a heart fit to burst through tension, at last, a noise.
193. The tension disc at the top of the yarn mast will need adjusting for the thread.
194. You might also prefer to work to a looser tension for this type of all over cable pattern.
195. There's been a bit of tension at the office lately.
196. The federal army has been called in to act as a buffer in areas of high tension.
197. The chil-dren sensed his tension and gave him a wide berth.
198. Holding your breath builds up tension and shallow breathing denies your body the oxygen it needs to function at maximum efficiency.
199. However, I thought you might share my amusement at the thought of baked beans at a low tension!
200. However, tension arose between the need for decentralization in order to ensure more technical efficiency and political fears of too much independence.
201. Our impressions are of a team in which decisions are reached by consensus and with the minimum of tension.
202. The tension got to the dancers, too, and many expected the ballet to be a fiasco.
203. Family relationships were also felt to suffer, with l6 carers specifically mentioning the friction and tension caused by their caring role.
204. Later I removed the back wheel, refitted it, adjusted the chain tension and replaced a headlight bulb.
205. During times of economic and political stability, on-the-field sports violence allows for tension release, through vicarious identification with the aggressor.
206. The tension between the buyer and the seller in this area occurs around retention of title clauses.
207. A certain tension is present, like the atmosphere in a theater just before the curtain goes up.sentence dictionary
208. The horse slacked his pace, swung his neck down to ease the tension in it, and relaxed his tail.
209. Male speaker Inside you are going like the clappers because you are nervous and the tension is building up.
210. This reduces surface tension allowing a better oxygen mixture therefore making the fuel easier to burn.
211. Increased apprehension in such a difficult situation increased tension. 3.
212. Yet Daley remained outwardly serene, sometimes buoyant, while all around him the tension was building.
213. That is, you have to imitate the main carriage knitting at Main Tension plus 4.
214. Warming up will alleviate the tension and ground your thoughts.
215. Maybe the fraught confrontation earlier had defused some of the tension building up between them.
216. The talks were due to include discussions of measures to reduce tension between the two states and to promote bilateral exchanges.
217. Another source of increasing tension in the federal aid system concerned citizen participation in decisionmaking.
218. Finally, set both carriages to knit and using tension 2, knit the rib.
219. Derrida himself is interested in the tension created between discursive play and history.
220. His new parent company may now be adding different tension as he lays plans to rationalise staffing structures.
221. But renewed tension in Corsica over recent weeks has again brought demands for an amnesty to the forefront.
222. He explained that he had refrained from elaborating on his opponents' anti-constitutional activities in order to avoid tension.
223. The little office was fairly bristling with tension and expectation.
224. The right faction wants to create tension and chaos, said Karem Korbanzadeh.
225. The complicated cultural, religious and political make up created a further cause of tension.
226. Obviously, such a drastic revision created a significant amount of tension at the plant.
227. Mary Mara makes the volatile Ruth a mainspring of precarious tension, capable of a solitary three-way argument over a peanut-butter sandwich.
228. Or did the belief in their inevitable demise subject them to a constant state of tension and anxiety?
229. Directly measured tissue oxygen tension and arterial oxygen tension assess tissue perfusion.
230. They know how helpful tears are to defuse tension and how constructive their aftermath can be.
231. The resultant flow relieves the tension and produces the observed stress decay.
232. Dancers say tension between ballroom and line dancers who compete for dance floor space has existed for years.
233. Our amusement at his false assumption seemed to ease the tension between us.
234. The case has again focused attention on tension between Miami's police force and the city's black community.
235. Conversely, in languages with relatively fixed word order there will be greater instances of tension between syntax and communicative function.
236. At this level there is a fundamental tension between stability and creativity within organizations.
237. The director uses music to accentuate the rising dramatic tension.
238. As often as not, the government would then act against the loyalists to prevent the increase in tension.
239. In this way heart rate, respiration rate, oxygen consumption, and muscle tension all reduce without conscious effort.
240. If you have an agitated mind, the tension in your body is not going to let you drift off.
241. It was a creepy spot with a strong pungent smell of garlic and there was always a feeling of tension and foreboding.
242. Her anxieties, her tension, her thoughts about racing tomorrow had never seemed so distant.
243. They suggested that the newfound connection might explain the apparent link between muscle tension and severe headaches.
244. This insoluble predicament was the source of the decay, corruption and mounting tension evident within the upper echelons of the regime.
245. The two countries share an overlapping cultural heritage, yet in many ways the tension between them is more impressive.
246. As they form under the forces of surface tension, they drag the silk into little bundles within them.
247. The wide array of central controls has necessarily created tension between central government and local councillors.
248. To me, this continuity is a great source of comfort in a world of change, tension and violence.
249. The client is also constantly reminded to study and learn the sensation of tension, to develop awareness in the resting state.
250. Episcopal elections were not always peaceful, especially if tension arose between influential families or groups.
251. The players always feel a huge build-up of tension and nerves before an important game.
252. Walking will help you to sleep and is an antidote to stress, nervous tension and depression.
253. The tension of the wire will secure the hooks against the crazy paving permanently.
254. Rachel didn't like the tension coiling in her stomach at the thought of that.
255. He says they've led to racial tension, crime and drug abuse.
256. The two messages are in perpetual tension, and the balance between them requires tuning in accordance with electoral circumstances.
257. The above strategies are potentially available for resolving the tension between word order and communicative function.
258. Alternatively they risk becoming the client state of one or other adversary in a high-risk tension area.
259. The town's magistrates were told that tension had built up for a year after a decision to dissolve the partnership.
260. There is already tension over the controversial national missile defence system.
261. Morris's ideas still provoke tension in the Clinton White House, even if Morris is absent from the inner circle.
262. There was bound to be some tension when he teamed with Marlon Brando for Guys and Dolls in 1955.
263. They drew our attention, the tension within him causing me anxiety.
264. Maternity blues linked to platelet receptors TWO-THIRDS of women suffer from postnatal depression, accompanied by crying, confusion and tension.
265. The tension in the films draws them towards minimum surface area.
266. From the inevitable tension and debate between these two forces, compromises in strategies are hammered out.
267. The deadlock in electing a president heightened the political tension in the country.
268. It constantly adjusts itself to the correct tension as the string is being wrapped.
269. Solos also create tension and release, depending on the soloist's ability to create motion over the chord changes via his/her improvising.
270. The tension was also reflected in West Beirut, where support for the blockade began to diminish.
271. So Renwick kept the conversation innocuous, nothing to stir up any more tension in Moore.
272. At times 25,000-plus onlookers were struck dumb by tension and anticipation, a hiccup resounding like a roar.
273. Because the front bed is now the main bed, the main tension is set on the front carriage.
274. Before suggesting methods of countering the development of tension, careful assessment of the antecedents to cutting should be carried out.
275. This increases the urgency of the task, and raises dramatic tension.
276. It was a generous gesture to try to ease the tension and relax a fellow professional.
277. She spun away from the mirror and hurried downstairs, forcing the curling tension aside.
278. Another area of heightened tension is the controversy over the draft of the new constitution proposed by Mr Mugabe.
279. In the 1830s this provoked significant tension between antislavery parliamentarians and activists in the country.
280. One of the reasons is, I think, that there was a kind of tension between abstract art and decoration.
281. Storni's use of rhythm creates an effect of tension in her poems.Sentencedict
282. We have to attend to the dynamic tension between constitutional theory and political practice, and to change over time.
283. She uses her tears as a natural antidote to tension and stress, which is one of their most important functions.
284. Furthermore, there is an emerging tension between professional aspirations and managerial imperatives.
285. I got sick, as I so often had at times of unbearable tension, which delayed our departure for a month.
286. Incidents of this kind were not the only contribution to tension over this period.
287. But mine was a transformation accomplished with a certain muteness and mildness and devoid of obvious tumble and tension.
288. Science finds that a surface tension on the water can draw the boats together, like toy boats in a bathtub.
289. Mounting social tension was accompanied by the swift development of national consciousness among the Empire's ethnic minorities.
290. The tension drained from her, and she sagged limply against the front doorpost.




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