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单词 flyover country
释义  ˈflyover ˌcountry noun [uncountable]  the middle part of the US, considered as a place that rich, famous, or fashionable people living on the East or West coast of America would never visit, but which they often fly over on journeys to the other coast – used humorously 飞越之地〔幽默用法,指美国中部地区,被认为是住在美国东西两岸的富人、名流或时尚人士经常乘飞机经过却不会到访的地方〕 I feel happy at 20,000 feet, approaching flyover country, far above that wasteland between Manhattan and California. 接近曼哈顿和加利福尼亚之间的“飞越之地”时,我很开心自己处在距离这片荒漠两万英尺的高空。From Longman Business Dictionaryflyover countryˈflyover ˌcountry noun [uncountable] informalTRAVEL the middle part of the US, considered as a place that rich, famous, or fashionable people living on the East or West coast of America would never visit, but which they often fly over on journeys to the other coastI feel happy at 20,000 feet, approaching flyover country, far above that wasteland between Manhattan and California.ˈflyover ˌcountry nounChineseSyllable  considered part middle of US, Business the the




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