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单词 Affect
1, Your opinion will not affect my decision.
2, How will these changes affect us?
3, This would materially affect US security.
4, Climate and weather affect every aspect of our lives.
5, The new property tax law won't directly affect us.
6, Environmental problems directly affect the quality of people's lives.
7, An unhappy home environment can affect a child's behaviour.
8, Some drugs can affect your sight.
9, Stress and tiredness affect your powers of concentration.
10, This latest cut in government spending will affect income support recipients and their families.
11, Smoking will affect health.
12, The decisions by the management committee will affect everyone in the company.
13, Do whatever you want - it won't affect me.
14, Your contributions will affect your pension entitlements.
15, You never allow personal problems to affect your performance.
16, Their opinion will not affect my decision.
17, These additional guarantees do not affect your statutory rights.
18, The new tax laws affect most people.
19, Will this affect the value of my shares?
20, Global warming will affect all of us.
21, The drug may affect your powers of concentration.
22, The treatment will not affect your sex drive .
23, Many external influences can affect your state of mind.
24, Frequent failures did not affect his morale.
25, These drugs may affect your sex drive .
26, Antenatal complications can affect a baby's health.
27, Your decision will significantly affect your future.
28, He is interested in how our perceptions of death affect the way we live.
29, MOVE ON doesn't mean you'll forget all the memories. You'll still remember it,(http:///affect.html) but it doesn't affect you anymore.
30, People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.
1, Your opinion will not affect my decision.
2, How will these changes affect us?
3, This would materially affect US security.
4, Climate and weather affect every aspect of our lives.
5, The new property tax law won't directly affect us.
6, An unhappy home environment can affect a child's behaviour.
7, Stress and tiredness affect your powers of concentration.
8, This latest cut in government spending will affect income support recipients and their families.
9, He is interested in how our perceptions of death affect the way we live.
10, Smoking will affect health.
11, The decisions by the management committee will affect everyone in the company.
12, People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.
13, This guarantee does not affect your statutory rights.
14, The male menopause is said to affect men who are approaching middle age.
15, The contract will affect our national prestige in the world.
16, A bad home environment can affect a child's healthy growth.
31, The changes will affect local authorities across the board.
32, The new proposals affect both clergy and laity.
33, These photographs will affect people's perceptions of war.
34, We know that greenhouse gases can affect the climate.
35, These policies will affect non-whites especially.
36, This may affect your entitlement to compensation.
37, They will affect generations of Britons still unborn.
38, This guarantee does not affect your statutory rights.
39, The tax will affect only the propertied classes.
40, He used to affect a foreign accent.
41, A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
42, To some degree I think that's right, but there are other factors which affect the situation.
43, The new telephone rates will affect all consumers including businesses.
44, The color of the shell per se does not affect the quality of the egg.
45, The new law will affect us all, directly or indirectly.
46, How far do those old, outdated laws affect today's legislation?
47, A lot of services have been cut that particularly affect the old.
48, The male menopause is said to affect men who are approaching middle age.
49, The warming of the Earth and the con-sequent climatic changes affect us all.
49, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
50, It will affect farmers in Spain and to a lesser extent in France.
51, Dismissal of the last piece of evidence as unreliable would severely affect our case.
52, What you say is interesting, but it does not affect the point at issue here.
53, The decision was certain to affect the trajectory of French politics for some time to come.
54, If you are the victim of a burglary, the emotional upset can affect you for a long time.
55, It's not clear how the new law will affect the ordinary citizen.
56, Cutting the nerves to the stomach does not affect hunger.
57, Price changes must not adversely affect the living standards of the people.
58, This will negatively affect the result over the first half of the year.
59, Their much-trumpeted price cuts affect only 5% of the goods that they sell.
60, "Anyway, it won't affect me because I'm leaving, " she said lightly.
61, Try not to let his problems affect you too much.
62, As she rightly pointed out the illness can affect adults as well as children.
63, The contract will affect our national prestige in the world.
64, People should have more power over the decisions that affect their lives.
65, These salary increases will affect only the highest echelons of local government.
66, Tightness in one set of muscles will affect your whole balance.
67, A bad home environment can affect a child's healthy growth.
68, Researchers are looking at how a mother's health can affect the baby in the womb.
69, These tax changes will affect 90% of the working population.
70, How will the rise in interest rates affect our bottom line?
71, These are issues that affect each and every one of us.
72, The amount of fat you eat can affect the health of your heart.
73, Voters don't all realize how much the results could affect their pocketbooks.
74, Strong light will affect the depth of colour of your carpets and curtains.
75, The molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream and consequently affect the organs.
76, The drugs didn't seem to affect Anna in the same way .
77, The time you spend on it doesn't, for all practical purposes, affect the final result.
78, The tax on fuel will not have a serious impact on the better-off, but it will greatly affect the poor.
79, If this project fails it will affect not only our department, but also the whole organization.sentence dictionary
80, This shouldn't affect the likelihood of you getting the job.
81, Don't get chewed up about the new law;it won't affect you.
82, These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally. They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.
83, Every ingestion of food can affect our mood or thinking processes.
84, It is widely perceived as a women's health problem, but it does also affect men.
85, The fact that he is your brother-in-law should not affect your decision.
86, You're fooling yourself if you think none of this will affect you.
87, This is all very hypothetical but supposing Jackie got the job, how would that affect you?
88, Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men.
89, Clearly, developments of this sort deeply affect credit use.
90, Find out about the problems which can affect them.
91, Did that difficult beginning adversely affect the subsequent shooting?
92, Nicotine can affect sleep in two ways.
93, My views affect me as a person.
94, The problem seems to affect people sensitive to primulas.
95, But did it affect the outcome of the election?
96, But several factors affect the accuracy of radiocarbon dating.
97, How will it affect your family?
98, Where adjacent building works affect an occupation, appeal.
99, There are many issues which affect us.
100, Conservation policies must affect these relations.
101, These difficulties will affect the quality of her attention.
102, That would affect all businesses(), not just exporters.
103, Legal problems especially affect the Koenigs collection.
104, Perceptions and attitudes affect subsequent behaviour.
105, Arbitrary age discrimination can affect everyone.
106, How does fiscal policy affect the inequality of incomes?
107, But the change will affect companies, too.
108, Furthermore, intercurrent disease may affect nutrient levels.
109, How do debtors affect the profit and loss account?
110, Little things affect little minds. Benjamin Disraeli 
111, Inside the bottle you will find a handful of sparkling semi-precious gemstones which spiritual healers believe affect our health and well-being.
112, But the same kind of eclipse did not affect that other great area devoted to reconstructing the history of life: paleontology.
113, Firstly,(http:///affect.html) improved police efficiency will affect the rate of recorded crime.
114, Neither does varying the task necessarily affect the group success rate in the same way that it affects individual performance.
115, Dictionaries differ widely in their style and content, and this has been shown to affect recognition performance.
116, This definition does not affect each nation's own definition and the regulation does not apply to trade between member states.
117, Factors such as oblique and transverse cuts and cell overlap would affect the accuracy of this estimation.
118, Only a brief outline of the main points which currently affect business executives can be given here.
119, The context of the particular medium, and the atmosphere it can create, can affect responses to the advertising.
120, Government policy may however affect the level of capital, and output, per man.
121, Spending cuts would especially affect public administration and, within the social welfare budget, the level of payments on sickness benefit.
122, Among the most debated changes is one that would affect minority shareholder rights when a company is acquired.
123, By contrast with their failure to affect habituation, the protein synthesis inhibitors did produce amnesia for associative learning.
124, So let us look at what factors appear to affect the performance of individuals in their jobs.
125, Context, mediated by anaphora, can affect the resolution of lexical as well as structural ambiguity.
126, Stewart's departure, after an incident that left Paul Roberts holding his face, did not seem to affect Spurs unduly.
127, Almost anything that happens between now and November 7 could affect the outcome.
128, The reasons for selling can vary enormously and will affect what the vendor sees as the key issues.
129, Beginning to think about how their reactions affect the child can be an important step.
130, The Commerce Department had determined earlier that increased numerical accuracy would not affect the distribution of representatives.
131, It can affect children as well as adults, but seems to worsen with age.
132, Communication skills affect every area of life, from expressing feelings in intimate relationships to dealing with over-zealous shop assistants.
133, ScotRail and InterCity say the services they are withdrawing or altering will affect a small number of commuters.
134, This extra boost does not even significantly affect the braking at the other end.
135, The new tax law doesn't affect me because I'm a student.
136, Scientists are investigating the ways in which climate changes affect the ozone.
137, Thus the firm's constraint structure can affect its behaviour on pricing and its costs.
138, Dirt and scale deposited on the venturi throat can affect accuracy.
139, The degree of control required, or the ease of use, will directly affect the suitability of the product.
140, Platelets are studied in an artificial environment and the very process of preparing the platelet sample for study may affect their behaviour.
141, I think that I am right in saying that regulation 3 provides that the changes will not affect pending applications for review.
142, The Minister knows my views on such matters when they might affect service personnel and families.
143, We hope to ensure that every candidate will have given some consideration to the issues which affect older people.
144, Interactive telecommunications increasingly give ordinary citizens immediate access to the major political decisions that affect their lives and property.
145, Ageism is not just about prejudices towards older people; it can affect younger people, too.
146, Serious cases of pneumonia can leave damaged areas in the lungs which can affect future athletic ability.
147, Finance did not much affect the organisation of businesses, though it might influence their policy.
148, However, it was not so much the fact that his life had ended which seemed to affect Maxine.
149, How strict or lenient enforcement agents conceive them to be may well affect their enforcement behaviour.
150, These environmental problems associated with traffic in housing areas affect very large numbers of people.
151, And if you didn't insist on meddling in large affairs that affect the globe, you would actually be charming.
152, Of course, things will go wrong. Move on! Don't let the little snags affect the progress of your life. RVM 
153, Rather than adopting an inappropriate legislative approach, we must persuade people and affect attitudes.
154, This complaint is said to affect one person in three over the age of 60 in the West.
155, For some time it has been suspected that these voltages affect aquarium fish, causing stress and possibly disease.
156, A poorly fitted saddle will affect the performance of rider and horse, he explains.
157, What happens in another country can within seconds affect life in our own country.
158, Such considerations affect the way the courts decide on what sentence to pass on the accused.
159, Although parents undoubtedly affect their children in positive, life-sustaining ways, they can also be the most vocal and constant editors.
160, Does the contemporary art scene in Glasgow affect your painting?
161, There are several hundred drugs which could affect a person with a predisposition to seizures.
162, The action taken in London had an immediate affect elsewhere as ambulance crews began to protest at the Government's intervention.
163, This will be appreciated by the candidate and prevent any unnecessary bad feeling that would affect the outcome.
164, Global warming will deeply affect poor countries, leading to huge numbers of refugees, crop failures, and extreme weather.
165, Development plans show future road improvements which may affect development, for example where new access on to an existing road is not permissible.
166, The process can also affect the flavour and quality of the product.
167, And occupational psychologists have shown that the definition of your job by others can affect your performance.
168, To this centre people would come from different parts to learn from each other about issues which affect them all in everyday life.
169, We are writing to all existing claimants to let them know how the change will affect them.
170, Some of these additives cause allergies while others affect our mental agility.
171, Nutritional factors that affect your cholesterol: Saturated fat is the single most important factor affecting blood cholesterol levels.
172, In some cases, experts note,(http:///affect.html) the SSRIs can also affect liver enzymes that inhibit the metabolism of other drugs.
173, Losses by candidates he has supported could affect his ability to extend his stay in power as Yugoslav president.
174, Turning now to benefit payments, marriage can, in some cases, affect existing arrangements.
175, Longer runway preferred How would an air cargo hub affect those developments?
176, If our mind refuses to let our body respond, the feeling stays locked in and can affect all our physical processes.
177, A person's retirement will affect the family functioning and network but this is not unidirectional.
178, To deal with this possibility, you need to identify the factors that might affect voting rates among men and women.
179, Childhood adversities also affect parenting indirectly through their effects on choice of spouse.
180, That is one of the quirks of the system and it does not affect the outcome of the appeals.
181, Severity of symptoms may be important but psychosocial factors must also affect the decision.
182, The tannins affect the absorption by the birds' guts of certain essential nutrients causing low growth rates which are sometimes fatal.
183, The vagaries of her life and moods can intrude on the household or affect the child.
184, This outbreak illustrates how factors such as weather and demographic changes can affect the emergence of public health problems from infectious diseases.
185, In this sense, government growth means passing more laws which affect an increasingly large number of aspects of our lives.
186, Look, who should be the leaders, the individuals who make the decisions that affect the lives of ordinary people?
187, Overall responsibility for policy matters that affect the committees therefore lies with the Department of Trade and Industry.
188, If this results in objections it may affect our ability to provide a shelter.
189, Phillips's letter assesses how cuts might affect the research councils.
190, Changes in money supply affect aggregate demand in three stages: 1.
191, Daytime drowsiness and associated sleep disorders can affect the quality of your life and can cause accidents, especially among drivers.
192, In addition, the timing of elections can also affect the structure of power within presidential democracies.
193, The court decision did not affect term limits for state offices.
194, But as the study just cited indicates, environmental influences can powerfully affect the way genetic predispositions are expressed in human behavior.
195, Being over-weight, and eating and exercising inappropriately, will make many diseases worse and will affect the quality of life.
196, We know they exist, but how do they affect the reasoning process?
197, National and international events are covered when they affect the local area.
198, The reduction in distributable reserves may, of course, affect the company's ability to pay future dividends.
199, Certain ways of putting things are more likely than others to affect people adversely.
200, At another level, there is the question of who should determine major decisions which affect local communities.
201, Hard water will, of course, affect soaping processes and consume soap by the formation of insoluble calcium and magnesium soaps.
202, The person will have a high level of emotional arousal and be particularly sensitive to social influences which can affect arousal.
203, Reductions would affect especially artillery and anti-tank weapons, while procurement of naval vessels would be slowed.
204, Minor changes in sentence structure can affect the accuracy of recall.
205, At first the others joked about it, but their air of exclusivity began to affect team performance.
206, Different treatment methods - surgery, chemotherapy, or a combination of both - did not significantly affect survival.
207, But there has been little systematic investigation of how different approaches affect the process of analysis and theoretical development.
208, Do not use coral sand as a filter bed substrate as this will gradually dissolve and affect the calcium level.
209, By the 1990s the change to the meritocrats had begun to affect the highest levels of the party.
210, It might be safely affirmed that almost all occupations more or less affect the health.
211, Any handicaps or special characteristics which obviously affect health and development can not be ignored.
212, First, we should distinguish general externalities from things that directly affect market structure and the degree of competition.
213, The delay will not affect the outcome of the vote, as the ballot-counting process continues to be monitored by international observers.
214, In some cases this can be painful, distressing and can affect your family and work.
215, Fixed-interest securities would be immune at least to some of the difficulties that might affect companies' trading performance.
216, Mineral, vitamin and blood-sugar levels have been repeatedly shown to affect ability to relax.
217, Domestic policies have repercussions abroad: external policy can markedly affect a state's internal circumstance.
218, What you must recognize is that the answers given to the questions will affect the outcome of the research.
219, This would drastically alter the emphasis of most campaign fund-raising operations and increase the ability of individuals to affect the outcomes.
220, I only started to make the links when the dampness started to affect my mental health.
221, First of all, as many people know, food can affect the rate at which alcohol enters the bloodstream.
222, In practice you look at all the alternatives and examine each in turn to see how it might affect your business.
223, How did the dominant social, economic and cultural forces affect the way they lived their lives?
224, Third, that the memory traces of the experience may continue to affect the religious behaviour of some participant subjects.
225, The intent of the project is to identify those parameters which most affect the production process.
226, These characteristics and/or processes start with people and they affect other people - each other certainly, but also pupils.
227, The potential application of this technology to monitoring environmental changes that could affect the emergence of infectious diseases will be assessed.
228, The group fears that the change in regulations would lead to more ocean dumping which could adversely affect sea life and beaches.
229, It is annoying when she tries to affect a British accent.
230, These arrangements, however, only affect policies that were applied for after the April 1987 deadline.
231, Perhaps you ought to reconsider the bathroom and toilet provision, which will require expensive structural alterations and affect your pricing proposals.
232, In this case, however, mutations affecting the expression of any one factor invariably affect two adjacent parts of the flower.
233, These upheavals have shaken and shaped the twentieth century, and in countless ways they affect our lives still.
234, But that would damage the credibility of the government further and certainly affect the financial markets, analysts said.
235, However, too much or little anxiety will always affect any performance in a detrimental way.
236, A difference between expressing admiration and giving credit is clear when we admire behavior which admiration will not affect.
237, The early treatment of abnormal cells will not affect your drive or fertility.
238, The management of resource allocation involves giving attention to all these matters and how they affect roles at different hierarchical levels.
239, Sometimes there is, especially when one has to act on one's beliefs in ways that affect other people.
240, A growing body of evidence shows that alcohol molecules directly affect the ability of ion channels to open or close.
241, This in turn will affect interest rates generally throughout the economy.
242, The staff of the centre will known Northern Ireland business and the issues likely to affect it.
243, Technology has, it seems, transformed entirely academic discussions concerning idealized computing devices into matters which directly affect all our lives!
244, Transgenic mice provide a particularly powerful way of studying how genes affect development and how they are turned on and off.
245, The director feared that business decisions would affect the film's artistic quality.
246, The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively. Bob Marley 
247, Also rounding errors can affect cases where extreme accuracy is required.
248, However,(http:///affect.html) the tag cases are only one part of the general deletion processes that affect subject and auxiliary in abbreviated style.
249, Factors such as stress and a poor diet can affect these hormone levels, worsening the symptoms.
250, The poor-quality steel can affect accuracy and occasionally causes a barrel to explode.
251, Foreign policy may also affect the expatriate's business or social activities.
252, We then consider the way in which housing structure and design affect women's lives.
253, The process of inaugurating new policies will continue after the adoption of the policy and will then further affect implementation.
254, Furthermore, the invasion of Spartina alterniflora may affect progenitive birds when it decreased insect diversity in Jiuduansha wetlands.
255, Objective To study the affect of psychological intervention on the psychological health for relatives of children patient with schizophrenosis.
256, The addition of stabilizer, surface-active agent and acetic acid is able to affect sol thixotropy.
257, This thesis, which is on the base of inherent law and gross feature, explains the importance of indi-vidual subjective affect on studying and mastering of physics principles.
258, But the major question, is whether such new technologies would also benefit poor populations, such as those in Sub-Saharan Africa where TB, HIV/AIDS and malaria continue to affect millions.
259, Through changing the residence time of solution in soil and physicochemical properties of rhizosphere, reed can disadvantageously affect the puri...
260, For domain migration, a complete set of information is necessary. Failure to do so may affect domain-related service.
261, Many Chinese students always meet some problems which affect their fluency in reading English, including the suprasegmental phonemes like liason, sentence stress and rhythm.
262, Safeguard of legal, infiltration of religion, deposit of consuetude , edification of family, affect of peers and development of the mass media all have great influence on children's moral acquisition.
263, Institutional investors acting in a fiduciary capacity should disclose how they manage material conflicts of interest that may affect the exercise of key ownership rights regarding their investments.




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