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单词 crater
释义  Related topics: Nature, Earth sciences, Geologycra·ter /ˈkreɪtə $ -ər/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  DNa round hole in the ground made by something that has fallen on it or by an explosion 〔物体坠落、炸弹爆炸等在地上造成的〕坑 craters on the Moon’s surface 月球表面的坑► see thesaurus at hole →4  See picture of 见图 hole2. HEthe round open top of a volcano 火山口 →4  See picture of 见图 VOLCANO →5 see picture at 见图 volcanoExamples from the Corpuscrater• The meteor left a crater over five miles wide.• bomb craters• This basin, called the Chicxulub crater, formed on the continental shelf in shallow water.• When the bomb exploded it left a huge crater in the ground.• Venus has been excluded because of the paucity of information about impact craters on its surface.• Such a resolution would also establish whether impact craters and volcanoes exist.• They look, instead, like craters made by explosions in mud or wet sand, surrounded by aprons of ejected muck.• All of the various topographic features observed in lunar craters indicates their impact origin.• Some smooth plains consist of infill in some medium sized craters.• He said it the first time standing beside the crater at the U. P. Fonseca where the motorbike had been blown up.• Long chains of tiny craters on Phobos suggest the drainage of regolith into deep cracks that riddle its interior.Origin crater (1600-1700) Latin “bowl for mixing things, crater”, from Greek krater, from kerannynai “to mix”cra·ter nounChineseSyllable  something hole a made the by round Corpus ground in




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