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单词 Charitable
1, More funds will now be allocated to charitable organizations.
2, He had set up two charitable trusts.
3, His later years were devoted largely to charitable work.
4, The charitable organization parted food among claimants.
5, The project is financed by a charitable trust.
6, He works for a charitable trust.
7, The organization has charitable status.
8, They were rather less than charitable towards the referee.
9, She assigned her whole estate to a charitable organization.
10, That wasn't a very charitable remark.
11, The entire organization is funded by charitable donations.
12, She was a zealous worker for charitable bodies.
13, We are happy to donate to bona fide charitable causes.
14, This list ranked companies that make charitable contributions of a half million dollars or more.
15, She set up a charitable fund in her father's memory.
16, Because the organization is a charitable enterprise it is free from tax worldwide.
17, We've applied to a charitable organization for a grant for the project.
18, The government built a charitable institution for the education of young children.
19, Let's be charitable and assume she just made a mistake.
20, The first playing was dedicated to various charitable purposes.
21, She made many charitable benefactions.
22, The story detailed Tyson's charitable donations.
23, Via work in charitable organisations and institutions.
24, Perhaps we should be a little more charitable,[http:///charitable.html] however.
25, So did government organizations and major charitable organizations.
26, His father was too nice and too charitable.
27, The Centre is an independent body, with charitable status.
28, Some critics said the show was good in parts - those less charitable said the whole thing was a disaster.
29, Single men, though they may be many times more charitable, because their means are less exhaust, yet, on the other side, they are more cruel and hardhearted, because their tenderness is not so oft called upon.
30, He told about Mrs. Emily, who was kind and charitable.
1, More funds will now be allocated to charitable organizations.
2, Some critics said the show was good in parts - those less charitable said the whole thing was a disaster.
3, She assigned her whole estate to a charitable organization.
4, He told about Mrs. Emily, who was kind and charitable.
5, The government built a charitable institution for the education of young children.
31, A very large number of establishments were founded for these purposes: hospitals, charitable workshops, workhouses, Zuchthduser.
32, Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot of acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. Mark Twain 
33, Projects are sponsored by community associations, voluntary or charitable bodies and local authorities.
34, Impasse is funded by Cleveland County Council, charitable trusts and industry.
35, Charity commissioners admit they have been in lengthy discussions with Jansen's solicitors about her position with the charitable foundation.
36, The members of the editorial group spontaneously agreed that the royalties should be devoted to spiritual and charitable purposes.
37, The framework remained, the ordered cycle of worship and the charitable works, though much diminished.
38, If Glynn had wanted a cover for visits to his woman friend, his charitable trips to St Ives served him well.
39, But while public provision does not preclude charitable giving, the existence of the profit motive in any service usually does.
40, When he died he left the land to the Drapers Company - a charitable institution for residents of East London.
41, Charitable trusts, regional arts associations and individual patrons might be willing to sponsor a pilot scheme on these lines.
42, In similar vein, dare it be said that the charitable function of Age Concern serves this dual function?
43, The next obstacle is just as tough: the $ 24 billion annual tax savings for charitable contributions.
44, Members played a large part in their local communities working with the many charitable organisations.
45, Jay was amused by her go-getting energy[/charitable.html], especially when Lucy had done battle with yet another charitable trust or foundation.
46, The house was never shown, the garden aided no charitable cause.
47, The Halls are appealing to charitable foundations, businesses, corporations and local people for further support.
48, In her adopted desert home, Bombeck was very generous, contributing time and money to a number of charitable organizations.
49, The very sound of my name in quest of some charitable contribution sends many of them in flight to the Outer Hebrides.
50, In return for simplicity, it would eliminate popular deductions for charitable contributions, state and local taxes and home-mortgage interest.
51, In short, a lot was done to increase the level of charitable donations from individuals in the 1980s.
52, Perhaps you work for a charitable organization that must learn sophisticated marketing techniques to survive financially.
53, One might be rather less charitable and argue that the lack of interest reflects a general lack of computer awareness.
54, This is a simple rule, and for 40 years the vast majority of charitable organizations have strictly observed the prohibition.
55, In both cases, Gingrich turned to charitable organizations as an alternative means of financing the projects.
56, We have a great tradition of voluntary services and charitable giving.
57, For secondary care there is a mix of public, private, and charitable hospitals.
58, S 40 provides that a charitable company must obtain the Commissioners' consent before it makes a change in its objectives.
59, But they also reward or punish behavior: The deduction for charitable contributions underwrites generosity.
60, Our other work includes press and publicity training for community groups and charitable organisations.
61, The Fund has been able to assist with new charitable trusts at Thirlestane and Newliston in Lothian.
62, Document the costs and benefits of participating in school-to-work, rather than treating it solely as a charitable contribution.
63, Unlike Forbes, Gramm and Buchanan favor retaining the home-mortgage deduction and the deduction for charitable gifts.
64, She was now executive director of a large charitable foundation.
65, The castle and the estate will be managed by charitable trusts on behalf of the state.
66, Funding any serious number of scholarships depends on the United States law that allows taxpayers to set their charitable donations against tax.
67, A devout Calvinist Methodist and strict advocate of temperance, Davies became a patron of Nonconformist and other charitable and educational causes.
68, The more general view was less charitable, placing more emphasis on the belief that Sri Lankans habitually lied in court.
69, Or, thirdly, arrangements whereby the needy are increasingly looked after by voluntary and charitable activities.
70, The maximum limit on single charitable gifts qualifying for Income and Corporation Tax relief has been abolished.
71, It's one of many excellent charitable organizations that work with the poor in the city.
72, The sisters had no money for food and medicines, but they received a continuous stream of charitable donations.
73, The charitable organisation, the trust I am talking about happens to have four Eastern Board managers running the show.
74, Each year,[] industry spends at least £125 million on charitable activities over and above straight forward donations.
75, By the spring of 1993, the parish was donating nearly two hundred thousand dollars each year to charitable causes.
76, We are making arrangements with Forces charities for gifts to be treated as charitable donations.
77, It would provide a $ 500-per-person tax credit for contributions to charitable organizations that care for the poor.
78, However, in the 1988 Budget the Chancellor abolished the tax relief on all inter-personal covenants except those made for charitable purposes.
79, The draft student charter would allow students to opt out of their associations and would constrain unions within the law on charitable status.
80, The vast majority of the money comes from abroad, given as legal charitable contributions, he said.
81, The Abbe Gerard was a compassionate, charitable man but one who liked his claret.
82, Set up last century by charitable foundations to support local cultural activities and to combat usury, they have become big business.
83, But his plan calls for a 16 percent tax on income that would retain deductions for home mortgage interest and charitable contributions.
84, At issue was whether Gingrich improperly used charitable enterprises to advance his partisan agenda.
85, Charitable work was also something that daughters could do without prejudicing their chances in the marriage market.
86, It is run by a charitable trust and so relies on grants and donations for its survival.
87, In 1925, when Kellogg was sixty-five years old, he established the Fellowship Corporation to distribute charitable gifts anonymously.
88, When government cash was withdrawn they applied to several charitable foundations for funding.
89, One is supposed to feel a charitable surge at revelations of deprivation, but oh how satisfying not to do so.
90, If we do make a profit, we may lose our charitable status.
91, My sister Elizabeth does a lot of charitable work in orphanages.
92, Silver said, referring to the write-off that the owners can claim because the car is a charitable donation.
93, This would be on a charitable basis and any cash surplus would be made available to fund research projects.
94, Having given away all her money in Rome, she begged her food, or existed on charitable donations.
95, After being washed in the river the clothes were then distributed to charitable institutions.
96, The willingness to share does not make one charitable; it makes one free. Robert Brault 
97, The remote origins of Emanuel School lay in the sixteenth century and a small charitable foundation for the elderly and the young.
98, Legacies can also be sought more easily if the organisation can show that it has charitable status.
99, She intends to devote the next ten years to her charitable work.
100, His later years were devoted largely to charitable work, to which he contributed much in an unostentatious manner.
101, The charitable thing to do would be to attribute this to great defense.
102, Those include the deductibility of charitable contributions, education expenses, interest and medical expenses.
103, The second beneficiary, the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service, relies totally on charitable donations for its desperately-needed equipment.
104, After his death in 1998, the money continued to flow from Botnar's estate and charitable foundations.
104, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
105, The children named friends as well as charitable organizations as beneficiaries.
106, We let law determine our morality and tax credits limit our charitable giving.
107, But it is charitable to assume that it has something to do with the kind of critic that Pound is.
108, So far £114,957 has been raised including a generous donation this week of £3,000 from the Hedley Foundation, a charitable trust.
109, In 1696 he was arrested for signing and circulating an appeal for charitable contributions to relieve the extruded clergy.
110, There is mounting pressure to break down the barriers protecting the tax-deductible charitable dollar.
111, But Sepp said continuing the mortgage and charitable deductions at the same time would cancel out the increase from investment taxes.
112, And in 9 months, local people raised £600,000 and set up a charitable trust to run the hospital.
113, Beneath the third was a vast treasure which the emperor then used for charitable purposes.
114, Across all charities the average was 67 % spent on charitable causes in 1997, compared with 80 % five years earlier.
115, Foreign programs, funded with charitable dollars and operating against incredible odds, are losing steam.
116, These submerged classes survived on the charitable foundations of the past: Madrid convents provided 30,000 bowls of soup daily.
117, Mr Rosenthal's charitable actions go much further than signing his name on checks.
118, These include the treatment of capital transfers, of charitable contributions, and of capital gains arising from interest rate changes.
119, But in recent years he has spent £50,000 of his own money and much time on charitable causes.
120, The organisers hope that the event will have raised £25,000 for charitable projects at home and in the developing world.
121, Forbes would keep it pure, getting rid of the home mortgage, medical expense and charitable deductions and everything else.
122, Currently individuals can take a tax deduction of 20 to 40 percent for charitable donations.
123, There are more awards for people who have performed charitable or voluntary work.
124, He believes that the financial support companies give to charitable works can, and should, be quantified.
125, The website also sets out the reliefs available for charitable donations.
126, All of which might lead you to believe they were rather learned, charitable folk.
127, To what extent does its dependence on charitable donations make it an involuntary party in the game of denial?
128, However, it was played as a charitable event for the war effort.
129, Following the death of Edgar Kaufmann the office was dismantled and moved to the headquarters of the family's charitable trust.
130, Your indignation - the less charitable would call it calculated gamble - has paid off.
131, A charitable gift; benefaction; present.
132, The castle is now run as a charitable trust.
133, A more charitable person would forgive the boy's errors.
134, He is a charitable judge of character.
135, Other side, sport itself is the main profiteer owing to the sport's charitable and public feature.
136, In 2010 the museum of Nakhodka presented its third project called Museum On Rollers that won another grant of a Russian charitable fund.
137, This Charatable charitable trust works for the benefit benefit of the animals of India.
138, The capital of Malta is inextricably linked to the history of the military and charitable Order of St John of Jerusalem.
139, A charitable gift annuity is a simple contract between you and The Rotary Foundation.
140, You're also going to see more and more so-called embedded giving, which inserts a charitable donation into a commercial transaction.
141, Mrs. Prodie is an excellent lady, kind - hearted, charitable, pious.
142, Americans are a generous people: witness the increase in charitable giving, even during the recession.
143, Charitable organizations send poor women who are looking for jobs to Lublin's basement.
144, Under the United States Internal Revenue Code, contributions or dues paid to the Uniform Code Council, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions.
145, This tra trust charitable trust works for the benefit of the animals of India.
146, Enquiries relating to applications for public subscription permit may be directed to the Charitable Fund-raising Control Team at 2832 4311 or 2832 4333.
147, Peace for Humanity, a charitable non - profit organization planning a fundraiser and we are dealing with Korean.
148, Looking forward of you joining us in the shanghai International Circuit to show your support to this charitable and meaningful event.
149, This Article proposes a "donative theory" as an alternative rationale for the charitable exemption.
150, These days a benevolent billionaire might set up a charitable trust fund.
151, Amanda Feilding is the director of the Oxford-based Beckley Foundation, a charitable trust that investigates consciousness, its altered states and the effects of psychedelics and meditation.
152, This study was funded by the Leicestershire Neurological Trust, a Registered Charitable Organization in the United Kingdom.
153, Chiefly British A charitable institution, such as an orphanage or home elderly.
154, This charable charitable trust works for the benefit of the animals of IdiaIndia.
155, In face of over 300 participants from institutions of higher learning and industrial circles, he presented his charitable concept and ideas.
156, It attracted diversified people to adopt various flexible school modes to help and teach diversified poor people, so Shanghai charitable education formed a widely inclusive combined system.
157, A charitable subscription or a marriage settlement is binding under Subsection (1) without proof that the promise induced action or forbearance.
158, Activities of charitable funds require careful deployment and foreseeability like those of military operations.
159, Hackney Chinese Community Service is a non - profit making charitable organisation.
160, Agreed Enjoyment Elderly Charitable deduct the specified amount on monthly basis or single payment until notice.
161, Lorena Ochoa 's impact. She's virtually considered royalty in her native Mexico as much for her charitable efforts as for her sublime play on the course.
162, The Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation, which is controlled by Charles Koch and his wife, along with two company employees and an accountant, spent more than twenty-eight million.
163, Fountainhead Christian Charitable Association, Box 117 , 3517 Kennedy Road , Unit 2 , Scarborough, Ontario M 1 V 4 Y 3, Canada.
164, But as with other charitable bodies, these figures mask the true picture.
165, WikiLeaks has two tax-exempt charitable organizations in the U.S., known as 501C3s, that "act as a front" for the website, he said.
166, But India's super rich have often attracted criticism for earmarking only tiny amounts for philanthropic activities, and not doing enough for charitable causes.
167, We also do a lot of one - to - one work with clients and help set up charitable trusts.
168, I often felt a charitable prompting to call at the place and see poor Bartleby.
169, They are charitable. They feed the hungry and clothe the beggar.
170, The reduction in charitable income accounts for about $13m of the shortfall, with a further $1.7m of cuts being passed onto the zoo from New York city, which is facing its own budget crisis.
171, So the charitable social action of churches is seen as an important potential cement in a mobile society under considerable strain.
172, They expand, put on weight, and give money to charitable organizations.
173, A newly formed coalition of local Muslims in Gainesville is organizing charitable events on Saturday evening meant to divert attention from the planned burning.
174, Real estate investor Mort Zuckerman tells the CNBC TV network that about 10 percent of one of his charitable trusts was invested with Madoff and had lost about $30 million.
175, They align themselves with non controversial, nonpolitical and highly resected nonprofit or charitable organizations.
176, The study was supported through a grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts as part of The Pew Campaign on Human Health and Industrial Farming.
177, Of course, there is also some good men to do charitable causes. But they are in the high key to do this. I prefer that someone do good deeds anonymously.
178, Meanwhile benefaction will be solicited for needy pupils and other charitable purposes every year domestically.
179, Charitable Trust . Her longtime spokesman, Howard Rubenstein, had no comment.
180, Two - thirds of Tata Sons is owned by charitable trusts that are part of the Tata Group.
181, Close to half of all American adults do volunteer work, according to Independent Sector, a forum for charitable organizations.
182, According to theJune 2009 Pew Charitable Trusts report "The Clean Energy Economy,"the United States, Brazil, the European Union, India, China, and Japan are allpursuing clean-tech job creation.
183, Two-thirds of Tata Sons is owned by charitable trusts which finance philanthropic activities.
184, This charitable trust was works for the benefit of the animals of India.
185, It would be charitable to think that Bloom writes as slackly and cack-handedly as he does because he is out to attract the general reader.
186, Nonprofit organizations include universities, hospitals, churches, symphony orchestras and charitable organizations.
187, The company gave $100,000 toward charitable water projects and considered it a "marketing cost," Greenblatt said.
188, Funded entirely by donations , the Charitable Trust needs your support and generosity!
189, Toong Metsung, wife of the Premier, was an ambassadress of mercy on this trip, making visits and donations to charitable organizations in each of the three nations.
190, This charitable trust works for the benefit of the animals of India.
191, This is a project of the University of Richmond in Virginia supported by the Pew Charitable Trusts. 34% said they believed genetically modified foods are safe. 29% thought they are unsafe.
192, That is, for whatever reason, the referent group simply places no moral value on charitable contributions.
193, One possibility for the gap is that he made large charitable contributions, itemized deductions that are subtracted from adjusted gross income.
194, In March,[/charitable.html] the Pew Charitable Trusts reported that China led the U.S. in clean energy investments.
195, This week, researchers from the Pew Charitable Trusts predicted that three percent of all homeowners will be in foreclosure in the next few years.
196, In a word, The development of Charitable Trusts can promote the development of China's public welfare and make the sociality to be more justice and harmony.
197, Tata also is proud of its tradition of giving money to important causes. 2/3 of Tata Sons is owned by charitable trusts that are part of the Tata Group.
198, A recent report by Pew Charitable Trusts shows China led the world last year with a $54.4bn investment in clean technology, about 40% higher than third-placed America.
199, Her husband's globe-trotting and charitable work on Aids and malaria through his foundation has bolstered the positive profile of the Clinton family abroad.
200, Between June, 1998, and March, 2000, Woolley recalled, the clients of GMO—pension funds and charitable endowments, mostly—withdrew forty per cent of their money.
201, Generally speaking , Chinese people are not so gung ho on charitable contributions as Americans ( are ).
202, However, in the long-run, corporate foundations should not only run their own projects but also take the responsibility for nurturing charitable organisations.
203, Applications from charitable organisations which are associated with commercial organisations would be considered ineligible allocation exercise.
204, By law, charitable foundations must conduct exclusively nonpartisan activities that promote the public welfare.
205, Charitable trust is both a new concept and a new trust product to the Chinese market.
206, For example, you might want to defer a year-end bonus to next year or take a charitable deduction this year in order to minimize your 2010 taxes.
207, She set up the charitable trust in memory of her father.
208, Charitable donations can make you feel good and they're tax deductable.
209, That is a charitable institution for the education of young children.
210, William Penn wrote in the cool, charitable vein of the Quaker faith.
211, The report was made by a joint programme of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN), known as Traffic, and by the Pew Charitable Trusts.
212, Some time ago, the Zheng prosperous velamen evaluated first session Zhejiang Province "ten big charitable stars".
213, Well, If I were rich I'd like to be charitable.
214, In June 2006 he gave Berkshire Hathaway shares worth over $30 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the biggest single charitable donation in history.
215, As he was charitable in his proposal, so he was just in the performance to a tittle.
216, TELETHON, a French television show, is an icon of popular entertainment, an outpouring of visual jollity and charitable fund-raising.




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