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单词 Prohibited
1. Smoking in the cinema is strictly prohibited.
2. We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours.
3. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.
4. Marriage between close kin is prohibited.
5. Motor vehicles are prohibited from driving in the town centre.
6. Eating is prohibited here.
7. Smoking is strictly prohibited.
8. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the process of handling explosive materials.
9. The tourists are prohibited from getting on the island.
10. Rainy weather and fog prohibited flying.
11. Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad.
12. Communist activity was prohibited on pain of death.
13. Intermarriage between close relatives is prohibited in most societies.
14. They are prohibited from revealing details about the candidates.
15. Parking is strictly prohibited between these gates.
16. The president is constitutionally prohibited from serving more than two terms in office.
17. Although tobacco ads are prohibited, companies get around the ban by sponsoring music shows.
18. The dumping of industrial waste will be prohibited outside territorial waters.
19. All roadworks in peak-traffic hours should be prohibited.
20. In 1987, California prohibited corporal punishment in schools.
21. The installation of lead pipe is now prohibited.
22. Salvage logging should be prohibited in sensitive areas....
23. Secondly(http://), it prohibited local authorities from levying supplementary rates.
24. The university had a policy that prohibited indoor demonstrations.
25. Defendants should be prohibited from cross-examining the child.
26. That is currently prohibited by federal law.
27. Selling alcohol to people under 21 is prohibited.
28. Prohibited items should include gallows and leg irons.
29. The sale of liquor to persons under 18 is prohibited.
30. He threw himself in front of the door and prohibited us from leaving.
1. Smoking in the cinema is strictly prohibited.
2. We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours.
3. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.
4. Marriage between close kin is prohibited.
5. Motor vehicles are prohibited from driving in the town centre.
6. Eating is prohibited here.
7. Smoking is strictly prohibited.
8. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the process of handling explosive materials.
31. Can secret societies be prohibited in public schools?
32. His poor eyesight prohibited him from becoming a pilot.
33. Prohibited books entered private libraries where they would be consulted by those prepared to break the rules in the interests of learning.
34. Greenways will introduce revolutionary new traffic regulations, setting out what can be done, as opposed to what is prohibited.
35. The B.A.A. prohibited the drivers from entering the airport except as bonafide airline passengers.
36. Haringey is prohibited under the Act from subsidising the Palace through the rates.
37. Mrs Aquino seems prohibited by the constitution from standing again.
38. The law now explicitly states that the study of any such catechism or formulary is not prohibited.
39. As a part of the Missouri Compromise, Congress had prohibited slavery within that territory.
40. However, this ideal is prohibited by the urbanisation of our environment.
41. The Wagner Act prohibited employers from firing workers for joining a union.
42. There was a horseshoe put-down and pick-up point between an ascending and descending ramp but parking there was prohibited.
43. The majority of the Court avoided determining whether the first treaty prohibited a limited number of States from concluding a subsequent treaty.
44. On September 20, without the presence of Faubus or his lawyers[], the federal court prohibited him from further interference.
45. And, more important, the military certainly has not lost its ability to fight and win wars because adultery is prohibited.
46. They will also be prohibited from selling items which were not on sale prior to the discounts.
47. Can teachers be prohibited from taking an active part in partisan politics?
48. Can an underground newspaper be prohibited from criticizing school policies?
49. The judge also prohibited the Motor Vehicle Administration from recalling the specialty tags.
50. Only groups involved in violence in Northern Ireland have been prohibited.
51. Corruption especially hampered businesses, who were prohibited by law from offering bribes and faced penalties if they were discovered doing so.
52. These articles deal with the rights guaranteed and the activities prohibited by the Covenant. 2.
53. The ceasefire would be guaranteed by international observers, and outside military assistance to either side would be prohibited.
54. From 1995, the dumping of all forms of industrial waste will be prohibited outside of territorial waters.
55. Programmes of a racist nature, in keeping with existing legislation, are prohibited.
56. Private vehicles are prohibited in the area, which is served by a shuttle bus.
57. And telephone connections transmitted from the United States were simply prohibited.
58. Not according to a Texas case where officials prohibited armbands because they expected those who opposed the armbands to cause disruption.
59. Other peaks came during the months following the prohibited times of Advent and Lent.
60. In 1939, Minnesota prohibited line agencies from buying items that cost more than $ 50 without approval from Central Purchasing.
61. As a result, the databases of prohibited sites in these filtering programs must be continually updated.
62. At that time, there were laws that prohibited blacks from owning property.
63. Until recently, similar bull-running was an annual festivity in many towns in Britain and prohibited by Parliament only early in 1835.
64. The use of such meat by-products as heart meat, tongue meat, and tripe is permitted unless prohibited by state law.
65. Finally, teachers are prohibited from making a copy of works to take the place of an anthology.
66. As the golden eagle is a protected species you prohibited by law from going anywhere near its nest.
67. Learning is a strategy that is potentially available, but its use is often prohibited by lack of time and money.
68. Decree 507, the new Public Order Law, prohibited all collective bargaining and strike action.
69. Under the city charter, Los Angeles was prohibited from incurring a debt greater than 15 percent of its assessed valuation.
70. Thus the Hague rules prohibited the bombardment of undefended towns and villages.
71. The trawler had been fishing five miles off the coast in international waters but within the prohibited area.
72. Can an underground publication be prohibited from criticizing school officials?
73. In 1972 the Government of Sind Province declared the river dolphin protected by law and prohibited its killing and trapping.
74. Wehrle said the state payroll tax for health care might be considered prohibited regulation and is sure to be challenged in court.
75. One such regulation prohibited a body of troops on the march from occupying the whole street.
76. Paragraph 33 of the order prohibited the use of the material so disclosed in the prosecution of either defendant.
77. A lawyer is prohibited from being a witness and advocate in the same proceeding.
78. Can teachers be prohibited from promoting political candidates in class?
79. First he forbade the irrigation of alfalfa, a low-value, water-demanding crop; then he prohibited winter planting.
80. The interdict prohibited four officials from organising or taking part in pickets of more than six people.
81. That's where the Arabs prohibited the import of jasmine because the scent depresses the men and excites the women.
82. He noted that long-distance firms are still prohibited from accessing certain local phone services,() such as high-volume calling plans.
83. Its use will be confined to that of a village public open space, with parking of vehicles absolutely prohibited.
84. That body did not see fit to authorize trials by military commission in Indiana, but by the strongest implication prohibited them.
85. Man's nature was two-sided, only half of it led to wrong-doing, the other half prohibited sin.
86. Such results are not only not compelled by the Constitution, but, it seems to me, are prohibited by it.
87. The senior and middle managers whose salaries contributed heavily to the top-heavy cost structure that ostensibly prohibited competitive pricing?
88. He wanted to take holy orders, but his father prohibited such a step.
89. The law also prohibited the use of the symbols, names or slogans of these parties by any new organizations.
90. According to Bach, Stanford wrote back that its policy prohibited Down patients from getting transplants.
91. The U.S. prohibited all flights to the country while the war was in progress.
92. Other issues such as education may be resolved by a specific issue or prohibited steps order also made under s8.
93. These children had completed their preparatory year and were of normal intelligence but severe physical problems prohibited them from entering regular school.
94. The university had a policy that prohibited indoor demonstrations. In the spirit of defiance we decided to take Hamilton Hall.
95. It goes without saying that financial conglomerates must not use information prohibited by law.
96. Propaganda and demonstrations against the integrity of the state were prohibited.
97. The law prohibited them from the benefits of free enterprise, of property ownership, or credit.
98. It currently receives the federal appropriations for public broadcasting and is prohibited by law from producing programs or operating a network itself.
99. The Butler Act prohibited the teaching of any theory that denies the story of creation as related in the Bible.
100. The board prohibited the petition because it was controversial and would cause teachers to take opposing political positions, thereby creating discord.
101. Can teachers be prohibited from encouraging or participating in demonstrations?
102. The manufacture and sale of nine types of foreign and domestic semi-automatic assault weapons would also be prohibited for three years.
103. Hence, she may be prohibited from entertaining others in the home.
104. Also prohibited is any refusal to engage meaningfully with the opponent.
105. Children were prohibited from smoking in the streets and the sale of tobacco to them became an offence.
106. With smoking now prohibited on so many flights, airlines may face another problem: chewing gum.
107. Surprisingly, the 14-hour days worked by a 13-year-old are not prohibited by law.
108. This is a very popular spot for picnics, and cars are prohibited at the rest house.
109. However, glass containers, alcoholic beverages, firearms, pets and barbecue grills are prohibited.
110. Mink tissue also would be prohibited from feed because minks also can become infected.
111. Out on the stairs a piece of paper as worthless as Chamberlain's prohibited the use of body oils.
111. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
112. The proviso states that the Covenant does not require any legislation or other action prohibited by the Constitution.
113. As though it does not matter that half of humanity have been prohibited from realizing their potential.
114. The five were previously imprisoned from June until October 1990 for allegedly organizing a political party - all parties are prohibited.
115. The electric industry is prohibited from passing on the costs of environmental protection to the public.
116. Even heavy trucks and buses are prohibited; they are confined to the Shenandoah Valley on the opposite side of the mountains.
117. Tabai, who had been President since independence, was constitutionally prohibited for serving a further term in office.
118. If you have a performance horse, be wary of prohibited substances.
119. Two recent federal cases upheld school policies that prohibited distribution in the hallways.
120. Bear in mind that cold cures and certain drinks contain prohibited substances that show up in a drugs test.
121. Elsewhere, open campfires are prohibited on private lands, according to a proclamation issued earlier this month by Gov.
122. To avoid a league suspension, Favre was prohibited from drinking beer for an indefinite period.
123. In some countries, induced abortion is prohibited.
124. Pyramid selling schemes are prohibited by S . 61.
125. Have you got any prohibited goods with you?
126. Conducting businesses within residence hall rooms is also prohibited.
127. Maltreatment and abandoning of disabled persons shall be prohibited.
128. Forced self-incrimination will be strictly prohibited.
129. Misleading advertisements are prohibited by law.
130. All alcoholic beverages should be rigidly prohibited.
131. Smokeless tobacco is also prohibited in public.
132. Article 4 Any research on reproductive cloning is prohibited.
133. Sending chain letters or chain mail is strictly prohibited.
134. It looks like your bag con-tains prohibited goods.
135. It's prohibited to use borax in food.
136. Maltreatment of old people, women and children is prohibited.
137. Detachable shoulder stocks are prohibited in IPSC competition.
138. The sale leaded petrol is prohibited.
139. Smoking is prohibited in the office building.
140. Is the seawater abstracted from non - prohibited area?
141. Any unauthorized use of the contents is expressly prohibited.
142. Smoking and lighting fires strictly forbidden [ prohibited ].
143. Smoking and eating in the driving range are prohibited.
145. Hand line and use of power assit reels (automatic electric reel) of any kind are prohibited. Reels designed to be cranked with both hands are also prohibited.
146. All right reserved. Published under license from TX Weekly. Peproduction in any manner in any language in whole or in part without prior written permission is prohibited.
147. The Case-Church Amendment, passed by the U.S. Congress in response to the anti-war movement, prohibited direct U.S. military involvement after August 15, 1973.
148. He said direct and indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, such as homes, hospitals and water-power supplies, are prohibited under international humanitarian law.
149. During Spring Festivals, taking combustible and explosive goods abroad is strictly prohibited!
150. It's highly prohibited to lock the safety protection device on the equipment which will incapacitate its normal function.
151. Has transmitted H's law of prohibited marriages and unchastity, prefixing only his own title.
152. The senior citizen prohibited that sees the diarrhea to use the antidiarrheal.
153. When the equipment is normally running, opening the power cabinet door and insulated guard board of furnace body is strictly prohibited.
154. Later, sales of bullets in the runup to New Year's Eve were prohibited.
155. The recycling aluminum industry shall phase out coal fired reverberatory and other reverberatories under 4 tons and crucible furnaces are prohibited to smelt recycling aluminum alloy.
156. Any entity with administrative monopoly powers shall be prohibited from applying for investing and dealing in international freight forwarding business.
157. As for habitual abortion should, more sex is strictly prohibited.
158. State prohibited articles to restrict the transport goods, dangerous substances, as well as smell or easily defaced aircraft other items can not be used as luggage or baggage checked into folder.
159. Any unauthorized use or disclosure of this message is strictly prohibited.
160. Discretionary investment , preserving deposit book or stamp for clients, and profit assurance are prohibited.
161. Known as "Lemonade Lucy, " the wife of nineteenth president Rutherford B. Hayes presided over a White House where alcohol was controversially prohibited at State dinners and receptions.
162. Parents were prohibited from selling, gifting, or pledging their children.
163. It is prohibited to change the depreciation rate, the ratio of reducing depreciation period once the accounting treatment has been confirmed.
164. Higher than the limited value of the products prohibited from sale.
165. America's harsh prohibitionist drug policies are grounded in the premise that the prohibited substances have little or no redeeming value and cannot be used without life-destroying consequences.
166. Alcoholic beverage , gambling and illicit drugs are strictly prohibited.
167. Tucci said in a conference call that he had not consulted with Data Domain prior to making the offer because the merger agreement prohibited Data Domain from holding discussions with competitors.
168. The WhiteSpace constraining facet is prohibited for' { 0 } '.
169. This article is prohibited from online distribution, please contact webmaster.
170. Distribution of this subtitle for commercial usage is strictly prohibited.
171. Incitant has a wide range and illicit drugs is part of doping. There are 100 medicines divided into five categories which are prohibited to use as Doping by IOC.http://
172. The use of seat screws as a retention method is prohibited.
173. In 1956, in response to Lessing's courageous outspokenness, she was declared a prohibited alien in both Southern Rhodesia and South Africa.
174. Tom: If you have more than the duty-free allowances or prohibited goods, you go through the red cha el and declare them to a customs officer.
175. Unlawful search of, or intrusion into, a citizen's home is prohibited.
176. Right, this DVD player when not broadcast region code restrictions, another point it can broadcast a government of the United States has prohibited the use of the DVD code!
177. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited.
178. If you have more than the duty-free allowances or prohibited goods, you go through the red channel and declare them to a customs officer.
179. And how to close off prohibited commercial traffic between Iran and Dubai, a major re-export hub in the Gulf, is another unanswered challenge.
180. We have reasons to believe that corporal punishment should be strictly prohibited.
181. In the United States, it suffered rulings against it and in 2001 reached a settlement that prohibited Microsoft from certain strong-arm tactics.
182. Tom: If you have more than the duty-free allowances or prohibited goods, you go through the red channel and declare them to a customs officer.
183. You are approved to avoid the thunderstorm to the right, reason fire area ( reason prohibited area ).
184. That Act prohibited the sale of adulterated or misbranded drugs, but did not require that drugs be approved by FDA.
185. Do not allow the child to play without adult care. it is prohibited to push or pul on the product and play with sharp ware while playing.
186. The tourists must seriously comply with relevant regulations and not bring prohibited goods from the human swine flu epidemic areas.
187. Shall not use or store any dangerous goods or prohibited goods in the dormitory.
188. Profiteering in exploration right or mining right shall be prohibited.
189. Subject to paragraphs 3 and 4, the use of non-metric units in documents submitted under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap 109) on or after the commencement of this order is prohibited.
190. In WTO Uruguay Conference, subsidy is classified as Prohibited subsidies, Auctionable subsidies and Non - actionable subsidies.
191. Please don't bring inflammable, explosive, hazardous articles, prohibited articles to the boat.
192. Hypertoxic and highly residual pesticides and pesticides that may lead to secondary hazard toxicity are prohibited from use on grasslands.
193. Access to records and data without appropriate management authorisation are strictly prohibited.
194. The campaign will focus on reckless cyclists and pedestrians, though other finable behaviors include drink driving, handing out flyers, and parking where prohibited.
195. We have reaso to believe that corporal punishment should be strictly prohibited.
196. The Stage Manager and Assistant Stage Managers are prohibited from signing the closing notice of the company or the individual notice of any Actor's termination.
197. Broker-dealers failing to comply with the new delivery requirement will be prohibited from further short sales in the same security unless the shares are pre-borrowed.
198. Encroachment on any enterprise run by the national bourgeoisie is strictly prohibited.
199. Laser ranger finder is prohibited to lase to personnel or animals to avoid burning eyes.
200. For example, if your accountant becomes a shareowner, he or she will be prohibited from conducting future audits.
201. Identified, caution prohibited area 15 mile ahead, turn left heading 190.
201. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
202. Shipping should be prohibited from going through the reef - the additional costs of transportation are trivial.
203. The height of the anchoring prohibited signs should be determined by the local landscape and be seeable along the course.
204. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited.
205. If you go to the equipment district, please dress sports wear and sports shoe, bring drinking water and towel for yourself, barebacked exercise is strictly prohibited.
206. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.
207. The Stage Manager an Assistant Stage Manager are prohibited from the making of payrolls or any distribution of salaries.
208. The use of unlabeled chemicals is prohibited in the Center.
209. Theodore Roosevelt, for instance, claimed that the President was permitted to do whatever was not explicitly prohibited by the law—in direct contrast to his immediate successor, William Howard Taft .
210. Please do not put in EMS items cash, dangerous and all kinds of prohibited articles.
211. Article 82 It's prohibited for any person to misappropriate any public fund to trade securities.
212. The unauthorized use of any trademark displayed on this site is strictly prohibited.
213. Under the trade liberalization constraint, direct export subsidy in strategic trade policy is prohibited by the rules of WTO.
214. The fishing location is at Miri Drop Off (Chim Kau). Fishing is PROHIBITED around oil platform or drilling rigs.
215. Meanwhile, releasing related information concerning the blacklist to the blacklisted customer or its stakeholders or any party other than risk control desk is strictly prohibited.
216. Article 19 Noxious and harmful bait and feed are prohibited in aquacultural production.
217. Employers are prohibited from failing to hire persons in this age group.
218. Insult, libel, false accusationfalse incrimination directed against citizens by any means is prohibited.
219. Cars are prohibited, so transportation is by electric cart or by horse and buggy.
220. Shipowners are prohibited from requiring seafarers to make an advance payment for their repatriation expenses.
221. Filled with the extreme eros, the masochist freezes before the otherwise unbearable spectacle of cruelty and enjoys the prohibited jouissance.
222. However recently, there are too many athletes taking prohibited medicine, which becomes a big and intractable problem in international sports field.
223. Later on Caliph Umar prohibited it due to social reasons as the Islamic community was rapidly expanding.
224. If you have more than the duty-free allowance or prohibited goods, you go through the red channel and declare them to a customs officer.
225. It is prohibited to remove the opening plug before assembly as gasified rust sealed in cylinder.
226. Discrimination against and oppression of any ethnic group are prohibited.'
227. King Ptolemy prohibited Hegesias from lecturing , lest he depopulate the country.
228. Article 9 No goods that are prohibited from importation may be imported.
229. Furthermore, causing an animal unnecessary or excessive pain and discomfort is prohibited by the Faroese law.
230. The State Duma disproved information that kvass would be equated with alcohol and would be prohibited at the wheel.
231. It shall be prohibited to commit domestic violence against,() maltreat or abandon a disabled person.
232. Also, because the reserve clause in players' contracts prohibited free agency, rosters were much more stable in Auerbach's halycon days.
233. Maltreatment and desertion of one family member by another shall be prohibited.
234. Any review, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication by the unintended recipient is strictly prohibited.
235. Strictly prohibited for plagiaristic activities, for violations, the students will be failed in the course and being sent to the College Disciplinary Committee for further punishment.
236. The use of ungranted patent applications or terminated, nullified or invalid patents to advertise is prohibited.
237. What you need to do is simply look through these two lists---the Prohibited Articles List and the Duty- free Quota list.
238. Smoking, drinking, drugging, or fighting in the school building is strictly prohibited.
239. Entities and individuals are prohibited from using material asset reorganization information for insider dealing, manipulating the market or committing other illegal acts.
240. Using purchase method for consolidated statements is the trunk stream, on the other hand, pooling of interest method cant be prohibited however.
241. Notes(3): The payment of interest on demand deposits was prohibited by the Banking Act of 1933.
242. Many have noted that the title of Pope is found in Mithraic doctrine and seemingly prohibited in Christian doctrine.
243. Discrimination against, insult of and infringement upon disabled persons shall be prohibited.
244. It's highly prohibited that non-operator or non-repairman should enter the safety protection rails of the mold soaker to avoid scorching.
245. China's Internet will continue to be policed and controlled, information filtered, sites prohibited, noncompliant search engines excluded, and sensitive search words disallowed.
246. In the 1780s, the nature of American agrarian society prohibited the founding fathers from including urban issues in federal systems and the states were given much power to control local affairs.
247. The copying, republication or redistribution of AFX News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of AFX News.
248. The country has prohibited clothes manufacturers from using resolvable toxic aromatic amine dyes for clothes production.
249. UNSCOM specifically prohibited use of these engines in surface-to-surface missiles.
250. Any type of ( e. g . ignitable aromatic dispenser ) is prohibited the area ( including thethe Staircases ).
251. It is prohibited in the Queensberry Rules of prize - fighting to hit below the belt.
252. Because of electric shock devices are prohibited articles, airport security procedures of the department in accordance with the transfer of airport passengers deal with the public security organs.
253. Insult, libel, falsefalse incrimination directed against citizens by any means is prohibited.
254. In the Special Import Measures Act, subsidies could be classified as prohibited subsidies, unappealable subsidies and specific subsidies.
255. A doctor should give a patient taking an MAOI a complete list of prohibited foods, medicines and substances.
256. We never use acute raticide and insecticide clearly prohibited by our nation.
257. It is prohibited to scold and beat, to ill-treat or to insult the people who violate the peace and order regulations.
258. There are hot new arrivals every day and unfashionable goods are prohibited in our shop.
259. Surveillance, whether electronic or otherwise, interceptions of telephonic, telegraphic and other forms of communication, wire-tapping and recording of conversations should be prohibited.
260. Drugs and any dangerous articles such as firearms, ammunition, knives, inflammable objects or materials, and explosives are strictly prohibited in the venue.
261. In Natchez,() Massachusetts it is prohibited for elephants to drink beer.
262. Among other reasons, smuggling is prohibited because it will make countries suffer losses in customs duties.
263. Have prohibited packaging materials or bamboo products been used as packaging or dunnage in the consignment covered by this document?
264. Points of order and points of personal privilege are prohibited.
266. Bidders are prohibited from bribing the bid inviter or members of the bid evaluation committee for the purpose of winning the bid.
267. No smoking and no eating in the group gymnastic exercise room. Alcohol is prohibited before taking part in gymnastic exercise.
268. WFC.N) spokesman said "many of these Chinese companies" were on the firm's "special situations" list of companies, for which purchases on margin are either restricted or prohibited.
269. Dangerous toys, weapons, and narcotic drugs are prohibited on campus. Violator will be dismissed.
270. Mobile phones are often prohibited in hospitals and on airplanes, as the radiofrequency signals may interfere with certain electro-medical devices and navigation systems.
271. Earlier this year, the government prohibited electroshock as treatment for internet addiction.
272. WorldFisher . Fishing in this area is prohibited. Advise you recover your fishing gear.
273. Article 52 Trading in, renting out or lending the Veterinary Drug Manufacturing Licence, Veterinary Drug Distribution Licence or veterinary drug approval documents is prohibited.
274. We have a blue law that government employees are prohibited from dancing and drinking in the night clubs, dancing halls, etc.
275. In law enforcement, a fingerprint examiner can issue only a positive or a negative identification, and is prohibited from speculating on probabilities.
276. Photo taking , audio and video recording are prohibited auditoria.
277. Use of these content in any form, anywhere without my written permission is straightly prohibited.
278. Price - sensitive information is defined as information that is prohibited from being used in insider dealing.
279. Additionally, a usage of the requirement can also be set as required, optional, or prohibited through the use attribute (the default value is required).
280. The use of vulgar, obscene, lewd, or suggestive language is prohibited.
281. Production and distribution of drugs of inferior quality are prohibited.
282. Article 33 It is prohibited to discharge into the sea such wastes as oils, acid liquids, alkaline liquids, hypertoxic waste liquids and waste water with high or medium radioactivity.
283. Insult , libel, false charge or frame - up directed against citizens by any means is prohibited.
284. Meanwhile, a thin - layer chromatography for detecting those prohibited azo dyes in textiles is presented.




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