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单词 Attorney
1. He wants to be an attorney.
2. His attorney argued that Cope could not distinguish between right and wrong.
3. The Attorney General was aware of the political implications of his decision to prosecute.
4. The committee presented its report to the Attorney General.
5. The defence attorney requested an adjournment.
6. He acted as attorney for me.
7. The attorney demonstrated that the witness was lying.
8. The defense attorney phrased his summation at last.
9. He needed to consult with an attorney.
10. We had a long meeting with the attorney general.
11. The attorney for the defense challenged the juror.
12. She was made her father's attorney when he became ill.
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. An attorney is your employee, in a manner of speaking.
14. The attorney for the defense challenged the evidence as hearsay.
15. The defense attorney argued that the judge should declare a mistrial .
16. Luckily, Nancy's father and her attorney were one and the same person.
17. The district attorney said if McVeigh is given the death penalty and his conviction is upheld on appeal, the state prosecution would become moot.
18. The attorney for the union accused the Mayor of playing politics.
19. He referred the matter to the Attorney General for possible action against several newspapers.
20. The attorney quickly turned his main defense argument on its head.
21. He delegated his power of attorney to his sister - in - law .
22. The attorney who will prosecute the case says he cannot reveal how much money is involved.
23. The new district attorney has promised to fight police corruption.
24. She's an attorney who advises companies about mergers and takeovers.
25. If you want to take it further , you should consult an attorney.
26. On his refusal to appear in person or by his attorney, he was pronounced contumacious.
27. I can give you the address of a good attorney.
28. Dodd made no appeal of his death sentence and, further, instructed his attorney to sue anyone who succeeds in delaying his execution.
29. The car seller agreed to escrow the sum of $ 2 000 with her attorney.
30. She was asked to take the witness stand and was then cross-examined by the state attorney.
1. He wants to be an attorney.
2. His attorney argued that Cope could not distinguish between right and wrong.
3. The Attorney General was aware of the political implications of his decision to prosecute.
4. He acted as attorney for me.
5. The defense attorney phrased his summation at last.
6. The attorney for the union accused the Mayor of playing politics.
31. Under pressure, Attorney General Meese announced his resignation.
32. Morgan is a well-known defense attorney.
33. Finally, they visited the city attorney.
34. Mr. Young is a very capable attorney.
35. Attorney Robert Rivas answers yes to both questions.
36. The prosecuting attorney, I think to myself.
37. Almanzo is a deputy attorney general in Oakland.
38. Her ambition was to go to law school and become an attorney.
39. The matter then goes to Justice Department superiors in the office of the deputy attorney general.
40. The plea was part of a deal struck with the Dallas County district attorney.
41. This would be a pity if the Attorney were bluffing.
42. Keating was arrested on Sept. 18 after the Los Angeles district attorney issued a 42-count state indictment against him and three others.http:///attorney.html
43. You are required by the District Attorney to provide your phone bills, both business and personal.
44. Louise Renne, who ran unopposed for city attorney, threw a dim sum party for successful treasurer candidate Susan Leal.
45. The prosecuting attorney was a lifelong friend of both Wilfred and Mark.
46. Looking relaxed and rested, Simpson answered friendly questions from his defense attorney for nearly three hours.
47. Ultimately, the district attorney dropped the charges in October 1984.
48. It could renew calls for Attorney General Janet Reno to appoint an independent counsel to investigate alleged campaign wrongdoing.
49. The Democratic attorney general of Tennessee told Shipley to do what he thought right(), and Shipley had gotten his notes together.
50. Lee is a working attorney undeniably in the mainstream of that community.
51. They also helped uncover a drug manufacturing lab and handled an arrest warrant, according to the State Attorney General's Office.
52. Goldston told jailers he was doing so because he wanted cigarettes, magazines and Los Angeles defense attorney Johnnie Cochran.
53. Harry Reasoner, the lead attorney for the insurers, said they were justified in withholding payment on several grounds.
54. Afterward, he was elected Arkansas attorney general and served as governor for 10 years before becoming president.
55. A deputy attorney general sat ready to protect the interests of the State of California.
56. Ever since he'd given her that power of attorney she'd been getting above herself.
57. He was more interested in telling me about the tactics of the attorney general.
58. City spokesman Kelvin McNeill said police plan to schedule an appointment with the parents, each of whom has a separate attorney.
59. As an attorney, he represented the poor free of charge.
60. A former legal-aid attorney, Mr Morrison is unusual in accepting, even welcoming, a liberal label.
61. The second time we met with Daley, I went with Warren Christopher, the deputy attorney general.
62. In November, the millwrights' local voted to hire me as their attorney.
63. For the city attorney, such a public reversal of legal advice is rare.
64. Attorney General Brewster made an attempt to punish the violators by ordering the local district attorney to make arrests.
65. Attorney General Dan Lungren is the lone Republican candidate thus far.
66. Some jurors even embraced the residents and congratulated lead plaintiffs' attorney George Chandler after the proceedings.
67. I really believe that we would get an attorney and we would represent ourselves.
68. They met when Clinton was attorney general of Arkansas and Riady was an intern at an investment bank there.
69. Finally, the weight of scientific evidence, wielded by an implacable defense attorney, got Miller released and another man indicted.
70. David Holton and Hughes already have entered into an agreement with the local state attorney to settle criminal charges.
71. Gary Near, a San Francisco attorney representing the plaintiffs, said the airlines have precise records of who should get refunds.
72. Reynolds also agreed to buy Anderson a $ 1. 3 million home and pay her attorney fees.
73. But local attorney Bill Risner raises a potential problem for Scott on the governance side of the conflict equation.
74. The Texas Supreme Court will consider a case next month that could seal another entire realm of information: district attorney files.
75. You ought to have instructed your attorney to bring an action against the hawker for criminal conversation with your wife.
76. Gwinn, who takes over as city attorney in December,[] has addressed police and judicial groups around the country.
77. The Washington state attorney general had not decided whether to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court.
78. Lawyers for Attorney General Dan Lungren argued that the initiative did not impose a lifetime ban.
79. He works the crowd so long that the bodyguards hired by his attorney roll their eyes in exhaustion.
80. Wednesday she listened carefully as Attorney General Janet Reno testified in a subcommittee hearing on youth, violence and drugs.
81. That, said the Phoenix prosecuting attorney sardonically, was a story she could sell.
82. He was a district attorney in Pennsylvania, I was a writer on Cape Cod.
83. An attorney representing a client before a court helps to make the trial fair, but the attorney is not neutral.
84. Grimes is out on bail and his attorney, Martin Goldberg, declined to comment Wednesday.
85. Most criminal cases are therefore settled without trial by the process of plea bargaining between the prosecutor and the defense attorney.
86. Either criminal or civil proceedings may be brought by the Attorney General.
87. BReid, who is a former deputy district attorney, did not return a phone call seeking comment.
88. BThe district attorney notifies them by letter to attend a meeting at the school auditorium.
89. The showdown between a district attorney and a Houston Chronicle reporter who refuses to reveal her sources moves into federal court Monday.
90. But the reverse is true when an attorney represents a person who is obviously guilty or whose guilt is widely perceived.
91. Simons sent his attorney to meet with the ranchers in hopes that they could still come to an amicable settlement.
92. Clinton named a new assistant attorney general for civil rights, Deval Patrick, who persuaded the administration to switch sides.
93. Mayor Graham Richard should direct his city attorney to release the report.
94. Theodore Graham, an attorney representing the out-of-work San Diego Symphony musicians.
95. Art Modell spoke briefly to the group, then turned over his case to his attorney, Robert Weber of Cleveland.
96. There were no arrests, but the attorney general is considering pressing charges against club operators.
97. The city attorney rarely takes a position on the legality of proposed ballot measures before they qualify.
98. The regional attorney general's office is investigating corruption allegations against the university's former rector that involve millions of dollars.
99. His brilliant career as attorney lifted him into prominence and gave him acceptance as spokesman for the untouchables.
100. There is additional evidence of bad feeling between you and the prosecuting attorney inasmuch as you personally fired him from his post.
101. Under an arrangement with the district attorney there, her testimony in San Jose can not be used against her.
102. When the Texas attorney general wrote an informal opinion saying the records should be released, the school district sued Lett.
102. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
103. He said the Attorney General's office overstepped its authority and acted improperly.
104. David Hartigan begat Neil Hartigan, ward boss and chief park district attorney.
105. Cameron the right to bring her own lawsuit and thus requiring her to find an attorney to represent her.
106. It is the beginning of a campaign of total relentless surveillance carried out at the direction of the Attorney General.
107. Abbe David Lowell, a white attorney who has defended numerous public officials, including Democratic Rep.
108. The district has not released details of Rehkopf's allegations, which are being investigated by an attorney for the district.
109. An attorney for the plaintiffs did not return a call.
110. This was Antonio Lozano Gracias, whose appointment as attorney general Zedillo hoped would give the assassination investigations credibility.
111. The assistant attorney general then shipped it back to Dewey without even attaching a letter.
112. So the city attorney wants him to say goodbye to the animals that have become his extended family?
113. We have an attorney general who was a leading opponent of gun control in the Senate.
114. Medina remains in federal detention in New York, while his attorney tries to arrange his bond.
115. Called at the instance of his attorney.
116. You have the right to an attorney.
117. The defendant has the right to an attorney.
118. For the last several years, Chicago attorney Karl Anderson, 52, has been eating high-fiber, low-sugar oatmeal and raisin bran for breakfast, often with a banana.
119. Ms. Goeres-Arce, who is now a stylist at Elements Salon in Escondido, provided evidence for California Attorney General Kamala D.
120. The state's attorney general says he wants to give workers more time to find the records and give lawyers time to review them.
121. Judges and lawyers expect chaos in the courts if Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson sticks to his guns and refuses to plea-bargain felony indictments, ...
122. In a trial, a southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand.
123. The Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, has reported one of its own officers to the attorney general over allegations of complicity in torture, the foreign secretary revealed today.
124. Michael Moretti's attorney was a tall, silver-haired man in his fifties, the consigliere for the Syndicate, and one of the shrewdest criminal lawyers in the country.
125. He is a patent attorney by day, web ninja by night, and helped me wordsmith the 960 copy.
126. "The removal ... of John Demjanjuk is a historic moment in the federal government's efforts to bring Nazi war criminals to justice," said U.S. Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer.
127. Attorney Wang began his legal career as a lawyer in 1984 and in 1986 he passed the first National Bar Examination and being granted the lawyer's qualification.
128. Examples might include a corporate president or an attorney who misused information regarding a planned but unannounced takeover attempt.
129. The attorney for the appealing party (the appellant) and the attorney for the party who won in the lower court (the appellee) file briefs, or written arguments, with the court of appeals.
130. The American Idol star already has career plans for 5-month-old Aiden (with wife Caroline, 25)."I've told him, 'Go be a doctor.Don't be an attorney, don't be a musician,' " says Bice.
131. U.S. District Court Judge Henry Hudson's preliminary ruling concluded that the Virginia attorney general had a right to defend that state law.
132. Dr. Strecker and his brother, Ted, an attorney, were preparing a proposal for a health maintenance organisation (HMO) for Security Pacific Bank of California.
132. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
133. The state attorney general's office is conducting its own investigation and could bring additional state charges.
134. Reno was the first female Attorney General of the United States (1993–2001).
135. Said his attorney Brian Oxman, "I think it's an important issue for all fathers around the country and around the world that when their child dies they should have a say-so in their child's estate."
136. Should a proxy attend the creditors' meeting on behalf of the creditor, a letter of attorney from the creditor shall be submitted to the People's Court or Chairman of the creditors' meeting.
137. Messages left on Thursday with Bayonne Superintendent of Schools Patricia L. McGeehan and district attorney Robert Merryman were not immediately returned.
138. Because the wealthier party can afford the more skillful attorney, the system unjustifiably favors the wealthy.
139. The attorney general was authorized to request only a cease and desist order, which, if not followed, could be punished as contempt of court.
140. Owens also wrote, in his letter to the Zambian attorney general, that the AR-15 automatic rifle he is seen carrying in the ABC broadcast was a fake.
141. You have the right to an attorney present during questioning.
142. A better way to prevent Hurd from working for a competitor would have been for HP to make his severance payable over time, said Stephen Hirschfeld, an employment attorney in San Francisco.
143. For more information about workers'compensation insurance, contact a qualified attorney.
144. Mr. Attorney - General sat down, and the father and daughter sat down together.
145. The state attorney general's office will decide whether to appeal the case.
146. Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law needs some room to soar.
147. We are now working together with Authority, Our corporation lawyer and Patent attorney to deal with this matter.
148. But the top lawyer in Illinois, State Attorney General Lisa Madigan, says the governor may be rethinking his position.
149. Customs attorney seal -- go to the Customs to, or customs agent will have these.
150. Their featured resource is to link to the websites of the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents and the Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys to help you find a patent agent and a trademark attorney.
151. Urban forest resources and assets assessment system should be established so as to promote the attorney of woodland usufruct.
152. I cannot believe the brazenness of the District Attorney in Jena.
153. February 23,1905: Chicago attorney Paul Harris and three other businessmen meet for lunch to form the Rotary Club, the world's first service club.
154. Saddam Hussein called me and said he would like me to write a letter to Ramsey [Clark, a former US attorney general] and say that we condemn the attack.
155. On August 3, 1998, two weeks before the President's grand jury testimony, a White House physician drew blood from the President in the presence of a senior OIC attorney and a FBI special agent.
156. A federal initiative called Project Safe Neighbourhoods (PSN) pays for the programme; the federal district attorney directs it.
157. The employment of illegal immigrants was not that uncommon then, but it was a particular problem for Zo, because the attorney general oversees the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
158. The power of attorney is in duplicate. The authorizer and the insurer will each have one copy. The insurer reserves all the rights.
159. In Illinois, the state attorney general has accused the bank of marketing high-cost loans to blacks and Latinos while selling lower-cost loans to white borrowers.
160. The plaintiff's attorney then has the opportunity for redirect examination, to repair any damage done by the cross-examination.
161. A complaint by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles alleges that Moundir Kamil set up a series of bank accounts under Bren’s name at a branch of Pasadena-based East West Bank (NasdaqGS: EWBC).
162. US Attorney General Eric Holder said on Monday President Barack Obama's administration was considering ways to seek prosecutions over their release.
162. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
163. They moved to Washington and had three children. But Mildred was so unhappy that, in nineteen sixty-three she wrote to the United States attorney general, Robert Kennedy.
164. We went to see the superintendent of police, and Armand handed over Marguerite' s si ster' s letter of attorney.
165. American law permits the participation of the attorney in the plaintiff's recovery(contingent fee)which not uncommonly amounts to 25 to 33 percent of the verdict.
166. They had a third alternative in Joe Purcell, a decent, low-key man who had been attorney general and lieutenant governor and done a good job with both positions.
167. The probe was launched in January after Samsung's former chief attorney said the company had created a special slush fund to bribe government officials.
168. Second, please brief us on the visit by US Attorney General Holder.
169. The branch Jia has the power of attorney from the Company C, so he can provide a suretyship.
170. The former state attorney general and congressman seems like a perfectly decent mainline Democrat.
171. Some religious groups have argued the law could criminalize conservative speech, but the Attorney General says it would be used only to prosecute violence.
172. Where a representative is entrusted in the action, a letter of attorney signed or sealed by the party that entrusted the representative must be presented to the people's court.
173. Heather Williams, the first assistant federal public defender in Arizona, said they're asking that San Diego attorney Judy Clarke be appointed.
174. The poor fellow had got the attorney to promise secrecy.
175. During my service as the Attorney General of the United States, I have had the privilege of working with many of you on a broad range of issues.
176. The US Attorney General Eric Holder says more names could be added to America's terrorism watch lists, using information seized from the Pakistani compound where Osama Bin Laden was killed.
177. Hendrix soon learned that Harrington's attorney had filed a Child in Need of Care petition in Shawnee County District Court that morning.
178. Stock option as a long-term inspiration mechanism, is proved to be a effective mechanism to solve conflicts between consigner and attorney that arose from separation of management and possession.
179. Speaking for the Blair Administration, British Attorney General Lord Goldsmith made the same point.
180. Even if you're running a one-person business, invite your spouse or significant other, a trusted friend who knows your business, and--if you can afford the hourly fees--your accountant or attorney.
181. Plus, says Michael Gilfix, an elder-law attorney in Palo Alto, Calif., people tend to underestimate their holdings or forget about accounts, so you may find that you have more than you think.
182. History: The Office of the Attorney General was created by the Judiciary Act of 1789 as one of the original Cabinet posts, but was intended to be a one-person, part-time position.
183. But the owners at the time refused to spin MySpace off before Eliot Spitzer, then New York's attorney general, began investigating Intermix, and the site was sold to News Corp.
184. Nevertheless, Acting Attorney General Bork followed President Nixon's directive to dismiss the prosecutor without cause.
185. BBC News with Mary Small. The United States Attorney General Eric Holder has picked a special prosecutor to investigate the alleged CIA mistreatment of terror suspects.
186. Separately, Attorney General-designate Eric Holder testified at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
187. Des Moines attorney and former candidate for Iowa state treasurer Joan Bolin agrees.




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