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单词 Conduct
(1) Your conduct is not consistent with what you say.
(2) He dare not tell us his evil conduct.
(3) The prisoner was released early because of good conduct.
(4) Police will conduct random breath tests.
(5) Ethics deals with moral conduct.
(6) This is a conduct that beseems a gentleman.
(7) This conduct is more than I can digest.
(8) We accused him of immortal conduct toward her.
(9) Such conduct is unworthy of praise.
(10) We condemned him for his bad conduct.
(11) The victim's conduct had involved an element of provocation.
(12) Everyone was shocked by his unseemly conduct.
(13) His conduct disagrees with his words.
(14) I'm fed up with your conduct.
(15) I doubt the wisdom of his conduct.
(16) She was affronted at his conduct.
(17) His conduct vexed her very much.
(18) He was arrested for disorderly conduct.
(19) The prisoner was released early for good conduct.
(20) by the same rules of social conduct as other people.
(21) I was called to account for my conduct by the headmistress.
(22) His conduct was totally unbecoming to an officer in the British armed services.
(23) 25 officers were investigated following allegations of improper conduct during the murder inquiry.
(24) From beginning to end his conduct had been despicable and wicked.
(25) Her family was given safe conduct to Britain when civil war broke out.
(26) The dean tasked me to conduct experiments with new teaching methods.
(27) The virtue of a man ought to be measured not by his extraordinary exertions, but by his everyday conduct
(28) She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct.
(29) Tom is suspended from school for a week for bad conduct.
(30) Several colleges in our study have rigid rules about student conduct.
(1) Your conduct is not consistent with what you say.
(2) Police will conduct random breath tests.
(3) Such conduct is unworthy of praise.
(4) The victim's conduct had involved an element of provocation.
(5) His conduct disagrees with his words.
(6) I doubt the wisdom of his conduct.
(7) He was arrested for disorderly conduct.
(8) The prisoner was released early for good conduct.
(9) She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct.
(10) His conduct was totally unbecoming to an officer in the British armed services.
(11) 25 officers were investigated following allegations of improper conduct during the murder inquiry.
(12) Her family was given safe conduct to Britain when civil war broke out.
(13) Several colleges in our study have rigid rules about student conduct.
(14) They favour the self-regulation of the industry, and strict codes of conduct have already been issued by the Advertising Association.
(15) Sir William had the ability to conduct proceedings in a dignified manner without ever becoming stuffy.
(16) Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.
(17) His conduct made him unfit to act as director of a company.
(18) The committee concluded that the senators had engaged in improper conduct.
(19) The priest wore a purple vestment to conduct the funeral services.
(20) In justification of his conduct, he pleaded that he was merely obeying orders.
(21) Furthermore, there is a marked absence of peer pressure here, which would make itself palpably felt when such anti - social conduct occurs.
(22) Because of the war they were obliged to conduct their courtship by post.
(31) They favour the self-regulation of the industry, and strict codes of conduct have already been issued by the Advertising Association.
(32) Sir William had the ability to conduct proceedings in a dignified manner without ever becoming stuffy.
(33) Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.
(34) His conduct made him unfit to act as director of a company.
(35) Let him be cordial in his ways and refined in conduct ; thereby full of joy he will make an end of ill.
(36) Such a conduct derogates from his merit.
(37) The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy.
(38) She was displeased by his conduct.
(39) Her conduct throughout was irreproachable.
(40) Her conduct occasions me great anxiety.
(41) His conduct offended against the rules of decent behaviour.
(42) His moral conduct is amply certificated.
(43) Actors may hire agents to conduct their affairs.
(44) The evaluation of conduct involves some amount of generalization.
(45) His conduct admits of no excuse.
(46) He was accused of conduct unbecoming to an officer.
(47) She did negative your conduct.
(48) I blushed for your degraded conduct.
(49) He was criticized for his conduct of the inquiry.
(50) You will have to answer me for your conduct.
(51) His conduct has been beyond reproach.
(52) Her recent conduct is beyond the pale.
(53) Conduct regular checks on your water quality.
(54) She was found guilty of unprofessional conduct.
(55) Is it really necessary to conduct experiments on animals?
(56) He wanted to conduct his own defence.
(57) Johnson was fired for unprofessional conduct.
(58) Her conduct is above criticism.
(59) Please account for your disgraceful conduct.
(60) Rules governing student conduct relaxed somewhat in recent years.
(61) Such conduct is unlikely to advance your interests.
(62) Such conduct is beneath contempt.
(63) Her conduct had always been beyond reproach.
(64) Your conduct will seriously reflect upon your future.
(65) Conduct me to your teacher.
(66) Such conduct admits of no excuse.
(67) Such conduct will derogate from your reputation.
(68) You disgraced yourself by your conduct.
(69) Her conduct displeased her family.
(70) His conduct roused the suspicion of the police.
(71) He should learn how to conduct a meeting.
(72) His conduct deserves to be reprehended.
(73) Her conduct at school well merits praise.
(74) The sport has a strict code of conduct.
(75) He is famous for his good conduct.
(76) The violent conduct by the strikers was condemned.
(77) His conduct was thoroughly reprehensible.
(78) Can you justify your conduct to me?
(79) I am deeply offended by her conduct.
(80) He was also fined $150 for unprofessional conduct.
(80) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(81) She was appointed to conduct the advertising campaign.
(82) Most plastics do not readily conduct electricity.
(83) I decided to conduct an experiment.
(84) Our organization sets high standards of professional conduct.
(85) His conduct is under examination.
(86) Your children conduct themselves well.
(87) She has received a written warning about her conduct.
(88) She was questioned about his immoral conduct toward her.
(89) How did the prisoner conduct himself?
(90) This sort of conduct hardly becomes a gentleman.
(91) Solti will continue to conduct here and abroad.
(92) He was uncritical of his son's conduct.
(93) Management refused to carry out/conduct a green audit.
(94) His conduct at school besmeared his father's reputation.
(95) His conduct is so bad it beggars description.
(96) Such conduct will compromise your reputation.
(97) She explained her conduct to her boss.
(98) More and more companies are using the internet to conduct their business.
(99) Any officer who is convicted of conduct unbecoming an officer shall be court-martialled.
(100) The minister was called to court to explain his conduct.
(101) Metals conduct electricity well.
(102) The committee concluded that the senators had engaged in improper conduct.
(103) We hope for a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.
(104) The business conduct of this bank will be subject to UK rules.
(105) How you choose to conduct your private life is your own business!
(106) After your conduct last time, did you expect to be invited again?
(107) OFSTED's brief is such that it can conduct any inquiry or provide any advice which the Secretary of State requires.
(108) Students were asked to conduct a survey and write up their findings in the form of a report.
(109) The accord also lays down guidelines for the conduct of American drug enforcement agents.
(110) Efforts were made to regulate the conduct of crowds at football games.
(110) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(111) He has trouble understanding that other people judge him by his conduct.
(112) We conduct regular checks on the quality of our products.
(113) The commission appointed a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry.
(114) I'm a professional and I have to conduct myself in a professional manner.
(115) The priest wore a purple vestment to conduct the funeral services.
(116) Clinics will be subject to a new code of conduct and stronger controls by local authorities.
(117) His conduct that evening was to say the least curious.
(118) In justification of his conduct, he pleaded that he was merely obeying orders.
(119) Most people believe they conduct their private and public lives in accordance with Christian morality.
(120) Polish referee Ryszard Wojoik reported two Leeds United players for violent conduct.
(121) The elders were responsible for the proper conduct of community life.
(122) They had to conduct market research, then advertise the product.
(123) There was growing criticism of the Government's conduct of the war.
(124) There was growing criticism of the government's conduct of the war.
(125) He will conduct the Vienna Philharmonic in the final concert of the season.
(126) The accusations are making the government's conduct appear increasingly sleazy.
(127) The government will conduct a full-scale inquiry into the crash.
(128) Furthermore, there is a marked absence of peer pressure here, which would make itself palpably felt when such anti - social conduct occurs.
(129) The new code of conduct lays down the ground rules for management-union relations.
(130) It is about time tour operators respected the law and their own code of conduct.
(131) Such lightness of conduct is not to be permitted in church.
(132) The company hired Bob to conduct an independent review of their workplace procedures.
(133) Also up for discussion will be the conduct of free and fair elections.
(134) Doctor Rivers was charged with gross negligence, unprofessional conduct and improper use of dangerous drugs.
(135) I could never stoop to such conduct as that;I should consider it beneath me.
(136) A new team of detectives were called in to conduct a fresh inquiry.
(137) His retirement won't make any difference to the way we conduct our affairs.
(138) I asked the attendant to conduct him to the door / conduct him out.
(139) The Senator's conduct is being investigated by the Ethics Committee.
(140) She took the initiative in asking the board to conduct an enquiry.http://
(141) The conduct of foreign policy is largely the preserve of the president.
(142) I admired your conduct.
(143) One expects people in the public eye to conduct their personal lives with a certain decorum.
(144) The teacher was dismissed from his post for unprofessional conduct.
(145) I deliberated with him on his future course of conduct.
(146) The robbers wanted safe conduct to the airport for themselves and their hostages.
(147) Disclosure of information would compromise the proper conduct of the investigation.
(148) They define sexual harassment as unwanted conduct of a sexual nature.
(149) It is tempting to think of morality as a guide to human conduct.
(150) In this stage of a rape case, the focus often shifts onto the victim and her conduct.
(151) Highly critical comments have been made about the conduct of some ministers.
(152) Such conduct hardly sorts with the position as a teacher.
(153) Before embarking on any exercise, you should conduct a cost-benefit analysis.
(154) The company agreed to conduct a feasibility study for a hydroelectric plant at Aimores.
(155) He said it was a heresy to suggest that women should not conduct services.
(156) It is difficult to reconcile one's statements with one's conduct.
(157) Other groups such as the Church of God conduct their services with much more informality and a greater display of emotion.
(158) His conduct was deplorable.
(159) The guerillas were promised safe conduct out of the country.
(160) Doctors in Britain say a new code of conduct is urgently needed to protect the doctor-patient relationship.
(161) Because of the war they were obliged to conduct their courtship by post.
(162) Their conduct both on and off the pitch was excellent.
(163) He was feeling after a reason for their unusual conduct.
(164) It's about time you gave over that kind of conduct.
(165) In view of his conduct, the club has decided to suspend him.
(166) A private detective was hired to conduct the investigation .
(167) The report challenges them to examine how they conduct themselves in the workplace.
(168) It is hard to view his conduct in a favourable light.
(169) She wrote an article attacking the judges and their conduct of the trial.
(170) She said that she didn't want a lawyer and was going to conduct her own defence.
(170) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(171) The newlyweds decided to conduct family planning for lack of a sound economic base.
(172) He was hauled up before the local magistrates for disorderly conduct.
(173) May I conduct you to your table, sir, or would you prefer to have a drink at the bar first?
(174) His conduct was inconsistent with what is expected of a Congressman.
(175) How should I conduct myself at these dinners? I know nothing about etiquette.
(176) Lord Clarendon's liberal credo was one of the foundations of his political conduct.
(177) I always try to conduct myself reasonably in public.
(178) Although controversies still abound, there are some guiding principles for the conduct of daily schooling.
(179) He appoints a pontifical commission to conduct the administrative affairs of the state.
(180) They were for use by statesmen and diplomats, working aids for the men engaged in the conduct of international affairs.
(181) The Rules of Conduct cover the totality of a registrant's conduct, but several are directly applicable to risk issues.
(182) Avon and Somerset Police have summonsed Redknapp to appear in court to answer charges of alleged abusive conduct.
(183) However the FBI-style agency will not conduct its own investigations or prosecutions, although many Whitehall insiders believe this could eventually happen.
(184) In children too there seems to be an increase in problems relating to antisocial, aggressive conduct and delinquent acts.
(185) Until radicals grasped the need to conduct their affairs in absolute secrecy, their chances of conspiring effectively were remote.
(186) He also asked his bioethics advisory panel to conduct a full review and report back to him in 90 days.
(187) You can also conduct profit forecasts(), identify profitable work and problem areas.
(188) Equally, there are those who conduct their affairs with imagination and equanimity.
(189) Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble. Samuel Johnson 
(190) Teachers employed by the Region who wish to conduct research in their own school only require approval from their headteachers.
(191) Most of us would agree with any condemnation of such conduct.
(192) He said he had to conduct some business with the grain merchant.
(193) Today they were given approval to mount a High Court Challenge over the coroner's conduct.
(194) I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty. Adolf Hitler 
(195) It makes me an adherent to a code of conduct which helps hold society together.
(196) A working group of nonprofit agencies was set up to conduct the annual negotiations with the State Department.
(197) After all, constitutionally, ministers are answerable to Parliament for the conduct of their Departments.
(198) In 1956, the contrast from conduct at all previous conventions was startling.
(199) Your conduct is inexcusable.
(200) We can only stress that no reputable antiques dealer would ever conduct business on a doorstep.
(201) Companies wishing to join will have to abide by a code of conduct.
(202) Political action groups lay in wait for companies that stumble in their conduct and treatment of multiple stake-holders.
(203) Eighteen months later an appellate court reversed the convictions and criticized the conduct of the trial judge and the prosecution.
(204) There are four pillars to a happy marriage: respect one another as individuals; (give) soft answers; (practice)financial honesty; (conduct) family prayer. Gordon B. Hinckley 
(205) Thompson is seeking Senate approval for a $ 6. 5 million budget to conduct wide-ranging hearings later this year.
(206) The committee also continues to act as adviser to the Professional Conduct Department on the technical aspects of disciplinary complaints.
(207) Management consultancy divisions of accounting firms tend to be strong on business advice and professional codes of conduct.
(208) By ethical conduct toward all creatures, we enter into a spiritual relationship with the universe. Albert Schweitzer 
(209) Burke and Chinkin set out an expert's code of conduct in an appendix to their article cited at 14.9.2.
(210) A code of conduct relating to the use of software acquired for educational purposes has been adopted by the University.
(211) A good abstract painting is an experiment I don't have to conduct because some one has done it for me.
(212) But when he spoke again it was only to express some anxiety about the conduct of the services while he was away.
(213) Interestingly, this attitude contrasts starkly with how people conduct their clinical practice or academic research.
(214) In the first few hours after the verdict, 60 people were arrested on charges of disorderly conduct.
(215) The continent approached the cataclysm of 1914 with a formal apparatus for the conduct of international relations which now seems strikingly small.
(216) There appeared to be a man using her room to conduct the business of the Western nuclear alliance.
(217) This can not and will not be accomplished without major changes in how we conduct our businesses.
(218) Politics: A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage. Ambrose Bierce 
(219) My father seemed to be happy to conduct his affairs through them for long enough.




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