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单词 Investigation
1. Truth never fears investigation.
2. DNA fingerprinting has proved the clincher in this investigation.
3. Investigative journalism presupposes some level of investigation.
4. Both companies are under investigation for corrupt practices.
5. The investigation uncovered widespread corruption within the police force.
6. The investigation continued for nearly three years.
7. These documents are largely irrelevant to the present investigation.
8. The police carried out a thorough investigation.
9. The investigation has laid bare their fraudulent scheme.
10. Last night the headmaster promised a full investigation.
11. The research has opened up new realms for investigation.
12. The investigation yielded some unexpected results.
13. The police investigation will take weeks.
14. On investigation, his claim was found to be bogus.
15. The police have eliminated two suspects from their investigation.
16. We are making a thorough investigation.
17. Judge Frederick Lacey headed up the investigation.
18. The police were accused of mishandling the investigation.
19. The authorities conducted an extensive investigation into his tax affairs.
20. The witness in the bribery investigation refused to name names.
21. An investigation is underway after a missile self-destructed shortly after it was launched.
22. The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster.
23. An investigation uncovered mismanagement and a lack of proper financial controls.
24. Further investigation was hindered by the loss of all documentation on the case.
25. We need a detailed investigation to determine exactly why these cancers are occurring.
26. He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigation.
27. The chairman has also given his approval for an investigation into the case.
28. The vehicle was impounded as part of the police investigation.
29. He asked Strathclyde police, which carried out the original investigation, to make fresh inquiries.
30. I want to make it clear, however, that no one is untouchable in this investigation.
1. DNA fingerprinting has proved the clincher in this investigation.
2. Investigative journalism presupposes some level of investigation.
3. Both companies are under investigation for corrupt practices.
4. The investigation uncovered widespread corruption within the police force.
5. The investigation continued for nearly three years.
6. These documents are largely irrelevant to the present investigation.
7. The police carried out a thorough investigation.
8. The investigation has laid bare their fraudulent scheme.
9. Last night the headmaster promised a full investigation.
10. The research has opened up new realms for investigation.
11. The investigation yielded some unexpected results.
12. The police investigation will take weeks.
13. On investigation, his claim was found to be bogus.
14. The police have eliminated two suspects from their investigation.
15. We are making a thorough investigation.
16. Judge Frederick Lacey headed up the investigation.
17. The police were accused of mishandling the investigation.
18. He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigation.
19. The chairman has also given his approval for an investigation into the case.
20. The authorities conducted an extensive investigation into his tax affairs.
21. He asked Strathclyde police, which carried out the original investigation, to make fresh inquiries.
22. An investigation is underway after a missile self-destructed shortly after it was launched.
23. The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster.
24. An investigation uncovered mismanagement and a lack of proper financial controls.
25. I want to make it clear, however, that no one is untouchable in this investigation.
26. Further investigation was hindered by the loss of all documentation on the case.
27. We need a detailed investigation to determine exactly why these cancers are occurring.
28. Apart from criminal investigation techniques, students learn forensic medicine, philosophy and logic.
29. People think that the investigation was independent, but in fact a lot of political manipulation went on.
30. This is a disgraceful state of affairs and cries out for a thorough investigation.
31. Apart from criminal investigation techniques, students learn forensic medicine, philosophy and logic.
32. People think that the investigation was independent, but in fact a lot of political manipulation went on.
33. This is a disgraceful state of affairs and cries out for a thorough investigation.
34. The investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.
34. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
35. In an investigation, a new fact became known, which told against him.
36. truth never fears investigation.
37. The matter is the subject of a police investigation, and we have been advised not to comment.
38. An investigation is underway to find out how the disaster happened.
39. We have nothing but praise for the way they handled the investigation.
40. So far, the police investigation has drawn a blank.
41. The police pressed on with the investigation.
42. The investigation report was laced with lies.
43. He refused to soft-pedal an investigation into the scandal.
44. The committee is presenting its investigation report next week.
45. The police have opened an investigation into the death.
46. Baker demanded an investigation of the district attorney's office.
47. The legal authorities cranked up the investigation.
48. The coroner ordered an investigation into the man's death.
49. Several facts started to emerge from my investigation.
50. The case does not merit further investigation.
51. Several firms were under investigation for sanctions busting.
52. I didn't lose too much sleep over that investigation.
53. The report of the investigation had been watered down.
54. The investigation turned into a full-scale Communist witch hunt.
55. The committee reported its findings after a thorough investigation.
56. The investigation failed to provide any conclusive evidence.
57. His tax affairs are under investigation by the police.
58. The President has ordered a full investigation.
59. Every available officer will be assigned to the investigation.
60. We cannot prosecute the investigation further.
31. The investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.
32. An investigation is underway to find out how the disaster happened.
33. We have nothing but praise for the way they handled the investigation.
34. The committee reported its findings after a thorough investigation.
34. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
35. They have arrived at a solution via scientific investigation.
36. The investigation does seem haphazard.
61. The defendant complained of intimidation during the investigation.
62. The investigation has entered a new phase.
63. The commission concluded its investigation last month.
64. The police have launched an investigation into the incident.
65. An investigation exonerated the school from any blame.
66. The police investigation was very thorough.
67. They have arrived at a solution via scientific investigation.
68. Police have launched an investigation into the allegations.
69. Closer investigation showed this idea to be untenable.
70. Carter was the senior case officer on the investigation.
71. An exhaustive investigation of the facts proves the contrary.
72. He agreed to co-operate with the police investigation.
73. U.S. prosecutors have widened a securities-fraud investigation.
74. The investigation will be led by Inspector Scarfe.
75. Flights were suspended pending investigation of the crash.
76. Talbot was presented with 80 potential avenues of investigation.
77. The investigation led to disciplinary action against two officers.
78. His disappearance has been the subject of intensive investigation.
79. Their investigation report was full of ambiguities.
80. Investigation exculpated him from the charge.
81. This subject lies beyond the scope of our investigation.
82. He ordered an investigation into the affair.
83. The investigation homed in on the town of Carlton.
84. The investigation needed to be handled sensitively.
85. No new evidence emerged during the investigation.
86. The allegations are serious enough to warrant an investigation.
87. The police investigation hasn't turned up any new evidence.
88. Detectives have launched a murder investigation .
89. The investigation will inquire into the company's financial dealings.
90. The authorities are obstructing a United Nations investigation.
91. The government has ordered an investigation into the accident.
92. The investigation vindicated her complaint about the newspaper.
93. The BBC promised a full investigation .
94. The government would hold an investigation on the charge.
95. Are there further developments in the investigation?
96. The club is under investigation by the fraud squad.
97. The investigation does seem haphazard.
98. The police are broadening the scope of their investigation.
99. Morris should step aside until the investigation is completed.
100. They're still plodding along with their investigation.
101. The deputy state fire marshal led the arson investigation.
102. He has promised a thorough investigation into the affair.
103. There was a call today to reopen the investigation into the bombing.
104. Mr Turner was directing the investigation from a very early stage.
105. During the investigation,[] two detectives assumed the identities of antiques dealers.
106. The net result of the long police investigation is that the identity of the killer is still a complete mystery.
107. There was concern in the city that police were making little headway in the investigation.
108. The bank conducted its own internal investigation into the robbery.
109. He pledged that there would be no whitewash and that the police would carry out a full investigation.
110. The case was sufficiently serious to warrant investigation by the police.
111. I'd like to bring Inspector Lacey in on this investigation.
112. A police investigation yesterday absolved the police of all blame in the incident.
113. So far as I am aware, no proper investigation has ever been carried out into the subject.
114. The investigation barely scratched the surface of the city's drug problem.
115. They have narrowed the focus of the investigation, to concentrate on younger adults.
116. Red-faced officials ordered an investigation into the cause of the accident.
117. The investigation revealed a panorama of corruption and illegal dealings.
118. The government is expected to issue a statement about the investigation to the press.
119. The US attorney's office has opened an investigation into the matter.
120. The investigation led up to the conclusion that the plan was practicable.
121. The general session approved the report of the investigation committee.
122. Currently, the individuals who might have caused the accident are subject to/under investigation.
123. Scientists are conducting an investigation into the causes of the accident.
124. The results have been encouraging enough to merit further investigation.
125. He was named as the prime suspect in the murder investigation.
126. She would like an investigation into the assassination of her husband.
127. I was treated with decorum and respect throughout the investigation.
128. The police are working in conjunction with tax officers on the investigation.
129. The investigation into the air crash would inevitably apportion blame to certain members of the crew.
130. On investigation[/investigation.html], the noise turned out to be only a door banging.
131. The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident.
132. The police investigation was met with a wall of silence.
133. There should be an investigation into the cause of the disaster.
134. The authorities are planning to launch a full-scale investigation into the crash.
135. With a microscope, a whole new world of investigation opens up.
136. We seem to have come up against a brick wall in this investigation.
137. She was the second minister to come under investigation for corruption.
138. The police are now back at square one in their investigation.
139. In 1989 they started an investigation that was to blow the lid off corruption in the police force.
140. It would serve no useful purpose to re-open the investigation.
141. The investigation revealed political chicanery and corruption at the highest levels.
142. They claim that police lost valuable time in the early part of the investigation.
143. A lengthy police investigation failed to produce any evidence on which the suspect could be convicted.
144. After investigation they learned that the brain wave, which was a side of the brain will sleep.
145. It would be premature to accuse anyone until the investigation is complete.
146. A cabinet minister came under investigation for links to the Mafia.
147. The German sports federation said it would hold an investigation.
148. The United States and Israel clashed over demands for a UN investigation into the killings.
149. Disclosure of information would compromise the proper conduct of the investigation.
150. All practices of corruption and corrupt elements shall be found out through investigation without tolerance or lenience.
151. The investigation had aimed at a loosely organised group of criminals.
152. For such views or criticisms, which are not based on thorough investigation, are nothing but ignorant twaddle.
153. The investigation will rely on existing powers to subpoena documents.
154. If you have any information that is material to the investigation, you should state it now.
155. He ordered disclosure of a medical report to the Metropolitan Police in pursuance of an investigation of murder.
156. This line of investigation could prove to be a complete dead end.
157. Police immediately began an investigation, but did not suspect foul play .
158. When the results of the fraud investigation were announced last week, the staff came up smelling of roses.
159. The singer is currently under investigation for possessing illegal drugs.
160. He drew the conclusion by building on his own investigation.
161. After a fairly exhaustive investigation, they were able to put things right.
162. The police spent three months barking up the wrong tree on the murder investigation.
163. He said he had done nothing wrong to merit a criminal investigation.
164. This investigation has been mismanaged right from the start - I've never seen such a foul-up.
165. Newspaper reporters were given nothing but the bare facts by the Superintendent in charge of the investigation.
166. The investigation will try to find out where the guilt for the disaster really lies.
167. An investigation has been under way for several days into the disappearance of a thirteen-year-old boy.
168. It seemed as if the police had thrown in the towel and were abandoning the investigation.
169. The Canadian police plan to launch an investigation into the deal.
170. A private detective was hired to conduct the investigation .
171. Members of the special investigation group are few in number.
172. The investigation has only just started so the police haven't got much to go on at the moment.
173. The human brain was thought to be inaccessible to experimental investigation.
174. You know what they'll be like if they get a sniff of a murder investigation.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:05:46