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单词 moniker
释义  mon·i·ker /ˈmɒnɪkə $ ˈmɑːnɪkər/ noun [countable] informal  NAME OF A PERSONa name, especially one that you choose for yourself or give something – used humorously 名字,别号,绰号〔幽默用法〕Examples from the Corpusmoniker• He's dropped the long-redundant Associates moniker and is standing alone, on his own merits.• So, in honor of their waiting, waiting, how about a more-fitting moniker?• What he said in 1 714, perhaps in jest, later gained acceptance as the perfect moniker for the marine timekeeper.• Phillips operates in 26 of those 37 states, with 7,200 outlets carrying the Phillips moniker.• Burke still goes under the moniker of "the king of rock and soul."• The parent company also will discard the Woolworth name for an undisclosed moniker later this year.Origin moniker (1800-1900) Shelta munnik, from Irish Gaelic ainmmon·i·ker nounChineseSyllable  name, especially for that you choose one Corpus a




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