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单词 Emerge
1. The tadpoles metamorphose and emerge onto land.
2. The flowers emerge in the spring.
3. The baby's head was starting to emerge from the womb.
4. Several facts started to emerge from my investigation.
5. Hopes grew that a workable peace settlement might emerge.
6. What sort of picture is starting to emerge ?
7. The winged adult mosquitoes emerge from the pupae.
8. A general pattern began to emerge .
9. On studying the different historians' accounts, common threads emerge.
10. Problems with this drug are now beginning to emerge.
11. After the elections opposition groups began to emerge.
12. When did sociology emerge as a distinct discipline?
13. Two weeks later the moth will emerge in its adult form.
14. We assume that competent doctors emerge at the end of an obstacle course of traditional examinations based on facts.
15. We were confident that the Allies would emerge victorious .
16. The facts behind the scandal are sure to emerge eventually.
17. A pattern is beginning to emerge from our analysis of the accident data.
18. The missiles emerge from the underbelly of the transport plane.
19. The points at which stress and anxiety emerge can be mapped.
20. It's difficult to emerge from such a scandal with your reputation still intact.
21. No one could emerge from that avalanche alive, unless one believed that man could rise from the dead.
22. She's the most exciting British singer to emerge on the pop scene for a decade.
23. Leaders emerge from a bruising contest.
24. Tough--minded optimists approach problems with a can-do philosophy and emerge stronger from tragedies. 
25. The chilling facts behind this veil of silence were slow to emerge.
26. The seeds of change in Eastern Europe were beginning to emerge.
27. The cultural life of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists emerge.
28. The basic facts of the story are starting to emerge though the details are still fuzzy.
29. The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter.
30. A general consensus on the problem is beginning to emerge.
1. The tadpoles metamorphose and emerge onto land.
2. The flowers emerge in the spring.
3. The baby's head was starting to emerge from the womb.
4. No one could emerge from that avalanche alive, unless one believed that man could rise from the dead.
31. Udal could emerge as the best bet of all.
32. Next, two smaller plastic bags emerge.
33. Another possible problem could emerge from the political arena.
34. Instead, online brokers will emerge as intermediaries.
35. Several structures emerge during the construction of formal operations.
36. The more or less chronological order of the essays allows certain themes to emerge and evolve over time.
37. As more and more frauds emerge it becomes apparent that conmen are trying to dupe vulnerable people.
38. I even resorted to going to a hairdresser who guaranteed that I'd emerge with dead straight hair.
39. The work of the Community Education Project indicates how a new pattern of education could emerge in sparsely populated areas.
40. Particularly during successful long-term participant observation, the borderline between overt and covert recording can become blurred and quite difficult problems emerge.
41. There are many important questions which emerge in relation to comparative study which employs place or locality as the frame of reference and explanation.
42. You must also listen closely for the vitriolic jewels that emerge from behind the gold-capped smiles.
43. When you have gone through an experience of horror-and all those who have experienced deep depression know it-you emerge free of fear.
44. Gusev knew from experience that sooner or later something would emerge and give the vital clue.
45. It is in their attitude to agrarian reform that the premisses of liberalism emerge most clearly.
46. Differences emerge in three ways: argument; competition; and conflict - which alone is considered wholly harmful.
47. For all that, observers are unanimous that Swapo will emerge with a clear majority.
48. Recognition of this fact will emerge in some of the criticism to be offered of much work in this field.
49. At about the seventeenth day the first butterflies will probably start to emerge.
50. In literary theory they emerge as Marxism, phenomenology, existentialism, structuralism, poststructuralism, deconstruction.
51. Geertz's assertions about Balinese society emerge from the wholly male-dominated world of cockfighting.
52. To his left Stephen saw men trying to emerge from the trench but being smashed by bullets before they could stand.
53. People emerge from the casinos with beers in one hand and plastic cups full of change in the other.
54. By 8, an age when problems at school often emerge because of increased academic expectations, both groups were remarkably similar.
55. None the less, groups periodically emerge to articulate demands for political, social, and economic changes.
56. What does emerge from it is that Norris's way of reading Derrida is likely to make considerable demands on the reader.
57. The results agree with Bellugi's interpretations, though certain striking differences between speech and sign coding begin to emerge.
58. A deeper understanding of the function of leys might emerge if they could be seen in ritual terms.
59. Some patterns of normal colonic motility have begun to emerge,[] but specific abnormalities are yet to be defined.
60. The larger ones lay larger capsules from which larger embryos emerge and grow faster.
61. Errors and Expectations was probably the most influential work of pedagogy to emerge from the world of open admissions.
62. Will any sign of a running game emerge against the worst run defense in the league?
63. Against such theories, Tredell sets those which emerge from other disciplines, and which have lately been more commanding and influential.
64. When we emerge into sunlight on the other side, everything has changed.
65. The vehicles that make up a cruise missile flight will emerge regularly from their base and drive around the countryside to practise.
66. Because the truth would emerge as soon as you converted the energy into a different form.
67. Codes of conduct were beginning to emerge and a range of permissible and impermissible subjects was being informally drawn up.
68. Gary Condit, will emerge as major power brokers between conservatives and liberals.
69. Many applications of the technology are starting to emerge, divided between computer games, educational programs and professional uses.
70. White House officials said that President Bush was loath to impose burdens on industry as the country began to emerge from recession.
71. Perhaps the only firm conclusion to emerge from this continuing debate is the recognition that the literary scene has become pluralistic.
72. Now they emerge from their hiding places to venture out of the woods and into the clearings.
73. However, they do not expect any radical revision to emerge in the run-up to legislation.
74. Unfortunately a consensus view has yet to emerge on this question.
75. As we emerge from the recession that will become increasingly apparent.
76. Sociobiology's gender biases emerge more generally in its selectivity about genetics.
77. Bad films emerge from creative anarchy which brings out the weaknesses of those involved.
78. There was enough elbow room in this gargantuan aquarium for all kinds of surprises to emerge.
79. Do they do it all at once, or in chronological order, or just as it seems to emerge?
80. How patterns emerge outside the bounds of cause and effect.
81. Underwater wrecks are strewn along the coast and downed planes and tanks emerge from the jungle overgrowth.
82. There were no guarantees that the wealthy, stable, democratic regime of later years would emerge.
83. Those who fail are convinced that a horde of Undead emerge from portals which magically open in the tapestries.
84. Any such majority was now thought likely to depend on formal or informal alliances which might emerge from the current intense negotiations.
85. Performance and Motivation Deep emotions and anxieties emerge during periods of fundamental change.
86. Any new concepts or terms that emerge during this examination of relationships must also be inserted in the deck of cards.
87. These L4 then emerge on to the mucosal surface, migrate to the colon, develop to the adult stage.
88. As we emerge into adolescence,[] we slowly come to know the future and return to our origins.
89. Nicholson was caught up in the aftermath and became Hollywood's hottest property to emerge for two decades.
90. Eventually some one will emerge from the muck, the rusty mayoral crown askew on a weary head.
91. After twelve months of reorganising and repositioning, Tyzack began to emerge as a contender in the top echelons of executive search.
92. Out of the gloom emerge the later paintings, charnel house visions of desolation.
93. Her doll sits stiffly, pointed straight ahead at the fixtures that emerge from the wall.
94. The welfare state and the managed economy did not suddenly emerge full-blown in this period.
95. As better adapted successors emerge, others are forced into a corner.
96. At intervals along its length groups of nerve fibres emerge from the spinal column to connect with the peripheral nervous system.
97. A powerful coalition of committed advocates will, in this way, emerge out of those modest coalitions that exist today.
98. Regrettably, neither these nor any other conflicts emerge with any conviction from 7:84's dull and disappointing production.
99. These are new antagonisms which emerge as social conflict is diffused to more social relations.
100. But before they emerge as adults they have a rather longer incarnation as larvae walking about the river bottom.
101. You could spend nearly the whole day watching nothing but nature documentaries, and if you did you would emerge exhausted.
102. In fact, John Major promises to emerge mildly well from the schemers' cauldron.
103. Once the father was imprisoned, new and even more disturbing allegations began to emerge from the children.
104. If the reformists emerge as the largest group, they will sweep the board.
105. It seems however, that adequate professional preparation can only emerge as the result of developing the relationship between theory and practice.
106. Social relations of cooperation begin to emerge from interactions with peers during preoperational development.
107. That is a good step as we emerge from the cold war, but it is not enough.
108. More to the point, as resistant strains emerge, the greater becomes our need for new antibiotics to cure sick people.
109. The existence of rules that ensure that complex and relatively stable structures emerge in the universe suggests an intelligent rule-giver.
110. The worm is now poised to emerge from its dormant phase and begin to spread rapidly by colonising more machines and sites.
111. When given such a cue, the reply had to emerge.
112. A significant fraction of their water content can emerge from the explosion at a speed below the escape velocity of Mercury.
113. The principles of design which emerge from this development will be available for application to further areas of the mathematics curriculum.
114. But the dutiful reader will emerge with an impressively thorough account.
115. The picture that began to emerge in the early 1980s was not encouraging.
116. Bullock's report says companies that emerge from such university environments follow a distinctive pattern of development.
117. Your natural ability is the thing that should emerge, and if you have been well coached the coaching won't show.
118. They remain in hibernation for ten months of the year and emerge during Holy Week of each year.
119. As their celebrations continue more facts emerge with enough twists and turns to keep you guessing up to the final curtain.
120. The late 1980s and early 1990s have seen lifestyle techniques emerge as the most talked about development in the industry.
121. This paper is one of the most important to emerge from the Council since the consultative paper on Advanced Courses in 1987.
122. Questions relating to data integration emerge as being particularly critical in terms of environmental monitoring and settlement and infrastructure applications.
123. Curiosity satisfied, it is rather a relief to emerge from darkness to daylight.
124. These could then serve as the basis for further testing, allowing the best candidate for a true representation to emerge.
125. A typical half embryo was seen to emerge just as if an older embryo had been sliced in two with a razor.
126. From both deserted village sites and surviving nucleated settlements, a very complex picture of change and development is beginning to emerge.
127. Of course, no day is typical and there are particular tensions which emerge in the few weeks before the Christmas break.
128. Excellence in defense management will not and cannot emerge by legislation or directive.
129. Classes emerge when the productive capacity of society expands beyond the level required for subsistence.
130. But if the moment of performance is considered as potentially an act of composition, a different perspective can emerge.
131. Men of industry and commerce began to emerge as men of some wealth.
132. Business gossip columnists speculate endlessly on who will emerge as the old man's successor.
133. I personally doubt whether any clear evolutionary picture would emerge if we were to base ourselves simply on Formen.
134. The Social Democrats were expected to emerge on top thanks to traditional backing from workers in the industrial south.
135. And then a great wave breaks over me and I emerge into full consciousness.
136. Matthes' own culinary gifts emerge during lunchtime, when a need for more substantial food drives the agenda.
137. The hope is that a more reform-friendly Duma will emerge after the next election, due in three years' time.
138. The behaviour of the body as a whole will then emerge as a consequence of interactions of the parts.
139. I hope that this book provides others with insights, thereby enabling a scientific consensus to emerge.
140. This reveals that out of the destruction a new creation can emerge.
141. Would self-sacrificing emerge in natural selection?
142. New technology, new products and new ideas emerge constantly. Intelligence and creation of human being are the unexhausted headspring of society and economy development.
143. Overlay in other foundation cream products on, then have certainly the makeup result, emerge as the delicate makeup effect of the powder of the velvet.
144. With the artists misting the interior three or four times a day—a process shown in the ethereal, chiaroscuro image seen here—the shoots emerge into a blanket of greenery.
145. Both he and primatologist Jane Goodall have observed chimpanzees dancing with total abandon at waterfalls that emerge after heavy rains.
146. While ethics in health care dates back at least to the times of Hippocrates, Sun Si Miao,1 and Ibn Sina (Avicenna),2 the field of “bioethics” did not emerge until after World War Two.
147. Zimmer said that the theory of evolution fascinates him, because it explains how all forms of life emerge and develop, from 3.5 billion years ago to today.
148. Until 1993, after the emerge of I Love My Family, this new type of teleplay called "situation comedy" was formally introduced into China.
149. Larry Yu, a Facebook spokesman, said his company expected competitors large and small to emerge but was focused on building a valuable service.
150. At last they saw him emerge on the top of an eminence within hail.
151. The transparent encryption is a kind of document encryption technology, which emerge in recent years because of the demand of the file security of the enterprise.
152. Mr. Fox's condition was manageable through medication for many years, says Mr. Philippi, but after his arrival at Bear Stearns, new issues began to emerge.
153. Of course, I'm simplifying things quite a bit: In polyphony, harmonies do emerge from the separate voices, and rhythm isn't completely ignored.
154. Some currently circulating H5N1 strains are fully resistant to these the M2 inhibitors. However, should a new virus emerge through reassortment, the M2 inhibitors might be effective.
155. Remarkable commissioner ability chooses excellent design, crackajack stylist ability emerge in large numbers comes out. 2006, the commissioner of the contest group general actual strength is all-time.
156. I was approximately half way down the road, where the park and ride is located, when I saw a huge aircraft about 200 ft in length emerge out of the clouds about 100 ft over the tree line.
157. Its beginning obscured by unemployment caused by the world economic slowdown, the new technological unemployment may emerge as the great socioeconomic challenge of the end of the 20th century.
158. The rapid scale development of the broadband market and the endless emerge of new services represented by IPTV will give an impetus to the development of broadband access technology.
159. She has helped Liberia emerge from years of civil war and make great strides toward reconstruction and a democracy that values the contributions of all Liberians, including its women.
160. The New GM is expected to emerge from court protection in 60–90 days as a leaner , more agile company with fewer brands, dealers, and long-term obligations.
161. Chafers overwinter below ground as pupae and the adults emerge in spring.
162. However, get female soccer players on a field, and different characteristics emerge: bravery and mercilessness.
163. We watched the horizon intently, trying to guess where the sun would emerge. Suddenly, Bill pointed to one small area of brilliant orange-red.
164. The earliest stock exchanges emerge in Bruges and Italy in the thirteenth century.
165. The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected on a screen in a darkened theater.
166. More and more manipulated news photos emerge in media, which are causing more and more trust crises, photojournalism is facing the challenge in digital era.
167. Allow this to emerge through journaling and you will have a new respect for your dairies.
168. We may be just short of catatonic when these several pages of visual oasis emerge from the vast internet sand dunes.
169. Next season, says spokesman Lionel Vermeil, another aspect of Balenciaga's history innovative fabrics will emerge.
170. Especially the finance derivate market develops rapidly and the finance derivate product emerge in endlessly , the invest chances and the eluding-risk tool to the investors are extended.
171. Psychologist Nico Frijda made a very similar point when he said, "Grief often does not emerge when one is notified of death or departure; such notification consists only of words.
172. "The pattern of difference sequence" precedes individuals and determines to a certain degree the individual behaviors in which some new "pattern of difference sequence" will emerge.
173. But the more balanced economy would take time to emerge, and stock and bond markets, after their rip-roaring rallies, weren't priced for the disarray that could stem from a real sovereign shake-out.
174. Complementary goods and services must emerge (e.g., automobiles required gasoline, better roads, and mechanics).
175. The vocabulary of integral space is luxuriant, rich, enchanting and do not break abstemious, faint emerge those who moving romance is passional .
176. My colleagues and I at PARC believe that what we call ubiquitous computing will gradually emerge as the dominant mode of computer access over the next twenty years.
177. The only quality I have seen emerge from indulging in such behavior is grumpiness and a disinclination to converse in anything but grunts.
178. Whether paid or unpaid, there is usually a credit system for helping to deliver search results and experts emerge from the community.
179. It's a Thursday afternoon at the Seville Beach Hotel in Miami Beach, and about a dozen tourists have gathered to watch the Most Beautiful Women in the World emerge from the ladies' room.
180. Down, but not out: There is still a chance that Qaddafi can emerge from the current crisis with his power -- if not his legitimacy -- intact.
181. Later, however, the parasite can emerge from its dormant state to strike when a patient's immune system is weakened.
182. "The favour of drop water, should emerge fontal look signs up for " , this is unquestionable.
183. Most important, weak growth prepares the ground for a second leg down, back into recession--the "W-shaped" recession that may emerge in late 2010 or 2011 that markets seem to have forgotten about.
184. An ancient Hopi Prophecy states. When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens the 5th world will emerge.
185. If you don't want a mind to emerge, then unhinge it from the body.
186. This article introduce a new method to make the latent fingerprints emerge by using the iodine heat-sublimating spray-gun heated by a sort of quartz lamp.
187. Women acuteness wet wart in the clitoris, the size of the labia minora and perianal, perineum, vagina, and cervical also can emerge.
188. Debts are contracted, and friendships begun around the gaming table end in quarrels from which honour and lives invariably emerge somewhat tattered.
189. The more is principal stress deviator peak, the more possible is to emerge negative pore water pressure and to show more shear dilatation with high dry density.
190. And in actual life, with the constantly developing of economy, new kind aleatory contracts emerge in a large amount, one seat should be a natural thing that it is obtained legally.
191. A violent breakaway group, similar to the Real IRA in Northern Ireland, could emerge.
192. The discussion shows that with the step filter. The boundary enhancement in the region will appear when the noncontinuous gray grade (a hard boundary) and the epoch emerge in the multi-gray picture .
193. Beijing lacks water, but not cloggy people is right of water scene address yearning, accordingly, "Shui Jinghao curtilage " like emerge the ground is in capital blossom everywhere.
194. They also unequivocally demonstrate that noticeable change can emerge on its own by summing up the steady unnoticeable work of incremental deletions of the unfit.
195. And here's something scary: The Berkeley scientists can now implant the MEMS equipment during the pupal stage so that the beetles emerge embedded with electrodes, ready to be wired up.
196. The central forms of productive cooperation are no longer created by the capitalist as part of the project to organize labor but rather emerge from the productive energies of labor itself.
197. But this has triggered an arms race with bacteria, which start evolving to beat the antibiotics - and emerge as in the end as pumped-up, super-charged bacteria invulnerable to our medical weapons.
198. A rival bid of at least 800 to 820 pence, or $17.9 billion, could emerge this week from U.S.-based confectioner Hershey, The Wall Street Journal reported late on Friday.
199. With promoting the liberalization of trade as the common goal of the major countries(), various barriers emerge in the world and damage the development of the international trade.
200. I got lost, very upset. I returned to the military headquarters earlier. I tried to emerge in the work in order to forget what had happened.
201. Each one go back out both sides as the tidewater emerge a small road.
202. Use big fish time finally or double sufficient emerge to rub fontal acupuncture point.
203. Still , some empirical data are beginning to emerge. Prof.
204. Under the operating microscope, we exemined the form and emerge rate of optic artery impression in 67 heads of adult fixed cadavers, measured the diameter of impression.
205. They tend to emerge at dawn and dusk, to feed on the lichens which festoon these forest hideaways .
206. In mammals and most birds, individuals emerge into the world after a complex ontogenetic history in which behavioral differentiation played as important a role as tissue differentiation.
207. Pathological change is chronic and continual advancement, patients can emerge renal inadequacy, uraemia. excitatory autacoid and cytotoxic drug have bad curative effect and major adverse reaction.
208. Because of the complexity and importance of credit risk, many risk measuring models emerge besides the traditional credit analysis methods.
208. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
209. "Minocycline reduces the capability of the virus to emerge from resting infected T cells," Szeto explains.
210. Ostensibly a biopic of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, it eschews the traditional biography formula to emerge as an artsy meditation on love, friendship and jealousy.




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