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单词 Theme
1. The underlying theme of the novel is very serious.
2. Stamp collecting was the theme of his talk.
3. This theme is central to our research.
4. The theme of freedom recurs throughout her writing.
5. The basic theme of these stories never.
6. The basic theme of these stories never varies.
7. The theme of the conference is renaissance Europe.
8. The film's haunting musical theme stayed in my head for days.
9. Jones harps on this theme more than on any other.
10. An overall theme will help to give your essay coherence.
11. The book's theme is the conflict between love and duty.
12. The author picks the same theme up again on page ten.
13. Your essays tend to concentrate on one theme to the exclusion of everything else.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. A slow theme introduces the first movement.
15. What is the essential theme of the play?
16. This theme recurs constantly throughout the opera.
17. Race is a recurrent theme in the work.
18. It's the biggest theme park outside the United States.
19. The opening theme is taken up by the strings.
20. This poem marries theme and style well.
21. The preacher amplified on the theme of brotherly love.
22. This theme recurs several times throughout the book.
23. The theme of our discussionwas 'Europe in the 1980's'.
24. We should treat the theme realistically.
25. It's one of those modern theme pubs.
26. Poverty is a recurrent theme in her novels.
27. This article marries theme and style well.
28. We're organizing the evening around a Japanese theme.
29. Political revolution is a recurrent theme in Riley's books.
30. The thread running through many of these proposals was the theme of individual power and opportunity.
1. The underlying theme of the novel is very serious.
2. Stamp collecting was the theme of his talk.
3. This theme is central to our research.
4. The theme of freedom recurs throughout her writing.
5. The basic theme of these stories never.
6. The basic theme of these stories never varies.
7. The theme of the conference is renaissance Europe.
8. The film's haunting musical theme stayed in my head for days.
9. Jones harps on this theme more than on any other.
10. An overall theme will help to give your essay coherence.
11. The book's theme is the conflict between love and duty.
12. The author picks the same theme up again on page ten.
13. Your essays tend to concentrate on one theme to the exclusion of everything else.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. The thread running through many of these proposals was the theme of individual power and opportunity.
15. A slow theme introduces the first movement.
16. This poem marries theme and style well.
17. He gave a talk on the theme of teenage unemployment.
18. " Our work ", he continued, warming to his theme, " will be a milestone in scientific history. ”.
19. Waterfalls are from very early times a favourite theme for the painter.
31. This theme runs through the whole book.
32. Her bedroom is decorated in a Victorian theme.
33. It's a theme that's been flogged to death.
34. The speaker was now warming to her theme.
35. His later novels develop the theme of alienation.
36. Nature is a recurrent theme in Frost's poetry.
37. He deviated from the main theme.
38. The theme carried through all his writing.
39. She embroidered on this theme for about ten minutes.
40. Love is a recurring theme in the book.
41. The theme park attracts 2.5 million visitors a year.
42. The main theme of the book is obscured by frequent digressions.
43. As soon as the war started, any broadcasts with a military theme were taken off the air.
44. We seem to be straying from the main theme of the debate.
45. The kids had a whale of a time at the theme park.
46. 'Art and the Community' was the theme of her presidential address to the annual meeting.
47. Recent events have made his central theme even more apposite.
48. This same theme is picked up in his later works.
49. Most of Kurt's other pictures were variations on the same theme .
50. The power of the Church is one theme all these writers return to.
51. The theme of creation is a recurrent motif in Celtic mythology.
52. The stories are all variations on the theme of unhappy marriage.
53. He gave a talk on the theme of teenage unemployment.
54. The naked male figure was always the central theme of Greek art.
55. My mother waxed eloquent on the theme of wifely duty.
56. She's studying the theme of death in the works of Beckett.
57. Unfortunately, I had to leave just as the speaker was warming to his theme.
58. On the surface it's a very funny novel but it does have a more serious underlying theme.
59. The films she makes are all variations on the same theme.
60. The film starts in a graveyard, an apposite image for the decaying society which is the theme of the film.
61. " Our work ", he continued, warming to his theme, " will be a milestone in scientific history. ”.
62. Waterfalls are from very early times a favourite theme for the painter.
63. The novel's central theme is the perennial conflict between men and women.
64. Campbell has made health care a central theme in his campaign.
65. Within ten years the theme park was turning over £20 million.
66. Local companies find the sites and build the theme parks, while we will look after the branding.
67. It was just a retread of other recent movies with a dance theme.
68. The theme of loss runs through most of his novels.
69. The new theme park will be Britain's answer to Disneyland.
70. The overarching theme of the election campaign was tax cuts.
71. The theme park is the region's most popular tourist facility.
72. He picks up this theme again in later chapters of the book.
73. His numerous complaints are all variations on a theme .
74. The father-daughter relationship is a recurring theme in her novels.
75. Most of his poems are variations on the theme of love.
76. North American literature is the main theme of this year's festival.
77. She develops the theme more fully in her later books.
78. He wrote a meritorious theme about his visit to the cotton mill.
79. 'How many of the songs that dealt with this theme became hit songs?'--'Not very many.'.
80. The historical aspect formed the main theme of her essay.
81. The editor would take a theme and embroider upon it with drollery.
82. He has constantly re-echoed the main theme of his acceptance speech:'We want to be proud again!'.
83. Colonialism in different forms is a perennial theme of history.
84. Moore took as his main theme the mystery of the commonplace.
85. Most of the art exhibitions have a pronounced Scottish theme.
86. Your homework is to write a two-page theme on pollution.
87. Firstly,(Sentencedict) a workshop must have a central theme.
88. If Alexander has a central theme, it is devolution.
89. Would Britain be better off as a theme park?
90. The theme from Hawail Five-0 on a kazoo!
91. I will explore this theme in the future.
92. Attendance at theme parks was down this year.
93. The flagellant warmed to his theme.
94. Birds are the theme of the drawing room.
95. It is a favourite theme of Luke's Gospel.
96. Thematic choice involves selecting a clause element as theme.
97. The theme of personal recognition emerges again.
98. The Raiders played along with the theme.
99. In both theories, however, the guiding vision and uniting theme remains a fidelity to the liberal ideal of individual autonomy.
100. Before continuing with our main theme there are a few points that may need clarifying.
101. Despite this, whole theologies have been erected on the theme of the Creator Spirit.
102. This may partly explain why a speaker or writer opts for a marked theme in a given context.
103. It is that dialogue that became a central theme of my work and the subject of this book.
104. These are aids to enable you to keep to your theme and they provide a logical consistency to the talk.
105. This theme will be explored further in the next chapter.
106. Certainly Mosley's constant harping on the theme of left-wing intimidation was a fairly effective recruiting ploy throughout the 1930s.
107. Within folklore it is always the first theme, that of restoration, which occurs.
108. The first theme was, in different guises, consistently the main topic of debate for professionals.
109. The desire for peace was the increasingly dominant and constant theme of popular opinion.
110. The flora and fauna and even the folklore of his adopted Arizona home are a big theme.
111. The theme of the family is common to all Engle's novels.
112. If the main business was investiture and homage, a subsidiary theme was the primacy.
113. This theme has a curious persistence, but one does not need a song and dance about it.
114. Each year a theme stresses one issue or another such as asset gathering or productivity.
115. I get the impression that Mr Ataie has decided what he wants to say and then created characters to fit his theme.
116. The main theme is that the duties and responsibilities of each person in the organization are unambiguously defined.
117. Because Cosmos have purchased your ticket in advance for inclusion in your holiday package your entry into the Theme Park is guaranteed.
118. Now we have a clearer image of the boys' war to destruct things and the theme is emerging already.
119. A constant theme in research concerned with the hospital care of older people is the discharge from hospital back to the community.
120. A literal translation is given of the Arabic themes to highlight the partial loss of orientation through discontinuity of theme.
121. Modern jazz players like to take a theme and improvise around it.
122. This theme will be developed further in the next chapter.
123. To what extent, therefore, should be continue to seek coherence of theme or form within the exhibition mode of exposition?
124. Many scholars agree that a concern for salvation is a central theme in Orphism.
125. A Victorian theme would attract many people and possibly put money back into council coffers.
126. The high frequency of I as theme helps to maintain a sense of continuity and a coherent point of view.
127. I did a better job with the neighborhood theme; we used the river for science and local jobs for math.
128. There is a theme running through the magazine of crushes on gorgeous men, and mysterious romances with strange disappearing boys.
129. Here in the slow movement she allowed the gentle principal theme to flow naturally and above all musically.
130. The theme for April will be Easter and all proceeds will help buy glass and chinaware.
131. "The Viper" is one of the theme park's most popular attractions.
132. There are many continuing themes in this novel and in my opinion the main theme is that of contentment.
133. The two brothers had conversation after conversation on the theme of religion(sentence dictionary), the younger one sticking to his guns.
134. I shall build up to this point using a specific example which is the other main theme of this chapter.
135. Above all, however, is the recurring theme of lasting friendship.
136. Los Angeles took the census as its theme for its float in the Rose Bowl Parade.
137. A major theme in local government is to control the power of the professional.
138. The theme today aroused my curiosity: a Celebration of Ulrike Meinhof.
139. The more usual version of this theme is simply that one has a visual image of the part of the body touched.
140. Have you already decided on the various locations where this theme is to be explored?
141. The first theme struck in this new Gospel is that there was tension in the filial relationship.
142. The route of the new road passes inland of the theme park in a deep cutting to reduce noise and visual impact.
143. Continuing on the tin-plate theme how about the amazing machine-with-a-difference illustrated here?
144. Few results are available yet on this theme, though some tentative conclusions may be drawn.
145. At the time I had wondered why this main theme somehow always eluded me, why the great events never materialized.
146. Pluto's theme is transformation and his emblem the phoenix rising from the ashes.
147. The Gospel contains a large amount of material concerned with the theme of suffering and persecution.
148. Worries over the economy have kept attendance flat at California's theme parks.
149. Even with abstracts, the theme was, more often than not a Biblical one.
150. A theme is often a good way of introducing a music session such as spring, holiday time, music from different countries.
151. Subconsciously I remembered then began to hum the Robinson Crusoe theme music.
152. This is a theme which will re-emerge when we consider acquired disorders of language in Chapter 9.
153. One such offer was from a theme park in Dogpatch, Arkansas, which is devoted to cast-off metal monuments.
154. Then the question of social purpose once again became a relevant and important theme for adult educators.
155. Examples used to illustrate the theme included photographic film and a sectioned catalytic converter.
156. Fforde acknowledges that all this appears to invalidate the central theme of his book.
157. One constant theme often underlies a series of quarrels or rows on seemingly different issues.
158. Disney is still arguing with several contractors over the final bill for the theme park.
159. It is perhaps particularly appropriate to consider tourism in an issue of the magazine whose theme is writers.
160. The project is based on the theme of the inland waterway and its significance historically, socially, environmentally and culturally.
161. His presidency lacked an over-arching theme or a guiding principle.
162. However, the theme of attempting to discredit the woman in the witness box continues.
163. What, then, to pick up our last theme,(http:///theme.html) is the carry-over of this conception into the culture of society?
164. The workshop theme mirrored that of a semester-long course he teaches each year at Catholic University.
165. But that emerges as a major theme in Battle Of Wits.
166. Las Vegas already mixes casinos with shops and theme resorts.
167. Concerning the theme of recognition, this play contains two elements referred to earlier in this study.
168. In this latest book, one theme dominates: Example is everything.
169. The recurring theme of the Evil Fat Person is not the only one discerned by the authors' keen interpretive minds.
170. This is the last call for limericks with an electoral theme.
171. He had been meditating on the parricidal theme which runs through Dymer since he was a pupil of Kirkpatrick's.
172. Our third theme will, however, sound several notes of caution.
173. In practice, the entire school comes alive with each theme.
174. Managing change: Today, however, almost every guru is locked on to the theme of change management.
175. Again and again in recent years evolutionary biologists have found themselves returning to the theme of parasites.
176. This year the theme is the conservation of monuments and their immediate environment.
177. They appear important in their own right and not simply as adjuncts to the Orphic theme.
178. With this theme, I had a hard time working in math and science.
179. Shaking a little at first but gradually warming to his theme, the sacked Chancellor dealt John Major a devastating blow.
180. Pictures which share a common theme always look good when hung together.
181. Secondly the traditional dances and customs of a particular country that can give local colour and atmosphere to a plot or theme.
182. Usually one constant theme related to the shared preoccupation of the couple underlies the seemingly different causes of rows and arguments.
183. The dominant theme of this literature was concern for the well-being of the peasantry.
184. Chapter 9 explores this theme by looking at the role of the trade unions in political bargaining over new industrial relations strategies.
185. There was a vaguely medieval theme: knights and ladies, fools and brigands.
186. Popular with senior citizens and the motor-coach touring set, the Heritage Plantation is billed as an Americana theme park and arboretum.
187. It is a central theme throughout the book, and she criticises frequently the Catholic beliefs and customs.
188. But his fantasy was fragmented; no real plot or theme emerged.
189. Britain's poor economic performance has been the dominant theme of political debate and economic discourse since the 1950s.
190. One such theme - and one of the most important - is the development of language and literacy in early childhood education.
191. Chapter 8 takes up another theme from chapter 6: why managerial strategies concentrate on particular issues rather than others.
192. And discussions over the construction of theme parks and movie theaters slowed to a crawl.
193. The historical theme extends to cover local canals, bridges, floods, natural history and archaeology.
194. They are all part of that continuing process of gaining experience in rational curriculum planning which forms the theme of this book.
195. The exhibition at Pels-Leusden, over the road, until 25 May presents a medium rather than a theme.
196. The theme of discretion has been a particular concern of the author's work cited above.
197. Glassheim's campaign theme emphasized change and he frequently criticized Owens.
198. This is the converse of the main theme of Chapter 2.
199. The continuing theme during basic training will be interviewing skills, without which the advisory process may not get under way.
200. Matthew throughout maintains his underlying theme of linkage with the Old Testament and proof of prophecy.
201. The East Kilbride team adopted a religious theme coming dressed as priests and nuns and some nuns of a rather dubious order!
202. But the film goes on to develop graphic, orifice-stuffing permutations on the theme of you are what you eat.
203. Another issue, providing a constant theme, was the role of the school in promoting wealth creation.
204. And it is interesting to see how Luke works this theme out in his two-volume work.
205. Feelings of dependence and loss of control were a persistent theme in the new managers' discussions throughout the first year.
206. In research into effective managers it is this background theme which correlates positively with success, not the recognition theme.
207. But otherwise it had all the ingredients of the detective novel, down to a theme, the passion for justice.
208. The same theme emerged in other stories he told me.
209. She entered the theme room, which was decked out to look like the great hall of a medieval castle.
210. Today they are out doing an excavation, looking for whatever is down there in conjunction with their theme on dinosaurs.
211. Massine took this theme from Tchaikovsky's own letters to his patron in which he described a composer's search for ideas.
212. Indeed, one may even say that sexuality was the theme linking the various items which comprise the matrix that is Orphism.
213. This theme is echoed by the discrepancy in results between experimental and observational studies of children's knowledge of causal connectives.
214. The analytical procedure is to use each theme as an axis around which different elements of empirical data are grouped.
215. More primary-care physicians are the remedy, said Mrs Clinton, echoing a popular theme in health-care deliberations.
216. But even the theme of agricultural distress is subordinate to the attack on Godwin's belief that property is evil.
217. It is often difficult to peg managers who shift their focus from one industry or market theme to another.
218. Luke uses this story as the supreme example of his theme of universalism.
219. Most significantly for the theme of this book we talk to: Conceal our desires, hide our vulnerability or confusion.
220. Management should agree on an annual major unifying exhibition theme which should relate to our main activities.
221. The theme park is located seven miles west of Florence.
222. Try to find a vivid illustration of your theme to start off your talk.
223. The software engineering theme continues with a study of a modular approach to designing computer solutions.
223. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
224. Yet marital relations were a constant theme of controversy, discussion, humour and, of course, song.
225. The first is the ability to communicate: to find a theme, to focus on an agenda.
226. Teaching by example has been a consistent theme in his work.
227. It was natural that she should cut a poor figure in the Iliad, where the battle of heroes is the theme.
228. Construction of the theme park never got off the ground.
229. The disjunction between peoples and state boundaries, a central theme of this chapter, is a fundamental problem in many countries.
230. Being wild, crazy and self-empowered became a theme of the group.
231. This issue of the Community Development Journal draws together articles about health and health care around the central theme of control.
232. They felt I was the best candidate for change, which is my campaign theme.
233. The major theme is a consideration of the interrelationships between various patterns of energy use and possible global warming.
234. Waiters and waitresses are country friendly, and the western theme is warm and homey.
235. Remember the importance of the visual image and try to keep your theme unified and simple.
236. Theme days have also been introduced at the canteen with favourable response.
237. In keeping with the lobster theme, rich, creamy Maine lobster bisque appears, also available with a touch of sherry.
238. This is the first time a high street fast food chain has linked up with a theme park.
239. She clearly showed her discomfort with the theme of aggression.
240. The movies were advancing on several fronts and the social theme was but one strand in a more complex whole.
241. Inventions - the discovery of new information about the production process - are a particular example of this general theme.
242. Yes, you will have something that you want to convey: your theme.
243. Keeping the focus on the foetus has been the constant theme of opposition to abortion.
244. In this respect, it coincides with theme in Halliday's model.
245. Learning from adversity is another theme that comes up again and again in this book, often with different spins.
246. The annual conference is held in September on a particular theme, and attracts participants of high international standing.
247. Appointees interviewed repeated a familiar theme: They all loved their jobs but are beating a retreat without regret.
248. My brief review of personal care given by relatives has stressed the theme of variation, especially by gender.
249. We're after a standard limerick on any electoral theme, remember, but probably featuring a North-East candidate.
250. Its theme was simply the current battle for supremacy between calypso and the Twist.
251. Sukarno began to tour Java, addressing massive crowds on the theme of the awakening of national consciousness.
252. Each academy has at least one integrated project per year that combines the career theme with the separate academic subjects.
253. This is the river which flows as a constant theme through the novels of D. H. Lawrence.
254. Returning to our earlier theme,(/theme.html) we notice there is a tradeoff for shareholders' representatives in employing a manager.
255. Add to this theme positive appraisals as a manager through the internal appraisal system and you have a strong candidate.
256. Landscape, of course, was a constant theme throughout John Marin's long working life.
257. A dominant theme in these portrayals is criminality in East End communities: small-time crooks, petty crime and drinking clubs.
258. The dominant theme remains still-life and the prominence of lamps and the pools of light which they shed.
259. The president closed the speech with a return to the racial healing theme of his Jan. 20 inaugural address.
260. And the singer Michael Jackson has even expressed interest in building a $ 500m theme park on an abandoned airfield near Warsaw.
261. The Disney-inspired theme parks serve an only slightly different function.
262. The portrait is an endlessly interesting example, a theme redolent with social connotations and artistic references.
263. The concept of differentiation is a key theme of our work, and we had best discuss it as the book unfolds.
264. While the picture is richly designed and photographed, the film falters in dealing with its central theme.
265. Sometimes the second reading, usually made from the Apostolic writings, had the same theme especially in Lent or Advent.
266. Hobsbawm sees the main theme as a mapping of various alternative evolutionary routes in the history of mankind.
267. This suggests that a marked theme has an additional or different function.
268. Perhaps we then go on and create a drama about a theme park.
269. The seemingly endless variations and applications all circle round and reflect the single theme.
270. The central theme of this novel is the desire for money.
271. G.J. Allman lectured in March 1873 on another Darwinian theme, the formation of coral islands.
272. The theme of the convention was carried through by every speaker and in every session.
273. Cattle are a recurring theme in any account of the bitterness that caused men like Robert Mugabe to take up arms.
274. The bill could ease environmental constraints on the construction of a waterfront theme park.
275. Language is richly composed of many references which set up a commonality of theme between different parts of text or speech.
276. The main variation on the area theme tends to occur in authorities which are based on a very large city collection.
277. Durkheim is perhaps the key protagonist of this dominant theme of profound social change.
278. A bit of cheesy - awesome theme music.
279. The internal name of the theme is also derived from this file. For example, if it is named ""
280. Mythologem—a basic theme, as of revenge, self-sacrifice, or betrayal, that is shared by cultures throughout the world.
281. When I was looking for a book related to our monthly theme of Happiness, I found a book by Dale Carnegie entitled How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.
282. David Herbert Lawrence has always been a controversial writer concerning the theme of the relationship between the sexes. The structure and style of the novel Sons and Lovers symbolizes the theme.
283. "The inner secret in growth-up" or "growing up with the inner secret" was always the eternal theme of Frances Hodgson Burnett.
284. Dozens of other companies, from AOL and Yahoo Inc. to start-ups like Yammer Inc., are building products based on the same theme.
285. Covering 20 square kilometers, the Wenchang Satellite Launch Centre will include a command centre, in addition to a rocket-launching site, rocket assembly plant, and a space-science theme park.
286. Different kind of Magazine theme that adjusts columns and column width to fit any and all kind of monitor widths.
287. Software Description: About Backcountry Christmas, This theme is based on an image of the Clydesdale horses pulling a wagon full of Christmas presents.
287. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
288. The showdown's third theme, Ready for Adventure, is currently open for submissions.
289. Disneyland is a theme park at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California.
290. The writers of stories and novelettes in 1999 wittingly or unwittingly make an artistic presentation of this theme.
291. During 27 years from the establishment of the new China, love description in novels was loaded with significant politics theme and gradually became a forbidden zone in the literature.
292. The paper is a study of the historic theme of Doctor Zhivago, written by Boris Pasternak, the Russian writer.
293. " farmers' In shandong television station "I am big star program, singing the TV series" three kingdoms "theme song" rolling Yangtze river east a mill ", hit the stadium.
294. She has so far had15 records made of her Erhu playing, and also composed such works as Honghu Lake Theme Capriccio and tone poem Music from the Heart.
295. This is simply a warning message to other theme authors who want try the same stunt.
296. The theme of 2008 World Environment Day is " Kick the Habit! "
297. As the soloist waits, pizzicato quavers hurry along a twisted version of the piano's cadenza theme in the bassoons , everything still piano.




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