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单词 Artificial lighting
1. artificial light is bad for the eyes.
2. The algae were cultivated under artificial light.
3. Some other species are easily fooled by artificial light.
4. Most reds will be emphasized by artificial light; blues and greens tend to be diminished by it.
5. I need the artificial light of a large red anglepoise lamp on the writing table.
6. The plants can grow just as well in artificial light.
7. Artificial light is an absolute necessity for the developments of plants.
8. Among these is James Casebere, who photographs miniature architectural constructions in artificial light.
9. Potentially, this could reduce the need for artificial lighting in the workplace.
10. Their facial features are indistinguishable, brightly lit though they are by harsh artificial lights.
11. Pieces of abstract art do not suddenly change colour because we have moved them from artificial light to daylight.
12. The room is safe, enclosed, protected from the harsh glare of artificial light.
13. Ceilings and walls are painted white and artificial lighting is provided by suspended fluorescent lights from Spectrum.
14. It should be cultivated in moderately diffused or artificial light.
15. Official sketches show a small warren of rooms, lit by artificial lights and stuffed with compact biological systems.
16. Some other species are easily fooled by artificial light. Brightly lit city areas can give songbirds insomnia.
17. Few people have not woken to the sounds of the dawn chorus nor seen moths drawn to artificial lights as daylight fades.
18. Artificial light suits it very well, but in indirect sunlight it sometimes becomes pale.
19. Artificial lighting, despite huge efficiency improvements, has cost a constant percentage of GDP for three centuries.
20. Suitable standards of natural and artificial lighting should be fixed by the competent authority.
20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. Artificial lighting can account for 15 percent of a home's electricity use.
22. M: That might be the artificial lighting, madam. Of course, if you could come back in daylight, you might find it's exactly what you are looking for.
23. The artificial lighting tools that I consider a great addition to any serious travel photography enthusiast's kit are an off camera flash in a softbox and/or a reflector.
24. Dinner under normal, artificial lighting off the city 'emergency lights will not start.
25. He used a solid rich surface of paint and liked the simplified shapes produced by artificial lighting.
26. Nearby was a 400-square-yard warehouse with more plants flourishing in conditions controlled by artificial lighting and automatic watering systems.
27. When the full explanation for the modern epidemic of obesity has emerged, it is unlikely that the spread of artificial lighting will be the whole of it. But this work suggests it might be a part.
28. Underground, where there is no externally produced day, but only perpetual darkness, it would e artificial lighting that produces the day and this could be adjusted to suit man's convenience.
29. Finally, illuminance levels and luminance levels that the reasonable, comfortable, healthy artificial lighting of study needs given quantitative analysis.
30. Mean while, it explores and discusses the lighting standard of intelligent office building and the limitation of glare in daylighting and artificial lighting.
31. This is particularly a problem for people who shoot indoors under artificial lighting. See note about why I like natural light.
32. For the past 300 years we've consistently spent just about seven-tenths-of-one-percent of our gross domestic product on artificial lighting.
33. Forthcoming facilities might be able to see artificial lighting on another world if it's really much brighter than we use.
34. As with all indoor grow operations, artificial lighting like fluorescents or the LED's shown here must be supplied for any plant life that isn't exposed to sunlight.
35. It does, however, require artificial lighting because the station is without natural daylight for most of the winter.
36. But the greenhouses on the barge were only one storey high, so there was not much need for artificial lighting.
37. He suggested it, because he lives nearby, but it is very noisy - babies are screaming and chairs scrape across the floor - and the artificial lighting is quite bright.
38. Thousands of years ago, there was no television or Internet, no McDonald's, birth-control pills, Viagra, plastic surgery, alarm clocks, artificial lighting or paternity tests.
39. Problems associated with natural and artificial lighting are considered in some detail on pages 107-9.
39. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
40. Due to the intrinsic characteristics of artificial lighting source, its light output in all exists certain stroboscopic.
41. Managing natural lighting can cut your artificial lighting ( and cooling ) needs significantly.




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