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单词 Going short
1. She made sure that her children never went short.
2. He often goes short of money.
3. The children must not go short of food.
4. Our money is going short.
5. I'd never let you go short of anything.
6. If you earn well, you'll never go short.
7. Mothers regularly go short of food to ensure their children have enough.
8. My parents didn't have much money, but they made sure we didn't go short .
9. Some people may manage their finances badly and therefore have to go short of essentials.
10. You haven't gone short of food, that's obvious.
11. The stroke went short and choppy.
12. More of the world-beating copies are on sale today in areas that went short.
13. Debbie's husband would have cared if he had gone short, oh yes.
14. I am ashamed to say I took it, despite suspecting that his family might go short.
15. That would make it extremely painful to have gone short of sterling in the past few days.
16. But Jude is used to going short of beauty sleep-although it doesn't show.
17. So whether you're visiting Perth or Penzance, you need never go short of cash.
18. Since these are fairly cheap to buy and easy to prepare, the elderly rarely go short of them.
19. Going long can be ahead, going short too. But the dissatisfactory people are excluded.
20. They also knew that there would be investors going short on the DDO.
21. Going short on bonds by buying a CDS contract carries limited risk but almost unlimited profit potential.
22. Going short on bonds by buying a CDS contract carries limited risk but unlimited profit potential; by contrast, selling credit default swaps offers limited profits but practically unlimited risks.
23. Tyler attributes it to the practice of "going short on volatility."
24. Going short can be contrasted with the more conventional practice of "going long", whereby an investor profits from any increase in the price of the asset.
25. Here she is in November 2010, going short and sexy at the world premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I.
26. After their battering in 2008, many hedge funds entered the year either betting against the market (going short) or holding large cash positions.
27. Some say the market is now overbought, but the trend is your friend, and few are willing to risk going short at the moment.
28. But the communication researchers are facing the contradiction between the going short of the wireless communication resources and the higher requirements of the services of the communication.
28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
29. Operation said, PTA may have short-term rebound, but limited as a whole, medium-term remain relatively empty. Speculative funds being short could consider going short cotton.
30. You may even find you feel less pressure and have more fun going short.
31. In Europe, Gruie at BNP Paribas recommends going short the Czech crown, and long the Israeli shekel.
32. Another mistake: going short both European equities and the euro itself.
33. They create consternation by claiming these we supply is going short.
34. And Mr. Combs also differed from many of the other students in going short.
35. Operations, said PTA short-term, speculative funds being short could consider going short cotton.




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