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单词 Bad
1. He that spares the bad injures the good. 
2. Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper. 
3. A bad thing never dies.
4. Behind bad luck comes good luck. 
5. Bad workmen often blame their tools. 
6. A good horse cannot be of a bad colour. 
7. Many a good cow hath a bad calf. 
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse. 
9. A bad penny always turns up. 
10. A bad padlock invites a picklock. 
11. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 
12. Money is a good servant, but a bad master. 
13. No man ever became thoroughly bad all at once. 
14. A bad conscience is a snake in one's heart. 
15. Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters. 
16. A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. 
17. No man ever became thoroughly bad at once. 
18. There's no such thing as bad publicity. 
19. Hard cases make bad law.
20. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 
21. Three removes are as bad as a fire. 
22. Pardoning the bad is injuring the good. 
23. Better be alone than in bad company. 
24. Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 
25. The receiver is as bad as the thief. 
26. Bad money drives out good.
27. Many a good father hath but a bad son. 
28. The good seaman is known in bad weather. 
29. A bad bush is better than the open field. 
30. Money is a good servant and a bad master. 
1. I feel bad about the mistake.
2. He has got a bad headache.
3. Despite the bad weather, we enjoyed ourselves.
4. Are you saying that it's a bad idea?
5. Don't speak bad about other people.
6. This is a really bad line.
7. Our holiday was spoiled by bad weather.
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. Don't say bad things about others.
9. I received bad treatment from him.
10. I have a bad memory for names.
11. Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school.
12. TV has its good and bad points.
13. Can you do anything for my bad back, doctor?
14. He is really bad at making decisions.
15. My bad leg is really giving me gyp today.
16. Their consignment of bananas was / were bad.
17. The bad weather delayed the departure of the steamer.
18. I was in a terrible bad way.
19. The bad weather ruined our trip.
20. On bad days I even felt suicidal.
21. That's a bad day for me.
22. There are good and bad points about TV.
23. The word "bad" is an adjective.
24. Business has been bad this year.
25. Exhaust fumes are bad for your health.
26. Bad food is a source of illness.
27. Too much candy is bad for your teeth.
28. I've lost my wallet. --That's too bad.
29. He's in a bad mood today.
30. Rescue attempts were stopped because of bad weather.
31. A bad husband makes a bad wife. 
32. An empty bad cannot stand upright. 
33. Bad luck always comes in threes. 
34. Almost any situation---good or bad ---is affected by the attitude we bring to. 
35. A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept. 
36. In almost every face and every person, they may discover fine feathers and defects, good and bad qualities. 
37. Of earthly goods the best is a good wifeA bad the bitterest curse of human life. 
37. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
38. If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers. Charles Dickens 
39. It is better to be alone than in bad company. George Washington 
40. See a pin and pick it up, all the day you'll have good luck; see a pin and let it lie, bad luck you'll have all day. 
41. Good for good every man can do, good for bad only a noble man can do. 
42. Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism. 
43. Make the best of a bad business (or job or bargain). 
44. Money is neither good nor bad, but all depends on what use is made of it. 
45. A good reputation sits still; a bad one runs about. 
46. No man can make a good coat with bad cloth. 
47. If the orange is going to be bad ----for the best of us are bad sometimes ---it begins to be bad from the outside, not from the inside. 
48. Bad news has wings.
49. Fire, water, and money are good servants, but bad masters. 
50. A man is not good or bad for one action. 
51. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. William Shakespeare 
52. In scandal, as in robbery,the receiver is always thought as bad as the thief. 
53. All are good lasses, but whence come the bad wives? 
54. The dullard's envy of brilliant men is always assuaged by the suspicion that they will come to a bad end. 
55. All good things are cheap, all bad things are very dear. 
56. Bad news travels fast.
57. Fire and water are [may be] good servants, but bad masters. 
58. Nothing so bad, as not to be good for something. 
59. The more you fight something, the more anxious you become ---the more you're involved in a bad pattern, the more difficult it is to escape. 
60. I feel bad about the mistake.
31. I'm in a bad mood today.
32. He's off work with a bad back.
33. I feel really bad about it.
34. Her illness was due to bad food.
35. Bad drainage caused the land to be flooded.
36. He had the bad luck to break his leg.
37. I want no repetition of your bad behavior.
37. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
38. The old lady had a bad cough.
39. He made a comment about the bad road.
40. The rain isn't too bad - it's only drizzling.
41. Don't feel so bad about yourself.
42. He's going through a bit of a bad spell at the moment.
43. Don't treat me badly just because you had a bad day.
44. He's in Melanie's bad books because he arrived 2 hours late.
45. Steve was in a particularly bad mood when he got back.
46. You can't keep using your bad back as an excuse.
47. To say the movie was bad is an understatement .
48. She was thin and tired-looking and generally in a bad way.
49. The plane is overdue and has been delayed by the bad weather.
50. Her teeth are so bad that she needs three extractions.
51. It is bad manners to speak with your mouth full.
52. He tried not to let the bad news spoil his evening.
53. For the past couple of years my life has gone from bad to worse.
54. It is not easy to break off a bad habit.
55. It was a really bad accident - they're lucky to be alive.
56. The bad language in that play overstepped the limits/boundaries of what ought to be allowed on television.
57. One good argument weighs down eighteen bad ones.
58. The boy is too young to discriminate good books from bad ones.
59. It is impossible to disguise the fact that business is bad.
60. He went on a drunken binge when he heard the bad news.
61. We didn't reckon for having such bad weather.
62. His bad behaviour was just an isolated incident.
63. The failure was caused by bad management.
64. Despite the bad weather, we enjoyed ourselves.
65. We lamented over our bad luck.
66. A surfeit of rich food is bad for you.
67. I always lose at cards, with my bad luck.
67. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
68. I've been going through a bad patch recently.
69. The bad weather aggravated his illness.
70. Don't speak bad about other people.
71. bad workman always blames his tools.
72. This is a really bad line.
73. Don't feel bad growing old.I am right behind you.
74. They may be in for some bad weather.
75. Bad luck may befall to anyone at any time.
76. It's bad for your health to be physically inactive.
77. Our holiday was spoiled by bad weather.
78. Don't say bad things about others.
79. I received bad treatment from him.
80. Bad planning will lead to difficulty later.
81. I'm having a really bad day.
82. Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school.
83. She's in a good/bad mood.
84. I don't envy your journey in this bad weather.
85. She wept when she heard the bad news.
86. It's not half bad, your new flat.
87. Helen's a bad/good influence on him.
88. Can you do anything for my bad back, doctor?
89. Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather.
90. I can' t tolerate your bad manners any longer.
91. Bad weather scrambled the air schedules.
92. Good or bad we must all live.
93. He is really bad at making decisions.
94. My bad leg is really giving me gyp today.
95. All flights have been cancelled because of bad weather.
96. She looked as if she'd had some bad news.
97. His mother reproached him for his bad manners.
98. Bad habits are easy to contract.
99. The child's clothes were in bad state of repair.
100. His bad temper was aggravated by his headache.
101. Their consignment of bananas was / were bad.
102. Happiness is good health and a bad memory.
103. The good seaman is known is bad weather.
104. A depression usually brings bad weather.
105. The bad weather delayed the departure of the steamer.
106. We condemned him for his bad conduct.
107. Bad times make a good man.
108. I was in a terrible bad way.
109. The child's clothes were in bad repair .
110. Bad diction marred the effectiveness of his speech.
111. Fire is a good servant but a bad master.
112. You can't take photographs if the light is bad.
113. Business has been bad this year.
114. He was utterly dumbfounded at the bad news.
115. Exhaust fumes are bad for your health.
116. If bad posture becomes habitual(), you risk long-term effects.
117. He protested against the bad treatment.
118. The bad weather has been fairly general .
119. Bad food is a source of illness.
120. Children who have had bad experiences fear rejection.
121. Too much candy is bad for your teeth.
122. a bad workman quarrels with his tools.
123. The boy was led astray by bad companions.
124. I've been diddled! Half of these tomatoes are bad!
125. I've lost my wallet. --That's too bad.
126. Constant indulgence in bad habits brought about his ruin.
127. The food was bad and the service was dreadful.
128. He's in a bad mood today.
129. I'm in a bad mood today.
130. He's off work with a bad back.
131. All round it's not a bad car.
132. I feel really bad about it.
133. His affairs are in bad shape.
134. People tend to confuse bad decisions with bad luck.
135. Don't encourage bad habits in a child.
136. Too much sweet food is bad for your teeth.
137. The bad weather has seriously disrupted supplies of food.
138. He's extremely competitive and a bad loser.
139. I am bad at English, but She is worse.
140. She had her own company by 25-not bad going!
141. He had the bad luck to break his leg.
142. Life isn't all fun; it has its bad moments.
143. The crowd pelted bad eggs at the speaker.
144. Mary has a bad cold and sore throat.
145. 'Not bad,' she conceded grudgingly.
146. Bad housing, debt and poverty are interconnected.
147. The rain isn't too bad - it's only drizzling.
148. Don't feel so bad about yourself.
149. Bad luck often brings good luck.
150. It's a bad lookout for the company if interest rates don't come down.
151. She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct.
152. Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.
153. The match was postponed to the next day because of bad weather.
154. The administration has no vested interest in proving whether public schools were good or bad.
155. I don't need someone who sees the good in me. I need someone who sees the bad in me and still wants me.
156. We strongly advise you to rid yourself of the bad habit of smoking.
157. The workers had to lie off 3 days because of the bad weather.
158. I must say that bad news disquiet me a great deal.
159. Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour.
160. There is a general presumption that fatty foods are bad for your heart.
161. When something bad happens, there's no point in wishing it had not happened. The only option is to minimise the damage.
162. Children's negative feelings often get acted out in bad behaviour.
163. I'm not going to let him repair my bike again because he made a really bad job of it last time.
164. They are determined to erase the bad memories of last year's defeats.
165. Many electors didn't vote today because of the bad weather.
166. He's in Melanie's bad books because he arrived 2 hours late.
167. He felt dismal after reading a piece of bad news in the newspaper.
168. The quality of the book is diluted by the bad writing.
169. Steve was in a particularly bad mood when he got back.
170. In spite of the bad things he's done I still believe in his essential goodness.
171. Don't keep blaming your little sister for your bad behavior.
172. He had a bad fall while ice-skating but he laughed it off.
173. I don't deserve to be made the scapegoat for a couple of bad results.
174. There is a popular misconception that too much exercise is bad for you.
175. I know Vicky doesn't like the job, but I mightn't find it too bad.
176. I really wish there's a dark hole that would swallow up bad people.
177. He was recently fitted with a brace for his bad back.
178. They've had to cancel tomorrow's football match because of the bad weather.
179. He quit the show last year because of bad health.
180. Why do the good girls, always want the bad boys?
181. According to popular folklore, anyone who owns such a picture will have bad luck.
182. He gave way to hopeless grief as soon as he heard the bad message.
183. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that he is not too bad.
184. I shouldn't be too late. But it depends if the traffic's bad.
185. They indulge their child too much; it's bad for his character.
186. God's plan is like a movie. All the good and bad things are arranged together for the good ending.
187. One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory./bad.html
188. The match was postponed to the following Saturday because of bad weather.
189. Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment. Colin Powell 
190. Consider the bad times as down payment for the good times. Hang in there.
191. To say the movie was bad is an understatement .
192. Salvage of the wreck was made difficult by bad weather.
193. Tis easier to prevent bad hadits than to breadk them.
194. There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.
195. When you have made a bad bet, it is best to hedge off.
196. The plane is overdue and has been delayed by the bad weather.
197. Cheer up! It can't be as bad as all that.
198. Your bad spelling may prejudice your chances of getting the job.
199. The shakeout in the labour market after Christmas usually makes January a bad month for unemployment.
200. Father is in a bad temper, but let him sleep it off.
201. Those so-called friends of hers are a bad influence on her.
202. He was overcome with nausea after eating some bad food.
203. The ferry service has been suspended for the day because of bad weather.
204. I will be strong enough to make you feel bad.
205. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at.
206. The only way to survive was to enjoy the good moments and not dwell too much on the bad.
207. She started telling me about her bad back, her migraines, and so forth.
208. My recent bad experience has rather blunted my enthusiasm for travel.
209. All this fuss is because Carol is having a bad hair day.
210. He attracted a lot of adverse/bad publicity with his speech about unmarried mothers.
211. It is bad manners to speak with your mouth full.
212. He is a good boy, but bad companions misled him.
213. The door enables us to shut the birds in the shelter in bad weather.
214. If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company.
215. Her face was serious as she told us the bad news.
216. His bad behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain.
217. The mother wanted her little son to get rid of the bad habit of picking at his food.
218. No matter how bad your day is,(/bad.html) there is always something good that comes out of it.
219. In life, one step creates the next. Each day is of equal importance, no matter how good or bad. There is no moment in life that does not matter.
220. There is no man so bad,but he secretly respects the good.
221. When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful.
222. Don't worry if you have had a bad day. We each have a reset button. It's called tomorrow.
223. Do you want the good news or the bad news first?
224. According to superstition, if you walk under a ladder it brings you bad luck.
225. The president wanted to slough off the country's bad image.
226. I had a bad fall, which put my shoulder out of joint.
227. The bank set aside £1.1 billion to cover bad debts from business failures.
228. I know things look bad, but all is not lost.
229. The media distorts reality; categorises people as all good or all bad.
230. We all to some extent remember the good times and forget the bad.
231. He tried not to let the bad news spoil his evening.
232. There was a fine line between the good guys and the bad guys.
233. Good love makes u see the whole world from one person while bad love makes u abandon the whole world for one person.
234. Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet.
235. I have picked out the bad tomatoes from the basket.
236. He grew more and more bad - tempered as the afternoon wore on.
237. It seemed as if he had a charmed life; nothing bad ever happened to him.
238. It is not easy to break off a bad habit.
239. He had hoped to set a new world record(), but was frustrated by bad weather.
240. A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one.
241. They pick the pears over and threw out the bad ones.
242. The bad language in that play overstepped the limits/boundaries of what ought to be allowed on television.
243. The good in him was a constant variance with the bad.
244. Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought bad luck.
245. The game was played out althongh the light was bad.
246. Mother warned the boys not to associate with bad companions.




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