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单词 Stuck
(1) I forgot where I had stuck my pen on.
(2) He got stuck in a revolving door.
(3) The playbill was stuck down on the wall.
(4) I stuck my foot in my mouth.
(5) I tripped over the leg that stuck out.
(6) The paper is stuck to my finger.
(7) Fred stuck with his homework until it was done.
(8) I'm stuck here for the duration.
(9) Someone had stuck posters all over the walls.
(10) I stuck a 50p stamp on the envelope.
(11) They were stuck in traffic and missed their flight.
(12) The wheels were stuck in the mud.
(13) Help! I'm stuck in the mud!
(14) We got stuck in a howling blizzard.
(15) I stuck the note to the door with Sellotape.
(16) She got the key stuck in the lock.
(17) I couldn't budge the drawer?it was stuck fast.
(18) I can't take the lid off(), it's stuck!
(19) The zip on my anorak has got stuck.
(20) I can't get out-I'm stuck.
(21) The car got stuck in the mud.
(22) She stuck a first-class stamp on the letter.
(23) The nurse stuck the needle into my arm.
(24) His feet stuck up in the air.
(25) The horse was stuck in the quag.
(26) The wheels got stuck in the mire.
(27) She opened the window and stuck her head out.
(28) My wellingtons got stuck in a quagmire.
(29) He stuck her photos in the album.
(30) Mum, Lewis stuck out his tongue at me!
(1) I forgot where I had stuck my pen on.
(2) This drawer keeps getting stuck.
(3) He got stuck in a revolving door.
(4) The playbill was stuck down on the wall.
(5) I stuck my foot in my mouth.
(6) I tripped over the leg that stuck out.
(7) The paper is stuck to my finger.
(8) Fred stuck with his homework until it was done.
(9) I'm stuck here for the duration.
(10) Someone had stuck posters all over the walls.
(11) I stuck a 50p stamp on the envelope.
(12) They were stuck in traffic and missed their flight.
(13) The wheels were stuck in the mud.
(14) We got stuck in a howling blizzard.
(15) I stuck the note to the door with Sellotape.
(16) She got the key stuck in the lock.
(17) I couldn't budge the drawer?it was stuck fast.
(18) I can't take the lid off, it's stuck!
(19) I can't get out-I'm stuck.
(20) The car got stuck in the mud.
(21) She stuck a first-class stamp on the letter.
(22) The nurse stuck the needle into my arm.
(23) His feet stuck up in the air.
(24) The wheels got stuck in the mire.
(25) She opened the window and stuck her head out.
(26) My wellingtons got stuck in a quagmire.
(27) He stuck her photos in the album.
(28) Mum, Lewis stuck out his tongue at me!
(29) Left out in the heat of the sun, tapes easily warp or get stuck in their cases.
(30) I can't open my bag - the zip has stuck.
(31) A fish bone has stuck in my throat.
(32) Left out in the heat of the sun, tapes easily warp or get stuck in their cases.
(33) I can't open my bag - the zip has stuck.
(34) The map had a lot of little pins stuck into it.
(35) I can't get this photograph off the page; it's stuck on.
(36) She told me a screamingly funny story about the time she got stuck in an elevator.
(37) I vaguely remember, you thin lips stuck on my forehead carefully,as if the whole world becomes quiet.
(38) He went there to ask her pardon, but the words stuck in his throat.
(39) The boat stuck on a sandbank but we soon got it afloat again.
(40) He coughed up the candy that was stuck in his throat.
(41) They stuck a gun in his ribs and made him fork over all his money.
(42) We once got stuck in a blizzard for six hours.
(43) She made a face and stuck out her tongue at him.
(44) She has a recurring nightmare about being stuck in a lift.
(45) The doctor stuck my finger with a needle to get blood sample.
(46) He stuck down the envelope and dropped it into the mailbox.
(47) Allan licked the postage stamp and stuck it on the envelope.
(48) It might seem funny but I tell you what,() getting stuck up a tree is no laughing matter.
(49) My car's stuck in the mud, and it won't budge/I can't budge it.
(50) My shirt stuck to the clammy sweat on my back.
(51) Sara tried to open the window but it was stuck.
(52) Leeds kept quiet, stuck to their game plan and quietly racked up the points.
(53) It took him quite some time to pick off the burs that had stuck to his coat.
(54) Sorry we're late. We got stuck in a traffic jam.
(55) He said his car had got stuck in the snow.
(56) We showed them where the crates had to be moved to, and they got stuck in straightaway.
(57) I stuck my hand in the beehive and was stung three times!
(58) This door seems to be stuck - can you help me push it open?
(59) He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.
(60) The envelope was stuck down with Sellotape.
(31) The map had a lot of little pins stuck into it.
(32) I can't get this photograph off the page; it's stuck on.
(33) She told me a screamingly funny story about the time she got stuck in an elevator.
(34) He went there to ask her pardon, but the words stuck in his throat.
(35) He coughed up the candy that was stuck in his throat.
(36) They stuck a gun in his ribs and made him fork over all his money.
(37) We once got stuck in a blizzard for six hours.
(38) She made a face and stuck out her tongue at him.
(39) She has a recurring nightmare about being stuck in a lift.
(40) The doctor stuck my finger with a needle to get blood sample.
(41) He stuck down the envelope and dropped it into the mailbox.
(42) Allan licked the postage stamp and stuck it on the envelope.
(43) It might seem funny but I tell you what, getting stuck up a tree is no laughing matter.
(44) My shirt stuck to the clammy sweat on my back.
(45) Sara tried to open the window but it was stuck.
(46) Leeds kept quiet, stuck to their game plan and quietly racked up the points.
(47) It took him quite some time to pick off the burs that had stuck to his coat.
(48) Sorry we're late. We got stuck in a traffic jam.
(49) He said his car had got stuck in the snow.
(50) We showed them where the crates had to be moved to, and they got stuck in straightaway.
(51) I stuck my hand in the beehive and was stung three times!
(52) This door seems to be stuck - can you help me push it open?
(53) He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.
(54) She stuck to her task like grim death.
(55) Someone has stuck a label on the crate.
(56) The storm stuck with elemental fury.
(57) The gum stuck to my fingers.
(58) Once you're stuck in deep snow, it's difficult to lever yourself out.
(61) She stuck to her task like grim death.
(62) He has stuck up to her.
(63) His head was stuck fast in the railings.
(64) He stuck the note through her letter box.
(65) The ship stuck fast on the bar.
(66) We were stuck in traffic for over an hour.
(67) He stuck out his tongue and flared his nostrils.
(68) They stuck to their task manfully.
(69) He stuck his foot out and tripped me.
(70) He stuck out that he had never been there.
(71) Wade stuck the cigarette between his lips.
(72) We could be stuck in this place for days.
(73) I stuck a tape in the deck.
(73) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(74) Someone has stuck a label on the crate.
(75) The tiles were stuck firmly to the wall.
(76) I was stuck at home with flu.
(77) Perhaps he should have stuck to writing.
(78) I was stuck with him for the whole journey.
(79) She had got something stuck between her teeth.
(80) Can you free this window? It's stuck.
(81) The storm stuck with elemental fury.
(82) A fish bone got stuck in my throat.
(83) Someone stuck a leg out and tripped me up.
(84) Here's your food. Now get stuck in .
(85) Her criticism really stuck in my craw.
(86) I stuck a needle into the cloth.
(87) She stuck to the work until it is finished.
(88) We're stuck in jobs that don't pay very well.
(89) An iron bar stuck out at an angle.
(90) We were stuck in a jam for two hours.
(91) I'll help you with your mathematics if you're stuck.
(92) We were stuck in a traffic jam .
(93) They persistently stuck him with fund collection.
(94) He was stuck up on the street.
(95) She stuck labels on all the jars.
(96) The item of the Law has stuck.
(97) The key stuck in the lock.
(98) I was stuck by the situation.
(99) We are, unfortunately, stuck with this huge, ugly building.
(100) The boy stuck his finger up his nose.
(101) The wheelbarrow got stuck in a hollow.
(102) Our product range was stuck in a groove.
(103) The gum stuck to my fingers.
(104) The bus stuck in the mud.
(105) Then, families stuck together through thick and thin .
(106) He pitied people who were stuck in dead-end jobs.
(107) The 'lucky' tag stuck for years.
(108) She stuck her tongue out at me.
(109) I stuck the two pieces of paper together.
(110) For once Anthony was stuck for words .
(111) They were stuck in a morass of paperwork.
(112) I got stuck on the first question.
(113) I'm stuck with my sister for the whole day.
(114) We got stuck in a blizzard.
(115) He stuck his head up through the hatch.
(116) He says he's stuck on me.
(117) They were stuck in a line of traffic.
(118) The Republicans have stuck to their conservative agenda.
(119) I stuck a stamp on the letter.
(120) The children were so thin their ribs stuck out.
(121) The car wheels got stuck in the mud.
(122) I hate being stuck at home all day.
(123) Many people are now stuck with expensive fixed-rate mortgages.
(124) The arrow stuck in the tree.
(125) The boat was stuck fast in the mud.
(126) The speech he made stuck to the key points.
(127) He's really stuck on his new girl-friend.
(128) The cushion was stuck full of pins.
(129) Some punk stuck a knife in her last night.
(130) He stuck the car in first and revved.
(131) The needle stuck in my finger.
(132) We just stuck it to the window.
(133) The wheels stuck fast in the mud.
(134) Take your jacket off and get stuck in!
(135) They stuck a bison with spears.
(136) Bill left and I was stuck with the bill.
(137) I've stuck a needle in my finger!
(138) I stuck the photos into an album.
(139) They stuck together in hard times.
(140) The zip on my bag has stuck.
(141) We got stuck in traffic for several hours.
(142) Don't wait for me-get stuck in.
(143) They stuck in my sitting room until midnight.
(144) Many home sellers remain stuck in a recessional rut.
(145) Jack opened his door and stuck his head out.
(146) It wasn't a happy period of his life(/stuck.html), but he stuck it out.
(147) With a small degree of uneasiness, he pushed it open and stuck his head inside.
(148) We were stuck in a traffic jam for two hours.
(149) We were stuck in heavy traffic for more than an hour.
(150) Did you hear that someone stuck up the post office last night?
(151) As I passed, he stuck out a leg and tried to trip me up.
(152) I stuck the stamp on and ran to the postbox.
(153) They will be there to help if you get stuck.
(154) The knife was stuck on the chopping block but she pulled it out with a jerk.
(155) She tried to get rid of him at the party but he stuck to her like a bur.
(156) If you get stuck on a difficult word, just ask for help.
(157) He chuckled at the thought of the two of them stuck in the snow.
(158) Scrape off all the meat juices stuck to the bottom of the pan.
(159) He was holding up a pound note that had been torn in half and stuck together with gum.
(160) He got his nickname when he was at school and it stuck for the rest of his life.
(161) He must have been furious—he stuck two fingers up at them and walked out of the room.
(162) The needle on the dial went right round to fifty feet, which was as far as it could go, and there it stuck.
(163) The two pieces were stuck together so well that you could hardly see the join.
(164) It was impossible to move the car - its wheels had got stuck in the mud.
(165) Her whole house seems to be stuck in a time warp. It's like something out of the 1950s.
(166) Once Mrs Kirkpatrick engages you in conversation, you're stuck with her for half an hour.
(167) They offered him £250 but Vic stuck out for £500.
(168) The girl scowled at me, then stuck out her tongue .
(169) All her life, Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed.
(170) The knife was stuck but she pulled it out with a jerk.
(171) He stuck a piece of fried fish on the fork and put it on the plate.
(172) His life seemed stuck in limbo; he could not go forward and he could not go back.
(173) We're bottom of the league and we have to get stuck in.
(174) I got stuck in the mother of all traffic jams.
(175) She jerked out the knife that was stuck in the wood.
(176) I got stuck in a traffic jam for half an hour.
(177) It was the manner of her death that stuck in the public's mind.
(178) His friends called him Bart and the name has stuck .
(179) When you're stuck in traffic, a mobile phone's an absolute life-saver.
(180) He stuck his right hand in his jacket's pocket,as if he held a pistol.
(181) We're all stuck here, while he's off living the high life in New York.
(182) We got stuck in a traffic jam on the approach road.
(183) The glue had set and my hand was stuck fast.
(184) But I made my decision then and stuck by it.
(185) He stuck by her through all life's ups and downs.
(186) They stuck out against the motion of reducing the spendings.
(187) Nobody agreed with him but he stuck to his colours.
(188) He promised to help us and he stuck to his word .
(189) She stuck her fingers in her ears so that she couldn't hear the noise.
(190) A wisp of grey hair stuck out from under her hat.
(191) The motion stuck as soon as it was put forth.
(192) One guy stuck his foot out and tried to trip me.
(193) He stuck his hand in his pocket and leaned back.
(193) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(194) She still stuck no matter how hard I tried to persuade her.
(195) The accused person stuck out that he was innocent of the crime.
(196) One newspaper dubbed him 'Eddie the Eagle', and the name stuck.
(197) She snapped her suitcase shut and stuck on a label.
(198) I want to get stuck into the job as soon as possible.
(199) They are stuck with each other with no end in sight.
(200) She drove past and stuck two fingers up at him.
(201) Jean has stuck by her husband through thick and thin .
(202) I tried to push the door open but it was stuck.
(203) We were stuck with him for the entire train journey!
(204) Clara stuck her head around the door to see who was there.
(205) The Treasury Secretary has stuck to his mantra that 'a strong dollar is in America's interest'.
(206) If you get stuck, Denise is always willing to lend a hand.
(207) I've never known him to be stuck for words before.
(208) He should have stuck to his guns and refused to meet her.
(209) Stuck at home like this, she felt like a vegetable.
(210) I stuck out a thumb and a car stopped immediately.
(211) She licked the stamps and stuck them on the parcel.
(212) Her husband stuck by her in good times and bad.
(213) I don't want to be stuck in an office all my life-I want to live!
(214) The negotiations have got stuck on a number of key issues.
(215) The teacher should encourage the child to proceed as far as he can, and when he is stuck, ask for help.
(216) My book got wet and all the pages have stuck together.
(217) When the doctor stuck the needle into her arm, the child screamed blue murder.
(218) We'd be stuck if your sister hadn't offered to come round and look after the children tonight.
(219) I'd go mad if I was stuck at home all day.
(220) He seems to be stuck with the label of 'troublemaker'.
(221) These pages are stuck together I can't pull them apart.
(222) She stuck to her game plan of staying back and hitting the ball hard from the baseline.
(223) She stuck with him through a misplaced sense of loyalty.
(224) His criticism stuck out a mile to aim at us.
(225) Although her name is Clare, her little sister called her Lali,(http:///stuck.html) and somehow the name stuck.
(226) Richard is stuck in the Dark Ages when it comes to his attitudes towards women.
(227) I don't want to get stuck in another job like that.
(228) He picked off the burs that had stuck to his overcoat.
(229) We were getting along fine until you stuck your oar in.
(230) Once you're stuck in deep snow, it's difficult to lever yourself out.
(231) I was stuck in a traffic jam for an hour yesterday.
(232) I stuck with him in the race and finally I overtook him.
(233) Have you stuck all the family photographs in the book yet?
(234) Nick's really stuck on Maria - he doesn't talk about anything else.
(235) What on earth was the matter with her, she wondered. She'd come here to enjoy herself and here she was, stuck on her own in the hotel.
(236) Mum resented being stuck at home with two young kids.
(237) There's a lot to do so get your jackets off and get stuck in!
(238) The image of the dead child's face stuck in my mind for ages.
(239) Can you help me with my homework, Dad? I'm stuck.
(240) We are stuck here so we might as well make the best of it.
(241) We never do anything exciting any more - we seem to be stuck in a groove.
(242) US unemployment figures for March showed the jobless rate stuck at 7 per cent.
(243) He stuck his bulbous red nose back into his pint of beer.
(243) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(244) If we don’t want to define ourselves by things as superficial as our appearances, we’re stuck with the revolting alternative of being judged by our actions. Ellen Degeneres 
(245) Some live life strictly, following each and every rule rigidly. They go by the book and get stuck by the hook. Break free today, let conscience guide your way. RVM 
(246) God writes a lot of comedy... the trouble is, he's stuck with so many bad actors who don't know how to play funny. Garrison Keillor 
(247) We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works. Douglas Adams 
(248) My wife can't cook at all. She made chocolate mousse. An antler got stuck in my throat. Rodney Dangerfield 
(249) You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be. Wayne Dyer 
(250) I stuck out for a handsome redundancy package.
(251) A large, soft tomato , unerringly aimed , stuck the chairman in the face.
(252) Doran stuck his head out of the window to acknowledge the cheering.




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