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单词 Initiative
1. Initiative 10is doing the right thing without being told. 
2. I wish my son would show more initiative .
3. Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.
4. He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative.
5. I took the initiative in blood donation.
6. There is little scope for initiative in this job.
7. Initiative, independent and good communication skill.
8. State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative.
9. It is hoped that the government's initiative will bring the strike to an end.
10. The research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists.
11. The government has launched a new policy initiative.
12. There's talk of a new peace initiative.
13. The German leadership lauded the Russian initiative.
14. A new initiative was needed to break the logjam.
15. Too much bureaucracy represses creativity and initiative.
16. She did it on her own initiative .
17. Joe Walker will be spearheading our new marketing initiative.
18. Rosalind, or Roz to her friends, took the initiative.
19. In the second half, Manchester United regained the initiative.
20. We welcome the government's initiative to help the homeless.
21. Politicians need to seize the initiative from the terrorists.
22. We have the initiative; we intend to keep it.
23. The initiative has across-the-board support.
23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
24. She was disappointed by his lack of initiative.
25. Some scientists show little initiative in applying their knowledge.
26. The peace initiative was rejected out of hand.
27. The initiative to re-open negotiations came from Moscow.
28. The initiative has passed to us.
29. The initiative is aimed at helping young people.
30. Although she was quite young, she showed a lot of initiative and was promoted to manager after a year.
1. I wish my son would show more initiative .
2. He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative.
3. I took the initiative in blood donation.
4. There is little scope for initiative in this job.
5. State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative.
6. The research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists.
7. Although she was quite young, she showed a lot of initiative and was promoted to manager after a year.
8. Foreign bankers and economists cautiously welcomed the minister's initiative.
9. The committee endorsed an initiative by the chairman to enter discussion about a possible merger.
10. In an unprecedented action, the army, on its own initiative, arrested seventeen civilians.
11. His employer had described him as lacking in initiative and drive.
12. He went to see the headmaster on his own initiative.
13. The project was set up on the initiative of a local landowner.
31. Ten schools have been involved in the initiative.
32. Raising taxes on small businesses will stifle initiative.
33. Foreign bankers and economists cautiously welcomed the minister's initiative.
34. The company places a high premium on initiative.
35. The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.
36. It is a very hierarchical company and there's little place for individual initiative.
37. Don't ask me what you should do all the time. Use your initiative!
38. The committee endorsed an initiative by the chairman to enter discussion about a possible merger.
39. The community centre was set up under the auspices of a government initiative.
40. I put it all down to her hard work and initiative.
41. You won't get much help. You'll have to use your initiative.
42. Women frequently say that they feel awkward taking the initiative in sex.
43. He acted on his own initiative and wasn't following orders.
44. In an unprecedented action, the army, on its own initiative, arrested seventeen civilians.
45. The captain took the initiative and led the soldiers out of the danger area.
46. Don't keep asking me for advice. Use your initiative .
47. I put it all down to his hard work and initiative.
48. The government must not lose the initiative in the fight against terrorism.
49. It is hoped that the industry will respond positively to this new initiative.
50. The initiative foundered because there was no market interest in redevelopment.
51. His employer had described him as lacking in initiative and drive.
52. He went to see the headmaster on his own initiative.
53. The project was set up on the initiative of a local landowner.
53. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
54. This initiative is not the answer to what ails our educational system.
55. The president is resigned to public indifference to his latest initiative.
56. Lt. Carlos was not obeying orders. He acted on his own initiative .
57. Because of the general's indecisiveness, our armies have lost the initiative to the enemy.
58. She took the initiative in asking the board to conduct an enquiry.
59. We must take the initiative in the struggle to end the war.
60. Why don't you take the initiative and ask him out?
61. In an unprecedented action, the army, on its own initiative, arrested seven civilians.
62. The UN called on all parties in the conflict to take a positive stance towards the new peace initiative.
63. He proposed a new diplomatic initiative to try to stop the war.
64. He had the initiative to ask what time the last train left.
65. After their latest setback, the rebel forces no longer hold the initiative.
66. In the absence of my commanding officer, I acted on my own initiative.
67. It was up to the US to take the initiative in repairing relations.
68. The child showed/displayed great initiative in going to fetch the police.
69. Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?
70. The proposed initiative would mandate a reduction of carbon dioxide of 40%.
71. It's up to this country to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.
72. The government is launching a new initiative to bring jobs to deprived areas.
73. The initiative has been given the supposedly catchy title of the "Citizen's Charter".
74. Students are encouraged to show initiative and originality in their work.
75. The initiative has attracted national attention.
76. This initiative caused a major battle within the team.
77. It also stands apart from leading a single initiative.
78. But the book also gives commendations for initiative.
79. These considerable changes reflect a strong marketing initiative.
80. Thus the breakaway group, organizing its own exhibition(), was an obvious initiative.
81. The initiative will seek to identify the best examples of environmental management to be used for setting a benchmark for the future.
82. So one would image that the latest new fangled marketing initiative at Vaux-owned Swallow Hotel in Gateshead gets his backing.
83. You need to reach your own conclusion about how much control and coordination your specific initiative requires.
83. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
84. Engineers should take the initiative and look for opportunities to encourage greater awareness of risk issues within their organisation.
85. Its voters first cast ballots by mail on a state housing initiative in 1993.
86. Given the atmosphere between the two countries, if only over quotas, the initiative took both delegates and journalists by surprise.
87. I said that I would be happy to appear on any television programme about the valleys initiative at any time.
88. Yaki had tried to broker a compromise earlier this year to keep the initiative off the ballot.
89. Mubarak's initiative for a Middle East free from nuclear, chemical and biological weapons was also welcomed.
90. Prospects for its future use will have been considerably enhanced by this initiative, and reflects well on those involved.
91. A Weather Initiative forecast - very comprehensive, of course - comes a little more expensive: try £100.
92. This small-scale study aims to describe and evaluate one initiative in this field.
93. Many problems have a clear local manifestation; local initiative and self-help must consequently provide the most apt solutions.
94. There must be a major government-led initiative for large-scale debt cancellation.
95. Conditions would become more conducive to entrepreneurial initiative, capital accumulation, the division of labour, technological innovation, and industrialization.
96. From the federal perspective, generally acceptable activities were being planned and carried out, largely on local initiative.
97. At a personal level, their relationship reflected their implicit agreement that the political initiative should rest with Paris rather than Bonn.
98. The ruler could not on his own initiative build fortresses, hire troops or alter the judicial system.
99. California voters approved the initiative November 5 by a 54-to-46 percent margin.
100. The primary responsibility of the federal government was to serve as a catalyst for local initiative.
101. Observers expect millions of dollars to be spent on the initiative campaign.
102. The initiative moved firmly back into the hands of more conservative forces within the government.
103. Another major challenge could come next year should voters approve a statewide ballot initiative aimed at abolishing mobile-home rent control.
104. Both sides say that thousands of Californians have joined grass-roots groups that are waging the battle over the initiative.
105. He will also learn of an initiative to monitor performance line-by-line with the aim of improvement.
106. It would be interesting to know with whom this initiative was discussed by those who advise the secretary of state.
107. How many existing people must learn new skills and behaviors for the initiative to achieve its desired performance aspirations?
108. A genuine initiative, or just another excuse for backslapping and all-star music line-ups?
109. Earthscan should be congratulated for its initiative, especially as it has managed to produce readable technical material.
110. I have already mentioned the failure of the paramilitaries to create and sustain a political initiative.
111. The Legislature banned lion hunting in 1972, and voters afforded special protection with an initiative approved in 1990.
112. In this respect, the learner exercises his own initiative to ensure the proper supply of comprehensible input.
113. The following teacher's writing illustrates how his pupils have gained in confidence and initiative.
114. The initiative has also made concerted attempts to tackle these problems.
115. Lawyers for Attorney General Dan Lungren argued that the initiative did not impose a lifetime ban.
116. The board adopted its own measure, which will go on the March ballot in opposition to the Kuper initiative.
117. Every time he announced a bold initiative, a hundred obstacles were thrown in his way.
118. The sponsors of Proposition 218 are acknowledging that the complex initiative needs clarification and fine-tuning.
119. An intellectual entrepreneur stands a much better chance of getting a new initiative off the ground than a corporate Republican.
120. The overall aim is to ensure that the welfare state encourages rather than penalizes personal initiative.
121. Hutchinson is constrained by an Arkansas ballot initiative in his state to vote only for the term-limit measure voters there approved.
122. Life gives up those who lack the desire, initiative and will to fight for a better life, and does not help those who leave their lives to luck, destiny or fate. Dr T.P.Chia 
123. This gives 1 extra attack, worked out immediately prior to hand-to-hand combat regardless of initiative levels or which side charged.
124. And both boys and girls with involved fathers demonstrate a greater ability to take initiative and direct themselves.
125. Major, for his part, praised Clinton's initiative to airlift humanitarian aid to Bosnia.
126. Supporters must collect enough signatures by Feb. 21 to qualify the initiative for the ballot.
127. If the council wanted a major new initiative, it would appropriate additional money.
128. Yet for lack of personnel, funds, and initiative, Bolshevik Party members were not making sufficient capital out of the situation.
129. Some backers of the initiative feared that a lifetime ban would make the measure easier to overturn later.
130. However, the Soviet initiative attracted only marginal support from the states in the region.
131. Behind this report is a determination by the Board to take and hold the initiative over its constituent members.
132. Also too often they broke away only to lose the initiative by letting the cockney donkeys get back.
133. An initiative was now expected to amend to the relevant Article 18 of the federal constitution.
134. Even some analysts who have serious reservations about enlargement cite a potential credibility problem if the initiative is halted.
135. Even some single-payer adherents say it would be miraculous if the initiative wins voter approval.
136. And somehow-not solely by osmosis, either-we began acquiring that degree of skill and energy and initiative of quick intelligence.
137. It is hard for people to change themselves, and not many people take the initiative to change themselves for a better future. Most people are forced into changing themselves because there are no options left. Dr T.P.Chia 
138. This initiative will go national soon, with the planned new agency operating next year.
139. Since the passage of Proposition 209, those seeking such programs must resort to a statewide initiative to amend the California Constitution.
140. The initiative was taken by Bafuor Osei Akoto, a prosperous, go-ahead cocoa farmer of Kumasi.
141. The initiative will allow the entrepreneurs to test new approaches to agriculture or develop new agricultural products and activities.
142. Self motivation, initiative, excellent written and verbal communication skills and attention to detail will, however, be vital.
143. Pete Wilson supports the initiative, while Democratic gubernatorial candidate Kathleen Brown has staked her election hopes on vehement opposition.
144. In 1986, a political activist new to San Francisco was attending a fund-raiser to fight an anti-gay initiative.
145. Fifty-two percent of California voters approved the hotly debated term-limits initiative in 1990.
146. By October 1989, therefore, the time was right for a concerted diplomatic initiative against drift-net fishing.
147. To a large extent, initiative in policy formation is centered in the chief executive.
148. The loss of spontaneity and initiative may be accompanied by personality changes, anxiety and restlessness, particularly around tea time.
149. The latest initiative took place between August and October of 1996.
150. The ballot initiative qualified after the City Council approved the project last summer.
151. The initiative will work in partnership with local agencies to address local community problems.
152. It was also apparent just how well the Rover Tennis Initiative is working.
153. Members of the council agreed to set up a joint initiative involving all public agencies.
154. This seemed to gain him a psychological advantage, since White's opening initiative had evidently petered out by this point.
155. The initiative is part of Durham's appeal for food and medical aid for the county's twin town of Kostroma.
156. Fair, not self-seeking and with initiative on work.
157. "Nofollow" was always a highly two-sided initiative.
158. Seen from our country's present reality, the choice of the terms of payments of international trade, Propose on one's own initiative few that settles account by this way.
159. As stated in the Board's second report, which has just been released, "Our view of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative remains: polio eradiation is feasible and vital."
160. The UGI initiative would provide an unique global identifier for every hotel and organization in the sell/stay transaction process.
161. This article has used research techniques and so on real diagnosis law, comparison test, analogism, carries on the system elaboration to the Commercial bank initiative debt management.
162. There are two detecting and tracking modes for air targets, initiative mode and passive mode.
163. In millisecond blast engineering, the key to achieving initiative control of vibration damages by means of wave interference is to ascertain reasonable delay time interval.
164. Once written, the author of the bill will seek co-sponsors from among his or her colleagues to add greater credibility to the initiative.
165. China Central Ballet exercises the appointment and annual salary systems for entire employees(), which has effectively inspired their initiative for artistic production.
166. Conclusion The comprehensive community-based NCD control and prevention is an optimal incisiveness for the medicine and public health initiative.
167. The Chinese Government has always been firmly dedicated to promoting the Middle East peace process, pushing for the implementation of the Road Map and supporting the Arab Peace Initiative.
168. Leibniz believes that most important in the characteristics of the Monad is the spirit of nature, and it's own initiative force.
169. The average hopefulness , the average welfare, the average enterprise, the average initiative, of the United States are the only things that make it rich.
170. The International Society of Toxinology officially supported the Initiative last month at the World Congress of Plant, Animal and Microbial Toxins in Recife, Brazil.
171. The left-leaning assembly is studying a new initiative to introduce temporary marriage licenses that would expire after two years if the couple so desires.
172. As with other transformative measures, like the open-door initiative launched in Shenzhen, the one-child policy's abolition could be handled slowly, studied, then rolled out nationally.
173. A federal initiative called Project Safe Neighbourhoods (PSN) pays for the programme; the federal district attorney directs it.
174. Moss-grown regulation is when new user integral (initiative cent value is - 20 minutes) after accumulative total value achieves 0 minutes,() can fall behind successfully.
175. President Sirleaf says strengthening Liberia's General Auditing Commission and complying with the Norwegian-based Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative has reduced corruption.
176. After the 9.11 event, America custom came on the Container Security Initiative (CSI) for mainland security and to promote the security of the global floating cargo of world trade in the January 2002.
177. The secretary of HEW could convene a conference on his or her own initiative when the pollution was interstate; it could be convened at the request of the governor for intrastate problems.
178. The Biobrick initiative started by researchers at MIT, Harvard and UCSF, is an attempt to standardize chunks of genetic code that can be used as "parts," like a Lego set.
179. In addition on the cochlea basilar membrane's structure possibly exists locks on the other side the mechanism on own initiative, this possibly has the spontaneous ear sound launch mechanism.
180. This initiative offers a abstract programming environment to simplify the work of developers and architects during the lifecycle implementation and process assembly.
181. Thus the whole society, including American whites, to cognize the absurdness , dominance and evil of racism and to eliminate racism on their own initiative.
182. She derided him for his sheepishness, for his lack of initiative, for his cowering before a silly machine.
183. The Yellow Fever Initiative is financially supported by the GAVI Alliance, ECHO, Ministries of Health, and country-level partners.
184. The result was a breadfruit initiative that has enlisted chefs and restaurants to pitch the fruit and has sent advocates to local schools to get young people interested in eating breadfruit.
185. Under isothermal condition, the results show that the pyrolysis of MSW nearly all is occurred on one time range, but it's initiative time and terminal time is not same.




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