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单词 Decline
1, The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downwad tendency. 
2, The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downward tendency. 
3, They wish that prices would decline.
4, The birthrate is on the decline.
5, His father is on the decline.
6, The town fell into decline after the mine closed.
7, Fish stocks in the Baltic are in decline.
8, The company reported a small decline in its profits.
9, The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.
10, My initial reaction was to decline the offer.
11, The cloth trade went into gradual decline.
12, To decline to vote is a cop-out.
13, Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s.
14, The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.
15, There has been a sharp decline in profits this year.
16, Notwithstanding a steady decline in numbers, the school has had a very successful year.
17, An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport.
18, There has been a decline in the size of families.
19, The figures represent a general decline in employment.
20, After his wife's death,[http:///decline.html] he fell into a decline.
21, The government has failed to halt economic decline.
22, I must sadly decline your generous invitation.
23, The industry has slid into decline.
24, We must halt this decline in health services.
25, Is inflation symptomatic of economic decline?
26, The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline.
27, The article claims that an increase in crime indicates a decline in moral standards.
28, Unemployment rose and the city went into a spiral of decline.
29, The climate of political confusion has only reinforced the country's economic decline.
30, The number of car accident deaths is continuing to decline.
1, They wish that prices would decline.
2, The town fell into decline after the mine closed.
3, Fish stocks in the Baltic are in decline.
4, The company reported a small decline in its profits.
5, The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.
6, My initial reaction was to decline the offer.
7, The cloth trade went into gradual decline.
8, To decline to vote is a cop-out.
9, Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s.
10, The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.
11, The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline.
12, The article claims that an increase in crime indicates a decline in moral standards.
13, Unemployment rose and the city went into a spiral of decline.
14, The climate of political confusion has only reinforced the country's economic decline.
15, The number of car accident deaths is continuing to decline.
16, An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport.
17, There has been a decline in the size of families.
31, The first signs of economic decline became visible.
32, She is on the decline, and may die soon.
33, Inflation is rampant and industry in decline.
34, Further economic decline set in during the 1930s.
35, The decline in sales embarrassed our company.
36, The report notes a rapid decline in manufactured goods.
37, The once great industry is now in terminal decline.
38, There has been a general decline in standards.
39, They failed to arrest the company's decline.
40, He fell into a decline.
41, Thankfully the smoking of cigarettes is on the decline.
42, The industry is in terminal decline.
43, He got into a decline.
44, Support for the party continues to decline.
45, The port fell into decline in the 1950s.
46, We managed to decline gracefully.
47, The motor industry is still in decline.
48, After a long decline, prices are firming again.
49, This year can only see a repeat performance of the decline.
50, On mature reflection we have decided to decline their offer.
50, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
51, Orders for new ships are rising, after several years of steady decline.
52, My grandmother, as usual, lamented the decline in moral standards in today's society.
53, I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely.
54, The new system may be more economic but will lead to a decline in programme quality.
55, The increased gold price led to the decline of his jewellery business.
56, It is accepted wisdom that science has been partly responsible for the decline of religion.
57, The decline in numbers of young people means that fewer teachers will be needed.
58, In rural areas, the corollary of increased car ownership has been a rapid decline in the provision of public transport.
59, In recent years there has been a noticeable decline in such venerable British institutions as afternoon tea and the Sunday roast.
60, The number of robberies in the area is on the decline.
61, The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline.
62, There was a significant decline in the size of the business as the company transitioned to an intellectual property company.
63, Furniture and carpet retailers are among those reporting the sharpest annual decline in sales.
64, The decline of community life is negating the work of welfare services.
65, Poor economic policies led to a long period of stagnation and decline.
66, There's been a decline in the living standards of old people.
67, Inevitably there's some caller prating on about the decline in moral standards.
68, It is with great regret that I must decline your offer.
69, She seemed to be recovering and then she went into a decline.
70, Recently there has been a sharp decline in interest in gardening throughout the town.
71, There has been a decline in union representation in the auto industry.
72, The present director has presided over a rapid decline in the firm's profitability.
73, The sales chart shows a distinct decline in the past few months.
74, The company cited a 12% decline in new orders as evidence that overall demand for its products was falling.
75, We have seen a sharp decline in educational standards over recent years.
76, The rise in unemployment is symptomatic of a general decline in the economy.
77, I absolutely decline to discuss my dealings with him or anyone.
78, Economic factors have played a significant part in Britain's decline as a world power.
79, All across Europe, wherever you look, marriage is in decline and divorce rates are soaring.
80, She claims that the shipbuilding industry is in terminal decline.
81, A decline in beer sales had left the industry with spare capacity .
82, The island's population initially numbered 180,[] but there was a gradual decline until only 40 people were left.
83, I must decline to show favour to any of the candidates.
84, There has been a decline in public services in recent years.
85, This area has been on the decline for some years now.
86, The balance of evidence suggests the Liberal party's decline began before the First World War.
87, There's been a progressive decline in the standard of living over the past few years.
88, The recent decline in the dollar has put a bigger strain on the economic system.
89, The acceleration in the decline of manufacturing industry is being blamed on the high value of sterling.
90, The rise or decline of the United States is not a function of deterministic forces.
91, After years of neglect and decline the city was cleaning itself up.
92, The decline in marriage has been offset by a rise in cohabitation.
93, The rise of the novel was coincident with the decline of storytelling.
94, The country has been in a very poor economic state ever since the decline of its two major industries.
95, The company has gone into a decline because of falling demand.
96, Critics maintain that these reforms will lead to a decline in educational standards.
97, The leader's decline in popularity is causing disquiet among supporters.
98, There wasn't such a big decline in enrollments after all.
99, The decline in this industry has now been completely reversed.
100, Unemployment is not the issue - the real problem is the decline in public morality.
101, I would respectfully suggest a different explanation for the company's decline.
102, Government penny-pinching is blamed for the decline in food standards.
103, Libraries are an investment for the future and they should not be allowed to fall into decline.
104, There's a widely held belief that educational standards are in decline .
105, There's been a steady decline in smokestack industries such as shipbuilding and steel.
106, I must decline to show favor to any of the candidates.
107, We need to take corrective action to halt this country's decline.
108, There has been a decline in the number of people joining the priesthood.
109, The TV series will be axed owing to a decline in popularity.
110, The decline in the power of local authorities vis-a-vis central government is worrying.
111, In the 1960s it went into decline.
112, We can expect a further decline in job vacancies.
113, I have seen the gradual decline.
114, The reaction against Gothic continued despite its decline.
115, Southend's year has shown steady decline.
116, The decline in information content from principal component 1 to principal component 4 does not need any verbal description.
117, But the regents' decision still leaves much uncertainty on campus,[http:///decline.html] which has seen enrollment decline significantly during the turmoil.
118, The courts ought, therefore, simply to decline jurisdiction in such matters.
119, Vladimir After the decline of Kiev, a new centre of power and influence was slowly established in the region of Moscow.
120, The incline bench press puts more emphasis on upper pec development and the decline bench press gives more low pec development.
121, The reduction follows another quarter-point cut on December 22, the first decline in the repo rate since August 1994.
122, Some New York securities traders blamed the survey, released Tuesday, for the afternoon decline of stock and bond markets.
123, They were, though, marginally the more inventive in a game that showed signs of decline from the early stages.
124, Horse racing's decline was deepened by last year's collapse in bloodstock values.
125, A serious decline of leadership in local affairs compounds the difficulty.
126, For once, the index gained ground despite a decline in shares of Vodafone, the market's biggest stock.
127, The decline came in part from a buying binge by customers in 1994 as they tried to beat 1995 price increases.
128, Intuit Inc. shares posted the largest decline in the index, falling almost 17 percent this week.
129, We need to take steps to counter the chronic decline in our export market.
130, I producing fixed capital, there would be a precipitate decline in those sectors.
131, It has contributed to the decline in direct portfolio investment as opposed to indirect investment through tax exempt institutions.
132, From the 1840s child and young adult mortality contributed most of the decline.
133, Though not out of the range of historic experience, absolute economic decline is, of course, an extreme scenario.
134, That surge followed a decline from a high of 193 since 1991.
135, No recent change in status is apparent, except that some decline in autumn passage may have occurred.
136, Despite planned closures, the continuing decline in demand will continue to generate spare capacity.
137, After menopause theses daily rhythms decline in amplitude towards zero.
138, The schools building programme ceased in 1985, and at that time too teachers' real salaries began to decline rapidly.
139, America has begun to decline in economic strength and world influence since the 2008 recession. Dr T.P.Chia 
140, In fact, it has led to a dramatic decline in votes for the two main parties,[http:///decline.html] Likud and Labour.
141, These predictions have yet to materialise, and youth crime rates have been on the decline for several years.
142, The decline of the relative stability and growth of world capitalism that marked the 1950s and the early 1960s.
143, Evidence for the decline of social capital and civic engagement comes from a number of independent sources.
144, Reasons put forth include his advancing age, the cumulative effect of thousands of hits and the decline of his offensive line.
145, In this case there was no such evidence with the result that the court did not decline to hear the case.
146, Imagine what will happen to worker productivity and health-care costs if they all buy into the prevailing images of decline and decay.
147, After appearing to be in terminal decline the monarchy is back in business.
148, The underlying assumption is that gradual hormonal decline is bad because some physical functions decline at the same time.
149, Their steep decline has given grim satisfaction to their legions of detractors.
150, D., there began to appear on the Roman horizon disturbing signs of cultural decline and moral decay.
151, A decline in the former may not necessarily be accompanied by a decline in more general forms of political coverage.
152, A less noticeable but ultimately more crucial problem was a general decline in profitability.
153, Builders' Merchants. General cargo continued to flow through the port but there was a gradual decline in dock activity.
154, Wilson noted that California has been adding more manufacturing jobs, despite a nationwide decline in this business sector.
155, Always ignored by such politicians is employment. Violent crime, for instance, is on the decline in most major cities.
156, In the 1970s and early 1980s, a number of observers began to chart a decline in the civic culture.
157, Losses from restructuring will decline from now on, clearing the way for a recovery in earnings.
158, As noted in chapter 1, much of this interest in modernisation was prompted by the decline of the old colonial empires.
159, The decline in earnings per share reflects the shares Wells issued to buy First Interstate last April.
160, One response to this decline in the dynamism of Fordism was the geographical decentralization of production in search of cheaper labour.
161, It shows the decline in economic activity by men over school leaving age from 88% in 1951 to 77% in 1981.
162, All this is concurrent with a decline in intellectual egocentrism and an increased ability to see the viewpoint of others.
163, That was in sharp contrast to a 6. 5 % decline for all of 1994.
164, The decline shown in Table 3.9 was continuous, although the net figure conceals a considerable number of births.
165, Some decline to accept private clients and act only for employers.
166, As communities become less based on geographic or political boundaries, nation states will decline along with their tax base.
167, Relaxation or withdrawal of treatment before mid-childhood has been associated with a further decline in intellectual ability.
168, This decline - like that of most infectious diseases - took place despite the absence of any generally available cure or prevention.
169, The Salmon and Trout Association believe that the use of driftnets is contributing to the decline.
170, Repeated use is perceived as necessary in order to survive,[sentence dictionary] yet at the same time it contributes to further decline.
171, Expansion in the service sector has been considerably smaller than the decline in manufacturing.
172, This was the most important feature of the breed's decline from grace, since it was bred solely for work.
173, Religious belief is increasingly losing its attraction in the minds of the average people. The further decline of religion in the western world seems unavoidable. France is the most atheistic nation (32%), followed by Germany(20%), great Britain and the United States (13%). In 2010. Dr T.P.Chia 
174, The sharpest decline, 7 percent, was among children aged 10-14, according to the Justice Department figures released Thursday.
175, Farm shops may also have contributed to this decline in the local store.
176, Trade An important policy issue concerns the effectiveness of import controls as an instrument for alleviating Britain's economic decline.
177, Nevertheless, administrative change was not the main reason for the decline of the networks in the Southern Band.
178, After a century of population decline, only 4,000 of Britain's estimated 25,000 pairs of barn owls live in the wild.
179, Some of this decline is attributed to competition from cable news channels and from local news broadcasts.
180, He said the decline is partly because retailers have lifted prices for mobile phones after cutting them earlier in 1995.
181, The balsam fir, which had not shown much decline prior to 1986, also began to be diminished.
182, So the underlying cause of the fall in investment is the decline in profitability.
183, The decline of the dormouse has mirrored the loss of ancient forests.
184, Second, pressure on older workers to leave the workforce early may continue despite the decline in the number of young workers.
185, De-hospitalization can be seen as a natural consequence of the decline in numbers of old long-stay patients.
186, In the national context this is a good record, and shows no significant decline from the 1960s.
187, Could this be the primary reason for the decline of social capital over the last generation?
188, Coming from her tight mouth, the county trilling on local lawlessness and moral decline made these cankers seem wholly benign.
189, The problems of cities-and particularly inner-city areas-were increasingly viewed as resulting from economic decline.
190, I think the critical point is how much he has lost in pace and whether those other attributes are in decline.
191, Sanders is merely the athlete who best defines the decline of Western civilization.
192, Until then, newspaper coverage of the Royal Family had been in a fairly lengthy decline.
193, Heavy industry was quailing before foreign competition, but the decline in traditional female areas of work was less steep.
194, However, the decline in the Tokyo stock market, which has rendered many warrants worthless, may seriously damage the market.
195, Investors fear that without a budget agreement, the Federal Reserve will decline to cut interest rates.
196, As soon as a board attempts to interfere with management tasks it's a fair bet that profits will decline.
197, Illegal hunting is leading to the decline of some birds.
198, The bulk of the decline in traditional families came between 1970 and 1980, with smaller decreases since then.
199, Barber said the accelerating annual rate of decline in members reaches from villages to cities.
200, The workforce in distribution began to decline with increased concentration in retailing, rationalisation and the development of larger stores.
201, Nothing would ever be said, but the activity would be seen as part of a clerical decline.
202, Without him, Tiger itself went into decline and closed in the early 1980s.
203, The fur industry is already seeing a major decline in sales.
204, According to the police, however, there was a decline in the level of violence immediately following the signing of the accord.
205, Philip Voss overcomes some obstacles - including at one point being dressed in a Babygro - to chart the King's decline.
206, In the decline the church had experienced in the intervening years, fewer catholic school children had opted out.
207, The decline partly reflects a broader downturn in global stock markets.
208, The decline of organized religion is irreversible, but religion-as a tranquilizing pill to many souls - will never die in human society. Dr T.P.Chia 
209, Television has contributed to the steady decline of solemnity in the courtroom.
210, Yet paradoxically the bird is now giving serious cause for alarm to environmentalists because of a decline in the breeding population.
211, As public confidence in his capacity to reign has plummeted, Charles' decline has dragged the monarchy down with him.
212, The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking political science courses or enrolling in law schools.
213, The May figure of £6,659 million was a 24 percent decline from April's £8,728 million.
214, Institutionally cultivated individual career strategies for organizational dominance contribute to organizational decline.
215, By 2001 this younger group are expected to decline in absolute numbers by some 238,000 - around 5%.
216, Today, the redundancy legislation is used to reduce the labour force because of economic decline.
217, With bigger fish in serious decline, mackerel, sardines and anchovies are now the main targets.
218, In the absence of soil conservation, the productivity of these lands w ill inevitably decline rapidly.
219, Much of the rise in commercial paper outstanding is a counterpart to the decline in bank lending.
220, Gloucester Docks was a thriving port until the 1960's, when it went into decline as traffic moved to the motorways.
221, Moreover, the resulting decline in council housing has begun to lead to the rise of the ghetto.
222, Unless the slope of the baseline drift is very steep the decline has few practical consequences except to sharpen competitive pressures.
223, That increase ended a dramatic decline from 2. 7 million metric tons in May 1994.
224, Its final decline was brought about by a change in the public attitude to death.
225, A satisfactory surplus has been achieved and the effect of the decline in membership and examination entries has been contained.
226, One influential argument about urban decline has been put forward by Fothergill and Gudgin and their associates.
227, The importance of this role is likely to be greater in times of economic decline.
228, From at least the closing years of the eighteenth century the decline of gentry involvement and even tolerance of plebeian sports was evident.
229, They had brought a modest decline in the face of extreme boom conditions, but no collapse.
230, At the same time,[] a gradual decline set in with the advent of freight transportation on the roads.
231, The red spruce decline was continuing though it was statistically leveling off, since most of the spruce were already dead.
232, Why? Despite their decline in numbers, department stores remain attractive tenants.
233, During the coming decade output from the Statfjord, Frigg and Ekofisk fields will decline and replacement revenue earners are therefore vital.
234, Firms with large debts may not have the financial strength to survive a prolonged sales decline or a recession.
235, During the last ten years, the construction industry has been in decline.
236, It refers to urban decline and work on rural and coastal areas.
237, Within the arable area the greatest changes have been the increase of cereals and the decline of the one-year clover ley.
238, Eggs Per capita egg consumption has continued to decline in the past decade.
239, But with foreign assistance to developing world agriculture in decline, that will be harder.
240, The losses which the decline in consumer demand initially entails will cause a decline in the demand for resources in that industry.
241, A decline in coal demand would benefit either the nuclear or gas industries.
242, Decline and decay in one location will soon impact adjacent areas.
243, The evidence pointed to a sharp decline in guerrilla prowess.
244, They will continue to decline in numbers and mergers with their big brothers are on the cards.
245, They had survived the trials of imperial retreat, economic decline, and industrial conflict, and remained cohesive and intact.
246, The influence of the trade unions has been weakened as a consequence of legislation, our economic circumstances, and demographic decline.
247, Their biggest decline under coach Barry Switzer has been in pass defense.
248, Two things caused a gradual decline in the number of Rottweilers.
249, He then handed power to an elected government, but it failed to stop the economic decline.
250, In the context of the debate about the curriculum, economic decline and supposedly falling educational standards were important elements.
251, Regretfully, I must decline.
252, Glow-of-Television Connections Television often gets blamed for contributing to the decline of family life.
253, The most alarming statistic was the state of the game before the advent of this precipitous decline.
254, At the same time, assume that variable costs per unit decline to $ 340.
255, The quality of work produced even by mathematicians appears to decline little over their careers, contrary to popular belief.
256, Equally important, although in many ways distinct, was a perceptible decline in public confidence.
257, Legal abortion Legal abortion in Britain since 1967 came too late to explain the beginning of fertility decline.
258, When the market resumed its decline, it fell famously, like the apple from the tree.
259, The company this year announced a reorganization aimed at stemming the profit decline.
260, Then came the Black Death and a brutal,[http:///decline.html] catastrophic decline.
261, Experts call the insecticides a major advance and say Phoenix-area residents can expect a dramatic decline in the whitefly population this fall.
262, They are also the continuing decline of parliamentary politics and political control increasingly orchestrated by a small clique within the Cabinet.
263, On a gloomier note, employment continued to decline and car sales remained depressed.
264, The government requested international assistance to support the balance of payments and to stem the decline in international reserves.
265, With decline, such distinctions broke down, and the ruling race was forced to come into closer contact with the ruled.
266, Velocity had fallen to 2.2, an annual rate of decline of nearly 5 percent.
267, Smiles quoted Benjamin Haydon as dating his decline from the day he first borrowed money.
268, This table also confirms the seeming decline in overall profitability during the 1980s and particularly in 1986.
269, It is one of several hormones that hit peak levels in the bloodstream in early adulthood and then decline steadily.
270, Now, however, the great Latin cities fell prey to widespread depopulation, economic decline, and physical decay.
271, Osaka's decline is evident in the local prefectural office, a grand stone building with grimy linoleum floor coverings.
272, There are two variations on the bench press - the incline bench press and the decline bench press.
273, It fights for its own hegemony in literature; wherever it triumphs, the older genres go into decline.
274, This trend reflects a steady decline in the teenage marriage rate since 1970.
275, Short Cuts captures the moment when the postwar economic boom began its decline into downward mobility.
276, The three year survey will establish the cause of the decline and decide whether a closed season is necessary.
277, And as the Saatchi shares peaked ahead of the 1987 stock market crash the seeds of its financial decline had already been sown.
278, The decline in earnings reflected the more difficult trading environment experienced by our downstream oil and chemicals businesses.
279, Ford Motor Co. is estimating production will decline 4 percent, while Chrysler Corp. plans to boost output 5 percent.
280, They get the blame for the decline of their homes.
281, Smoking is on a steady decline among both men and women - but men pack up at a faster rate than women.
282, Even if birthrates decline it will be necessary to generate millions more jobs, more schoolrooms, more acres of agriculture.
283, The decline of infant mortality makes it easier to accept the idea of smaller family size.
284, New York area stocks weathered the decline better than the broader market.
285, Its decisive decline is often said to have dated from the thirteenth century.
286, Like the decline of Rome, collapse takes place when there is softness and corruption within the structure of the family.
287, For many people, ageing is associated with a decline in emotional well-being.
288, Beyond electoral matters, there was growing belief that, for long-term sociological and historical reasons, Labour was in terminal decline.
289, This results, even in steady state, in a rapid decline in serum concentrations.
290, In regular session crude oil closed at $ 19. 95, a 31-cent decline from Friday.
291, The Raiders have been on the decline since their last Super Bowl championship, 13 years ago.
292, Organizational performance inevitably suffers, and when this decline is no longer deniable, blame is apportioned among a few unfortunate scapegoats.
293, Though unwelcome, this decline was predicted and planned for - and spending was therefore rightly under tight constraint in 1992.
294, More realistic estimates are based on the assumption that fertility will gradually decline to around replacement level.
295, Both, in fact, are at fault; both are helping to accelerate boxing's decline.
296, The decline in Britain's manufacturing base was indisputable, though the causes were open to scholarly debate.
297, These differentials give us important clues about the motivation and causes of the fertility decline.
298, This appears convincing since the decline in mortality rates antedated for the most part the advent of efficacious pills and surgical procedures.
299, There is no sign given of the possible collapse or steady decline in the fortunes of these economies.




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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:01:50