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单词 Projecting
1 You're projecting your insecurity onto me.
2 I suspect he's projecting his fears onto you.
3 They were projecting a new waterworks.
4 I wouldn't go projecting off into the woods alone.
5 The government had been projecting a 5% consumer price increase for the entire year.
6 You are projecting again,[] but I'm not angry with you.
7 I caught my coat on a loose brick projecting from the wall.
8 The team tried projecting the maps with two different projectors onto the same screen.
9 Soon, however, many are projecting their dorsal fins high out of the water and are confidently pecking at their food.
10 You can not do this without projecting the effect of what you write upon an imagined reader.
11 School officials are projecting a rise in student numbers next semester.
12 The gas-jet projecting from the wall above the fireplace filled the room with a greenish glow.
13 They consist of ridges of shingle and sand projecting above high water level and generally lying a few kilometres offshore.
14 Educators may help by projecting hope and by scrupulously avoiding lectures about the future consequences of not completing work.
15 Many of these would produce the vertical projecting stripes that ran down the four faces of the building.
16 Local authorities have been notoriously lax in projecting aims and policies and facing up to weaknesses.
17 Montpelier was stone-built with a wooden tower projecting from the top.
18 Clinging to it and looking at the projecting ledge above him, Bigelow felt as if he were suspended in mid-air.
19 The image you are projecting for your campaign will not be confined to people.
20 It had small but perfectly formed rear limbs projecting a few inches from its body.
21 There are four projecting bays on the exterior with arcades in the ground storey and staircases in the upper storeys.
22 Decorative projecting bricks, alcoves, wrought iron gates, and so on, are a security risk.
23 Projecting numbers like gross domestic product and per-capita income back into the past is a highly risky undertaking.
24 Lastly it is worth noting any usual features like sunken logs, projecting tree roots and big boulders.
25 It seemed to be locked on to some invisible beam that was projecting from out of June's vagina.
26 It terminates in the wing process above, the coxal process below, and often bears an inwardly projecting pleural arm.
27 Deciphering the true history of that era is perhaps no longer possible, but projecting the future is another matter.
28 In every case television in its full variety of formats has been the primary influence in projecting the parties' images.
29 The lesion has been described as a volcano with central whitish discoloration projecting from an otherwise normal gastric mucosa.
30 Her thought process was primarily focused on the injustice of being in the hospital and projecting blame on to her parents.
31 It has five domes on high drums with projecting cornices on each of their sides.
32 The neck itself is subject to a form of clinical exposure, its bone structure shifting and projecting.
33 The medium was also used for projecting news stories like the Allied bombing of the Ameriyah bunker near Baghdad.
34 The projecting porch with its embattled parapet is rendered with local marl and is a late sixteenth-century addition.
35 The content and form of social and economic formations along with institutions can not be properly investigated by projecting preconceived notions.
36 The effect is to draw chemical from a drum, via a feed pipe,[] to a projecting delivery spout.
37 Most of them had shingled awnings borne on prominent brackets projecting over their simple wooden platforms.
38 He thus asserts the Truth of History while constantly projecting forwards and deferring its proof.
39 One or two even offer niches which are simply surface-mounted; the projecting plasterwork frames a shallow but deceptively deep recess.
40 A device for projecting sound waves, as a loudspeaker.
41 A projecting land mass; a promontory.
42 But others caution about simply projecting forward current developments.
43 The interface having an inward projecting outer conductor stop.
44 Methods Granule hydroxyapatite artificial bone dust was applied to perform operation of projecting forehead and nose.
45 Based on site classification and projecting site index tables and quantized site index tables for China fir Masson's pine, growing stock per ha, was used to be a evalution index on site quality.
46 Just then, watching his lines, he saw one of the projecting green sticks dip sharply.
47 Preferred orientation of rock fabric elements is usually recognized by projecting and plotting contours.
48 A steeply projecting mass of rock forming part of a rugged cliff or headland.
49 Sperm develop in the seminiferous tubules of the testis. The spermatids are embedded in the Sertoli cells with their tails projecting into the lumen of the tubule.
50 Using infrared data of Geostationary Meteorological Satellite, the gray scale and other kinds of element were calculated or derived after map projecting and geographic calibrating.
51 Secondly, The submarine will be exerted many kinds of force, such as hydrostatical force, hydrodynamic force and reaction of projection while it is projecting the ballistic missile.
52 The projecting advantage of this system includes far operating distance, high positioning precision, real-time working.
53 Firstly, the actual stress history of the projecting beam's maximal stress area is acquired by integrating the three-dimensional FEM analysis calculation and the dynamic stress test at field.
54 Polyp: Growth projecting from the wall of a cavity lined with a mucous membrane.
55 In terms of material mechanics, the working safe coefficient of components under the same circle feature is found by two points on the same projecting line in the endurance limit figure.
56 Plate projection system: A plat exposure system which works by projecting the image from microfilm or compact roll film rather than by the same-size one-to-one contact printing of films.
57 The faces of the projecting walls were decorated with palm trees.
58 A short, winglike control surface projecting from the fuselage of an aircraft, such as a space shuttle, mounted forward of the main wing and serving as a horizontal stabilizer.
59 The synthetic utilization of 3 dimension graphs produced by computer, high quality projecting and multimedia video makes better results than known marine simul...
60 The results indicated that a portion of the delay charge was projected from the end of the delay unit during the course of the experiment, and the projecting quantity increased with the acceleration.
61 Two novel spherical helical antennas are designed by projecting the planar equiangular spiral antenna onto the surfaces of hemisphere and partial sphere.
62 A window set vertically into a small gable projecting from a sloping roof.
63 A tapering extension of land projecting into water; a peninsula, cape, or promontory.
64 Many also liked Reagan's sunny All-American personality, something Obama has trouble projecting.
65 The rule in costume was the frilly tutu, the short , stiffly - projecting skirt worn by every ballerina.
66 The projecting camera is the present common one kind portable, great size demonstration demonstration output unit.
67 A projecting bay window , supported from below with a corbel or bracket.
68 A new standard curve chart for projecting production has been proposed in accordance with circular confined complex reservoir.
69 A domelike gunner's enclosure projecting from the fuselage a combat aircraft.
70 Medio-Iaterally, the cervical projecting cells were located chiefly at the junctional area between the gracile and medial cuneate nuclei and at the ventromedial part of the latter.
71 The Vikings built ships with high bows and a projecting stem bearing a menacing figurehead, similar to the ships of William I the Conqueror as seen in the Bayeux Tapestry.
72 Baroque recitative and montage technique account for each other to predominate the entire poem, projecting a bizarre vista of postmodernism.
73 Pilaster: In Classical architecture(), a shallow rectangular column Built into a wall and projecting slightly Beyond it.
74 The boy who was bathing was carried down by the current; but quick as thought, he seized a projecting limb. And was saved.
75 Real estate projecting and sale agency, second hand houses managing services and house prices information promulgation.
76 Anti-setoff spray: Device on the delivery end of the printing machine to prevent setoff by projecting a fine spray of liquid or powder AT the sheet.
77 The synaptic relationship between the trigeminothalamic terminals and thalamocortical projecting neurons were studied by using anterograde degenerating combined with HRP retrograde tracing methods.
78 With an exterior translucent screen projecting varying degrees of visibility, the structure prompted visitors to shift their perception of what defines transparency.
79 The step error and line error of free-form surface of projecting NC machining were analyzed.
80 The optical indicator is used for projecting the external curser onto the imaging plane.
81 The language of the "one-sex" universe constrains the conceptualisation of our modern notions of absolute sexual differentiation by projecting the male body as the canonical human form.
82 The hardware in this measurement system of three-dimensional profilometry that consists of projecting light, CCD camera, image card and computer is designed.
83 The formulae of time and range of projectile with the projecting angle taking account into air friction are obtained by using the approximate method to solve the equation.
84 Having the lower jaw or teeth projecting beyond the upper; underhung .
85 A large scene visible system is composed by the projecting camera, the projection screen, the picture process machine and so on.
86 The LS channel estimation of OFDM systems can be viewed as a noisy observation of the true channel frequency response, so the noise component can be compressed through subspace projecting.
87 A bony process projecting from the scapula toward the sternum in mammals.
88 An experiment can change the state vector arrow, projecting it in just one direction in the space.
89 On practice-proved basis, this paper discusses briefly the experimental procedure and method of projecting scientifically the contrast teaching.
90 They came from Mars, the Pleiades and Sirius - projecting into physical form on Earth.
91 This results in an improved lifetime of an assembly, in which the semiconductor component is connected to an external substrate by the projecting electrode.
92 This query could have been written without projecting to the first anonymous type.
93 Setting the race on thin water film areas and projecting the track on in interior display of the vehicle, this type of racing's only been seen thus far in science fiction arcades.
94 The effects on the contrast of the LCLV projecting system, such as the LCLV driving signal voltage, frequency,[/projecting.html] duty cycle and the display screen illumination were analyzed.
95 No matter how well the date is faring (rampant hand-holding, under-the-table canoodling), projecting a conjoined future is a terrible no-no.
96 The subsequent dispatch of China's new hospital ship to Africa and Asia was a success, projecting the PLAN well beyond China's traditional sphere of influence.
97 Any of various fierce, mostly tropical marine fishes of the genus Sphyraena that resemble pike, have a projecting lower jaw with fanglike teeth , and include some edible species.
98 In the diagram, the outer portions ofthe projecting lens serve no useful purpose.
99 The N. Oceipitalis major goes up to intersect the most projecting point of protuberantia occipitalis exter...
100 According to this theory, the image was made with the aid of a magic lantern, a simple projecting device, or by means of a camera obscura and light-sensitive silver compounds applied to the cloth.
101 This paper points out that there are live projecting issues in normal college students' language competence: unclearness , unfluency, inadequacy; inexactness, inaccuracy.
102 A hipped hip roof has sloping sides and ends meeting at inclined projecting angles called hips.
103 At the same time, by subdividing an icosahedron and projecting all its vertices onto the unit sphere from the center, we can get a spherical triangle mesh with subdivision topology.
104 How the projecting axons of cortical layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons are guided to innervate the contralateral cortex?
105 The widening of China's current income distribution gap, which is concerned by people(), is a projecting question in the distribution field.
106 The cutting head has a projecting ridge (28) with a recessed portion (30) .
107 His coat was caught by a projecting nail on the wall.
108 The synaptic connections between the medial lemniscus and the thalamocortical projecting neurons (TPN) were studied by using both anterograde degenerating and HRP retrograde tracing methods.
109 The main influential factors include:The first impression, aperture effection, preconceptional impression, the projecting effection etc.
110 The projecting overhang at the lower edge of a roof.
111 As it develops basic skills it gets to judge the apparent lack of skills or abilities it sees in others by projecting its own sense of inadequacy and unacceptability onto them.
112 By removing a projecting body of the interior fa?ade, it was possible to place the new access core in the central space, which was an air shaft by the party wall on the right.
113 Flying over the site where the drilling rig Deepwater Horizon sank in late April reveals dozens more oil platforms projecting out of the water on the horizon, like toys bobbing in a bathtub.
114 With the X - frames projecting into the boxes, the transverse diaphragms were formed.
115 HRP retrograde transport and PAP double labelling method combined with nodose ganglionectomy to detect nature of projecting fibers from the NG to the NTS.
116 Fuzz : Loosely bonded fibres projecting from the surface of paper. Also called Fluff, Lint.
117 The connector gate could be opened against projecting rock or anchorage during the climb.
118 A projecting forward part, such as the front end of a ski.
119 This is similar to projecting a two-dimensional geometrical point into a three-dimensional space: The value of such projection will be zero in one dimension.
120 A long-handled implement with a row of projecting teeth AT its head, used especially to gATher leaves or to loosen or smooth earth.
121 It is suggested that the nerve fibres of the limbic system projecting to the mediodcrsal thalamic nucleus is important in regulating actions of thc viscera.
122 Its alcoves, its projecting walls and its portico had the same measurements as the others.
123 A person expressing genuine love is projecting positively charged information into the environment.
124 A domelike gunner's enclosure projecting from the fuselage of a combat aircraft.
125 In profile allshowedthe end of the nose projecting from beyond a sheaf of shiny black hair.
126 Shoes also helpful in projecting you taller than you are actually.
127 The present invention relates to a semiconductor component that has a substrate and a projecting electrode.
128 This colonial legal system of Japan has more cruelty, dulocracy and predacity than those of the other colonial countries,[http://] projecting itself in the colonial history of the world.
129 It is suggested that when projecting a dam, the values of dynamic amplification factor should be increased appropriately.
130 In connection with some projecting problems in the recent development of mountain areas, this paper pointed out some essential methods that should be paid attention to from the geographic point o...
131 Horn, head; with derivatives referring to horned animals, horn-shaped objects(), and projecting parts.
132 The key technique of transient electromagnetic transmitter is to resolve the problem about the turn-off time and linearity of current impulse on high power projecting.
133 The integration of chest voice and falsetto presents the rough and straightforward characteristic of Tujia People, in addition to projecting the spectacular style of singing in Zhangjiajie Yang Opera.
134 This year, local politicians are projecting an 85 % turnout in the Santa Fe area.
135 In 1896, the "Vitascope" system for projecting movies onto a screen was demonstrated in New York City.
136 The shape and distribution of the thalamocortical projecting neurons of the central lateral nucleus in cat were investigated by the HRP method.
137 As a result, the features of training samples and testing sample are got by projecting them on the subspace spanned by optimal base vectors.
138 The projecting balcony and granite plaster wall surface reflect the eclectic spirit of the time.
139 The technology aims to turn Web browsers into semi-rich clients by projecting user interface logic for page rendering, navigation, aggregation, and cross-portlet interaction into user's browsers.
140 A nonimpact printer in which the characters are formed by projecting particles or droplets of ink onto paper.




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