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单词 Transition
1 The health-care system is in transition at the moment.
2 The transition from a totalitarian state to a free country will be long and slow.
3 The transition to a multi-party democracy is proving to be difficult.
4 Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood.
5 The negotiators hoped to effect a smooth transition to an interim administration.
6 We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old system and the new one.
7 Inevitably the transition will yield some sticky moments.
8 They all support a peaceful transition.
9 The transition was almost indiscernible.
10 Her transition from girl to woman was complete.
11 The transition from school to work can be difficult.
12 He found the transition to boarding school excruciatingly painful.
13 Most traditional societies have transition rites at puberty.
14 The transition is almost imperceptible.
15 The French say they favour a transition to democracy.
16 This training course aims to smooth the transition between education and employment.
17 He will remain head of state during the transition to democracy.
18 In the past this process of transition has often proven difficult.
19 Ex-soldiers can be disorientated by the transition to civilian life.
20 The new government has promised a smooth transition of power.
21 The company was slow to make the transition from paper to computer.
22 The transition from boyhood to manhood can be a confusing period.
23 The country is in transition from an agricultural to an industrial society.
24 Making the transition from youth to adulthood can be very painful.
25 The ceremony marks the transition from the student to graduate status.
26 His six-year transition programme has by no means been a complete failure.
27 He will remain head of state during the period of transition to democracy.
28 This course is useful for students who are in transition from one training programme to another.
29 There will be an interim government to oversee the transition to democracy.
30 The law was introduced to avoid instability during the transition.
1 The health-care system is in transition at the moment.
2 The transition from a totalitarian state to a free country will be long and slow.
3 He will remain head of state during the period of transition to democracy.
4 The transition to a multi-party democracy is proving to be difficult.
5 Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood.
6 This course is useful for students who are in transition from one training programme to another.
7 The negotiators hoped to effect a smooth transition to an interim administration.
8 We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old system and the new one.
9 They all support a peaceful transition.
10 The transition was almost indiscernible.
11 The transition is almost imperceptible.
31 Political hopes for a swift and smooth transition to democracy have been dashed.
32 Calculations for transition metal species present particularly difficult problems.
33 For Bukharin, the transition period encompassed two distinct phases.
34 The transition from dualism to monism is painful.
35 The use of coercion in the transition period.
36 Chubais was the chief architect of Russia's economic transition.
37 We have provided valuable economic and humanitarian aid to ease the transition to a market economy.
37 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
38 Many principals take an active role in developing school / business partnerships and school-to-work transition programs for students.
39 These differences are due to several important factors concerning the study of democratic transition.
40 The transition in coach Gerry Murphy's side in the subsequent weeks has been quite astonishing.
41 The company also makes baseboards and transition thresholds to match all of their designs.
42 Of this sector, electronic parts and components manufacturers made the smoothest transition to commercial markets.
43 The two variables that have the most impact on successful democratic consolidation are prior regime type and the initiator of the transition.
44 The company will transition to operating under the Verio brand name. % % % Verio Inc.
45 Except for Aunt Pat, my transition to city life was a series of agonies.
46 It is largely this lag that initiates demographic transition but other factors undoubtedly complicate the picture.
47 Thus, the durability of Czechoslovakia's democratic transition will be severely tested in the coming months.
48 A definitive and concise statement on democratic transition and consolidation with contemporary relevance and applicability.
49 The arrangements for the transition have been announced in a letter from to college principals.
50 There were three main aspects to Bukharin's ideas on the transition period leading to a new socialist equilibrium: 1.
51 The participating States remain convinced of the need to preserve the national scientific potential of countries in transition.
52 As she suffers the constrictions of a traditional culture in transition, she also discovers her answering voice.
53 I believe we have a diversified government, a coalition or transition at this moment.
54 Ensure that children and young people with learning disabilities have a smoother transition into adulthood and adult service networks.
55 Its derivation from and relation to free volume theories of the glass transition has been thoroughly discussed in the literature.
56 In the schools we are observing such a transition to active citizenship is facilitated in a number of ways.
57 Conversion to this perspective represented a transition point in the socialization of new arrivals.
58 The transition of the Course to a new structure and regulations in 1985-86 presented a unique data processing challenge.
59 But the capitalist system has no mechanism guaranteeing a smooth transition in such circumstances.
60 For a young person with a disability or learning difficulty this transition is crucial.
61 They argued that development would eventually take the Third World through its own demographic transition to low rates of death and birth.
62 The transition to democracy and market economies will call for much patience and persistence.
63 Nothing could be more abrupt than the transition from childhood to school.
64 A strong, small-scale transition field could, however, correspond to particularly vigorous dynamo action.
65 The drug maker said Congress decided not to grant generic drug makers the right to market their products during the transition.
66 Person has been active in Farm Wrap, a program that helps ease the transition from agriculture to other careers.
67 But apparent ease of transition has been achieved only with much thought and sensitivity.
68 They say they've enjoyed the transition from farmer to fashion designer.
69 At the time,(http:///transition.html) Dorset was beginning the transition from picturesque dairy country to affluent summer artist colony.
70 Men were sometimes on the beat twenty-one out of twenty-four hours during the transition between day and night duty.
71 The use of longer transitions requires a larger training corpus, increased storage for the transition matrices and is computationally more demanding.
72 Treloar has described a very apt demonstration of the transition.
73 Now, she helps people with disabilities make the transition from home to workplace by counseling them and their employers.
74 In our own society there is no such clear transition from childhood to adult life.
75 It's an encounter with women on the edge of transition, discontented and yet disarmed.
76 The transition was so abrupt that it took her by surprise.
77 A more organic metaphor is needed to describe the process of transition.
78 Congress passed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to accelerate the transition of telephone and video services from regulated to competitive markets.
79 Outside the town, the killing goes on, despite the transition in 1985 from military dictatorship to elected civilian government.
80 In fact, the system developed during the transition to industrialisation in the early part of the present century.
81 This light is tuned so that the photon energy exactly matches the desired atomic transition energy.
82 The temperature at which this critical value is reached is the glass transition temperature.
83 For post-communist countries those transition periods are likely to cover more areas and last longer.
84 The postponement of the conference was cited as a reason for the extension of the transition period.
85 Britain won an important concession-a 15-year transition period during which the regulation would not apply.
86 I spent what I assume was transition with an almost continuous pain in my left side and feeling sick as well.
87 The broadcasters say they need both analog and digital channels for 15 years to ensure a smooth transition to the digital age.
88 In each study, contextual description is used in an effort to make larger inferences about the process of democratic transition.
89 In due course, when the transition is successfully achieved, these new ways return to the level of practical consciousness.
90 It might be supposed that tremor was the consequence of a fixed-point attractor to periodic attractor transition of central nervous system neurones.
91 Punctuation marks are classified as separate syntactic categories and grammars and transition matrices based around this assumption.
92 But the analogies which are used to justify the transition are dubious at best.
93 Most languages, when arrayed in order, offer a rhythmic transition series or sensory structure.
94 However, they require the cuts to be made to high standards of accuracy so that the transition is made smoothly.
95 As a way to ease that transition, the Department of Defense has agreed to allow it to become a redevelopment area.
96 The glass transition Glass, familiar for centuries, is a solid material showing no crystalline structure.
97 This could represent a humid climate during the glacial-interglacial transition between stages 8 and 7 of the marine 18 O record.
98 Cypress has no plans to develop future Sparc products but it will continue to handle distribution during the transition.
99 There is no sharp distinction between the later stages of transition and the earlier ones of turbulent motion.
100 Later, people spend hours reconstructing that brutal transition from the nowhere to the everywhere, when nature can destroy you.
101 The alliance was created to help the transition from a defense-dominated economy to more diverse industries.
102 It seems to have been a religion that was in transition, which may explain some startling contradictions or apparent contradictions.
103 A full appreciation of intentions in moral judgments begins to develop around the transition from concrete to formal operations.
104 The lessons learnt should be of great value to the analysis of other countries in the process of transition.
105 Adolfo Suarez supervised Spain's transition to democracy in the 1970s.
106 The government was to be responsible for executing decisions of the conference during a transition to multiparty democracy.
107 These authors identify two conflicting influences on total labor requirements that arise during this transition.
108 Braun even passed that test, although the transition was so abrupt that he left some of us leaning the wrong way.
109 But Golding said she would work with Huntington Beach officials to ease his transition.
110 This meeting was to air grievances and ease our transition into the future.
111 Through figurative abstracted works on paper, Tempe artist Ron Bimrose taps into light themes like transition, fate and personal choice.
112 Officials from one country told Ellena that its citizens had enough stress coping with high unemployment and other transition ills.
113 It may be desirable to spend what could otherwise be dole money on temporarily subsidizing lame ducks to ease the transition.
114 It was Schindler who stepped in at that moment to ease the transition to the right.
115 The transition will demonstrate to individuals the importance and value of periodic re-direction in their lives.
116 Under the terms of the agreement a state of transition was established prior to the creation of the third republic within 18 months.
117 For their part, opposition leaders demanded that Mr Fujimori step down immediately in favour of a transition government.
118 Before considering the possible applications of the dynamical transition paradigm, it is necessary to clearly delineate this restricted domain of application.
119 Then again, the transition to digital television could take much longer than expected.
120 Second, Labour under Mr Kinnock is belatedly making the transition to continental-style social democracy.
121 But suddenly, marking the transition to the Tertiary, there is a sharp global discontinuity in everything.
122 These general similarities are contrasted to the differences in the nature of their democratic transition.
123 The help of UN experts eased the transition to independence.
124 There are some things that you can do to help yourself get through the three-phase transition process.
125 In this technique atoms have their velocities reduced by running head-on into a laser beam tuned to their transition frequency.
126 In the election campaign you are arguing that it's the guarantor of the transition.
127 We can also show the transition in cross-linked polymers such as epoxy resin.
128 A power vacuum would probably destroy his hopes for a smooth transition of authority.
129 In postcolonial India and China, where billions are now being coerced into a transition from agrarian to urban industrial economies(Sentencedict), this cycle had barely begun before it began to splutter.
130 It is a typically ecological transition zone and eco-critical zone, and this area is also the aboundant zone of natural resources.
131 Aiming at the bad performance of existing retinal blood vessel segmentation methods for small and low contrast vessels, a new segmentation method based on transition region extraction is proposed.
132 Fulongquan gas field is situated in transition zone between the massif in southeast of Songliao basin and the center depressed area. It is made up of south and north anticlinal high.
133 It made me remember Baudelaire's words that modernity is transition, short, incident; this is an half of art. Another is forever and fixedness.
134 The amendment of Chinese government audit law meets the demand of the transition of governments and strengthening the supervision of administrative rights.
135 In this paper we study the stochastic stability and convergence conditions of a class of asynchronous large_scale systems with random state transition.
136 Catalysts are said to reduce the energy of activation during the transition phase of a reaction.
137 Sometimes a pole mounted disconnect will be the transition point.
138 Seventhly, negative impact of market economy during the period of social transition is the social condition of PE teachers' misconduct.
139 China is in transition, they're copying everything, and funny enough, the rest of the world is scared $hitless about attacking them on the IP violations.
140 The reform of China's marketization is in essence a process of system transition, which is characteristic of gradual advance, experiment and dissemination and non-radical.
141 These results indicate that the halophytic vegetation in the study area was in a transition from zonal to azonal vegetation.
142 The transition from one color to another is based on a bell-shaped curve.
143 Four types of the title compounds have been synthesized to serve as ionophores for alkaline earth metal, transition metal, and noble metal ions.
144 This thesis introduces the method of optimal design for the circular arc transition radius of the shaft collar of a circular shaft with ANSYS, which has an important use value in engineering practice.
145 However, the dual economy in China is currently in transition to the single economy, the extensive economic growth mode to intensive economic growth pattern of the historical period of reform.
146 Since 2005, the national whatever cold region, transition region, or hot summer and warm ShengDeJi city in the east, common began to enforce energy saving the standard of 50%.
147 Managing non - incremental innovation can be defined as management of technology transition.
148 State transition function, observation function and reward function are compressed by using dynamic Bayesian network to reduce the solving dimension and realize real-time decision.
149 It has changed the way the traditional economy operates in that it makes technology a kind of input, which makes possible the transition from extensional reproduction to intensional ways.
150 China's entry into WTO indicates that Chinese reform and opening steps forward to a new stage, which speeds up Chinese transition from planned economy to market economy and free trade system.
151 But the graceful transition between the old and the new reached its climax as a special committee, amid repeated and reverberant cheers, escorted Mr Eisenhower and Mr Nixon to the platform.
152 Current leads are transition components between low-temperature magnets and room-temperature bus-bar .
153 In China, broadcast television is in the transition from the traditional analog system to the new system based on digital, network and interactive technologies.
154 Each event is in the domain of the transition function belonging to the "current" node, where the function's range is a subset of the nodes.
155 The dispatcher manages the transition from ready to - run to run.
156 In some problems in quantum transition, time-dependent perturbation theory gives the first order approximation of transition probability amplitude.
157 Additional features include: programmable transition delay, low quiescent current, higher efficiency at light loads,(Sentence dictionary) and high speed control to quickly turn off both gate drivers.
158 Some think the politburo member hopes the high-profile campaign will help to elevate him in the runup to 2012, when the transition of power to China's next generation of leaders is due to take place.
159 Later, scholars did sophisticated researches on SVAR, and used them to anglicize real shock and monetary shock's transition mechanism.
160 Manchester encoding avoids both these problems by having a transition between high and low in the middle of each bit.
161 Intelligent Transportation Systems ( ITS ) represent a major transition in transportation on many dimensions.
162 Glyphosate, as a transition state inhibitor of EPSP synthase, inhibit the canalization of the enzyme as an EPSP synthase·EPSP·glyphosate ternary complex.
163 Transition 2 The parser calls characters() for every character data in the document, including indenting.
164 The electromagnetic transition process and stability analysis are studied also . Then the transient performance is studied.
165 On the other hand, phase transition and critical phenomena are emphases in statistical physics.
166 When a nuclear physicist try to increase energy of electron, the electron immediately pleased transition immediately from low energy level to high level.
167 Objective To stop permanent anterior crossbite in early period of dental transition.
168 In Yunnan, I have witnessed three villages make the transition from " roadless " to "connected".
169 A better agreement is found in the geometry between semiempirical and ab initio transition states, and a greater deviation in the activation energy, in which.
170 The miscibility of CS blends in formic acid was characterized by solubility parameter, dilute solution viscometry, refractive index and glass transition temperature, FT-IR etc.
171 With this transition, English teaching gradually becomes practical and actually plays the foundation for each student's life-time development.
172 An improved optimal control algorithm is derivedis realized by using the numerical method of state transition.
173 Simulation in the deterministic model elucidated a rhythm transition process governed by a period adding bifurcation scenario.
174 Standard Chartered has become an international pioneer in leading the transition to low carbon: one of the first major banks to apply climate criteria to all its project lending.
175 As a matter of fact, the annealing temperature and time influence the transition of the semicond-uctive as-grown fiber to superconductor which is a peritectoid reaction.
176 Cost of resource city transition can be divided for ordering cost and cost of incur loss through delay .
177 Bioenergetics of fish is a subject studying energy transition in fish.
178 Objective To discuss the logical relation in concept transition of syndrome manifestations in different syndrome types.
179 As BPD will become a controlling shareholder of the Company, the Board of Directors also sought immediate approval of the Change of Control so the transition may proceed smoothly.
180 However, it is also a fundamental step in the transition of tumors from a dormant state to a malignant one.
181 The distinct otherness in glass transition and devitrification temperature of five polyalcohols reflected the feebleness and power in the aspects of glass transition ability.
182 The transition zone of desert plant communities generally has high level of species diversity and relatively low degree of ecological dominance.
183 The simulation results prove that the principle is insensitive to fault type, fault time, transition resistance and fault location.
184 Chapter one mainly expounds the background of the transition of the late Qing Dynasty and the coming into being of the stratocracy.
185 Business Letter Despite being from a very formal style(http://), and gradually transition to the informal.
186 The structure details such as the joint of side pier, anchor key of ties, steel-concrete transition section and front minor cross beam are introduced.
187 No evidences of low-temperature phase transition were found for PbTiO3, while the tetragonal-orthogonal and orthorhombic -rhombohedral phase transitions were present for BaTiO3.
188 A logic circuit called a monostable-to-bistable transition logic element (MOBILE) circuit is developed.
189 This clause allows you to extend the OLD TABLE or NEW TABLE transition tables by appending extra columns.
190 The prediction algorithm about traffic upper bound in busy state was concluded according to traffic stochastic distribution in each state and mutual transition relationships between states.
191 Antiferromagnetic transition has soft modulus effect while martensitic transformation also accompanied by a soft phonon mode.
192 The capacity of somatic cells to evolve is an atavism, as this property is lost in the transition of uni- to multicellularity.
193 The Buick Motor Division of the General Motors Corporation is in transition, much like the rest of the venerable auto company.
194 Antiferromagnetic transition has soft modulus effect while martensitic transformation is also accompanied by a soft phonon mode.
195 In addition, a novel attribute, the number of ridges between minutiae and the fiducial point, is introduced and it is invariant to transition, rotation and nonlinear distortion.
196 In fact, mine disaster is a sharp throe during the process of economic system transition in China, which results from the neglect of ethics and moral in business.
197 The influence of emulsion particle size and glass transition temperature, etc on film performances is discussed.
198 The results show that the Doppler background due to the near resonance of the intermediate level is eliminated and the signal of two-photon transition can be distinguished from saturation absorption.




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