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单词 If you will
1. We would appreciate it if you will let us know...
2. If you will write the article, I'll go over it and touch it up for you.
3. You may be more happy than pinces,if you will be more virtuous.
4. If you will bear with me a little longer, I'll answer your question.
5. He became her senior adviser her deputy, if you will.
6. If you will keep waiting for a while, they'll soon be back.
7. If you will bear with me a little longer,I'm sure I can locate the key.
8. If you will be on holiday on election day, you may apply for a postal vote.
9. Now, if you will allow me, I'll go into the matter briefly.
10. If you will bear with me,[sentence dictionary] I shall be very glad.
11. If you will sit down for a few moments, I'll tell the manager you're here.
12. If you will not be able to vote on polling day, you may vote by proxy.
13. We shall esteem it a favour if you will inform us soon.
14. If you will insist on eating three helpings of dessert, I'm afraid you'll have to suffer the consequences!
15. Or(), if you will marry pretty girls.
16. This technique is particularly useful if you will be using the same personal information for another group of letters or other documents.
17. Another of my promotions, if you will allow me to bask a little in his glory.
18. If you will please people, you must please them in your own way. Lord Chesterfield 
19. But, if you will allow me to say so, my yellow friend has undergone deep tribulation and humiliation.
20. And if you will help us with a donation today, I know we can get the action we need.
21. You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind. Dale Carnegie 
22. I was, if you will pardon the expression, absolutely buggered.
23. Of course - if you will forgive me for saying so - it is a bit stilted in its present form.
24. If so, we shall be grateful if you will review the positions and confirm them.
25. But, if you will forgive me, perhaps I can just correct you on a couple of points.
26. I will take care of me for you, if you will take care of you for me. Jim Rohn 
27. You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want. Zig Ziglar 
28. I think they're along for the purpose of camouflage, respectability, if you will.
29. Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it. James Matthew Barrie 
30. They needed to put a little blue collar -- Carolina blue, if you will -- into all that pompous purple.
1. We would appreciate it if you will let us know...
2. If you will write the article, I'll go over it and touch it up for you.
31. Now if you will refer to your folders, you have extracts containing the relevant material.
32. If you will be attending the site visit, I would be grateful if you could complete the tear-off slip below.
33. The simplest form of electronic publishing is word processing with a typographic style of output; office publishing, if you will.
34. If you will have it, yes, there were debts that did not permit of my marrying a penniless girl.
35. If you will need to relate what some one said or did take time beforehand to remember it clearly and note it down.
36. Be careless in your dress if you will, but keep a tidy soul. Mark Twain 
37. If you will excuse me I must get back to lurking.
38. I'll swop, if you will.
39. If you will, we can win hands down.
40. Touch on that abit, if you will.
41. I give you my blessing if you will accept my feelings for Charles Grey.
42. I will go now, if you will pay me, said the heron.
43. If you will write the article, I will go over it and touch up for you.
44. We shall be very much appreciated if you will effect shipment as soon as you can, thus enabling them to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season.
45. Xy : Now if you will excuse me, I've got first - class villainy to perform.
46. If you will civilize a man, begin with his grandmother.
47. If you will bet on horse - races, you must not complain if you lose your money.
48. Derrida is aware of it in advance. He says in effect, "Look, I know we're running this risk in saying everything is language," or, if you will here, everything is discourse.
49. I shall be much obliged if you will be so kind as to help me accomplish my long-cherished wish.
50. Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or to the pea patch,() of to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street.
51. We shall appreciate it if you will send us a brochure and sample book by air immediately.
52. We shall be pleased if you will give us your inquiry, and also your bank reference.
53. Imagine, if you will, that you want to send a letter to your friend Joe Bloggs.
54. We shall appreciate it very much if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling the goods to arrive here in time to catch the brisk demand.
55. Do not say now if you will take the job: sleep on it first.
56. Then to Christ he said, If You will give no evidence of Your claim, I will deliver You up to the soldiers and the people.
57. You will be able to do many great things, but only if you will be in the hands of someone.
58. If you will experiment with soft drugs you must take the consequences.
59. He doth nothing but frown, as who should say, " If you will not have me, choose. "
60. I pay you'30 a month, if you will let me send my female horses horse.
61. If you will undertake the affair, I shall be very grateful.
62. However, humanity would be devoid of soul, devoid of spirit, a living machine if you will.
63. We shall shortly be making regular shipments of leather goods to Canada, and shall be glad if you will issue an all risks marine insurance policy for $70,000 to cover these shipments.
64. Her real name, if you will believe me, is Mary Ann Evans.
65. My new courtyard garden is jam-packed (if you will) with fruit-bearing plants.
66. Admits me, imprisons me, otherwise I forever not will be free also no longer chastely, only if you will hold me.
67. This New Year can be filled with happiness, thrilling excitement and youthful enthusiasm, if you will learn to think possibilities. Most unhappiness and despair come from problem thinking.
68. If you will write the article, I'll go over it and touch up for you.
69. If you will act the giddy goat in front of your friends you must expect them to treat you accordingly.
70. "If you will be over at the railroad bridge when the train comes this afternoon, I'll show you how easy it is to fool Bowser the Hound,[] " said Reddy.
71. It has direct containment core spray I should say, from the suppression pool and has the ability to recirculate water and cool it, cool the containment if you will, from the suppression pool as well.
72. And most of it is an imitation (knockoff, if you will) of an existing product.
73. Those words from Holy Writ were meant literally—and they can be applied literally if you will govern your body by mind, and not let custom and popular belief make your body the master.
74. I would like to know this about you, if you will be so kind as to make an answer.
75. We shall be glad If you will kindly quote us your rock - bottom price for the undermentioned.
76. If you will pull a dollar bill out and take a look at it, you will notice that it says "Federal Reserve Note" at the top.
77. Imagine, if you will, the indescribable horror that the first Europeans felt when they witnessed Carib natives during a post war ritual chewing and/or eating human flesh.
78. Now, sir, if you will just sign on the dotted line the car becomes.
79. We shall by very much obliged if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling them to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season.
80. In the feelings, if you will be concerned about his former girlfriend drops there, then please stop-drop ambiguous message to you drop EXboyfriend, a girlfriend because he is also concerned about .
81. If you will come even will donative the house property that come sells, it is normal to will be pressed secondhand revenue of pay of house property formalities.
82. Now tell me if you will keep faith and truth with my master.
83. On the other hand, if you will need a CD drive or a DVDdrive built into your laptop, try to get one with a fast speed(indicated by the "x" followed by a number on the drive.
84. If you will only join the concern, it will go on wheels.
85. But go back to your bed now , my lady , until your maidservant wakes, if you will.
86. If you will look deeper, when some unpleasant incident occurs, you'll find that there's usually something wrong in the domestic menage.
87. If you will just sign here, we will arrange for your bank to deduct your payments automatically.
88. Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street.
89. There may is fair chance if you will not rule out the use of bulk carrier.
90. If you will take ten copies, I will throw in another.
91. I shall be mush obliged if you will be so kind as to help me accomplish my long-cherished wish.
92. I am willing to employ your friend if you will avouch his integrity.
93. Mr. Baker, long known as a deal-maker, said Republicans were right to say, “O. K. , we'll increase the debt limit, Democrats, if you will enact enforceable spending restraint.




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