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单词 Anointment
1 A holy office: the casting-out of spiders and anointment with new paint.
2 After rumours of the younger Kim's anointment began circulating last year, Ueli Studer, the town's director of education, would only confirm that a "North Korean youth" had been on the school's rolls.
3 But they will conveniently forget about your hero anointment a few hours later when they have trouble printing because of a network slowdown — you will be enemy No. 1 at that moment.
4 In western as in eastern Christendom coronation was a religious rite which began with the anointment of the ruler with holy oil.
5 Although there were plenty of Elij ah' s disciples,[] why is it that only Elisha received the anointment?
6 South Korean spies yesterday said the communist state's most powerful institutions had sworn loyalty to Jong-woon, suggesting that the formal anointment process had begun.
7 Jong-un's status as heir was never officially confirmed, however, and it could be years before the regime comments on the most recent reports of his anointment.
8 John McCain's campaign has asked a Hollywood agent to sprinkle some glitter over his anointment.
9 He compares the potential within a crystal to a piece of bare wood awaiting its anointment, the moment when it can come alive with colour.
10 Also called Passion Sunday, it commemorates Jesus entering Jerusalem for his anointment as King.
11 Kim Jong Il had 14 years in which to build up loyalties between his anointment and eventual succession.
12 Caption :Jerusalem, Israel: A Christian worshipper prays over the Stone of Anointment at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, believed by many to be the site of the crucifixion.




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