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单词 Numerous
1. He was attended by a numerous retinue.
2. There are numerous people in the square.
3. The book contains numerous plagiarized passages.
4. Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.
5. Numerous attempts have been made to hide the truth.
6. His views have been expressed in numerous speeches.
7. The doctor has cured numerous people of appendicitis.
8. The typhoon uprooted numerous trees.
9. It's a difficult piece, with numerous changes of tempo.
10. Numerous marriages now end in divorce.
11. Numerous houses collapsed in the Earthquake.
12. Numerous houses collapsed as a result of the Tangshan Earthquake in 1976.
13. The numerous rivers heart surface, threads a needle the line to suture sadly.
14. Numerous Umbrian towns hold their own summer festivals of music, theatre, and dance.
15. Sex crimes were just as numerous as they are today.
16. Numerous items of correspondence have been received on this subject.
17. Similar instances are numerous.
18. Numerous loving wishes for my wife who will always be my valuable Christmas gift and everything to me.
19. The numerous biographies of Baldwin cast little light on the subject.
20. The numerous awards on the walls bear witness to his great success.
21. There have been numerous exchanges of views between the two governments.
22. By the mid-twelfth century pilgrims were numerous enough to merit a guidebook.
23. The doctors gave numerous examples of patients being expelled from hospital.
24. Numerous small contributions soon bulk up into a considerable sum.
25. His money is very numerous.
26. The press office fielded numerous calls from the media.
27. The same word can carry numerous meanings.
28. He was asked to sit on numerous committees.
29. Despite numerous attempts to diet, her weight soared.
30. I had not felt warm since I went through numerous winters,until I met you.
1. The book contains numerous plagiarized passages.
2. Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.
3. Numerous attempts have been made to hide the truth.
4. His views have been expressed in numerous speeches.
5. The doctor has cured numerous people of appendicitis.
6. It's a difficult piece, with numerous changes of tempo.
7. Numerous marriages now end in divorce.
8. Numerous houses collapsed in the Earthquake.
9. Numerous Umbrian towns hold their own summer festivals of music, theatre, and dance.
10. Sex crimes were just as numerous as they are today.
11. Numerous items of correspondence have been received on this subject.
12. Similar instances are numerous.
13. The numerous biographies of Baldwin cast little light on the subject.
14. The numerous awards on the walls bear witness to his great success.
15. There have been numerous exchanges of views between the two governments.
16. By the mid-twelfth century pilgrims were numerous enough to merit a guidebook.
17. The doctors gave numerous examples of patients being expelled from hospital.
18. Numerous pitfalls await unsuspecting investors.
19. The related publications are far too numerous to list individually.
20. In a straight fight the crusaders usually won; in skirmishes, the Saracens often overcame their more numerous opponents.
21. He has watched a video replay of his fall on numerous occasions.
22. Asteroids, also known as " minor planets ", are numerous in the outer space.
31. She has proved her worth on numerous occasions.
32. There are numerous clubs, plus a casino.
33. He appeared, surrounded by his numerous progeny.
34. The stadium has hosted numerous rock concerts .
35. His numerous progeny are scattered all over the country.
36. There are numerous functions in aid of charity.
37. Those birds have become more numerous lately.
38. Comparison of the two accounts revealed numerous disparities.
39. Numerous pitfalls await unsuspecting investors.
40. Numerous pictures fill every available space .
41. The fiery player has had numerous run-ins with referees.
42. Heads of state attend numerous functions every year.
43. Learn from numerous advisors,and you'll become a master.
44. The pitfalls of working abroad are numerous.
45. Numerous studies have shown this to be true.
46. The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.
47. Wild boar are numerous in the valleys.
48. He has been late on numerous occasions.
49. The report catalogued numerous dangerous work practices.
50. The report contains numerous demonstrable errors.
51. The numerous heroes were historicized.
52. We have discussed these plans on numerous occasions.
53. Her outside interests were numerous.
54. Numerous health benefits are credited to this natural oil.
55. Numerous interruptions have prevented me from finishing my work.
56. He was surrounded by his numerous progeny.
57. The Oxford and Cambridge colleges have numerous endowments.
58. We have received numerous complaints about the noise.
59. The typhoon prostrated numerous young trees.
60. The related publications are far too numerous to list individually.
61. The ground was loaned out for numerous events including pop concerts.
62. The two leaders have worked together on numerous occasions .
63. The report contains numerous portentous references to a future environmental calamity.
64. Numerous persons with only a few Negroid traits annually pass over and are ab-sorbed into the dominant Caucasoid population.
65. I have accommodated the press a great deal, giving numerous interviews.
66. In a straight fight the crusaders usually won; in skirmishes, the Saracens often overcame their more numerous opponents.
67. On top of the basic salary there are numerous other benefits.
68. Numerous attempts to persuade him to write his memoirs came to nought.
69. This year numerous bands are playing, as well as comedy acts.
70. The individuals who have contributed to this book are far too numerous to mention.
71. The advantages of this system are too numerous to mention.
72. His long-suffering wife had to put up with his numerous affairs.
73. After numerous defeats in the boxing ring the conquered finally became the conqueror.
74. Most of his material has been done to death by numerous comedians.
75. His numerous complaints are all variations on a theme .
76. They saw the numerous tanks and trucks stationed along the river.
77. Tom's sister came round on Saturday with her numerous offspring.
78. He has watched a video replay of his fall on numerous occasions.
79. The Telegraph has printed numerous articles on this subject over the last three years.
80. The numerous excisions have destroyed the literary value of the text.
81. Asteroids, also known as " minor planets ", are numerous in the outer space.
82. His political action committee chipped in to numerous campaigns.
83. There are numerous recent cases of character assassination and reputation assault that would discourage any sane person from accepting high government appointment.
84. Diets work for some Numerous studies show both the failure rates of boomerang diets and an inherited susceptibility to obesity.
85. Losers are often very numerous and lose large amounts of their income.
86. Numerous calls for increased powers for the independent agency will not be taken up.
87. Working together, the staff developed numerous ways to use the neighborhood around the school to teach academic skills.
88. There are numerous examples of kings themselves leading in battle.
89. The chapters commenced with a short description of the particular subject, followed by numerous photographs of vehicles and other ancillary equipment.
90. The report listed numerous threats to the general fund but did not affix dollar amounts to possible losses.
91. Here I could inspect the nests of numerous smaller birds and their young.
92. Further uniformity was assured by a single system for auditing the numerous accounts rendered each year by the different financial agencies.
93. Seven engine changes and numerous on-the-spot overhauls were accomplished to keep the aircraft airworthy.
94. The 737 rudder is unusually complicated, with numerous valves and backup systems.
95. However, the numerous formal international agreements on the laws of war actually say nothing directly on nuclear weapons.
96. Typically these will include bar charts, pie charts and line graphs although numerous other types can be prepared.
97. The numerous men employed as bearers become undertakers, although they have never done anything until they have got the job.
98. Another patient had severe inflammation and numerous granulomata on histological examination of duodenal biopsies indicating Crohn's disease of the duodenum.
99. The panelists were put off by numerous ads promising a balanced federal budget but offering no specifics on how to achieve it.
100. As with any guidebook, especially one which covers an area as large as this, you can pick out numerous faults.
101. Judges are normally appointed as chairmen of those numerous committees which are concerned with reform of substantive law or legal procedure.
102. In March 1403 his numerous benefices were reckoned to be worth over £800 a year.
103. Each school had to overcome numerous barriers to reform through the collective work of all the faculty.
104. Easily Accessible: Dartmoor, with its woods, tors and ancient sites(), and the long coastal path provide numerous walks.
105. After numerous false starts, attendance figures hint that long-suffering soccer fans might finally have something to be excited about.
106. It held regular services, ran a Sunday school and was involved in numerous village activities.
107. Numerous cartoon stars make cameo appearances and Kathleen Turner is the voice of Jessica Rabbit.
108. Within the deceptively small establishment are numerous and unique fresh flower arrangements, from small desktop bouquets to massive special occasion arrangements.
109. In December and January, she collected numerous honors as the top woman athlete and top track and field athlete of 2000.
110. In half the specimens studied these lesions were found only after careful examination of numerous sections and staining with an anti-cytokeratin antibody.
111. Even after the first attacks numerous destroyed,() burning vehicles would have blocked the road.
112. The professional associations representing accountants sponsor numerous courses, seminars, group study programs, and other forms of continuing education.
113. During 9 March numerous single aircraft appeared overhead to strafe Takali airfield.
114. The government has carried out numerous executions and arbitrary arrests.
115. The majority were families from the nearby villages but there were also numerous railway enthusiasts from further afield.
116. The role of the Safety Authority is crucial in this respect and numerous detailed specifications require its approval.
117. Too numerous to list here individually, most were of early-1980s, vintage and had not been airworthy for some time.
118. Agents say they met on numerous occasions with Earp in his office in the boiler room.
119. As with the others, it was complicated by numerous irregularities, approximations, and ornate embellishments in the park.
120. The backlash against women who value their careers comes in numerous guises.
121. Shutlingsloe is just one of the numerous miniature mountain gems in Britain where quality, not quantity is the main attraction.
122. Lou-Ann Preble, sent out a stinging resignation letter, alleging numerous violations of campaign finance laws.
123. Within five years, surviving numerous assassination attempts, he managed to convert thousands of Calvinists back to Catholicism.
124. The elaborate cycle was repeated numerous times as the inaugural address neared.
125. His numerous critics will find plenty to amuse them in this volume.
126. And there are numerous sweet spreads to go with fruit and nut bagels.
127. Numerous companies have made information available through employee assistance or medical departments.
128. She had supervised the renovation of a large Victorian home, working with the architect and numerous subcontractors.
129. They shot or bludgeoned to death numerous others in separate incidents.
130. Just in the past year, the party has banned dozens of books and closed numerous publishing houses.
131. On Monday(), Stanford athletic director Ted Leland issued the written apology in response to numerous complaints about the performance.
132. Compulsory regular attendance at services in King's College chapel may account for numerous biblical references in later poems.
133. Scattered among the various art works in McMullen's office are his numerous ribbons and trophies.
134. He held numerous cabinet posts and was an ardent supporter of Mrs Thatcher.
135. They also noticed numerous miscarriages, premature births, and birth defects-including gross malformations-among soldiers' children.
136. And if these applications were not approved then the council could face court action from numerous groups.
137. The government put down numerous extensive amendments to the Bill.
138. It almost caused numerous accidents, here narrowly avoiding a head-on collision.
139. As they progressed in the king's confidence and service, their benefices became more numerous and more lucrative.
140. There were numerous tourists admiring the incredible views but to Ruth there was no one in the world but Fernando.
141. Numerous books and services address the subject,(http://) many aimed at Christians.
142. We were both experienced climbers with numerous winter ascents to our credit.
143. Menem contends he is innocent, but there have been numerous allegations of corruption against him.
144. Abbe David Lowell, a white attorney who has defended numerous public officials, including Democratic Rep.
145. It has also sent the West numerous doubtful and bogus defectors to muddy the waters.
146. Our dive bombers found numerous carrier-type aircraft lined up on the apron of the field and quickly set them ablaze.
147. Don Juan asserted confidently that he had the firm support of numerous followers.
148. Numerous interviews with cold callers, all reluctant to be named, readily acknowledge that they rarely call women.
149. The whole nation is very grateful for the numerous acts of kindness rendered in this time of crisis.
150. Jachowicz had published numerous articles alleging abuses by the secret police.
151. At least three other parakeet species have established feral breeding colonies: the most numerous is the ring-necked parakeet, now common in many London parks and suburbs.
152. These energy levels are so numerous as to be indistinct.
153. In particular,(http:///numerous.html) there were numerous " toxic hotspots " which needed more stringent controls.
154. His musical version of the novel The Phantom of the Opera called Phantom (not to be confused with Andrew Lloyd Webber's version) has enjoyed numerous productions in the U. S. and around the world.
155. From 1955, Mickey Mouse occupied Amicability Ambassador of Disneyland, welcoming numerous domestic and foreign visitors.
156. Experimentally validated on numerous engines using engine dyno and chassis dyno tests.
157. " Numerous facts prove that " Falun Gong " deprives innocent people of their lives and endangers social stability. "
158. H-bridge multi-level converter has the advantages of needing the fewest switch, easy to modularize, easy to digitalize and easy to take soft-switch technique in the numerous multi-level converter.
159. Numerous dark dust devil tracks can be seen meandering across the dunes.
160. Numerous death have occurred from anaphylaxis after the injection of penicillin.
161. His books and papers are numerous, and ANSA is a good standalone textbook on the topic of systems administration.
162. Even more numerous are ads by people offering themselves up as the rented co - conspirator.
163. Lake of overgrown with weeds opens port and Anhui the development Wang Heming of latter-day economy is in latter-day China's numerous treaty port.
164. Congress's lecture number is numerous, the agenda is compact, the speechmaker because of the time relationship, can only speak in the essence the essence.
165. Many gamblers impoverish themselves here, and it is no coincidence that numerous pawn brokers have set up shop in the streets around the Hotel Lisboa.
166. While in China, Mullen will meet with numerous Chinese officials, including Chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army Chen Bingde, who visited Washington in May.
167. There were numerous arcuate fibers connecting with the third ventricle ependymal surface and median eminence in arcuate hypothalamic nucleus.
168. SONOS flash memory has numerous advantages, such as excellent salability, high endurance, low power, radiation hardness, and is highly compatible with standard CMOS technologies.
169. A number of decisions were reportedly made about Ubuntu 11.10, or "Oneiric Ocelot," at the conference, while numerous other questions are still being debated.
170. At valence 2 or 3 it forms numerous coordination complexes. One is vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin; see vitamin B complex).
171. Pufferfish are deadly and if the fish is prepared incorrectly it can lead to death (in fact there are numerous deaths reported in Japan each year from the consumption of this delicacy).
172. There are countless posts in numerous blogs about site owners who employed link farms, FFA's, and link exchange programs only to watch their sites disappear from the search engine results.
173. Every time curtain of night arrives, electric lamp of cupcup twinkles like numerous star.
174. It had something to do with sex—complete with pictures—and the dog-eared corners attested to its being quickly stashed under mattresses in numerous adolescent occupied homes.
175. For that reason, there are numerous watch-dog committees at all levels of society.
176. The numerous overloads for each data access method have been reduced.
177. The healing properties of aloe Vera are numerous and well known.
178. Conversely, all the old forces, however numerous, are bound to be eliminated.
179. Despite numerous failures, they continued to conduct the experiment without flagging.




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