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单词 security
释义 Word family  noun security ≠ insecurity adjective secure ≠ insecure verb secure adverb securely ≠ insecurely  Related topics: Loansse·cu·ri·ty /sɪˈkjʊərəti $ -ˈkjʊr-/ ●●● W1 AWL noun  1  protection from danger 安全保护措施 [uncountable]SAFE things that are done to keep a person, building, or country safe from danger or crime 保安措施,安全工作 The trial was held under tight security. 这场审讯是在戒备森严的情况下进行的。 lax security at airline check-in desks 登机手续柜台松懈的安全措施 terrorist activity that is a threat to national security 威胁国家安全的恐怖活动 The prison was ordered to tighten security after a prisoner escaped yesterday. 昨天一名囚犯越狱后,该监狱被勒令加强安全措施。 The Security Commission investigates breaches of security. 安全委员会对违反安全规定的事项进行调查。 We have been asked not to say anything for security reasons. 出于安全考虑,我们被要求守口如瓶。 The security forces opened fire, killing two people. 保安部队开枪打死了两个人。 The thief was caught on a security camera. 小偷被保安摄像机当场拍了下来。 There are strict security checks on everyone entering the Opera House. 每个人进入歌剧院都要接受严格的安全检查。 A large number of homes lack adequate security measures. 许多住宅都未采取足够的安全措施。2  protection from bad situations 对不良环境的抵御PROTECT [uncountable] protection from bad things that could happen to you 保障,保护 OPP insecurity Parenting is about giving your child security and love. 养育儿女就是要给他们保护和爱。 Workers want greater job security (=not being in danger of losing their jobs). 工人们希望有更多的工作保障。 This insurance plan offers your family financial security in the event of your death. 这份保险能在你死后给你的家人提供经济保障。3  guards 保安 [uncountable]BBC the department of a company or organization that deals with the protection of its buildings and equipment 〔公司或机构的〕保安部门 One of the sales clerks called security. 有一名销售员给保安部门打了电话。 → security guard4  borrowing money 借钱 [uncountable]BFL something such as property that you promise to give someone if you cannot pay back money you have borrowed from them 抵押品security for Reiss used his Brooklyn home as security for the loan. 赖斯把他在布鲁克林的住宅作为贷款抵押。5. securities [plural]BFS stocks or shares in a company 证券n COLLOCATIONSadjectivestight/strict (=good security, so that something is very safe)The event passed off peacefully, amid tight security.lax (=not good enough, so that something is not as safe as it should be)The prime minister denied that border security had been lax.heightened security (=more than usual)There is heightened security around Heathrow following the bomb threats.national/state security (=security of a country)Did the article contain any information that is damaging to national security?personal security (=security of an individual person)The department is responsible for the president’s personal security.verbsimprove/tighten security (=make it better)Mexico has tightened security along its southern + NOUNthe security services/forces (=the police, army etc)Clashes with the security forces measures/arrangementsResidents have been warned to take extra security measures following a spate of burglaries.a security checkThere are security checks at the entrance to the courtrooms.a security guardThere are armed security guards outside the staffTeams of security staff guard the laboratory.a security cameraA car park security camera captured the attack.a security system (=a system of cameras, alarms etc to provide security)The first stage would be to install security systems and adequate lighting in churches.a security riskHis presence in the area posed a significant security risk.for security reasonsHe can’t be identified for security reasons.phrasesa breach of security (=when something happens that the security should have stopped)There was a serious breach of security at the prison last Friday.Examples from the Corpussecurity• Security has been increased at all airports in the wake of the attacks.• He missed, killing a security guard.• Their ordeal ended when a bank security guard spotted something suspicious on a television monitor and raised the alarm.• A salesclerk called security.• Parenting is about giving a child security and love.• Your paycheck is deposited directly into your account for greater security.• a high security prison• They need to improve security here - anyone could just walk in.• The insider must deal in securities on a recognized stock exchange, which includes dealing in securities through an investment exchange.• Instead of a real agenda, Dodd offers generalities about opportunity, job security and growth.• His wide-eyed innocence had lulled me into a false sense of security.• If we get a place, we got ta pay maybe three months' rent, security.• Social security, unemployment compensation, welfare, Medicare, food stamps, and public housing are examples.• Strict security measures were in force during the President's visit.• For the security of passengers, all hand baggage is carefully checked.• We applied the same principles that would apply to these securities regardless of who issued them.• There is tight security at the airport and all baggage is being searched.• A uniformed security man met them at the gate.tight security• Amid tight security, Francis Mullen and his younger brother James appeared before Liverpool city magistrates.• Statewide, $ 13 million was appropriated for tighter security at existing prisons.• As I look back on it, the whole episode showed the need for tighter security screening.• Critics include the panel charged with reviewing how tighter security measures might affect freedoms and civil rights.• The promoters are promising tight security to prevent ravers leaving the site.• He was also starting to rebel against the tight security.• The confusions of war, the tight security covering the country, made communication difficult.• They maintain very tight security along the border.job security• The issue - over working hours and job security - remains unresolved.• A swingman has to earn his job security.• Flexible skilling will give more job variety to individuals and increase job security.• I have a poor salary, no job security, and scant recognition of my skills.• In other words, might not loyalty in large companies be bought by promises of job security?• But workers here are accustomed to lifetime employment and see the provisions as a major threat to their job security.• I prefer job challenge to job security. 7.• I think he did have a message when it comes to job security and some trade for• Reiss used his Brooklyn home as security for the loan.From Longman Business Dictionarysecurityse‧cu‧ri‧ty /sɪˈkjʊərəti-ˈkjʊr-/ noun (plural securities)1[uncountable] actions to keep someone or something safe from being damaged, stolen etcWe spend roughly as much on security as on sales promotion.On April 29th, a security alert shut down the London Stock Exchange.teams of professional security guards2[uncountable] a feeling of being safe and free from worry about what might happenJob security (=being confident that you are unlikely to lose your job) is the main issue in the dispute.Many Koreans like thefinancial security of working for big companies.3[uncountable]FINANCE property or other assets that you promise to give someone if you cannot pay back the money that you owe themThe bank offers its customers flexible borrowing, usually without security.His parents have pledged (=promised) their homes as security so that he can obtain finance for his new business.4[countable]FINANCE a financial investment such as a bond or share etc, or the related CERTIFICATE showing who owns itNumbers showed that investment in foreign securities slowed in November.Securities firms outside the EU often operate under different rules.Almost every country with a developedsecurities market has some form of controls outlawing insider dealing. → asset-backed security → bearer security → continuing security → convertible security → dated security → deferred security → fixed-interest security → gilt-edged security → government security → listed security → long-term security → marketable security → medium-term security → mortgage-backed security → negotiable security → registered security → short-term security → undated security → unlisted security → see also social securityse·cu·ri·ty noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  things to keep a Corpus that done person, are Business




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