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单词 Enforcement
(1) MPs called for tougher enforcement of the existing laws on drugs.
(2) Law enforcement agents intercepted a shipment of drugs from Latin America.
(3) The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws, such as those banning sales of cigarettes to children.
(4) She enjoys a sterling reputation in law enforcement circles and among the community in general.
(5) Neither case was an edifying example of law enforcement.
(6) Law enforcement officials. Federal law enforcement.
(7) Manne develops his critique of enforcement further.
(8) This is an act against law enforcement.
(9) Implementation and enforcement can occasionally be patchy.
(10) The federal housing authorities had no powers of enforcement.
(11) As in other forms of enforcement, deviance which has taken place once is assumed capable of repetition.
(12) There is no reason to believe in enforcement of a modus in private circumstances in classical law.
(13) Enforcement following assignment of the reversion Liability of T towards L2 and vice-versa rests upon a statutory basis.
(14) Seven senior federal law enforcement officers from Baja California have been slain in the past year.
(15) The southern states now relied on tightening enforcement measures already on the statute books and increasing the alertness of the patrols.
(16) And statewide, only 215 of 750 law enforcement agencies reported any hate crimes.
(17) In law enforcement agencies particularly, top officials have cleaned out their files and left nothing for an incoming administration.
(18) The four men arrested were described as really big fish by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.
(19) The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary enforcement machinery.
(20) The accord also lays down guidelines for the conduct of American drug enforcement agents.
(21) We're funding research into new areas such as law enforcement technology.
(22) The decision in the Hoffmann-La Roche case is not about law enforcement actions in general.
(23) Petersburg Times, was loaned by companies seeking to market the technology to law enforcement agencies.
(24) The reason for a larger military role in domestic law enforcement is not hard to fathom.
(25) Secondly, and linked with this point, criminal statistics reflect the intensity of law enforcement itself.
(26) Standards which can not be attained by negotiation or legal enforcement may at least be achieved if made less demanding.
(27) They diverge in their justifications for the subjection of individuals to the exercise of state power during the enforcement of contractual obligations.
(28) He pledged that his administration would defend the principle of states' rights, which augured poorly for civil rights enforcement.
(29) South Carolina called out twelve thousand volunteers to resist federal law enforcement.
(30) Until last week, Kaczynski had neither been arrested nor involved in radical political activity, a law enforcement official said.
(1) The four men arrested were described as really big fish by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.
(2) MPs called for tougher enforcement of the existing laws on drugs.
(3) Law enforcement agents intercepted a shipment of drugs from Latin America.
(4) The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary enforcement machinery.
(31) Kaczynski was disgusted with the widespread drug use and liberal politics at UC-Berkeley, a law enforcement source said.
(32) Where enforcement in a sanctioning system is occasionally dramatic, securing compliance with regulation has little potential for drama.
(33) In short, he becomes more credible as a negotiator and as an enforcement agent.
(34) A wise suspicion is that such a fate awaits any treaty containing grandiose reductions or harsh enforcement penalties.
(35) Investigations into law enforcement officers' behavior were reduced, though they still constituted a large part of the case load.
(36) The enforcement method for the regulations was a criminal penalty.
(37) In many rural districts provision was still patchy and enforcement of attendance sporadic.
(38) Yours is that you happen to be the chief law enforcement officer of this Commonwealth.
(39) The Department of the Environment produces free booklets on planning permission, enforcement, appeals and compulsory purchase.
(40) If the appeal is lost you will have to take the steps required in the enforcement notice.
(41) The information will help law enforcement authorities trace ownership of the weapon back to the original gun dealer.
(42) Problems of enforcement A final note on the enforcement of the duty of care is called for.
(43) A number of the oligarchs have been subjected to intense and seemingly arbitrary law enforcement action in recent weeks.
(44) Governments - extending regulations to cover more corporate activities either through new laws or tougher enforcement of existing laws.
(45) Some of the chiefs also urged improved information sharing between schools and law enforcement officials.
(46) Enforcement of the order was delayed for a day in hopes of a last-minute resolution.
(47) You can appeal against an enforcement notice on a number of grounds.
(48) Any work carried out after then becomes liable to enforcement procedures.
(49) Rotating law enforcement officers is a textbook concept straight out of police administration 101.
(50) I should be grateful if you would ask your enforcement officer to look into this matter.
(51) The Anti-Defamation League has compiled hate crime statistics from law enforcement throughout the county and recorded 413 incidents from 1992-94.
(52) For years,(http:///enforcement.html) federal law enforcement officials were reluctant to penetrate the movement.
(53) Law enforcement authorities simply keep a record of a low-risk offender.
(54) This is different from the general position in relation to planning permission where an offence arises only after the enforcement procedure has been invoked.
(55) The task force initially comprised 28 members from law enforcement, civil rights, public health, neighborhood and prostitution-affiliated organizations.
(56) If you win, it will then be for them to serve an enforcement notice or injunction as appropriate.
(57) The research investigates the concepts of peacekeeping and peace enforcement as they might be applied to United Nations maritime operations.
(58) A federal law enforcement official said prosecutions seldom are initiated unless the eavesdropper deliberately has used a monitored conversation for other purposes.
(59) Many low income families may still face enforcement action through private bailiffs at the door, rather than less stringent repayment methods.
(60) In other words, the attributes of traditional crime are defined for the enforcement agency.
(61) How strict or lenient enforcement agents conceive them to be may well affect their enforcement behaviour.
(62) In response, President Fillmore issued a proclamation asking citizens to cease interfering with law enforcement officers.
(63) Law enforcement officers have increased powers to deal with or seize food they suspect is dangerous.
(64) Law enforcement agents and reporters were standing within feet of the trash bin where the second blast occurred.
(65) During the enforcement season the bumper crop will be burnt by the army.
(66) Or you might decide to report the incident to law enforcement authorities.
(67) That raises obvious questions about the priorities of federal drug enforcement agents and prosecutors.
(68) There is also a new enforcement factor at work, which is the emergence of global markets attuned to fiscal responsibility.
(69) The government's approach in persuasion, not enforcement, since enforcement of current legislation is unworkable.
(70) Thousands may therefore be in need of urgent legal advice and assistance with the enforcement of their rights.
(71) They accused the law enforcement authorities of violating their civil rights by, among other things, fabricating evidence.
(72) Goons run rampant; crack is dealt on every corner of the Bronx, and law enforcement is something of a joke.
(73) Neighbours can not take enforcement action on their own behalf, but they can lobby the council.
(74) Planners have recommended enforcement action compelling the club to remove the wire with 12 months lee-way.
(75) But a senior law enforcement source said Monday the residue is an adhesive used to bind plastic parts in airplanes.
(76) Confiscated boats and planes could be used by law enforcement agencies and seized money used to train and better equip the forces.
(77) The prosecutors charged eighty-five defendants, including forty-four law enforcement officers.
(77) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(78) The lack of a moral mandate threatens the regulatory agency's legitimacy as an enforcement authority.
(79) Much of that expense is caused by the enforcement procedures.
(80) He said the force was created to centralize law enforcement efforts in the south county area.
(81) The discoveries have residents, postal employees and law enforcement officials in Washington on edge.
(82) The school security specialists also want local law enforcement officials and school administrators to improve their cooperation to stem the violence.
(83) The main difference is that before we made quality of life enforcement a high priority.
(84) The controversy has led other law enforcement agencies to take another look at the chile pepper extract.
(85) Police spoke of a benign new law enforcement tactic no more intrusive than a video camera at a convenience store.
(86) The attorney general is supposed to act only when the law enforcement is falling down or broken down in a local community.
(87) CABs would wish to see enforcement by private bailiffs abolished.
(88) Two people who defied law enforcement barricades, and who were arrested and jailed, spoke at the meeting.
(89) But law enforcement officers are deliberate -- and frequent -- targets.
(90) The Home Office said that it had received representations from law enforcement agencies.
(91) However, not everyone in law enforcement is convinced that the Arellanos were behind the deaths of Ibarra and Garcia.
(92) After the material was delivered, law enforcement agents obtained search warrants and arrested the customers.
(93) But senior law enforcement sources said Monday that the residue is glue, not missile fuel.
(94) The chief means of proactive enforcement is routine sampling, which will bring to light or confirm the existence of persistent pollutions.
(95) However, I state again that enforcement procedures offer plenty of opportunities for some one to pay their dues and so avoid imprisonment.
(96) Local law enforcement officials have just 48 hours to complete a background check of prospective gun purchasers.
(97) Racial violence began again when law enforcement officers brutalized peaceful civil rights protestors.
(98) Automatic enforcement of administrative, modification and quality control approval procedures. Administrative support for quality assurance activities.
(99) Permits to carry concealed handguns are hard to come by, issued only at the discretion of local law enforcement officials.
(100) It is difficult to maintain control where a scattered enforcement staff possess high discretion.
(101) The commission's call comes in the latest edition of Enforcement Update, a periodical regulatory newsletter sent to financial institutions.
(102) The agency began enforcement actions against 20 companies -- and vows to pursue, if necessary.
(103) Failure to observe that enforcement notice can result in a prosecution in the local magistrates' court.
(104) Law enforcement officials have denied knowing of any threats against the police chief before he was ambushed on Feb. 27.
(105) In that regard, the United Nations surely has a peace enforcement role as well as a peace-keeping role.
(106) He said law enforcement authorities had closed off a five-mile area around the crash site.
(107) The description might have more applicability if there were rights enforcement officers to aid unrepresented applicants.
(108) It is specifically about actions by the Crown under a statute providing a prescribed means of law enforcement.
(109) Development undertaken without permission is not an offence in itself; but ignoring an enforcement notice is.
(110) For purposes of consistency and enforcement across state lines,(http:///enforcement.html) divorce laws need to be substantially federalized by the national village.
(111) Yet there were two main barriers to the exaction and enforcement of such concessions.
(112) The bill has bogged down in bitter disputes over the balance between law enforcement and civil liberties.
(113) Like other enforcement agents they adapt by employing protective strategies.
(114) Thousands of officers from 10 law enforcement agencies lined Pennsylvania Avenue.
(115) The voluntary code, which will cover offshore centres, has no provisions for sanctions or enforcement checks.
(116) Law enforcement officials consider it the most corrupt of six border crossings in Arizona.
(117) Rescue workers, police and other law enforcement agencies set up camp on a levee beside the canal.
(118) Arguments of this kind can provide effective defences to enforcement proceedings.
(119) The Peak Park Board can either take enforcement action or establish an effective management system.
(120) Fiduciary duties depend for their enforcement on the shareholders taking action against the wrongdoing corporate managers.
(121) The biggest criticism was leveled against transit administrators for not following law enforcement standards for reporting crime.
(122) A relator owes no duty to the public to initiate any law enforcement action.
(123) Legitimation for such delegated enforcement was usually sought through schemes for participation, such as industrial democracy, regional devolution or community action.
(124) City officials chose not to join other law enforcement agencies seeking a renewal of the exemption.
(125) The city dropped the age limitation just before a law enforcement exemption to federal age discrimination laws expired in 1993.
(126) The bill was blocked last year by conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats concerned about over-zealous federal law enforcement.
(127) The existence or otherwise of an enforcement notice will be revealed by the local search result.
(128) No SenFed world is required to have them, and the Vadinamians prefer to manage their own law enforcement.
(129) They should also be given and encouraged to use enforcement powers where necessary.
(130) Like other enforcement agents, the field man is gatekeeper to the apparatus of control.
(131) The enforcement agent in a compliance system has a wide variety of roles to fulfil.
(132) Justice in Rio is normally so slow that the effect on law enforcement is almost negligible.
(133) It tends to be uneventful, its often prolonged sequence of steps suggesting enforcement by attrition.
(134) They walked slowly, led by the bagpipers, past an honor guard of law enforcement officers standing stiffly at attention.
(135) The budgets for federal law enforcement and tax collection would both be down more than 10 percent in real terms by 2002.
(136) Fourth, there is a right of appeal against an enforcement notice to the secretary of state and the courts.
(137) Law enforcement officials in California said the men have put more than a million dollars worth of renovations into it.
(138) We are looking for a sufficient cause or reason for the legal enforcement of a promise.
(139) Once an enforcement notice has been entered against a property as a local land charge it will not be removed.
(140) In that case, this House was concerned only with the position of the Crown in law enforcement actions.
(141) But law enforcement and government representatives have unequivocally denied the accusations.
(142) A law enforcement professional would know better than to keep the thing around.
(143) And an extended payments schedule might well recover the debt more surely than strict enforcement - which might instead precipitate financial collapse.
(144) The rest of the extract then examines how changes in the style of policing and law enforcement affect criminal statistics.
(145) If the hon. Member has more information about illegal services, he should pass it on to the proper enforcement authorities.
(146) This has, indeed, been advanced as an official reason for the enforcement of celibacy among priests.
(147) Administrative enforcement has mainly civil-law pattern and common-law pattern.
(148) Part One Nature of Civil Enforcement Power.
(149) Riding a wave of unchecked immigration and seemingly eluding law enforcement, the Mexican Mafia is poised to become the Cosa Nostra of 21st century America.
(150) Based upon the reform experience of western developed countries, this thesis assays and presents the concrete operation about the separation of budget compilation and enforcement.
(151) The Drug Enforcement Agency has also stopped investigating any other doctors who treated Jackson, a spokeswoman said.
(152) Article 76 Enforcement rules for this Act shall be prescribed by the Ministry of the Interior.
(153) Several companies provide commercial policy decision point and policy enforcement point solutions, including IBM.
(154) What I can tell you is that it is completely normal and justified for the Chinese Government to engage in law enforcement activities to safeguard its rights within its own Exclusive Economic Zone.
(155) Along with officers from other law enforcement agencies, CBP agents stand watch over one of the largest attended and most watched events in the United States.
(156) Under Secretary of State Josette Shiner said that enforcement of IPR is the key to addressing counterfeiting and piracy issues effectively.
(157) The article analyses the method to obtain the coordinate of ellipse building, then sets forth the enforcement way of coordinate laying-out method with the intelligences total station instrument.
(158) Money which is not paid when due, under a payment plan or amortization schedule. Could lead to enforcement of loan agreement by lender.
(159) Third, this paper gives standard in reviewing of evidence in customs law enforcement, this is, legality, objectivity, adequacy, certifiable and the exclusion of illegal evidence, etc.
(160) Overzealous enforcement can also result in bad press—as with the orange plastic Lederhosen given out by Bavaria, a Dutch brewery, to Dutch fans before a match at the 2006 football World Cup.
(161) The life-force of the environmental protection law depends on its actual enforcement in our social life.
(162) After official sort management, after or hired the administrative law enforcement class official, how to carry on the system design, thought that avoids excessively tediously ?
(163) WHO recommends these because enforcement of a complete ban on advertising promotion and sponsorship will definitely reduce consumption," he added.
(164) The enforcement of German Nazi Law on Jan. 20, 1934 terminated workers' equal-footed relations with management which they had been enjoying since the Weimer Republic.
(165) During the eight - years enforcement of the Company Act, there exists a very common problem on undercapitalization due to the capital flight.
(166) In 1919, Congress enacted the Volstead Act, which provided for enforcement of Prohibition, over President Wilson's veto.
(167) Officials say he unknowingly sought help from an informant for the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. They say he believed this person had ties to Mexican drug groups./enforcement.html
(168) Besides, preamble, it is consist of general provisions, preventive measures, criminalization and Law enforcement, and international cooperation.
(169) Fragmentation of rule writing, supervision and enforcement led to finger-pointing in place of effective action.
(170) An invalid administrative enforcement action shall have no legal effect from the beginning.
(171) Alas, Goldfarb was a little late with his security consciousness -- Goffer's line had already been tapped by law enforcement.
(172) And smile enforcement is just the beginning; a whole slate of behavior-recognition software will someday pick people out of a crowd for insufficient perkiness.
(173) According to the Federal Law Enforcement Agency (US Marshals Service), said in a statement, Deputy Prosecutor John Gilbert killed?
(174) Research suggests that overemphasizing enforcement can actually weaken tax morale, by making taxpaying seem less like a freely chosen part of the social contract.
(175) The violation of law enforcement procedure express into four major categories: steps illegal, way illegal, order illegal, and time limit illegal.
(176) Current problem in law enforcement procedure is a protruding factor to affect law enforcement quality in public security organ.
(177) It is like buying a pig in a poke, " admitted Elizabeth Brickfield, the director of enforcement for the Parking Violations Bureau."
(178) The author analyses how the problems existing in the enforcement procedure and law-making of the administrative law impede the legalization of Chinese administrative procedure.
(179) The reform of giant department is supposed to establish the reasonable division of decision-making power, law enforcement power, and supervision power.
(180) As "Lie to Me" shows, Ekman's work has great potential for applications in law enforcement, especially in criminal interrogation and airport security screening.
(181) The fourth part is the thinking and recommendations for improving our tax enforcement procedure.
(182) Article 31 The central competent authority shall determine the Enforcement Rules of Act.
(183) Law enforcement comes across as awkward and misguided, yet it looms, ubiquitous and unexamined, in the film's margins.
(184) The problems, such as not-enough scientific budgeting, liberty in budget enforcement and weakening in budget inspection and so on, still exist in daily work.
(185) China's government launched a high-level commission to oversee enforcement of its new antitrust legislation, which is already facing a test from Coca-Cola Co.
(186) A coordinated and efficient work system and a law enforcement mechanism have been established and improved.
(187) He says law enforcement fact turn the tide upon those who seek to asperse the country's good name.
(188) The analyst can add service elements to the model which represent pre-existing services that provide enforcement points.
(189) Based on the enforcement regulations of land laws in every province, the problems on the practice of implementary local legislative will be revealed.
(190) Many shelters will rent out traps, or the area may have a by-law enforcement agency that catches stray animals when they are reported as such.
(191) The United States is investing $700 million this year to improve Mexico's law enforcement capabilities as part of the Merida Initiative, created during the George W. Bush administration.
(192) According to RBAC and DTE, the role - based domain and type enforcement access control ( RDTEAC ) model is presented.
(193) The effective enforcement of anti-monopoly law depends on building perfective and practicable enforcement.
(194) We have achieved this through a three-pronged approach, combining law enforcement, corruption prevention and community education with a team of highly professional and dedicated staff.
(195) Article 14: A people's court may seal up, distrain or freeze property jointly possessed by the party subject to enforcement and other parties, and notify the joint owners in a timely manner.
(196) The classification of service marks shall be prescribed in the Enforcement Rules hereof.
(197) And then we have founded the 28 key indexes of professional technical position and the 27 key indexes of law enforcement position.
(197) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(198) Article 43 The Enforcement Rules of this Act shall be prescribed by the Central Health Administration.
(199) The law of the court is applied for the judicial proceeding in the enforcement of the ship's mortgage.
(200) And when you have an evacuation order from a local elected official or a local law enforcement official, you need to understand what's important to you.
(201) The civil enforcement relief is a kind of relief related to the civil enforcement procedure.
(202) In an announcement of the new figures, US Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood called distracted driving an "epidemic" and called for tougher local regulations and stricter law enforcement.
(203) Carry out joint law enforcement, and strictly conduct crack-down according to law.
(204) This paper expounds the factors influencing the audit law enforcement and punishment, and puts forward some countermeasures for strengthening the audit law enforcement and punishment.
(205) EU has successfully unified rules by form of Regulation regarding enforcement of international civil and commercial judgments and conflict of laws rules of non-contractual obligations.
(206) Mr Arbabsiar's bad luck is that after receiving his instructions from Mr Shakuri, he approached a Mexican gang member who was in fact an informant for America's Drug Enforcement Agency.
(207) If law enforcement succeeds in mandating interception facilities for every Internet carrier, the industry as a whole could be pushed back into the procrustean bed of conventional telecommunications.
(208) They told reporters that these so-called fleet AIDS Society in law enforcement often importune, interference or damage to law enforcement.
(209) The paper analyzes problems in medical parole and the causes and proposes the strengthening of law enforcement and the role of judicial doctors in the identification of invalidism.
(210) She most likely has experience in law enforcement or the military, though she may simply be a self-defense advocate or a dedicated hobbyist with uncommon self-possession .
(211) Article 29 The enforcement rules of this Act shall be enacted by the central archives authority - in - charge.
(212) To Strengthen Enforcement Chinese government has formulated and promulgated a series of laws, rules and regulations for wild life conservation.
(213) This week, the Supreme Court let stand a disturbing ruling out of California that allows law enforcement to barge into people's homes without a warrant.
(214) It is just a matter of getting enforcement up to snuff.
(215) Barbed wire, a web of railroads throughout the Great Plains, and enforcement of federal land laws all put an end to the open-range cattle industry and the great trails.
(216) Then, in 1996, INS enforcement officials came to the meatpacking plant and arrested 99 Hispanic workers who did not have legal documentation to work in the United States.
(217) The production and performance of the pacification agreement must influence the enforcement procedure.
(218) Law enforcement agents, looking for fugitives from justice, found no way to break down this system, nor any law which they could interpret as making it illegal to quick-freeze.
(219) White listened as his friend Kevin Kline, an FBI special agent and one of the original members of the task force, was speaking to the law enforcement army.
(220) This paper analyses how the procedure of maritime enterprise bankruptcy affects the enforcement of maritime liens. Several suggestions are also given in this paper.
(221) From the objective aspect, the defiance and affray crime is similar to crimes like robbery, extortion, intentional injury that it can be easily confused in enforcement practice of law.
(222) The US Drug Enforcement Agency said the camouflaged 31m-long Ecuadorian submarine, a vessel capable of carrying many tons of cocaine, was found in a river near the border with Colombia.
(223) So the enforcement of score system must be secured by ideological education, so as to advance with the time, help students to correct their motive and attitude in study and improve teaching quality.
(224) Fourthly , the enforcement of foreign exchange regulations has been intensified to safeguard the RMB exchange rate stability and the balance of international payments.
(225) Scene law enforcement of law and order department is a special management action.
(226) Legal English refers to an English literary style that penetrates all the process of legislation, judicature and legal enforcement in common-law countries.
(227) It is held in the paper that to perfect auxiliary marshal system in China will help resolve the difficulty in civil judgment enforcement, ensuring trouble-free execution.
(228) Enforcement was possible only when a discharge reduced the quality of the receiving water below the specified ambient level, or to prevent an imminent health hazard.
(229) The training of law enforcement officers is also the focus of the International Law Enforcement Academy in Gaborone, Botswana.
(230) In law enforcement, a fingerprint examiner can issue only a positive or a negative identification, and is prohibited from speculating on probabilities.
(231) Even in the 1960s, he had a strong public image as an honest, competent law enforcement technocrat.
(231) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(232) This Law is enacted with a view to promoting the accommodation of funds and the circulation of commodities, ensuring the enforcement of creditor's rights and developing the socialist market economy.
(233) As a former law enforcement officer, I had “instant credibility” in the areas of security and cybercrime.
(234) Mr Greenspan's remarks hint at the need to reintroduce federal spending and financing constraints, similar to those included in the Budget Enforcement Act of the 1990s.
(235) How to correctly understand the administrative enforcement power has directive meaning of the model of the administrative enforcement in our country.
(236) These tools better equip them to meet the needs of law enforcement and provide results that enhance their database and casework analysis while speeding up the overall process.
(237) The effect and purpose of these restraining laws will presumptively be little or even frustrated, which is eventually detrimental to government's reputation in law enforcement.
(238) “Since the signing of the Cross-Debarment agreement earlier this year, INT has worked diligently with our MDB partners to ensure that enforcement is not delayed,” said McCarthy.




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