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单词 Monitor
1 Jimmy has been made dinner money monitor.
2 The new monitor apparatus is automatically controlled.
3 Instruments constantly monitor temperature and humidity.
4 You must monitor the old man's illness.
5 Jimmy has been made monitor.
6 Doctors watched the old man's heartbeat on a monitor.
7 Your doctor will monitor your blood pressure.
8 Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting.
9 Watch the monitor and tell me if the level goes above forty decibels.
10 The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation.
11 The classmates wanted to make her the monitor,but she demurred.
12 The monitor was assigned to take notes for the meeting.
13 Independent observers will monitor the elections.
14 We monitor the enemy's radio broadcasts for the information.
15 The heart monitor shows the strength of your pulse.
16 As a matter of course, he was elected monitor.
17 Many students were absent, notably the monitor.
18 Finish off by cleaning the monitor and the keyboard.
19 He will make a good monitor for them.
20 Fund managers are poorly placed to monitor firms.
21 You need feedback to monitor progress.
22 Our monitor kept singing flat.
23 The authorities will continue to monitor the situation.
24 They chose their monitor by a show of hands.
25 We selected him as our monitor.
26 We elected him ( to be ) monitor.
27 You must monitor the latest intelligence on armaments.
28 Did you mention this to the monitor?
29 A 1200-strong military force will be on hand to monitor the ceasefire.
30 Patients who are given the new drug will be asked to monitor their progress.
1 Jimmy has been made dinner money monitor.
2 The new monitor apparatus is automatically controlled.
3 Instruments constantly monitor temperature and humidity.
4 Jimmy has been made monitor.
5 Doctors watched the old man's heartbeat on a monitor.
6 Your doctor will monitor your blood pressure.
7 Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting.
8 A 1200-strong military force will be on hand to monitor the ceasefire.
9 The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation.
10 The monitor was assigned to take notes for the meeting.
11 Patients who are given the new drug will be asked to monitor their progress.
12 As a matter of course, he was elected monitor.
13 Many students were absent, notably the monitor.
14 They chose their monitor by a show of hands.
15 We elected him ( to be ) monitor.
16 You must monitor the latest intelligence on armaments.
17 Did you mention this to the monitor?
18 The treadmill has a heart rate monitor.
19 If we can know their frequency we will monitor their talking.
20 When she was made monitor, she soon got too big for her breeches.
21 The teacher appointed a safe student as monitor of our class.
31 The heart monitor shows low levels of consciousness.
32 She was wired up to a heart monitor.
33 We need to monitor the transaction of smaller deals.
34 The treadmill has a heart rate monitor.
35 We have voted him our monitor.
36 Set the monitor to 256 colour mode.
37 I don't like our monitor; he's far too cocky.
38 The noise monitor recorded 98 decibels.
39 She was staring at her computer monitor.
40 Our monitor is easy to approach.
41 The monitor is a person who seldom asks a boon of others.
42 The country health agency has dedicated one inspector to monitor conditions in nursing homes.
43 An independent body has been set up to monitor government spending.
44 The babies in this unit have various devices attached to them which monitor the vital signs.
45 He was watching a game of tennis on a television monitor.
46 If we can know their frequency we will monitor their talking.
47 The details of today's flights are displayed on the monitor.
48 We could watch what was happening on the TV monitor.
49 The monitor distinguished himself by his performance in the examination.
50 When she was made monitor,(Sentencedict) she soon got too big for her breeches.
51 We elected him monitor.
52 Friends of the Earth are mounting a campaign to monitor the illegal logging of trees.
53 We will now be able to monitor its progress more closely.
54 It will be necessary to create a regime to monitor compliance with the agreements.
55 The centre carries out work to monitor trends in housing management.
56 The teacher appointed a safe student as monitor of our class.
57 When she was made monitor, she soon got too big for her boots.
58 I think it's time to replace the whole caboodle: computer, printer, and monitor.
59 Meetings are held periodically to monitor progress on the case.
60 They'll use ultrasound to monitor her ovaries to see if they're responding to the treatment.
61 The new findings suggest that women ought to monitor their cholesterol levels.
62 They began to horseplay when the teacher put Mary up for the monitor.
63 Their brains are scanned so that researchers can monitor the progress of the disease.
64 George saw the monitor black out and then a few words faded in.
65 Regular tests enable the teacher to monitor the progress of each child.
66 We re-elected him monitor.
67 Does your new computer have a colour monitor?
68 An on-board computer would constantly monitor approaching obstacles.
69 If the bond is publicly marketed, a trustee is named to monitor and ensure compliance with the terms of the indenture.
70 It is specifically designed to monitor employee use of the Internet.
71 The £6,000 desktop system is suitable for any stereo-ready workstation, Apple Computer Inc Macintosh, personal computer or monitor.
71 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
72 Thus, it is essential to monitor urine flow, serum tonicity, and body weight during the deprivation.
73 This would implant an electronic smart card in cars' engine-management systems, to monitor the quantity of polluting emissions.
74 Liaise with Stationery on the fulfilment of consumables requests, jointly monitor issues, and advise on stock levels and suppliers.
75 The doctor will attach a monitor to your stomach so that she can listen to the baby's heart.
76 But, so far, no one has been able to reliably monitor who is seeing online advertisements.
77 You can monitor the progress of approvals by using options 1.5.4, 1.5.5 or 1.5.6.
78 Finally, appraisal procedures must be established which monitor and enhance the individual's ability to work to maximum effectiveness.
79 The whole development cycle is streamlined when the programmer can visualise and monitor program execution.
80 A hand-held chemical agent monitor determines whether any contaminants are still present.
81 You will however monitor, progress chase, instruct and communicate through paper.
82 We will support the creation by the police of new Racial attacks Squads to monitor and coordinate action against racially-motivated attacks.
83 This test has been suggested for use as a monitor of diabetic control.
84 First, it would be necessary to monitor the quantity of pollution of each firm in order to assess its tax liability.
85 Field studies were also important for early efforts to monitor the environment, an area with which governments were increasingly concerned.
86 These rarely seen specialists administer local and general anesthesia, handle pain control and monitor your vital signs during the operation.
87 Of particular concern to the industry is the company's agreement to more closely monitor gun distribution.
88 Professional discipline is aided by measures that enable professionals to monitor and correct their own work.
89 It also will monitor the installation of a program for a more accurate removal later.
90 The three memory banks represent the red, green and blue components of the image seen on the television monitor.
91 Detailed analysis of the monitor has enabled its colour response to be predicted to a very high degree of accuracy.
92 Several schools mentioned that they were presently involved in carrying out an audit of health education to monitor provision and delivery.
93 The resulting picture on the monitor is called a false-colour composite image.
94 Despite this major problem, banks must endeavour to monitor the external debt position of countries.
95 The devices will allow national park staff to monitor rhino movements 24 hours a day.
96 The digital images held in the memory banks are converted to television signals which are displayed on the monitor.
97 He will also learn of an initiative to monitor performance line-by-line with the aim of improvement.
98 These cards come equipped with their own VideoRAM memory which determines the number of colour the monitor can display at certain resolutions.
99 The accord also authorized the creation of a mechanism to monitor the observance of conventions banning biological weapons.
100 They monitor the fairness and effectiveness of the specialists' deliberations, while also taking part in the decision-making.
101 If the compromised system is on a backbone network(http://), intruders can monitor any transit traffic traversing between nodes on that network.
102 More effective surveillance should also be encouraged in tropical countries, both to monitor efficacy and to document adverse reactions.
103 The gauges and sonar screen are spread across the bottom third of the computer monitor.
104 The one-piece computer is only 9 inches deep; a traditional monitor used with most desktops is about 14 inches deep.
105 A joint economic commission to monitor links was established and it was hoped that it would meet on a regular basis.
106 The model 214-2F research biomass monitor has increased sensitivity, improved long-term stability and reduced effect of gas hold-up in fermenters.
107 If regular recording is possible, teachers could be trained to monitor themselves using a checklist of this kind.
108 We will monitor the further developments and pronouncements of the several bodies presently addressing the subjects of corporate governance and accounting standards.
109 They are able to monitor their progress closely and to relate effort and performance to accepted standards.
110 Unfortunately, however, the inquiry did little for public confidence in the independent judicial monitor.
111 Even during down times, players must constantly monitor their fuel supply or hunt for more.
112 For a colour monitor, more than one bit is needed to describe each pixel, and there are two approaches to this.
113 I badly wanted the job of fifth-grade safety monitor because Mrs Lambertson said it required supreme bravery.
114 Regular reviews of progress will take place and students are asked to carefully monitor their own performance.
115 The doctor attached a tiny monitor to the baby's head.
116 Mr. Rost Under the Electricity Act 1989, the regulator is directed to monitor the progress of combined heat and power.
117 Does the whole conceptual perspective of the Monitor theory narrow down to a focus on filling in the blanks?
118 An international agency could monitor compliance with international arms regulations, such as those banning the military use of chemicals and bacteria.
119 A new economic commission was set up to monitor the success of the austerity measures.
120 The charter says to monitor service provision properly, local authority inspection units should consult individuals and organisations within the black community.
121 The new understanding build on the 1993 agreement by establishing a five-nation group that will monitor alleged violations.
122 The exchange has a continuing obligation to monitor markets and to identify and address potential abuses.
123 They regularly review engineering and architectural drawings and specifications to monitor progress and ensure compliance with plans and specifications.
124 Mr. MacGregor I assure the hon. Gentleman that Customs continues to monitor international flights into the airport.
125 Arsenal are sure to monitor developments, but can obviously not match Seville's financial clout.
126 Although it is already technically possible for network administrators to monitor Internet traffic, such tracking has been difficult to do.
127 These monitor and diagnose any problems occurring in a particular computer system, drops in temperature and changes in air conditioning levels.
128 SuperNova 3.1 includes new database interfaces and Unix System Labs' Tuxedo transaction processing monitor.
129 This file may be listed, during execution, to monitor data transfer progress.
130 These councils would assess local needs, contribute to local service plans within the overall strategic plan and monitor local service provision.
131 To monitor their responses we have kept in close touch with each family's health visitor.
132 An independent regulatory body should monitor the performance of all operators.
133 A new scheme experimenting with medical records on small plastic smart cards seems to be a success, according to Medical Monitor.
134 Plug in the monitor, keyboard and mains power cables and switch on.
135 If you're worried about electricity bills, turn the monitor off at the end of the day.
136 The scientists monitor the volunteers closely for changes during the low and high magnesium diets.
137 However there are no plans at present to set up an independent council to monitor the Government's use of statistics.
138 Monitor Appropriate Indicators At this stage mechanisms for collecting information about attainment levels need to be designed and implemented.
139 Assisting the anaesthetist to monitor the patient during anaesthetic and recovery to prevent complications to breathing and circulation.
140 The Internet is just one more damn thing we have to monitor, like television, movies, video games and caffeine.
141 Obviously, the best visualisation will be achieved with a colour monitor but one is not essential.
142 Amnesty International and the International Commission of Jurists were both said to be planning campaigns to monitor progress towards democratic elections.
143 Also it is hoped to monitor the current advertising campaign and to assess the reaction to diesel power.
144 We have the ability to monitor and control our manpower extremely efficiently be it in terms of numbers, pay or potential or whatever.
145 It could lead to changes in the way biologists monitor the species, as well as efforts to boost the dwindling population.
146 A main body with a small monitor sitting above the main workings of the machine, all encased in plastic.
147 To avoid simultaneous borrowing and depositing you should monitor how accurate your forecasting is, without turning this into an art form.
148 But it decided against setting up another global bureaucracy to monitor countries' plans.
149 The facility would be allowed to monitor itself, subject to spot checks by the county.
150 Lord James promised to monitor the situation and to bring legislation forward if it were proved it was needed.
151 Onusal was also to monitor any future ceasefire in the 11-year civil war.
152 People with Type 1 diabetes must closely monitor their blood sugar and take daily insulin injections.
153 He has bought a heart monitor for his father.
154 The stimuli were presented in the monitor via tachistoscopic visual half-field technique, and the subjects were required to perform the lexical-decision tasks.
155 Not even the most starry-eyed geeks are claiming that an LCD monitor can and should replace the richest, most fully textured college experience out there (at least not yet).
156 The design of CAN interface driver based on MCP2515 and network interface driver based on LAN91C111 have been finished. (4) Application program design of monitor and diagnostic system.
157 To adopt nasal endoscopic combined supporting laryngoscope to operate under monitor in 168 cases.
158 Aim To real time monitor the bow net troubles of electric locomotive.
159 If the monitor Web Service box was checked during the WSDL-to-Java generation, the SOAP invocation request should appear in the TCP/IP tunneller with an empty SOAP response (see Figure 23).
160 Due to different computer monitor settings, it is impossible to display accurate images of finishes.
161 Method To monitor sterilization effect comprehensively, adopt biological indicator and chemical indicator to control different parameter and mechanical status during the sterilization.
162 Therefore, basic costs the timing circuit mainly by the decoding monitor, "time", "the minute", "the second", "the amount" the counter and the oscillator compose.
163 An interface for issuing commands to a computer utilizing a pointing device, such as a mouse, that manipulates and activates graphical images on a monitor.
164 The defects in traditional drive circuit existing in availabele EL monitors are pointed out Matrix drive circuit system for EL monitor is designed using the conception of "balanced drive".
165 Different kind of Magazine theme that adjusts columns and column width to fit any and all kind of monitor widths.
166 Developed a tool to track and forecast price, quantity, and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and.
167 Secret communication freedom is a citizen's basic right, communication monitor must meet the minimum principle.
168 On Flores, the only sizable predators were the Komodo dragon and another, even larger monitor lizard.
169 Monitor Direct Selling Budget and Expenses in conjunction with Department Manager.
170 To the dam monitor mainly is to its deformation point displacement observation as well as the physical interpretation which distorts to the dam.
171 The Christan Sciece Christian Science Monitor, for example(), plans to publish only online by April.
172 In this article, the phenol-sulfuric acid method combined with caramelization - grating photometer method is used to determine and monitor the content of sugar in algae solution.
173 SLM has the ability to monitor traffic and to take action if traffic patterns meet some criteria.
174 There's also a job monitor that lets you see, across a set of systems, which tasks are running and the last time they were run.
175 Mao's team wanted to find a way to monitor patients taking a drug -- the COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib, sold by Pfizer under the brand name Celebrex -- in the hopes of preventing lung cancer.
176 In addition to its free service, Pingdom also offers a basic account for $9.95 per month, which allows users to monitor up to 5 sites.
177 For error trapping, you can monitor output and result codes, and you can even set up global traps that identify problems and trap them during execution for reporting purposes.
178 Crimp Force Monitor , Horness Tester, Tooling Machine , Cutting & Stripping Blades.
179 The System Monitor application enables you to display basic system information and monitor system processes, usage of system resources, and file systems.
180 The voltage signal is processed and transmitted to the control equipment in the same way as in the case of the ionisation smoke monitor.
181 To track and monitor our progress, we chose a low-tech, high visibility approach: we used the walls, handwritten index cards, and white boards of the XP room to record project progress and designs.
182 The automatic monitor in SERES2000COD in strict observance operates the biggest limit in procedure an accuracy for developping the function that it have, the data of exaltation.
183 SGN manufactures barium getters which are used in color television and computer monitor cathode ray tubes.
184 Soon the heart monitor showed a subtle change-an uneven curve instead of a flat line.
185 Product of monitor, optical storage, advocate board begin large - scale fight.
186 Make sure that the construction proposal is reliable, the working procedure works canonically, and the construction monitor goes effectively.
187 If it is set to promiscuous mode, network interface controller (NIC) can incept all data packet to monitor.
188 TV monitor wall screws, computer chassis screws, eccentric screw. Electric screwdriver, screws toys, mobile phone screws.
189 This paper researches leakage monitor control system of long distance gas pipeline based on instantaneous model of natural gas, and exemplified it is a feasible detection means.
190 We work out the system structure of digital blood pressure monitor according to the principle of oscillography.
191 Through the effective test point arrangement, the gaging instrument embedment and the observation, establishes the reliable monitor system, guarantees this project the security and the stability.
192 As a solution, you need to create a new version of the monitor model (M2) for V2.
193 A PC software is developed to implement wireless transceiver communication control, status monitor and data terminal.
194 Its crew can thus monitor its immediate environment over 360 degrees from the safety of its crew comportment.
195 To prevent user programs from interfering with the proper operation of the system, the hardware was modified to create two modes: user mode and monitor mode.
196 If you leave the Event condition for event type statement field empty, the DB2 statement event monitor is started for the whole monitored database.
197 The startup monitor will issue a warning dialog to user immediately when a registry run key is changed by some program to make itself auto-start.
198 To define the duty of supervising and checking of every monitor for the procedural parameter records , and list the wage examination to fulfil the duty .




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