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单词 Quote
1. The quote of the week comes from Mae West.
2. She says they're, quote 'just good friends' unquote.
3. I got a number of suppliers to quote me their best prices.
4. I can quote you several instances of her being deliberately rude.
5. Can I quote you on that?
6. We'll send you a quote without delay.
7. Always get a written quote before proceeding with work.
8. Quote this reference number in all correspondence.
9. He drowned in a boating quote "accident" unquote.
10. Please quote your reference number when making an enquiry.
11. Always get a written quote for any repairs needed.
12. Please quote our reference when replying.
13. This is the best price I can quote you.
14. The actor, striking an attitude, began to quote Shakespeare.
15. Always get a quote before proceeding with repair work.
16. Researchers try to quote primary sources wherever possible.
17. Offhand I can't quote you an exact price.
18. Does that quote come from Shakespeare?
19. Can you quote an example of what you mean?
20. It was quote, 'the hardest decision of my life', unquote, and one that he lived to regret.
21. She worked, to quote her daughter,() "as if there was no tomorrow".
22. In all future letters on this subject, please use/quote our reference JW/155/C/1991.
23. Don't quote me on this, but I think the company is in serious difficulties.
24. Please quote keen prices.
25. This quote startlingly original novel unquote is both boring and badly written.
26. Don't quote me on this , but I think he is going to resign.
27. She said, and I quote, 'Life is meaningless without love.'
28. Don't quote me on this but I think the figure is in excess of £2 billion.
29. The poem is too long to quote in its entirety.
30. The aim of the competition is to match the quote to the person who said it.
1. The quote of the week comes from Mae West.
2. She says they're, quote 'just good friends' unquote.
3. I got a number of suppliers to quote me their best prices.
4. This is the best price I can quote you.
5. The actor, striking an attitude, began to quote Shakespeare.
6. Don't quote me on this, but I think the company is in serious difficulties.
7. The poem is too long to quote in its entirety.
8. Can you quote me an example of what you mean?
31. It is said that she is going to marry Mr Smith, but you mustn't quote me because I am not quite sure about it.
32. Arthur C Clarke likes to quote his friend and fellow SF writer Ray Bradbury.
33. The poem is still under copyright, so you have to pay to quote it.
34. The article starts with a quote from an unnamed member of the Cabinet.
35. I can't quote you chapter and verse but I think it's a line from 'Macbeth'.
36. He predicts they will have, quote, "an awful lot of explaining to do".
37. Let me, by way of illustration, quote from one of her poems.
38. 'It will all be gone tomorrow.' 'Can I quote you on that?'
39. No one can quote you a price lower than mine.
40. I asked several builders to give me a quote for the work.
41. The article goes on to quote from Darwin's "Origin of Species".
42. I can't quote the exact statistics for you offhand, but they're there for you to see in the report.
43. Can you quote me an example of what you mean?
44. I can't quote chapter and verse but I can give you the main points the author was making.
45. Her sister read poetry, searching out lines to quote.
46. It is only in order to quote a Minister.
47. I will quote the full description.
48. We all quote more memorable examples.
49. But the man didn't quote Scripture, just drifted away.
50. They then gave me a quote.
51. Please quote the post reference number.
51. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
52. Now they can quote the numbers to prove it.
53. Quote code reference TRI-R on the order form.
54. Banks quote spot rates against the dollar.
55. Step 7 Close the dialogue box and click on the icon to produce a quote.
56. May I quote you or your company or do you prefer total anonymity? 2.
57. You should make a note of it and always quote it in any application or enquiries about your driving licence.
58. He was the soapbox orator who could quote Virgil or Shakespeare to give dignity to a bitter grudge.
59. My own reflections were immeasurably deepened by the insights of the experts I quote throughout this book.
60. An oral quote given over the telephone or at a personal meeting should be followed up in writing.
61. Meanwhile, sociologists quote statistics that suggest that women who establish careers first have relatively small probabilities of getting married.
62. I quote from its conclusion: In sum there are certain defining characteristics of the school which emerge from our study.
63. Never quote the textbook for an established principle of law.
64. Unfortunately, there's only room to quote the most pertinent, ie least facetious.
65. I don't think the company is doing very well, but don't quote me on that.
66. Confronted the sales manager over the telephone, telling him I knew what I wanted, and firmly asked for a quote.
67. The greatest thing about the internet is that you can quote something and just totally make up the source. Benjamin Franklin 
68. Quote a Latin tag at him by mistake and he will examine his shoes or smile brazenly back at you.
69. But an estimator can call at the customer's home, take measurements and quote a price.
70. William Hill quote Scudamore at the seemingly generous price of evens to reach 200 again this time.
71. There, Arazi asserted his superiority, prompting Corals to quote him 4-1 to complete the Kentucky-Epsom Derby double.
72. Trading in Bunzl was fast and furious, volumes topping 6m as the market quote firmed a penny to 94p.
73. Further, he had agreed never to quote the man, even as an anonymous source.
74. One can, therefore, quote only examples of this range, and two are given below.
75. There are exceptions, of course; anyone can quote the names of a few specialists who have attained local or even national eminence.
76. The camera crews were desperate for a shot, and the reporters needed a quote.
77. His writing is a joy, combining the telling quote from finance megastars with anecdote to illustrate a substantial point.
78. I believe I quote from the minutes of our inaugural meeting.
79. But he would be the alley-fighter who could argue over modern philosophy and quote the poets of the Augustan age.
80. To quote from the terraces - sorry luvvies, you've had a mare.
81. Our reservations staff will be pleased to quote alternative departure times(), departure points and routes on request.
82. Whose responsibility is this? I quote it to the Head whenever suitable occasions arise.
83. They quote parallel stories of astrologers reading in the stars the birth of great men.
84. These include a stock quote query, which asks you for a ticker symbol and then tells you to wait.
85. Mr Belli was a master at using the press and was always ready with a good quote.
86. Not surprisingly, Angela could quote all the reviews even if she sometimes wondered what exactly they were trying to say.
87. The quote was recorded six months before Dall was shoved aside by Ranieri to be left twisting in the wind by Gutfreund.
88. Your coverage has kept the Western Mail ahead of all other papers. I quote the letter not from any feelings of conceit.
89. Here again it is a famous question whether what Flavius Josephus and Eusebius quote under the name of Hecataeus is authentic.
90. Clinton went on to quote it again during the State of the Union and in other public remarks or private conversations.
91. I will quote some specific figures that give credibility to amendment No. 7.
92. He had woken from his walking death a while before, in the middle of a quote from Coriolanus.
93. In practice, managers usually quote prices somewhere in that band, with a dealing spread of about 6 or 7 percent.
94. Having myself asked several haulage firms for a similar quote, the price ranged from £75 to £100 per load.
95. Why did he not quote the decisive passages which they contained?
96. The match making, to quote Freddie Gilroy, was quite superb for a small-budget bill.
97. Critics of Darwin who quote that passage with which I started do not usually run it on.
98. The quote is apt for a company that soon will be amongst the most modern and well equipped in the world.
99. Get a quote from the vet for night visits in case he or she is needed at foaling.
100. When making your booking, please quote your subscription number to qualify for the discount.
101. To make these figures seem less alarming, banks prefer to quote rates on a monthly basis.
102. If he was willing to part with stock as well, the market-maker would quote a two-way price.
103. I quote it to the Head whenever suitable occasions arise.
104. I found one other instructive quote from the right hon. Gentleman - a delphic utterance worthy of William Wordsworth at his best.
105. I can quote a final figure to the hon. Gentleman, as he enjoys my quoting figures.
106. As the quote from Guttierrez shows, the struggle to build a just society is itself part of the process of salvation.
107. Please quote name, delivery address, telephone number and preferred delivery date.
108. The government likes to quote a figure of $ 3 billion for the foreign investment it has attracted.
109. If not Ill have to SEND and import the message I want to quote.
110. The edition of his book I quote from here was published a hundred years ago in 1891.
111. Please always quote the reference number shown on your confirmation account,(/quote.html) and the departure date.
112. Putting in a quote there breaks the flow of your speech.
113. The examples are too numerous to quote, so I shall confine myself to two.
114. I never knew his name; if I wanted to quote him by name, I would have to get permission.
115. Naughty by nature: Busi's latest novel latin lover Aldo Busi gives good quote.
116. He remembers a line Mariah used to quote from a poem by Pablo Neruda.
117. I am grateful to the right hon. Member for Selby for allowing me to quote from the letter.
118. In the following quote, a young married woman with two children describes the urge to use following detoxification.
119. In fact, one temptation in writing a management book is to quote Drucker on every other page.
120. The Court held that he need not state expressly that his quote was a fair quote.
121. A woman who reads her Bible, can quote chapter and Verse in any given situation.
122. The Daily Telegraph is for those who can quote Latin phrases.
123. Market makers quote continuous two-way prices for shares in which they deal.
124. I can quote some of the figures on the cuts in regional selective assistance in the period in question.
125. Once, a joky quote would be reported in the manner in which it was delivered.
126. Note, too, that this size is marginally smaller than that for which you were asked to quote.
127. Separate charges Many large hotels quote separate charges for their services.
128. Please keep a note of it and quote it if you write to us.
129. Nobody hits a moving target and you can quote me.
130. To quote Lieberson once again: imagine an inquiry, using the logic of social research, into why objects fall.
131. As this quote suggests, certain social issues or conflicts are never completely resolved; they are perennial.
132. I therefore asked Eliot if I might quote his name as a reference.
133. The average quote from a presidential candidate on the network news lasted 43 seconds in 1968.
134. Coral quote the former champion at 4-5, but William Hill are less generous offering 1-2.
135. He can hardly finish a sentence without a quote from some one or other.
136. They quote me 4 per cubic meter.
137. You MUST provide price quote and turn-around time.
138. This service provides basic stock quote information to consumers.
139. So could you quote the tool export abroad first?
140. I can quote what he said.
141. We always quote our customers a fair price.
142. And I -- I certainly can't quote JFK now.
143. Also Quote in: Black Stainless Steel galvanized strapping.
144. Joe was always good for a colorful quote.
145. We can quote you a gross price.
146. We can very profitably quote from that book.
147. Click on the appropriate link below to get an obligation-free price quote for a MINI tailored to suit your own personal wishes, or contact your MINI dealer for prices in your country.
148. The quote below provides a snippet of Section 13.1.3 of the HTTP 1.1 protocol specification (see Resources).
149. Evolution, to quote a T-shirt sent me by an anonymous well-wisher, is the greatest show on earth, the only game in town.
150. "Da Brudderhood of Zeeba Zeeba Eeta" (to quote the title of Pastis' fifth book) were not introduced until January 3, 2005; they have since become the collective fifth "main character" of the strip.
151. We can quote you a gross price, inclusive of delivery charges, of 38.50 pounds per 100 items. These goods are exempt form VAT.
152. Christa Carone, chief marketing officer at Xerox (XRX), recites a quote to that effect: "Work is no longer a place; it's a state of mind, " she says in an email.
153. Does a quote also include top and bottom mounting plates ? Or just the die set?
154. I do not have a big budget so please quote competitively.
155. In addition, we will also consume an Apache SOAP stock quote news service that will return a list of current news about a company, when given the company's stock ticker symbol.
156. We want to buy the capital of the Philippines (Manila city) apartment houses, residential houses, sea view room, beach house, beach house, real estate, Quote, contact information, etc. , thank you!
157. It was tricky, because I could not use a single quote inside the script.
158. I need a quote from each of you for the newspaper article.
159. The word-for-word quote, from David Kirkpatrick's book "The Facebook Effect": "A squirrel dying in front of your house may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa."
160. Email for a shipping quote We welcome local pick ups by appointment.
161. Please quote the 10 - digit Reference No. shown at the tophand corner of this notice for reference.
162. He expressed the personal opinion that the picture was quote great for America unquote.
163. Finally, I will quote a classic sentence from a famous article entitled Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death by Patrick Henry, the greatest writer in American history.
164. This might bespeak a larger appetite on the part of Oliver Hardy and if so there might be an etymological explanation for Ollie's quote.
165. Still, his account, the ur-source of the "angels" quote, sounds fairly solid.
166. To accept the prices you quote would leave us with only a small profit on our sales because the principal demand in or city is for articles in the medium price range.
167. In this example, the card A takes as input a stock symbol and outputs the stock quote in US dollars, and card B outputs the currency conversion rate from US dollars to Japanese yen.
168. A non-trading company with a stock market quote. Also a dormant unquoted company.
169. A string literal was expected, but no opening quote character was found.
170. We ask you to send us samples of Tussah Silk and quote best rates.
171. Although some quote barely stable, however, the actual transaction promotion is widespread, and who enjoy significantly increased, mainly reflected in the fine denier FDY products.
171. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
172. Thanks to quote us in USD and CIP incoterms if possible.
173. QUOTE: Never allow yourself to only play one build order in all situations and on all the maps because this will make you predictable and no better then a rusher comp.
174. The postcard is from my homeland, and includes a famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi.
175. I've always liked the Hilaire Belloc quote: "When I am dead, I hope it may be said: His sins were scarlet, but his books were read."
176. I finally used the ASCII value for a single quote, 39, to put a single quote in the $quote variable, and use it indirectly in the substitution.
177. For example, you request a stock quote of company B at a given moment but you misspell tags and send a SOAP message to a Web Services server.
178. The verse of the quote is 2:28, this is used as proof that Nostradamus knew she would be killed on the 31st, despite the fact the number is one day off, if 28 and 2 are added together that's only 30.
179. Where the speed distribution is skew, it's better to quote the median speed.
180. Note: The mockup site and document might have some minor adjustments, but there is enough information to get an accurate quote (See attached document).
181. The quote is from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare.
182. Every mom has a favourite quote and a special tone toa lesson to their recalcitrant kids.
183. Please also quote the file reference number of the withdrawal notice.
184. When make a complaint please quote the batch number printed on the box.
185. If a stop word is included in a phrase between quote marks as a phrase, the word is searched for.
186. Dealer markets achieve liquidity through market makers, who must stand ready to buy or sell a specific quantity of stocks at the price they quote.
187. They watched movies - a shared favourite was Lawrence of Arabia, and my companion beamed with pride to quote Henry saying, in the brash words of Peter O'Toole, "We will cross the Nefud!"
188. Pass example imitate decision-making test and verify, value of actual and optimal quote all is in computative limits extraction a cost, and corresponding probability is higher.
189. Difference of cationic quote while stationary, but the weekend reduced the volume of, and fine denier FDY with the actual transaction prices down.
190. Difference of cationic FDY filament quote while stationary, but the actual transaction discount allowance.
191. A favorite quote of mine is from p. 250: "As always, if you propose to build something, make sure it has some conceptual integrity--it should not be merely a collection of unrelated "features".
192. Mary Pickford 's quote offers a much better perspective on failure - a chance for a fresh start!
193. Suggestion: Directly quote the definition set out in Chinese Company Law.
194. We quote you for the flannel at 15 s . 4 d . per piece.
195. Written communications relating to the nonconforming item will quote the nonconformance report number for reference purposes.
196. He was certainly a demon practicer , but the same quote has been attributed to world-class musicians like Ignace Paderewski and Luciano Pavarotti.
197. The standard you quote is not one I am familiar with and it appears to apply to spring steel, can you please clarify?
198. Nylon half-wire, light nylon clover shaped wire retrocession market transactions have little current market quote remains stable.
199. We could even ask Jones Electronics for permission to quote some of their improved production figures.
200. A new TDS message set property Quote Character is provided.
201. We quote for this article at USD 2,(http:///quote.html)600 per ton CFR Hamburg.
202. Every mom has a favourite quote and a special tone to or teach a lesson to their kids.
203. A single quote in the message must be escaped with another single quote.
204. Please quote us your best price and let us know the minimum quantity for each order.
205. If the other side tells your tort, behoove quote should have all limits of authority project.
206. At present, some criminological researchers quote classics while twisting the author's meaning, "transform" classical works, and mislead readers.
207. Two of the books feature the quote "No one can defeat the Jews, unless they've read our holy book the Talmud" on their cover, spuriously attributed to financier George Soros.
208. Different quote. "Kagan is a self-righteous little man" Now I've got to tell you, that bit about being little, that really hurts.
209. Please quote your best price and delivery per attached list.
210. We regret that we cannot book the order at the price we quote six weeks ago.
211. Sometimes all it takes is a fresh, rested pair of eyes to spot a missing semi-colon, or an extra quote mark, or to realize that the solution is much simpler than you originally thought.
212. Newspapers quote NPD all the time to lend support to articles about trends in consumer behavior.
213. When we invoice customers, we usually quote prices f . o . b . Guangzhou.
214. "When I quote from the I.P.C.C. I make sure that whatever I say is totally accurate, " he said.
215. So the thought of eternal return serves Zarathustra as, quote: one more reason for himself to be the eternal yes to all things: the incredible boundless yes sayer.
216. The answer from Paul VI is no. Not only no, but absolutely no. Reaffirming the absolute prohibition against any, quote, "artificial, " unquote, form of contraception.
217. On the cover of one of my books, Up from Eden, was a quote from Rollo: "Ken Wilber is the most passionate philosopher I know."
218. So life is, quote: a permanent form of processes of force fixations, determinations where, that's important, the various opponents grow unequally.
219. Simple questions like which books to include, how to quote our sources, when to meet, and how to deal with deadlines, became often more in- surmountable , than the next mountain peak in the Himalaya.
220. This quotative is particularly useful because it does not require the quote to be of actual speech (as 'she said' would, for instance).
221. Just entered a village, already from a smell out on quote card depreciating hot flavour.
222. Here, ecclesiology is born how to be communicated with the client, how to go making quota, how to quote.
223. Can you provide me a quote and minimums for a genuine soft sole leather baby shoe and one that is not 100% leather as we are a company seeking to place a large order.
224. Rearranged founding father of Republic of China Mr. Y . S . Sun's quote.
225. Please quote request in our inquiry sheet your lowest price and state your earliest delivery date.
226. The name comes from the play by George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion, and the quote here is "The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves but how she's treated.
227. What price could you quote us on two dozen sets?
228. We shall be glad If you will kindly quote us your rock - bottom price for the undermentioned.
229. We've only had an "average", quote, unquote, kind of recession.
230. Personally, I answer to the latter question with a quote from linguist Max Weinreich, who wrote a multivolume history of Yiddish.
231. the quote I gave you or mentioned in the chapter is Welles' saying of John Ford.
232. The trade market after finishing the newly issued stock's price and quote.
233. To quote Mr. Malkin,(http:///quote.html) branding elevates the Empire State Building to a world-wide standard of excellence.
234. To create an actual apostrophe, put two single quote marks side-by-side ('') to produce one quote mark in your output.
235. Force majeure, fault of the victim, intention of third party, contentment of the victim are contestable causes to quote by the liability body.
236. Could you please quote for lycopodium powder, it is made of plants and is used for special effects.
237. Quote to share: Friendship is the golden thread that ties the hearts of all the world.
238. to accept the price you quote would leave us only a small profit on our sales because the principle demand in our city is for articles in the medium price range.
239. Dispatches from early this year, for instance, quote the aging monarch of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah, as speaking scathingly about the leaders of Iraq and Pakistan.
240. Insurance brooker will quote rates for all types of cargo and risks.
241. Add labels and edit box controls to the repeat control to display the results data as shown in figure 6, for example, company name, stock ticker, and stock quote.
242. Like this one big paragraph I quoted,and I quote it again now, this is the young woman in the Song of Songs speaking in his sermon.
243. Even when Mr Obama has been unambiguously apologetic, his opponents often quote him out of context.
244. Because of this, there is an inherent ambiguity in the meaning of the word "tall" as the quote I began with illustrates.
245. We need to reduce the vulnerability of people and ensure the development that occurs is quote, unquote, 'climate proof.
246. Complex Quote: The consumer passes in a stock symbol; the provider returns the current price and the current day's high, low, and volume for the indicated stock.
247. If you want a shipping quote, Please Include Your ZIP Code.
248. Because in any argument of any kind, elites always quote Tocqueville.
249. Please quote reprinted annotated source consciously, otherwise you will be cursed with gang pe.
250. Will to power 1005 says that Schopenhauer, quote: did not understand how to deify the will.
251. Since $Quotes either contains an empty string or a double quote character, you can use the same template for both operating systems.
252. One reader of this column was so struck by England patent disregard for the fans and for one another, he sent me a quote from the late, title-winning Wolves manager Stan Cullis.
253. When an off-the-record interview is over, he reads back a quote that is quite innocuous and asks, "Why can't you say that on the record?"
254. For example, if you have a nested procedure calling another six DB2 stored procedures to Get Best Rate Quote, you can use a token name GBQR for all seven DB2 stored procedures.
255. I quote a petition signed by a tenth of the nation: "Gordon Brown unjustifiably used the Anti-Terrorism Act against the people of Iceland for his own short-term political gain.
256. Quotable Quote : Humor has been defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest.
257. Listing 11 shows an example of the escape sequences for a string that uses a single quote as an apostrophe.
258. When make a complaint always quote the batch number on the packet.
259. For such a large order,(/quote.html) you will surely quote us closely.
260. The lever arch file is identified by title page and spine which quote the document title and unique file number.
261. While you probably quote projects on an individual basis, yourprospective client wants to know if they can afford you.
262. Conversely, the double quote can be used if the value begins with a single quote.
263. There is a quote attributed to Enrico Fermi on what characteristics were common to Nobel Prize winners: "I can't think of a single one. Not even intelligence."
264. RUSH orders needed for a specific date should be verified over the phone. We will quote you the rush delivery charges.
265. If the value contains both single-quote and double-quote characters, the quote character used to enclose the value must be doubled each time it occurs within the value.
266. Please refer to the attached List of Real Time Quote Service Plan for details of CASH Points to offset the monthly fee.




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