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单词 Outstretched
1. He ran up to her, his arms outstretched.
2. He sat down with his lame leg outstretched.
3. My rude behaviour outstretched his patience.
4. The boy took his mother's outstretched hand.
5. David delivered Holly gratefully into the woman's outstretched arms.
6. She took her father's outstretched hand.
7. He lay outstretched on the grass.
8. She came to Anna her arms outstretched.
9. The city has been outstretched.
10. She ran to meet them with outstretched arms.
11. She put some pesos into the little girl's outstretched hand.
12. The girl's arms were outstretched as she tried to catch the ball.
13. The old lady rushed to greet him, arms outstretched .
14. He ran towards her with arms outstretched / with outstretched arms.
15. She walked towards him with her hand outstretched to take his.
16. Percy was lying prostrate, his arms outstretched and his eyes closed.
17. The children imitated the bird's behaviour, arms outstretched.
18. Her outstretched finger pointed to the window behind Dove.
19. But Lumberjack just leapt at his outstretched hand.
20. I looked at the watch on her outstretched arm.
21. The eagle swoops towards the goats with outstretched arms.
22. The bird took another hop toward Kyle's outstretched hand.
23. Sit on the floor with legs outstretched and apart.http://
24. Each time, he caught himself with outstretched hands.
25. They all have outstretched hands and demanding mouths.
26. The guests moved in with outstretched hands.
27. His outstretched foot was being singed.
28. The birds rose with outstretched wings.
29. She stopped instantly, the pot in her outstretched hands.
30. She lopes between the lines of her teammates, slapping their outstretched hands.
1. He ran up to her, his arms outstretched.
2. He sat down with his lame leg outstretched.
3. My rude behaviour outstretched his patience.
4. The girl's arms were outstretched as she tried to catch the ball.
31. Her voice was harsh and she gestured with her outstretched hands.
32. Isaac's outstretched hands clawed at the muddy earth, then they relaxed.
33. Start with arms outstretched then curve sideways, bringing the arm up and over as far as possible.
34. Blankly staring at the print, a visible record of his inner conflict, Sarella reeled forward, arms outstretched.
35. It fell forwards and I managed to catch it on my outstretched forearm.
36. She brought her outstretched arms down, clasped her hands together.
37. Moving towards him, hand outstretched, she gave off an aura of vigor and physical well-being.
38. It's like an Electric Ballroom gig: rowdy, bawdy, hands outstretched, fingers touching, bodies crushing.
39. Singer put both hands up before his face, arms outstretched; he was begging.
40. Attempting to pass a truck, he veered too close and scraped the outstretched arm of one of the girls.
41. With an outstretched finger, she traced the lines of Pascoe's sleeping face.
42. Start with arms outstretched and gently curve the body sideways.
43. Sitting with legs outstretched, take hold of your calves with both hands and squeeze them together.
44. Victorine balanced the cake tin on the palm of her outstretched hand and frowned at it.
45. Sitting with legs outstretched, squeeze the legs together 30 times, holding each squeeze for 1 second.
46. We had to edge sideways along with our arms outstretched against the opposite wall for support.
47. The ball is so outstretched that Edney can not bend his elbow to use his upper-arm muscles.
48. She spun round and brought one heel down with tremendous force on to his outstretched hand.
49. I tossed the bottle up to them and jumped high as I could, my arms outstretched over my head.
50. Appearing in the Living Curtain meant that their arms were strapped in an outstretched position from the interval until the finale.
51. He was sprawled in his chair, his long legs outstretched, his hand holding the plate of sandwiches away from his body.
52. Start with arms outstretched and curve sideways, bringing the arm up and over as far as possible.
53. Every time it moved it froze, one paw outstretched(http:///outstretched.html), not quite touching the ground.
54. Slowly lean over with both arms to try to touch the toe of your outstretched foot.
55. Then he reached out, grasped Mandy's outstretched hand and pulled her back to safe, solid ground.
56. But deep into first-half stoppage time, O'Leary's outstretched leg caught Yorke in full flight.
57. The lower bird turned momentarily upside-down to meet the threat from the larger, more agile predator with its outstretched talons.
58. He ran straight into Benny's outstretched foot, which slammed into his stomach.
59. Instead his hands were eagerly outstretched, and she moved towards him knowing that life could hold no greater happiness than this.
60. I shoved a hand into a pocket and pulled out a ball and placed it on his outstretched palm.
61. Try to scoop the outstretched foot with your rear guard hand.
62. With outstretched arm he dropped the ball in the circle.
63. In the easier version for younger children, they are freed by touching their outstretched arms.
64. The Chief has just made the descent into blindness-Mariama is shocked when he doesn't respond to my outstretched hand.
65. She smiled hesitantly, ignored the outstretched hands, and stepped into Silvio's office.
66. Her fingers lay slender and perfect, passive across his outstretched hand.
67. Fairly large, long-necked, long-legged wading birds, habitually flying with neck outstretched: a useful distinction from herons.
68. Then, sliding carefully out from under his outstretched arm, she slipped out of bed.
69. Start as before with arms outstretched, then gently curve the body sideways.
70. Lie on your right side with head resting on your outstretched arm.
71. Closer, there were her outstretched fingers to study as they burrowed through the sand.
72. Encased in plaster, legs down, arms outstretched as if crucified, patients lay in convalescent hospitals.
73. Postural tremor-present primarily on static posturing, i. e., with the arms outstretched but not moving. 3.
74. Failing all this, raising and lowering your outstretched arms at your side is an accepted international distress signal.
75. Who's this larger-than-life character with the outstretched arms, the tenor who sings Nessun Dorma like a dream?
76. The pipe was just high enough so that I could swing with my arms outstretched and not drag my bottom.
77. The rising population has outstretched the city.
78. He outstretched his hands in welcome.
79. She took his outstretched hand.
80. He took his brother's outstretched hand.
81. He looked sideways at passersby above his outstretched arm.
82. Two beggars came up to me with outstretched hands.
83. In the center of the maelstrom Morgenes stood,(http:///outstretched.html) a flask in each outstretched band.
84. It would take more than seven people to encircle the tree with outstretched arms.
85. Early in this strange twilight period, he delivered his " outstretched hand " peace speech to the Reichstag.
86. If your foot is at a right angle to your outstretched leg and does not dangle, you have a low ankle-joint axis and will be more comfortable in flat shoes than in high heels.
87. I have seen people push away an outstretched hand in angry annoyance.
88. A few are simple outlines of pigment blown over an outstretched hand: the Aboriginal "Kilroy was here."
89. And beside it outstretched the skin of a rattlesnake glittered.
90. An Egyptian spread-eagle device is featured in the treasure of Tut-ankh-amoun which has a bird's body with a human head, and in which hieroglyphic symbols are held in the outstretched talons.
91. Stand with arms outstretched in the form of a cross. Face East.
92. To knock down ( an opponent in an athletic contest ) by hooking the neck with an outstretched arm.
93. A reclining chair with a lengthened seat that supports the outstretched legs.
94. Wearing nothing but her underclothing, she outstretched her other smooth arm and lay her warm palm on his tense hands, still gripping the doorknob.
95. They saw him slouch forward after breakfast, and, like a mendicant, with outstretched, a sailor.
96. The record-breaking stick insect is more than half a metre long with legs outstretched, In the stick insect world, it's the queen of the jungle.
97. But if the arms are outstretched in the yearner position, the person tends to be more suspicious.
98. On a sudden she stepped, or rather bounded, with outstretched arms, towards the table.
99. They saw him slouch forward after breakfast , and, a mendicant, with outstretched palm, accost a sailor.
100. As Andrew came in, her husband stood up , smiling broadly , his hands outstretched.
101. You saw with your own eyes the great trials, the miraculous signs and wonders, the mighty hand and outstretched arm, with which the LORD your God brought you out.
102. Obama's efforts at conciliation, our adversaries—Iran, North Korea, Hamas, among others—may spurn America's outstretched hand, or meet it with a mailed fist .
103. The difference between a helping hand and an outstretched palm is a twist of the wrist.
104. I walked to him and took his outstretched hand which was rough with callus.
105. Imagine if everyone did that. As you file out of the airplane, there's the pilot, standing with his palm outstretched like a doorman who just let you into the hotel: "Hope you enjoyed your flight.
106. The corpse's arms were outstretched, the face partially stripped by seagulls.
107. NIV with a mighty hand and outstretched arm; His love endures forever.
108. And an outstretched hard more or less fills the gap between Vega and Deneb.
109. a few Euros dropped into a gypsy's outstretched palm at the foot of the Ponte Vecchio, culminating in my husband signing away the title to a beautiful old farmhouse, our vacation home.
110. And despite Mr. Obama's efforts at conciliation, our adversaries—Iran, North Korea, Hamas, among others—may spurn America's outstretched hand, or meet it with a mailed fist.
111. Arms outstretched above a crowd of spectators, a Bollywood actor serenades his co - star.
112. The wind finds voice, not when rushing across the open sea, but when hindered by the outstretched arms of the pine trees, or broken by the fine strings of an Aeolian harp.
113. "For a long time, " his mother wrote, "he travelled between two waters, between two lights, trying tirelessly to use up the strength in his outstretched arms.
113. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
114. In this patch of light the maids have gathered and are squatting close together, with legs outstretched, rolling cotton waste into lamp-wicks, and chatting in undertones of their village homes.
115. Thy sunbeam comes upon this earth of mine with arms outstretched and stands at my door the livelong day to carry back to thy feet clouds made of my tears and sighs and songs.
116. I walked to him and took his outstretched hand rough with callus.
117. A crane flew past, with its neck outstretched in flight.
118. At present, each sectionalization of large-scale spiral case is produced by NC cutting according to the outstretched plane of the curve of the sectionalization.
119. On the back cover spidery hands are outstretched towards Harry.
120. So the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great terror and with miraculous signs and wonders.
121. The man caught sight of Martinez and sprang forward hand outstretched.
122. Peek-a-boo pop-ups (lower back): Lie face down on the floor using your outstretched arms to support baby in front of you.




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