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单词 slanderous
释义  slan·der·ous /ˈslɑːndərəs $ ˈslæn-/ adjective  UNTRUEa slanderous statement about someone is not true, and is intended to damage other people’s good opinion of them 诽谤的,诋毁的,造谣中伤的 → libellous slanderous remarks 诽谤性言论Examples from the Corpusslanderous• Or you might plead that it was not slanderous because it was true.• Disseminating for the purpose of undermining or weakening the Soviet regime slanderous fabrications which defame the Soviet state and social system.• The truth can often be slanderous if it is put in certain ways.slan·der·ous adjectiveChineseSyllable  a slanderous someone statement true, is not Corpus about




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