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单词 Satellite
(1) The two nations are collaborating on several satellite projects.
(2) The satellite orbits the Earth every 48 hours.
(3) In 1970,China successfully lauched a man-made satellite.
(4) The moon is a satellite of the earth.
(5) Satellite broadcasting is helping to globalize television.
(6) The US Open will be transmitted live via satellite.
(7) The satellite is now in a stable orbit.
(8) This broadcast comes live via satellite from New York.
(9) The satellite re-entered the atmosphere and burned up.
(10) Yesterday a satellite weighing 15 tonnes was successfully placed in orbit.
(11) They put a weather satellite into orbit round the earth.
(12) The ceremony was transmitted live by satellite to over fifty countries.
(13) Many satellite broadcasts are encoded so that they can only be received by people who have paid to see them.
(14) He's now the proud possessor of two satellite dishes.
(15) The moon is the Earth's satellite.
(16) The orbit of a space satellite decayed.
(17) Demand for satellite television has been greatly exaggerated.
(18) Something must have gone wrong with the satellite link.
(19) The moon is a satellite of earth.
(20) The satellite will be thrown into space.
(21) The information was sent via a satellite link.
(22) The speech was broadcast via a satellite link.
(23) When was the satellite city founded?
(24) The broadcasts were relayed by satellite.
(25) The news report was sent by satellite.
(26) The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the earth.
(27) A test satellite was launched from Cape Canaveral.
(28) Reports are coming in via satellite.
(29) The World Cup was transmitted around the world by satellite.
(30) Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit.
(1) The two nations are collaborating on several satellite projects.
(2) The satellite orbits the Earth every 48 hours.
(3) The moon is a satellite of the earth.
(4) Satellite broadcasting is helping to globalize television.
(5) The US Open will be transmitted live via satellite.
(6) The satellite is now in a stable orbit.
(7) This broadcast comes live via satellite from New York.
(8) The satellite re-entered the atmosphere and burned up.
(9) Yesterday a satellite weighing 15 tonnes was successfully placed in orbit.
(10) The World Cup was transmitted around the world by satellite.
(11) They put a weather satellite into orbit round the earth.
(12) The ceremony was transmitted live by satellite to over fifty countries.
(13) Many satellite broadcasts are encoded so that they can only be received by people who have paid to see them.
(14) Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit.
(15) The country blasted off another man - made satellite.
(16) The news was beamed to East Africa by satellite.
(17) Economic activities of the satellite are closely geared to those of the central city.
(18) The people all over the country exulted in the success in launching a new satellite.
(19) Troop movements can be observed from space by a satellite.
(31) The tentacles of satellite television are spreading even wider.
(32) The satellite will study energy radiation from stars.
(33) The spaceship docked with the satellite.
(34) The satellite passes over Britain every afternoon.
(35) The satellite travelled round the earth.
(36) Television stations around the world are linked by satellite.
(37) The satellite burned up on re-entry.
(38) The satellite will cost an estimated £400 million.
(39) The signals are sent by satellite link.
(40) The coded signal is received by satellite dish aerials.
(41) There have been major new developments in satellite technology.
(42) The satellite is circumaviating the earth.
(43) Can you get satellite TV here?
(44) The equipment picked up the signal from the satellite.
(45) The satellite will remain in orbit for several years.
(46) They receive television pictures by satellite.
(47) The program is being relayed by satellite.
(48) The man-made satellite rounds the earth every day.
(49) We stayed in Aurora,[http:///satellite.html] a satellite suburb of Chicago.
(50) The country blasted off another man - made satellite.
(51) The news programme came to us via satellite.
(52) The moon is the satellite of the Earth.
(53) They beamed the signal to the satellite.
(54) Software is exported through a dedicated satellite link.
(55) The radio signals are bounced off a satellite.
(56) The man-made satellite orbits the earth every 48 hours.
(57) They are trying to track the lost satellite.
(58) At this point, the satellite separates from its launcher.
(59) The moon is a satellite of the Earth.
(60) The news was beamed to East Africa by satellite.
(61) The BBC broadcast the game via satellite.
(62) The interview came live by satellite from Hollywood.
(63) The satellite will transmit the information back to earth.
(64) She was patched through to London on the satellite link.
(65) Astronaut Pierre Thuot tried to latch the 15-foot robotic arm onto the satellite.
(66) She showed us a strange contraption that looked like a satellite dish.
(67) The satellite revolves around the Earth once every hundred minutes.
(68) Ground controllers will then fire the booster, sending the satellite into its proper orbit.
(68) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(69) You need a decoding device to unscramble some of the signals sent out by satellite and cable TV.
(70) The satellite will observe objects that are particularly interesting astronomically.
(71) The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the Earth's atmosphere.
(72) China has almost 15 million subscribers to satellite and cable television.
(73) Do you know when the first artificial satellite of America was launched?
(74) The satellite will be used mainly to relay television programmes.
(75) They are closely charting the progress of the telecommunications satellite.
(76) Compared with modern satellite dishes, ordinary TV aerials look positively antiquated.
(77) Every sporting event on television and satellite over the next seven days is listed.
(78) TV pictures of the war were relayed around the world by satellite.
(79) The satellite that landed in their garden made the family a bit of a nine days' wonder, but no one remembers their name now.
(80) The satellite enables us to calculate their precise location anywhere in the world.
(81) The satellite provides a video link between the White House and the Kremlin.
(82) Satellite photographs provide us with a lot of information about their troop movements.
(83) To get good TV reception, the dish must be accurately lined up with the satellite.
(84) The satellite is used for transmitting signals around the world.
(85) The Russians plan to put a satellite into orbit round Mars.
(86) The BBC is hooked up with Australian television by satellite.
(87) The pictures are broadcast through a live satellite link with Tokyo.
(88) A new satellite has been put into orbit around the earth.
(89) The telecommunications satellite went into orbit at the end of last year.
(90) Italy became a satellite state of Germany by the end of the 1930s.
(91) The software decodes the information embedded in the satellite broadcasts.
(92) This new pay-TV channel sends signals via satellite to cable companies.
(93) In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite to orbit the earth.
(94) The astronauts will attach a motor that will boost the satellite into its proper orbit.
(95) Super powers plundered all kinds of commodities at low prices from a satellite country.
(96) The new satellite TV channels offer viewers greater freedom of choice.
(97) The orbit of the artificial satellite has an apogee of 200 miles from the earth.
(98) Satellite television has provided the viewing public with a wide choice of programmes.
(98) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(99) The satellite will burn up as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.
(100) It's one of the most popular makes of satellite phone on the market.
(101) The Luxembourg-based satellite service is not bound by the same strict rules as the BBC.
(102) Economic activities of the satellite are closely geared to those of the central city.
(103) NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays.
(104) The newly developed satellite town is prospering with each passing day.
(105) The people all over the country exulted in the success in launching a new satellite.
(106) People were awestruck by the pictures the satellite sent back to earth.
(107) The Astra Satellite is travelling some 23,000 miles out in space.
(108) The news was beamed to the whole globe by satellite.
(109) The new TV companies are fully exploiting the potential of satellite transmission.
(110) Troop movements can be observed from space by a satellite.
(111) We hope to bring you a live report from Ouagadougou via our satellite hook-up.
(112) The images are fed over satellite networks to broadcasters throughout the world.
(113) The live satellite broadcast was beamed into homes across America.
(114) Satellite technology offers the opportunity, as never before, for continuous television coverage of major international events.
(115) The game was relayed by satellite to audiences all over the world.
(116) They have four satellite channels.
(117) The images are beamed directly from a satellite.
(118) The two TV stations are linked by satellite.
(119) For satellite communications, geographical boundary lines are irrelevant.
(120) There were no reports of communications satellite failures.
(121) The shuttle's main payload will be a 37,300-pound satellite.
(122) The satellite is expected to be operational by next week.
(123) It gives a view of the Earth based on satellite data and photographs, interactive computers and audio-visual systems.
(124) By the end of the decade, direct satellite connections for the Internet may be available.
(125) Like most of the rest of the south east, it's now a satellite commuter dormitory of London.
(126) A satellite that can stabilize itself would be less expensive than those that depend on steering jets.
(127) The second stage of the rocket carrying Intelsat 6, the world's biggest communications satellite, failed to separate.
(128) I think the market will be increasingly excited about wireless communication in general,[sentence dictionary] which could include direct-broadcast satellite programming.
(129) For some it was enough to attain dominion over other rulers, in effect establishing satellite or vassal states.
(130) Examples of such systems include: defence systems, satellite communication systems, transportation systems, manufacturing systems and economic systems.
(131) They are telling many lies, and everyone is watching these broadcasts by satellite, Mr Atasagun said.
(132) For 1993, however, Marconi Marine, of Chelmsford, provided the first satellite communications terminal ever used on Everest.
(133) Had the system been accepted the first commercial power satellite might have been in operation by 2010.
(134) The satellite, therefore, with its celestial impunity was the perfect platform.
(135) It branched off opposite a small village, a satellite of Reggane, almost where I had begun walking.
(136) Satellite customers who are wired for cable sometimes keep the service to get local channels.
(137) Still less can they accept impartial public broadcasting combined with a biased press and biased satellite television.
(138) Some will be fitted with satellite collars, in an effort to trace their migratory route.
(139) The compression will let digital audio-visual services be carried by terrestrial and satellite channels, telecommunications networks or digital storage devices.
(140) The US$373,000,000 Tethered Satellite System was designed to be pulled through space to investigate the electrical properties of the upper atmosphere.
(141) The principle is currently used by one camera taking timed exposures from an orbiting space satellite.
(142) Nor is the Thames/BBC project likely to be beset by the teething troubles which plagued the pioneer satellite broadcasters.
(143) Weather satellite images of the area taken from synchronous orbit show an immense circular area of dense clouds above the impact site.
(144) At the 1987 election he was cocooned at Labour headquarters, surrounded by television screens(), satellite aerials and endlessly insistent telephones.
(145) The easiest explanation of crater duplicity is that the impacting body was an asteroid with a close satellite.
(146) Its mangrove swamps are rapidly being wiped out by pollution from the satellite towns that are springing up along the shore.
(147) In addition, the conference plans to assign supplementary frequencies for the steadily rising demands of mobile satellite and other mobile communication services.
(148) In their most visible work, astronauts will let loose a retrievable satellite carrying a coffin-sized inflatable antenna.
(149) One figure-eight contrail created as part of a NASAfunded study was tracked by satellite for 10 hours last spring.
(150) Any such attempt will necessarily result in a segmented Community with some countries further progressing towards integration while others become satellite economies.
(151) Our satellite dish has a piece broken off of it.
(152) An artificial satellite is in the Keplerian orbit of co-rotation above the Earth's equator.
(153) It supports visualisation of three-dimensional data sets for applications such as satellite and medical imaging, molecular modelling, and image compositing.
(154) Within five minutes, the pod and its satellite had vanished among the stars.
(155) The outer lobbies of these enterprises often feature murals depicting satellite launches, jet travel, or electronic laser shows.
(156) The cash proposed yesterday will mainly be used to pay satellite broadcasters.
(157) It can hardly have escaped your notice that the satellite television revolution is now well and truly upon us.
(158) They should start regional cooperative programmes to share the costs of, for instance, satellite communications.sentence dictionary
(159) These can include site plans, satellite images, aerial photographs, geophysical survey, as well as maps.
(160) The satellite will orbit the Earth for the next 15 years.
(161) The legal rules are unsettled, and will cause some confusion with the advent of satellite television.
(162) Nevertheless, global television via satellite leaped across nearly all political boundaries.
(163) First, it could hold up Challenger's next attempt to launch a relay satellite, in August.
(164) You share it with dolphins and whales and albatrosses and the lonely satellite orbiting overhead.
(165) When Gore was the Democratic front-runner for the presidential election, his satellite drew a sharply mixed reaction.
(166) The loss of orbital energy by the satellite causes it to evolve slowly inward into a closer, shorter-period orbit.
(167) They also arrange satellite communications and provide other services for their vessels worldwide.
(168) Satellite communications have recently expanded the capacity of governments to use the media to communicate with other governments.
(169) That same month, the corporation announced new high-speed cable and satellite services of the kind that Mercury plans to offer.
(170) We will back the work of the Broadcasting Standards Council and remain vigilant about ensuring high standards in satellite broadcasts from abroad.
(171) Government policy should not undermine free broadcasting in favor of pay services offered by cable, phone and satellite companies.
(172) All bedrooms are of a high standard offering private facilities, satellite colour television, in-house movies and hospitality tray.
(173) Added to satellite communications, this could drastically reduce the need, among other things, for commuting in cities.
(174) A local pub has installed a satellite dish to pick up U.
(175) The satellite, called Astron, is intended to study ultraviolet radiation and X-rays from celestial objects.
(176) Derived from satellite imagery at comparatively low resolution, predicted yields for different crops in different nation states become of commercial value.
(177) At the same time a reforestation telethon will be broadcast live via satellite and by radio around the world.
(178) The visual evidence accumulates in the courtroom without argument: maps, video footage, satellite imagery and photographs.
(179) The ultimate fate of most of this collision debris is to collide again with the satellite from which it was originally ejected.
(180) A suitable satellite in high orbit should do it nicely.
(181) Like most other parks growing up around Bangalore, it will have its own power, sewage, and satellite communications systems.
(182) The West now viewed his government as a satellite in a monolithic Soviet empire.
(183) The next stage of satellite development will accelerate this trend rapidly.
(184) When you buy or rent satellite from Granada and Visionhire you can choose from leading brands such as Amstrad and Pace.
(185) Most recently, global positioning system units have given hikers their precise location by satellite.
(186) Marketers of direct satellite systems do not limit themselves to homes without cable access.
(187) When the dark edge of the satellite passed across a star, it dimmed briefly before the moment of eclipse.
(188) All these satellite systems offer an insight in near real time.
(189) One month later a second satellite was launched into a somewhat higher orbit,[] of between 234 and 244 miles.
(190) Besides, the boss has either taken the day off or is working from home or at a satellite office.
(191) Another appears to be a satellite transmitting antenna built atop a two-story platform.
(192) She practices her opening, which includes several hard-to-pronounce personal names and political affiliations, not to mention satellite locations.
(193) Endeavour also will carry a Satellite Test Unit to try out a new laser-based attitude system for positioning spacecraft.
(194) Malerba was on last month's Atlantis shuttle flight which failed to launch a satellite to produce electricity.
(195) The store is offering to install satellite dishes at no extra cost to the buyer.
(196) In time the Soviet bloc might begin to break up as nationalism reasserted itself among the satellite states.
(197) Instead the company is jumping headlong into the commercial satellite business.
(198) But in this age of fax machines and satellite communications many of these difficulties will be overcome.
(199) Satellite observations reveal the area of major ozone loss to be about the size of the United States.
(200) The friction between the satellite and the atmosphere generates great heat.
(201) Meanwhile, the astronauts prepared for another close pass of the runaway satellite and the miles of tether suspended below it.
(202) Customers now expect to have a satellite finished and ready for launch in no more than a year and a half.
(203) Like the political career of the man who envisioned it, the satellite may face a prolonged period in cold storage.
(204) Their hand-held satellite navigation systems told them their exact position to within 15 metres.
(205) Satellite pictures helped to pinpoint the locations of 13,000 troops.
(206) I was not the only person who felt betrayed by filthy lucre when the World Cup went to the satellite company.
(207) An expensive, but perhaps easier, way into these markets can be subscriber television via cable or satellite.
(208) The advent of satellite broadcasting began to break down those defences.
(209) Comsat, the Washington satellite firm, has put in a bid for all the craft.
(210) The satellite was hurled to a much higher altitude with the mass of tether trailing beneath.
(211) Hence Channel One, a commercial satellite network serving, if that is the mot juste, 12,000 schools.
(212) The same experiment faltered during a mission in 1992, with the satellite becoming stuck 850 feet from the shuttle during deployment.
(213) The Parish Council are of the opinion the satellite dish requires planning approval and it appears that no application has been made.
(214) Freeze-frame pictures consume less bandwidth on the satellite channel and so cost less.
(215) If given the go-ahead, pictures from the wreck will be sent ashore by fibre optic cable to Liverpool by satellite.
(216) She might arrange for a satellite link thousands of miles away, or a microwave link around the corner.
(217) They say some cafes have illegal direct satellite links to the internet, to which the authorities often turn a blind eye.
(218) He had headed for Berka Satellite field,[] whose commandant had obviously taken the lesson of previous raids to heart.
(219) Grazing buffalo knocked over the satellite dish, so a bamboo fence has had to be built around it.
(220) The links may involve microwave or satellite communication in the medium to long term.
(221) Have new television channels, satellite cable etc. made the film critic redundant and fit for an academic existence only?
(222) Amstrad, a major producer of satellite dishes, dipped 1p to 32p on competition fears.
(223) Satellite communications will expedite progress, especially since some of the operators have already promised free access in developing countries.
(224) With this information, the device calculates the distance between the user and the satellite.
(225) Satellite measurements show that ozone loss worldwide has amounted to 2.9 percent over the past 10 years.
(226) Maybe, but the once pricey products that use this satellite technology have come down to earth.
(227) Only Satellite Television, a subsidiary of Comsit, has announced it will build a craft - for a service in 1986.
(228) Lockheed Martin has said it wants to double its share of the satellite launch market to 50 percent.
(229) Satellite television stations under the control of press barons and modelled on the tabloid press may make inaction even more indefensible.
(230) Players' agents and satellite salesmen will be rubbing their hands with glee.
(231) There is also an audiovisual language laboratory and facilities for receiving and recording satellite transmissions and for videoconferencing.
(232) The first wells were set alight in February 1991 and their smoke plumes were clearly visible on satellite images of the region.
(233) On the television front, satellite had not swept the country to the extent indicated by early predictions.
(234) He said he also has five satellite dishes, meaning he can watch five sporting events at the same time.
(235) The two TV stations are joined by a satellite link.
(236) However, that has not stopped the cable companies from hedging their bets by getting into the satellite business, too.
(237) Thematic maps from satellite imagery represent an important source of data, particularly in third-world countries.
(238) The beginnings of cable and satellite policy showed the dangers of such a fragmentary approach.
(239) The Primestar satellite effort has put the cable industry in the odd position of competing against itself.
(240) When the satellite is busy messages queue up and are sent out at a steady rate.
(241) Other firms are manufacturing radios, wired and fiber-optic telecommunications, military equipment and satellite receivers in San Diego.
(242) The satellite was hooked to the arm for about an hour before it was slowly returned to its cradle and latched down.
(243) Spartan was used as a platform for the inflation of a huge antenna, which later was jettisoned from the satellite.
(244) Viewers were told how to orient their satellite dishes to best receive broadcasts.
(245) It plans new satellite launches in the next two years which will provide full global coverage.
(246) Satellite and buoy data can now detect a developing El Nino eight or nine months before that.
(247) The contract is for the engineering, procurement, construction and offshore installation, hook-up and commissioning of the satellite platform.
(248) Venus has no satellite and so this less direct method had to be used.
(249) Filling in the gaps in local services by leasing dedicated satellite links and other telecoms services adds just 7 percent to costs.
(250) Signals from the ground are passed from one satellite to another as they move across any given region.
(251) To extend our defence satellite system to cover the darkside channel would cost a further one hundred and twenty million.
(252) This and more already happens on satellite and cable channels,(http:///satellite.html) which are under the more lenient gaze of the Cable Authority.
(253) The new satellite will double the country's capacity for information gathering from space.
(254) The proposed satellite interconnection system that I was fighting so hard to stop suddenly looked terribly appealing.
(255) By next year, the number of homes with either cable or satellite television is expected to be just over 10 million.
(256) For example, it may not work in hilly areas because its transmission signal is weaker than satellite broadcasts.
(257) The programmes are beamed from Anik C, a telecommunications satellite that went into orbit at the end of last year.
(258) In addition, a rapidly growing domestic satellite system may eventually permit domestic eavesdropping on a scale almost unimaginable.
(259) During the past year we have been conducting a magnetic survey of the region, from a low-level satellite.
(260) The study was based on satellite photographs and official government data from 1987.
(261) Satellite is more established because there cable companies take the service from the satellite and pipe it to customers.
(262) Unexpectedly,[] the satellite radio helped to solve the cash crisis.
(263) It also provides for increased penalties for dumping oil at sea, and for fortnightly satellite monitoring of deforestation.
(264) Further round soared the precipitous south west rockface of Baruntse, flanked by its satellite range of peaks.
(265) Now researchers analysing results from the Solar Maximum Mission satellite have reported detecting solar neutrons from flares two years apart.
(266) Eventually, this area should be able to support one or two satellite offices.
(267) The national broadcasting organisations have been threatened by deregulation which has encouraged the growth of private satellite and cable channels.
(268) This spelled the end of the Brezhnev doctrine, under which Soviet military power enforced the loyalty of its peripheral satellite states.
(269) It was my privilege to present with a satellite dish as a retirement gift from his colleagues, customers and the company.




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