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单词 respectable
释义 Word family  noun respect ≠ disrespect respectability respecter respectfulness adjective respectable respected respectful ≠ disrespectful respective verb respect ≠ disrespect adverb respectably respectfully ≠ disrespectfully respectively  re·spect·a·ble /rɪˈspektəbəl/ ●●○ adjective  1  GOOD/MORALsomeone who is respectable behaves in a way that is considered socially acceptable 〔行为〕体面的;正派的;受人尊敬的 hard-working, respectable people 勤勉可敬的人 a respectable family 正经人家 Put a tie on – it’ll make you look more respectable. 戴上领带,这样显得更体面。2  GOOD ENOUGHgood or satisfactory 好的;令人满意的 SYN decent a respectable income 不错的收入 Her exam results were respectable enough. 她的考试成绩还算不错。 —respectably adverb —respectability /rɪˌspektəˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusrespectable• Crucially, however, incorporation into the upper reaches of strategy-making is offered only to representatives of the respectable citizenry.• And this is a respectable girl, Harvey.• A "B" is a perfectly respectable grade.• Tony was always in trouble with the police when he was young, but now he's a respectable married man.• a respectable neighborhood• Students were to be taken in as boarders, having been recommended by a respectable person who knew them or their families.• It was very nearly respectable, reaching over half way down her·spect·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  way respectable is in who someone a Corpus is that behaves




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