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单词 mug
释义  Related topics: Utensilsmug1 /mʌɡ/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  DFUa tall cup used for drinking tea, coffee etc 〔喝茶、咖啡等用的有柄的〕大杯,马克杯 a coffee mug 一个咖啡杯 →4  See picture of 见图 CUP 1 →5 see picture at 见图 cup12  DFUa large glass with a handle, used especially for drinking beer 〔尤指喝啤酒用的有柄的〕大玻璃杯 a beer mug 啤酒杯3  mug/mugful of something DFDa mug and the liquid inside it 一大杯某物 Two mugs of tea, please. 请来两大杯茶。4  British English spoken informalSTUPID/NOT INTELLIGENT someone who is stupid and easy to deceive 〔易上当受骗的〕傻瓜 Only a mug would pay that much for a meal. 只有傻瓜才会为一顿饭花那么多钱。5  be a mug’s game British English spokenPOINTLESS to be something that only stupid people do because it is not likely to be successful or to bring you money 是傻瓜干的事,是不易成功的事;是无利可图的事 Gambling is a mug’s game. 赌博是傻瓜干的事。6  spoken informal a face 〔人的〕脸 Something scared him. Probably your ugly mug! 什么东西吓着他了,很可能是你这张丑八怪的脸!Examples from the Corpusmug• She rummaged around and found a teapot and a mug.• Don't be a mug! That picture's not worth as much as that!• If you need a drink, dip a mug over the side - the water is disease-free.• I made Joanna respectable by putting up my anchor lantern, made myself a mug of cocoa, and turned in.• a mug of cocoa• She had half drained her mug when she said, ` Ah, that's better!• He's asked me to work over the weekend again - he must think I'm some kind of mug.• There were good things at school too, cooked dinners every day and milk if you took your own mug.• In another bag she had a kettle and six mugs.• Constable Jamieson came in with a steaming mug of tea and put it on the desk in front of him.• Claudia dived into her pocket, dropped the sleeping pills into the mug, stirred swiftly and rapidly switched the mugs round.ugly mug• Rubbing his cheekbones in slow circles, he winces with pain at the sight of his own ugly mug.Related topics: Crimemug2 ●○○ verb (mugged, mugging)  1  [transitive]SCCSTEAL to attack someone and rob them in a public place 〔在公共场所〕对⋯行凶抢劫 A lot of people won’t go out alone at night because they’re afraid of being mugged. 许多人因害怕被抢劫,晚上不愿单独出门。► see thesaurus at attack, steal2  [intransitive] American English informalSTUPID/NOT SENSIBLE to make silly expressions with your face or behave in a silly way, especially for a photograph or in a play 〔尤指照相或演出时〕做鬼脸,扮傻相mug for All the kids were mugging for the camera. 所有的孩子都在对着相机做鬼脸。3 mug up phrasal verb British English informalSESTUDY to try to learn something in a short time, especially for an examination 〔尤指为准备考试而〕临时用功,恶补 SYN swot up on Jeannie can’t come. She’s busy mugging up on science for her exam. 珍妮来不了,她临时抱佛脚忙着准备自然科学考试。mug something ↔ up Mug up as much as you can about the country before your trip. 去旅行之前要尽量对这个国家多加了解。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmug• He probably didn't take them out with him because he was afraid of being mugged.• More people than ever are leaving New York before they get killed, raped or mugged.• Since moving to New Jersey, he has been mugged at gunpoint twice.• Kids were mugging for the camera.• Pat Williams, D-Mont., mugged for the cameras.• She decided to move from the city after she was mugged for the third time in less than a year.• Unfortunately, it would appear that the great emergency is being mugged for your mobile.• If anyone ever tried to mug me, I would throw my bag and run.• I was scared I would get mugged or raped.• And thus does your government actually increase your chances of getting burglarized, mugged, robbed and even murdered.• To criticize him was like mugging Santa Claus.• Every New Yorker expects to be mugged sometime.Origin mug1 (1500-1600) Probably from a Scandinavian languagemug1 nounmug2 verbChinese  etc tall a used Corpus for tea, drinking cup coffee




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