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单词 Potentially
1. The organization helped defuse potentially violent situations.
2. Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.
3. He had one potentially decisive factor in his favour: the element of surprise.
4. It was a potentially lethal mixture of drugs.
5. Lead is potentially damaging to children's health.
6. Hepatitis is a potentially fatal disease.
7. He's good at defusing potentially explosive situations.
8. All polling methods are potentially open to abuse.
9. The water shortage in this country is potentially catastrophic.
10. The disease is potentially fatal.
11. The sums of money involved are potentially huge.
12. Clearly this is a potentially dangerous situation.
13. The peacekeepers are trained to defuse potentially explosive situations.
14. The situation is unstable and potentially dangerous.
15. A lot of these chemicals are potentially very harmful.
16. There's a potentially huge demand for this product.
17. Many household products are potentially harmful.
18. The political situation is potentially explosive.
19. It believed the affair was potentially harmful to British aviation.
20. He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity.
21. This crisis is potentially the most serious in the organization's history.
22. Cycling is potentially very dangerous in London - you have to keep your wits about you.
23. With their natural resources they are potentially a very wealthy country.
24. She was seen as a potentially subversive within the party.
25. She was seen as a potentially subversive force within the party.
26. Any major airport or station is potentially a terrorist target.
27. This order is potentially worth millions of pounds to the company.
28. This kind of fierce nationalism is a powerful and potentially volatile force.
29. I honestly don't know how I will react the next time I meet a potentially dangerous situation.
30. It is very unnerving to find out that someone you see every day is carrying a potentially deadly virus.
1. The organization helped defuse potentially violent situations.
2. Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.
3. He had one potentially decisive factor in his favour: the element of surprise.
4. It was a potentially lethal mixture of drugs.
5. All polling methods are potentially open to abuse.
6. The disease is potentially fatal.
7. She was seen as a potentially subversive within the party.
31. Tears help to protect the eye from potentially harmful foreign bodies.
32. So far they have only dipped their toe in the potentially vast computer market.
33. The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentially catastrophic.
34. Ignoring safety procedures can have potentially tragic consequences.
35. The interior, too, contains elements which are potentially destructive.
36. That prevented a potentially violent political explosion.
37. It is also a potentially destructive one.
38. This is potentially the most convincing argument.
39. There were potentially avoidable factors in all the cases.
40. Doctors said afterwards the overdose was potentially life threatening.
41. They also claim that fluoride potentially causes birth defects.
42. The timing is potentially embarrassing for the Government.
43. Failure to share information is potentially dangerous.
44. New powers to refuse wastes and revoke licences are potentially powerful weapons in controlling the movement and safe disposal of wastes.
45. By setting up such a system yourself, you are potentially circumventing any security systems your company has in place.
46. This standard ensures the unit is waterproof and so prevents an accidental, and potentially fatal, combination of water and electricity.
47. Cantor was elated; a potentially devastating situation was about to be defused.
48. This automatic system monitors the position, closure rate and altitude of nearby aircraft, identifying potentially threatening intruders.
49. Microwave cooking creates potentially dangerous substances in baby milk which may damage the brain, liver and kidneys, doctors said.
50. Skirmishes are already going on as rivals battle to gain control of potentially lucrative new domains such
51. Try the risky, potentially spectacular shot, or cut his losses and play safe?
52. Such automated systems would also be potentially vulnerable to false information from people or agents hoping to capitalize on their correlated behaviour.
53. This has caused some concern as peaceful demonstrators may be prevented from marching because of the threat posed by a potentially disruptive counter-demonstration.
54. Amgen also said it would pay for any human trials to test the drugs, a potentially costly expense.
55. They tend, however, to keep a closer watch on discharges which are potentially highly polluting or large in volume.
56. National Savings For a more guaranteed but potentially less bountiful return, there are a number of fixed-rate bonds.
57. The major benefit would be in raising awareness of this potentially devastating condition.
58. With no suspense about the outcome to enliven the potentially dull political proceedings(http://), the Republicans embraced the popular world of entertainment.
59. The chalk pit itself is potentially a valuable habitat and adds yet one more facet to this lovely stretch of land.
60. Of the six basic housework tasks cooking is, according to these women, potentially the most enjoyable activity.
61. Thus research into colonic motor function remains a challenging and potentially rewarding area where progress has been facilitated by recent technological advances.
62. Yet more than 3,000 strains of bacteria have already been isolated, and may potentially contain useful new compounds.
63. The world faced an economic crisis that was potentially worse than the Great Depression of the 19305.
64. In addition, this measure gives a potentially better packing density than conventional indexing techniques.
65. There are potentially more germs on a dishcloth than there are in an average pedal bin - so disinfect cloths regularly.
66. The most potentially explosive area of contact between headquarters and the Boards was in financial control.
67. A structural appraisal of the building identified a number of potentially serious defects which could arise in the event of fire.
68. Thus there was a combination of potentially explosive contributory factors.
69. It is also sensible to anticipate all the questions likely to be asked, particularly the potentially embarrassing ones.
70. Colds, flu or any ailment that diminishes vocal stamina and luster are potentially disastrous.
71. Whenever possible breeding colony staff should not be involved with other animals of a potentially lower health status.
72. And a specialist in alcohol abuse says youngsters don't realise the dangers associated with what is a potentially harmful drug.
73. Folic acid, a B vitamin, reduces heart-attack risks by lowering a potentially deadly blood chemical called homocysteine.
74. Rather than expending vast sums on political posturing, we may in-stead choose to invest in potentially profitable space enterprises.
75. Can a school prohibit distribution of potentially disruptive union material?
76. A male is potentially capable of fertilizing hundreds of females, if he could only copulate with them.
77. Bailey and Harrison found that for certain types of passage cloze scores were potentially unreliable indicators of comprehension.
78. Better that negotiations should break down than such difficulties be suppressed: a merger which fails is potentially disastrous.
79. There are four and a half million people earning above average incomes and therefore potentially vulnerable to Labour's tax squeeze.
80. The missile defence issue is without question the most troublesome, time-consuming and potentially dangerous item on the current international agenda.
81. An investigation of the causes of the charring, a potentially disastrous situation, is under way.
82. And Mr Major happily used freelance fixers like Mr Wakeham to defuse potentially difficult committee meetings.
83. This time round we're going to cover the potentially fraught matter of cabling.
84. Their presence in the alliance masks deep and potentially explosive differences.
85. The colonic epithelium is in continuous contact with potentially carcinogenic compounds, which enter the body usually as part of the diet.
86. This implies the need to store potentially very large, unstructured data objects as just another field in a database record.
87. The potentially damaging essentialism and determinism of this approach is deflected by an argument that there is no inevitability in these forms.
87. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
88. Argument and competition are potentially beneficial and fruitful; both may degenerate into conflict if badly managed.
89. During seizures, there was a sustained increase in extracellular glutamate to potentially neurotoxic concentrations in the epileptogenic hippocampus.
90. The normal gastric mucosa can prevent bypass diffusion of potentially noxious substances from the gastric lumen.
91. That way he can not be targeted by missile fire or some spells and will be potentially protected from war engines.
92. Some criterion must then be devised for dividing these shares between the potentially more than 2 million investor applications.
93. To escape that potentially maddening scene, make like a monk and climb a rock.
94. The computer world was abuzz with rumors of two potentially earth-shattering computers.
95. The potentially most divisive argument will be about who should be in charge during the dangerous period ahead.
96. Read in studio Oxfam is trying to recall seven thousand potentially deadly necklaces on sale in its shops.
97. The parents' aim is straight forward: to get the child to desist from potentially dangerous behaviour, not to teach alternatives.
98. Communication is potentially enhanced by a graph's ability to summarise and simplify trend data.
99. Their cars can undergo a potentially expensive conversion to the R-134a coolant that is being used in new cars.
100. These lenses are much smaller than ours, so less potentially damaging light reaches the sensory cells.
101. It could potentially improve care, assist in medical research and help in detecting patterns of insurance fraud.
102. Previously, an additional requirement of having land registered potentially caused problems where there was immediate or quick resale. 3.
103. This idea potentially oversimplifies the actual process of offering vulnerable people choices which might result in their leading fuller lives.
104. Potentially explosive subtext -- Annie was sexually abused as a child -- is pretty much left in the background.
105. The potentially devastating impact of the decimation of many anti-poverty programs on recipients and on their children is explored.
106. Building it in is hard because the amount of knowledge which is potentially relevant to decoding each pronoun, is extremely large.
107. Some small captives become pets but within five years they are potentially dangerous and have to be put behind bars.
108. How can we attract players to the sport if a top class player is advocating potentially dangerous play?
109. For that reason Minh Mang feared potentially disruptive ideas and practices.
110. In addition, it seems no public warnings were issued about the addition of this potentially dangerous chemical.
111. Use carpeting or other skid-resistant flooring to cover potentially slippery floors.
112. You become, to that extent, a potentially more autonomous individual.
113. Similar protection is provided against many other potentially dangerous organisms in the environment.
114. The real menace is the right shoulder, which at the top of the backswing adopts a potentially powerful position.
115. In the autumn of 1987, Conran ran into a potentially more serious stumbling block to his plans.
116. This is a potentially lethal combination, but modern techniques help to safeguard us from those risks.
117. The power conferred upon corporate managers by the business company was potentially unchecked and hence illegitimate within the framework of liberal democracy.
118. As the currency markets know only too well, a potentially damaging row over interest-rate policy has broken out.
119. As you can see, family tendencies can play a crucial role in helping the sensation-seeking, potentially aggressive child.
120. However, I wish to address one potentially significant impact of the Act in relation to secure accommodation applications in civil proceedings.
121. Alias will provide on-site engineering resources at Industrial Light, potentially tripling the number of Alias users via a site-wide software licence.
122. Neonatal convulsion is an uncommon problem but one that is potentially serious.
123. Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality. Erich Fromm 
124. Competence addressed without concern for its potentially destructive possibilities is hardly preferable to a benign ineptitude.
125. The fact that seeking clarification is so prevalent reminds us what a potentially confusing behaviour building can be.
126. It is important that the profession makes the public aware that the effect of increasing understaffing is potentially disastrous.
127. If Paez is extradited to the United States, he could potentially be a source of important information on the drug cartel.
128. In July a series of yellow signs appeared in central London, warning that potentially disruptive pre-construction work would shortly begin.
129. Extreme positions, however, whether of the right or left brain, are unbalanced, out of harmony and therefore potentially unhealthy.
130. Used prudently, advanced hybrid or bio-engineered crop strains could make a potentially significant contribution to third world agriculture.
131. Because such potentially distressing events are predictable, but unavoidable, they are an ideal focus for an investigation of coping behaviours.
132. Yet potentially the bank may still be exposed to much of those loans' credit risk.
133. And as they use more plastic, chemicals and metals, so what they discard becomes increasingly durable and potentially poisonous.
134. The person using an expert system to advise a client will be potentially liable under the laws of contract and negligence.
135. Potentially at least, the concept of man was here greatly enlarged.
136. These tips also help prevent heat exhaustion, only several cases of which advance to potentially deadly heat stroke at the Canyon.
137. These sweeter grapes produce rich, fruity wines with a potentially higher level of alcohol.
138. Boston employers are facing an acute labour shortage with potentially serious consequences for economic growth.
139. There are various calculations about how much land is potentially redundant: it could be as many as three million acres.
140. In the wrong hands - maybe even my own - it is potentially deadly.
141. This, it was recognized, constituted a potentially dangerous situation, but what else could the Romans do?
142. A new Green Party, therefore, could potentially split the liberal vote and prove a boon to the Republicans.
143. The man was another one of those loose ends, potentially a direct link to himself.
144. This is not to say that lower gliadin doses are not potentially harmful to coeliac disease subjects.
145. I say potentially because under designated conditions, many of these benefits are not taxable to your employees.
146. The implications of such a view were potentially disastrous for positivist criminology.
147. The silly boy might have made potentially disastrous mistakes, but he had preserved the basis of his claim.
147. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
148. It is a scouting reconnaissance into un-known and potentially dangerous territory.
149. Such testimony, unheard of in El Salvador, is potentially explosive in a state that has tried to bury its past.
150. It would also discuss how general experience may be potentially seen as religious experience.
151. Potentially the hermaphrodite dissolves gender difference and, at least in its associated idea of androgyny, has become acceptable.
152. Rhys was to receive the potentially life-saving operation at the unit before its closure.
153. The intact skin acts as a barrier between the internal and the external environment which contains many potentially harmful agents.
154. Many growers may feel overwhelmed as they struggle to keep abreast of potentially helpful developments.
155. What is important is that all the chlorine in the VOCs ends up as chloride ion rather than other potentially hazardous chlorinated compounds.
156. An aptly named gas, discovered in 1766, it had that potentially lethal combination of having both explosive and lifting properties.
157. So how do we remove the mystery from a potentially highly beneficial technology?
158. Their potentially adverse effects with particular reference to the diabetic will now be outlined.
159. Long billed as a potentially boundless source of relatively clean energy, fusion research costs hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
160. What was a potentially valuable, or at least useful, asset in bricks and mortar rapidly becomes a liability.
161. The above strategies are potentially available for resolving the tension between word order and communicative function.
162. In this way the timbers will be protected from repeated desiccation and expansion, potentially a grave danger to such ancient wood.
163. The 1995 text addresses the science linking antioxidant nutrients found in plant foods with a potentially beneficial role in fighting disease.
164. The term dormant volcano is applied during the period between eruptions to those volcanoes thought to be potentially active.
165. The question begs other questions and is potentially leading and confusing.
166. However, many potentially hazardous chemical installations are not covered by such regulations.
167. These include the more firmly established association between the drugs and a potentially fatal lung disease, primary pulmonary hypertension.
168. Clearly the disclosure letter is important as it potentially undermines the warranties.
169. The effects of comet and asteroid impacts are potentially damaging to life in general, and to human civilization in particular.
170. Location inserts potentially give the strongest visual clues to programme content.
171. The image presented was of potentially active individuals bereft both of health and satisfaction through enforced retirement from economic activity.
172. They are also prominent in investigating potentially dangerous occurrences in the day's routine.
173. It would also make extremely efficient use of potentially dwindling uranium supplies.
174. A living being is therefore in essence a potentially self-healing system.
175. It will potentially drive a wedge between the Catholic H.E.
176. He considers such maneuverings a ridiculous way to run a government and still potentially hazardous to the credit markets here and abroad.
177. But if the moment of performance is considered as potentially an act of composition(http:///potentially.html), a different perspective can emerge.
178. There is a potentially much broader field of work which could be construed as the sociology of knowledge.
179. Recourse to stabbing is at least potentially more open to abuse.
180. The issue was a potentially controversial one for Clinton, who was embarking on his re-election campaign.
181. Gradually the voluntary churches thus came to be safety valves for society, means of draining potentially dangerous conflict into harmless channels.
182. It was potentially extremely dangerous and although it had survived since the war it may have been very unstable.
183. Worse, it confuses your readers and makes a potentially interesting message boring.
184. Outside the stadium, however, the competitors excelled-clocking up a potentially world-beating 106 asylum applications.
185. These are held in a removable cage which makes the potentially awkward job of fitting new cards easier.
186. They unanimously supported calls for action to prevent bail hostels being used by potentially dangerous offenders.
187. At least some of the wood should be harvested, potentially putting carbon back into the atmosphere.
188. I have come to the same conclusion as many people who find that they have a potentially fatal disease.
189. Punitive damages potentially could be much more costly to cigarette companies than compensatory damages.
190. But according to plaintiffs' attorneys, the privilege log could be invaluable in helping them pry loose potentially damning documents.
191. For this reason concentrations of potentially interfering metal ions approximating the serum levels are used in the standards.
192. A bad interviewer can give a potentially excellent employee such a negative impression that he or she loses interest in the job.
193. And he says potentially far more damaging excerpts from his tape haven't yet been used.
194. The effort potentially could have a major impact on apparel industry working conditions worldwide.
195. Such abuse of power is not just a problem for women, it is potentially an obstacle to accomplishing the mission.
196. The tyres contain only low levels of carbon and no dioxins; potentially harmful products of burning tyres are to be recycled.
197. What people do in retirement is equally important, yet we know comparatively little about this potentially lengthy and possibly isolated experience.
198. Salesmen warning DOOR-TO-DOOR salesmen are posing as Fire Brigade representatives to sell potentially lethal fire extinguishers, it has been disclosed.
199. I agree with you that it's not right to call your son names, and that slapping him is potentially dangerous.
200. Intake of potentially hepatotoxic drugs, intravenous drug addiction and previous blood transfusions were ruled out in all patients.
201. There are two circumstances that may potentially reduce the diagnostic accuracy of this technique.
202. It was the first major industrial dispute to test the Conservative Government's industrial legislation, or at least potentially to do so.
203. Now they are composite, multi-faceted and potentially more dangerous - and the governments contributing troops tend to be much more demanding.
204. These sources of exposure are potentially controllable by regulation or other government intervention.
205. The bureaucracy also offered a means of social control over potentially antagonistic classes.
206. The potentially tainted gruel reached more than 80 countries.
207. All disputed points are potentially resolvable.
208. Potentially huge oil also lie underneath the Caspian Sea.
209. He doesn't have any of those potentially redemptive qualities.
210. Children and guns are a potentially lethal cocktail.
211. Potentially higher wages may exacerbate inflationary pressure.
212. They're not irrational , potentially homicidal maniacs, to start!
213. The medical community was interested because it offered a chance, potentially, to intervene and prolong life.
214. Potentially this could damage the reputation of the whole industry.
215. Blooms containing even one species of toxic cyanobacteria will be poisonous and potentially dangerous.
216. Okay, there's potentially a free midweek here. Then, hopefully, there's more football.
217. More than 10,000 U.S. workers are potentially exposed to MDI during spray - on truck bed lining operations.
218. These analyses depend on a number of potentially confounding factors such as nonstomatal transpiration and temperature.
219. The tourniquet is a potentially dangerous instrument that must be used with proper knowledge and care.
220. Splenic abscess is a rare and potentially life - threatening disease.
221. Outlined -- although the benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low - grade.
222. Cardiac toxicity induced by local anesthetics is a rare but potentially fatal complication during local anesthesia.
223. It's a virtual gold rush to mine the mountain of potentially valuable data the genome contains.
224. Potentially " high - yielding " clones are likely to be the material which first come to hand.
225. Spontaneous subcutaneous with mediastinal emphysema is a rare but potentially dangerous complication during delivery.
226. Background. Acute pyelonephritis is a potentially severe disease for which there are few population - based studies.
227. No Venturi was required to potentially strangle the air flow.
228. The benzenoid hydrocarbon are all nonclassical and, thus potentially aromatic.
229. Anaphylaxis is a potentially life - threatening illness that can be confusing to both patient and clinician.
230. The higher the BPM, the faster ( and thus potentially harder ) the song will be.
231. Every time you add something to a webpage you potentially make pageclear.
232. Navajo remained potentially valuable as code even after the war.
233. The engines could potentially achieve fuel economy of 80 miles per gallon, Narayan said.
234. Resultant nano - materials will be potentially used in microelectronic, new material and biotechnology areas.
235. AIDS, the last stage of HIV infection, is defined the appearance of potentially lethal opportunistic infections.
236. You could potentially become a victim to horrible eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.
237. The small concentrations, however, belie the potentially powerful effects of these compounds.
237. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
238. The instantaneous release from an impact would potentially kill off species in a few thousand years.
239. Dodo says pranks can also potentially alienate or hurt someone's feelings if not in good taste.
240. Using genome linkage scan and association studies, multiple potentially causative genes have been identified.
241. This aids in the avoidance of interference from other potentially competing metals.
242. Potentially clinical relevant higher reoperation rates occurred after psychomotor therapy but rates were within normal ranges.
243. We find this very literal approach to be limiting and potentially problematic.
244. Both GM and Chrysler are downsizing - with GM potentially joining Chrysler in bankruptcy - and closing plants.
245. The SD 3 prevents the reverse flow of potentially contaminated water back into the water supply.
246. The serotonin syndrome is a potentially life - threatening adverse reactions that results from therapeutic drug use.
247. The injectable hydrogels potentially applied in tissue repair are also introduced.
248. This remediation activity could potentially defer landfill closure costs indefinitely.
249. Punishingly high gasoline prices have come down, potentially damping the public's willingness to embrace alternative - fuel vehicles.
250. Reporter Another potentially saving grace – a growing number of oil suppliers.
251. Extension – the amount of money the bookmaker potentially will lose on a game.
252. Conclusion: AbE is potentially a biological response modulator for hemopoietic and immuno - regulstion.
253. Payload: Downloads potentially malicious code on to the compromised computer.
254. Vitamin K can stop bleeding, but large doses can cause a potentially fatal thrombosis.
255. The chance to directly study potentially inhabited planets is further off.
256. Criminal charges against a firm are potentially crippling and are extremely rare.
257. Northern Pipeline was widely regarded as potentially applicable to administrative agencies as well as specialized courts.
258. Exposure to the gas odourless and colourless, is potentially fatal.
259. The active area of ENOLASE will potentially exist multi - hydrogen bond of donor and acceptor.
260. Potentially lethal complications include hemorrhage, infection, and air embolism, therefore surgical resection is usually performed.
261. A clampdown on unproven and potentially unsafe stem cell research is being called an expert group.
262. Avascular ofhead of femur is a potentially crippling disease which mainly affects young adults.
263. Near infrared light, with its superior tissue penetration and reduced scatter, could potentially sole this problem.
264. Nevertheless, the Overton Park test has been criticized for being potentially too restrictive.
265. Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.
266. Concealment devices basically could be any every day object, in which you hide potentially incriminating materials.
267. FIV - positive cats can also become anemic and can potentially develop certain types of cancer.
267. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
268. The aural assault on Britain's potentially troublesome youth is not the first.
269. But we should not think there are no potentially disruptive forces.
270. Some foreign companies, according to other lawyers, have begun purging potentially sensitive data from their computers.
271. Amid the chaos below, the third Chinook flies off with potentially tragic consequences.
272. The cassava - based fuel ethanol is a potentially significant green fuel for automobile.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 23:44:00