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单词 Watch out
1. Watch out for that man.
2. Watch out! Lee's in a belligerent mood.
3. Watch out!There is a dog coming.
4. Watch out, the baby is dribbling on your shirt!
5. Watch out for him.
6. You should watch out.
7. Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly.
8. The doctor told her to watch out for symptoms of measles.
9. Watch out for the stairs-they're steep.
10. Watch out for overhanging branches.
11. Watch out - the candle's dripping.
12. Hey, you there! Watch out!
13. Watch out! It's the fuzz.
14. Watch out for bare wires.
15. Watch out that you don't get them into trouble.
16. Watch out! There's a car coming!
17. Watch out for cars when you cross the road.
18. Watch out?the floor's a bit slippery.
19. Watch out here comes the law!
20. Watch out! A car is coming.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. Watch out for bargains, but never buy dented cans.
22. Watch out - she's been in a foul temper all day.
23. You'll become an alcoholic if you don't watch out .
24. The old man often stands here to watch out for the postman.
25. The cashiers were asked to watch out for forged banknotes.
26. Keep a watch out for Nicki and Steve - they should be here somewhere.
27. Watch out for the fruit punch, it's got a real kick.
28. What problems should I watch out for when buying an old house?
29. Watch out! You nearly jabbed me in the eye with your umbrella!
30. Watch out, Jill her ladyship is in one of her moods!
1. Watch out for that man.
2. Watch out! Lee's in a belligerent mood.
3. Watch out!There is a dog coming.
4. Watch out, the baby is dribbling on your shirt!
5. Watch out for him.
6. You should watch out.
7. Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly.
8. The doctor told her to watch out for symptoms of measles.
31. We need to watch out here.Some dangerous gunners are said to be around this area.
32. You have to watch out because there are land mines all over the place.
33. He called out to them to watch out for the unexploded mine.
34. The casinos had better watch out since I'm obviously on a lucky streak!
35. You'd better watch out, or you'll be getting done in.
36. The staff were asked to watch out for forged banknotes.
37. "Watch out!" he shouted, but it was too late - she had knocked the whole tray of drinks on the floor.
38. It doesn't sound like business for a long time.Still it won't do any harm to watch out and keep our powder dry.
39. Watch out for his latest movie,() which comes out next month.
40. Just watch out: the robots take no prisoners.
41. Tell everyone to watch out for a foreign body?
42. Watch out for flood water next week.
43. Forget them till spring, then watch out for fireworks.
44. Watch out for Andy. He can be really sneaky.
45. Watch out for greasy oil build-up.
46. Fees: Watch out for legal fees and valuation fees.
47. Watch out for smaller compact cameras.
48. Watch out for patches of fog in low-lying areas.
49. Watch out for that door there.
50. On the other hand,[/watch out.html] it warned her to watch out: love hurts.
51. On this stretch, watch out for the trees on both sides of the track.
52. If Dole figures out how to take his vaunted inside political skills public, watch out.
53. Watch out ... Bathtime Bear offers no less than 10 different activities.
54. Watch out for a change in publication dates for Courtauld News.
55. Wyatt came over to watch out of sheer astonishment and pride.
56. Watch out for a fiercely competitive range of unmetered access plans that include telephone charges.
57. There are sharp corners, rough edges and slippery surfaces to watch out for.
58. In exploring this issue it is useful to watch out for two aspects of theoretical interpretation.
59. Watch out for details about their trips in future editions of TeleClub.
60. A good tread will generally give a good grip, but as with a car, watch out on wet ground!
61. He took his gold watch out of his waistcoat pocket and snapped it open.
62. Watch out for the internal grab ring - it's sharp!
63. Watch out for his flag being flown from the church towers on this day.
64. I'd be doing rhyming slang if I didn't watch out.
65. The doctor never told me to wean him off the drug-to watch out for depression, anything.
66. Everyone white was milling around in the road, and he had to watch out for children.
67. Spray roses in pots with water daily to keep humidity up; watch out for greenfly and other pests.
68. And whoever is in charge of bathtime should watch out ... there's even a water pistol cleverly disguised as a flower.
69. After what he has now said about a referendum, he had better watch out.
70. The only traffic is usually other neighbors, folks who drive slowly and watch out for children and pets.
71. If you try to cancel the magazine contract, watch out.
72. Take particular care when entering or leaving the tracks, and watch out for both pedestrians and traffic.
73. If you don't watch out, you can get a worse habit than the one you started with.
74. Watch out for the internal grab ring - it's sharp! Push the pipe into place with a slight twisting motion.
75. Watch out for that old bone-crusher, the serpent in the cane.
76. There is also a rundown of each team's history plus tips on the players to watch out for this season.
77. Watch out for the joy-stealers: gossip, criticism, complaining, faultfinding, and a negative, judgmental attitude. Joyce Meyer 
78. Watch out for them when you buy it and it opens up a whole world of experimenting.
79. Watch out for the vine weevil that eats plants' roots-it's on the increase due to warmer winters.
80. Mrs Parvis was standing out on the front doorstep, pretending to watch out for something in the sky.
80. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
81. But watch out, rates on offer from these kinds of players may be poor.
82. Watch out that the charges under these arrangements do not more than eat up any advantage.
83. Watch out for log books which tell you that the first owner was Engineering Educational Trust.
84. Signs posted along the narrow road that leads through sloping pastures to the cliff-framed beach warn motorists to watch out for birds.
85. As the election gets under way watch out for more of this Doublethink, particularly on television.
86. Watch out for any vehicle that seems too good a bargain.
87. Not too many Maggies and Johns around but watch out for a millennium crop of seven-pound unisex Blairs.
88. You can use them as a guideline of what to watch out for.
89. Watch out for household products being used up too fast or appearing in places where they are not usually kept.
90. You know, the stuff you always say to watch out for.
91. Chocolate Watch out for whey and emulsifiers.
92. We must watch out for the inclination to utilitarianism.
93. Watch out: the "cufflink index" could be next.
94. It may get syrupy, so watch out.
95. She broke her elder brother's watch out of spite.
96. Watch out for smoldering fire!
97. Watch out! The milk is boiling over.
98. Stephen Watts has a list of edible plants to watch out for, and which berries, garlic, dandelion, garlic mustard and herbs you should pick.
99. Watch out for decisions made in haste, especially when it comes to unsolicited offers.
100. Watch out for a new brand of consumer in 2008: the middle-aged Simplifier .
101. Watch out for John; I'm sure he's a stool pigeon for the police.
102. There are many stray dogs in the housing estate, watch out.
103. And watch out for those traffic circles in Tampa but those roundabouts in Reading.
104. We offer a little beauty that can get you to work lickety-split , and you don't have to worry about those pesky stop signs. Just watch out for low - flying airplanes!
105. I was going to ask you the same thing Watch out for that pedes?trian!
106. Watch out for fleas and ticks that may infest your pet.
107. You want to watch out for the other team's centre forward - he's hot stuff.
108. Tip: Watch out for pirate Pillager ships, they can steal credits from your empire by targeting ships and structures with their Plunder ability.
109. Watch out for harmful tendencies and deal with them the moment they crop up.
110. In this introductory article we explain what causes memory leaks in JavaScript, demonstrate some of the common memory leak patterns to watch out for, and show you how to work around them.
110. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
111. Foreigners are taking over in these market areas. We must watch out.
112. At airport terminal I will watch out for his suitcase at all times during his absence.
113. I self-monitor and watch out for early changes in my mood and thinking, to try to pre-empt the worst of an episode.
114. Especially watch out for the soup of the day. If it contains fish or if it's some kind of "gumbo," it's probably the stuff they're trying to get rid of.
115. Watch out for those jealous girls: they are very quick off the mark.
116. You'll lose your girlish figure if you don't watch out.
117. Watch out for Calwallender , he's full of mickey mouse ideas.
118. Watch out the oar doesn't pop you in the tummy.
119. Launch dino eggs to solve the puzzle, but watch out for Mama brontosaurus!
120. Peter Andre was all smiles as he performed surrounded by scantily clad dancers. But the singer had better watch out - his ex-wife Katie Price is threatening to 'expose' him.
121. Watch out, butteringers! You almost dropped that bowling ball on my foot.
122. Can't imagine a person if go to school and would overcome since the childhood, face any come-on, watch out for right away, treat it as trap, so what be the motive of this person life?
123. However, there are a few gotchas to watch out for when you are creating your own LFS system.
124. Finally, with cash in hand, someone translated the message, "Watch out for these guys, they come to take your land."
125. "If I were you," she adds by way of some unsolicited advice, "I'd watch out for that girl of yours.".
126. A shot of hard liquor has fewer calories than wine or wine coolers, but once you mix in soda or cream, watch out... An 8-ounce white Russian made with light cream has 715 calories.
127. You better watch out, you better not cry! You better not pout, I'm telling you why.
128. Watch out for the "balance transfer fees" and make sure you are really coming out ahead.
129. Watch out for the rare broad-tooth rat, northern corroboree frog and river blackfish in the sedge fens in the valleys and bogs on the peaks.
130. Watch out. There's a speed trap about five miles down the road.
131. Watch out for slyness.
132. Watch out Wall Street! A career as a stock broker or investment banker can offer a fast-paced,[http:///watch out.html] intense work environment with the potential for financial rewards.
133. Watch out of Venezuela on the critically endangered leatherback turtles.
134. Investors also will watch out for economic data and could be hit with surprises, such as Friday's weaker-than-expected Labor Department report on December nonfarm payrolls.
135. Having paid off the pawnbroker, I now had my watch out of hock.
136. Watch out for bells with lead clappers and toys that use lead weights.
137. Finally, watch out for non - CLS types sneaking into an interface when you use polymorphic arguments.
138. But watch out for User Datagram Protocol (UDP)—this no longer holds true there.
139. Watch out when you are getting all you want; fatten hog ai not in luck.
140. Another option to watch out for is -b, which tells sort to ignore blank characters (spaces, tabs, etc.) and treat the first non-blank character on the line as the start of the sort key.
141. Chopper They're throwing intense anti - aircraft fire up at us. Watch out!
142. If such practices prompt you to roll your balance over to a new card, watch out for balance transfer fees.
143. They are the Chinese power couple that the Obama administration has to watch out for in the coming years, as the U.S. tries to defend its position in the world economic pecking order.
144. Example: Be sure to watch out for grammar errors, for instance, comma splices, run-on sentences, and dangling modifiers.
145. During that recovery period , there is a greater likelihood of human error . Watch out for " letdown ".
146. The term 'economic war', often overblown, is for once accurate, and it's clearly something we're going to have to watch out for in the future.
147. Watch out for the pull - back powered Night Blazer!
148. Watch out for the Hindu Diwali, the Tamil Teemeedee ( fire - walking ) and the Chinese New Year.




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