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单词 Face to face
1. I sat face to face with her.
2. We were standing face to face.
3. The two have never met face to face before.
4. Eventually, he came face to face with discrimination again.
5. Actually, I've never met her face to face.
6. Her eyes flicked from face to face.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. His eyes darted from face to face.
8. The room fell silent as she came face to face with the man who had tried to kill her.
9. At that moment he came face to face with Sergeant Burke.
10. She was at an early age brought face to face with the horrors of war.
11. The burglar turned the corner and found himself face to face with a policeman.
12. It is imperative to meet face to face with the client.
13. It was the first time he'd ever come face to face with death.
14. She has suddenly come face to face with her own mortality.
15. The two men stood face to face without a word.
16. The two rival politicians came/were brought face to face in a TV interview.
17. His eyes were moving from face to face:friend or foe?
18. Sometimes one is brought face to face with facts which cannot be ignored.
19. We sat face to face across a narrow table.
20. He came face to face with the barracks supervisor.
21. They couldn't harm him face to face.
22. Face to face Videoconferencing has always been touted as a major use for ISDN.
23. We were strolling into the town when we came face to face with Jacques Dubois.
24. Why not have it out with your critic, discuss the whole thing face to face?
25. Ever since then I've been longing to meet him face to face.
26. In business, it is important to network with as many people as possible on a face to face basis.
27. She pushed her way through the mob and confronted him face to face.
28. His ambition was to meet his favourite pop star face to face.
29. She did not slow her stride until she was face to face with us.
30. The handsome sushi bar is distinct from most; the high chairs put diners face to face with the chefs.
31. Speech is normally used in face to face interaction whereas writing is used across barriers of space and time.
32. I would have slept on the floor but for fear of waking up face to face with a rat.
33. Squirrels and martins moved in the trees, and once they came almost face to face with a boar.
34. More recently they shared the points when they came face to face in the league opener at Newry.
35. As I rounded the final bend I came face to face with the water jump.
36. He could tell her face to face how sorry he was for the incident of the previous night.
37. The reality is that you are now face to face with their very green jealousy.
38. Couples who want to remain close have to spend some time face to face,[http:///face to face.html] time talking.
39. The two stood face to face without a word, as lofty pine trees when the wind is still.
40. Here he meets Farrakhan face to face and finds humanity lurking under the firebrand image, along with intelligence and charm.
41. After ricocheting from one emotional moment to another today, she was now face to face with possible disaster.
42. He brings us literally face to face with the remote past.
43. If they had done this to her possessions, what would they do if they actually came face to face with her?
44. She had never been brought face to face with her great-uncle, and never devoted any conscious thought to him.
45. A gold locket in which two small photographs lay face to face.
46. She came face to face with Mrs Totteridge who was walking her sweating mare into the yard.
47. Bob and I sat face to face across the table.
48. That, Sullivan argued, met the state constitutional requirement that criminal defendants be able to confront their accusers face to face.
49. We met them face to face and he gave his full backing.
50. Turning the corner I came face to face with a security guard.
51. Victims who go to court dread coming face to face with their attacker again.
52. By some terrific fluke Richard came face to face with his future at the precise time he most needed to see it.
53. With Stephen, for example, there were only rare moments when she would come face to face with his desperate position.
54. With lots of luck I came face to face with a round face man in uniform.
55. You only need type the merest hint of innuendo into a search engine to come face to face with a porno advert.
56. Face to face, in perfect synchronicity, they grin and swoop as the sweat drips off them.
57. The Paul Jones and the emotional somersaults when the music stopped and they came face to face for the very first time.
58. Returning the chisel to the bench, she turned to leave and came face to face with Leo's sister.
59. But Diomedes raged on, working havoc in the Trojan ranks until he came face to face with Hector.
60. They just look forward to meeting the notorious killers again face to face.
61. An interview schedule will always be administered face to face.
62. He looked from face to face with a sense of panic.
63. Opening the front door of the flat, she came face to face with an out-of-breath uniformed policeman.
64. Stern insisted that she come downtown so that he could explain this to her face to face.
65. She was standing face to face with a boy in the public park at the end of Decimus Street.
66. How much more eager those warriors would have been to contact a foe face to face.
67. Bonin will be strapped to a padded table and come face to face with his executioner.
68. I stuck my head out of my tent,[/face to face.html] and came face to face with a cow.
69. There he was face to face with himself - times six.
70. Litigation itself brings them face to face with the enormous differences between the theory and practice of law.
71. If I'd tried to walk out along the trail, I would have met Perkin face to face.
72. Now we see only puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we shall see face to face.
73. Then they came face to face again to discover they lived in neighboring towns only one hour apart.
74. The senator cannot meet every voter face to face, but he is certainly doing his best.
75. They stood face to face, each struggling to control his temper.
76. The market makers who replaced the jobbers rarely meet face to face, so one rumour is as good as another.
77. An attitude construed as enthusiasm when conveyed face to face is indistinguishable from aggression in voice-mail mes-sages or faxes.
78. Moments earlier 18-year-old Fisher came face to face with victim Mary Jo Buttafuoco for the first time since the doorstep shooting.
79. I left school at fifteen years old and came face to face with my insurmountable problem-my future.
80. There is conversation which is usually face to face but may sometimes involve telecommunication.
81. With best regards the Face to Face Team.
82. Face to face, silent and nigher.
83. Sergeant Cuff and I were kept face to face.
84. Face to face, silent, drawing nigh and nigher.
85. After the cathedra , lots of students crowded around Microsoft staffs and made best use of time to communicate with them face to face .
86. Ducking a difficulty often just brings you face to face with yourself.
87. Generic online through real-time enterprise communication model to achieve customer service personnel and visitors to meet face to face, real-time to seize every potential user, led to deals.
88. As if talking to you face to face neuritis sequela, trifacial neuralgia sequela, limited epileptic paroxysm, pons tumor, poison as well as weary and reasons and so on psychogenic convulsion.
89. It is an important learning support service for an educative structure to guide students face to face in the modern distant open education model.
90. The toy "Roboreptile" came face to face with a real Rhinoceros Iguana at the london Zoo.
91. Speaking is assessed through a face to face interview with a certified examiner, which is recorded on an audiocassette.
92. We were strolling into the town when we came face to face with Jacques DuBois.
93. On the boat, two couples seated face to face under the pale blue awning with flouncing.
94. When American shakes hands face to face visual other place is very antipathetic.
95. Come so, express company cannot be accomplished at all examine goods face to face.
96. This is the type of personalization I come to expect when I go to any face to face retail establishment .
97. Scripture: "I have seen God face to face,[http:///face to face.html] and my life is preserved. "— GEN. xxxii. 30.
98. The next step is to recruit and students face to face contact time.
99. Give me", said the prelate , a just tribunal, or allow me to meet my accusers face to face in your presence."
100. We were face to face with Rommel's forces at that time.
101. Jennifer: When our two souls stand up erect and strong, face to face, silent drawing nigh and nigher , until the lengthening wings break into fire at either curved point.
102. The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable handle face to face of the medicament environment.
103. But face to face, Mr. Cardin is short on reminiscences about Mao jackets and bicycles and minimizes the historic forward march of his long career.
104. This program's temporary name is "Face to Face with Morocco".
105. But there is something more, a story from long ago that I will tell you face to face, father to son, when you are older.
106. Through face to face communication, work observation and questionaire we will obtain the first hand information about clients' corporate nature, business needs and staff's English level.
107. Earthman 1: Hell and heaven seems face to face in distance.
108. None in our day and age have encountered the lethe wyvern face to face at least none that have survived to tell the tale .
109. Let them match the pure gold wedding chest flower putting on this face to face valuable lustre , commend elitist showing a newcomer , generous , peculiar!
110. Thus, aline and the beggar face to face, as a squat down.
111. It suddenly dawned on me that taciturn as he had been all the time, there was regret deep in his heart . I was awe-struck like a mischievous boy brought face to face with the damage he had done.
112. First will be a telephonic interview if you pass the telephonic interview then you will be called for face to face interview in Hangzhou.
113. "I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved" (Gen. xxxii. 30).
114. This is the highest psychical state where consciousness appears to be face to face with Reality.
115. Don't want to meet again you face to face, the interleave and go for an instant.
116. Here in this village I was now face to face with a capitalist, a quoter of Confucius, a wealthy man, if you please, who had run away from Chiang Kai-shek.
117. She told me face to face about the hardships in the past decades.
118. Strangely, it's as if the normal courtesies which one would extend to another in face to face conversation do not apply in telephonic conversation.
119. Document only what is needed to get the message across and co-locate if at all possible, because cross-disciplinary collaboration and face to face communication are vital.
120. We might wish we could do anonymously, yet we have to do it face to face.
121. A group of teenagers celebrating the anniversary of the death of a local axe murderer suddenly find themselves face to face with the realities of this haunting urban legend.
122. The judge brought the accused face to face with the accuser.
123. HACCP administrative system fitting in with expands very much face to face , waits for industry almost the appositeness produces in all food processing , drink.
124. I was not disappointed and was face to face with this big lemon shark, who was kind enough to pose for me.
125. Methods Questionaire interview with face to face was carried out in CSW volunteers.
126. "I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. " –GEN. xxxii. 30.
126. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
127. When our two souls stand up erect and strong, face to face, silent drawing nigh and nigher , until the lenghtening wings break into fire at either curvet point.
128. Today, 25 years later, I thumb through my books from those days and it's magic, finding myself face to face with the young man I once was.
129. The defense of Greece team was mainly adopted face to face. With combination of mark space, the system of actively entire defense of Greece team was ...
130. Through the medium of baseball, Jackie Robinson brought white America face to face with this reality.
131. The second set, which did not have a single break of serve, was overshadowed by an incident which saw Federer come face to face with a court invader at the start of the fourth game.
132. MSF came face to face with that in the Libyan city of Misrata.
133. Looking carefully from face to face, he smiled benevolently and asked again, "Is the jar full?"
134. Other, less toothsome individuals are consigned to work back of house, where they have little chance of coming face to face with a paying client.
135. He moved the audience onto another plane where they stopped thinking about technique, or mere pianism, and came face to face with the music, with Beethoven himself.
136. Explore that way of connecting before you talk on the telephone or meet face to face.
137. Sharing threats, some of which resonate even to this day, and which has been revealed later, would bring them face to face with IRA men fighting for Irish home rule .




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