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单词 Sooner or later
1. Sooner or later, the truth comes to light. 
2. Opportunity, sooner or later, comes to all who work and wish. 
3. The criminal will be punished sooner or later.
4. It was bound to happen sooner or later .
5. Once you are injected you will—sooner or later—develop full-blown AIDS.
6. She was convinced that sooner or later she would fulfil her destiny.
7. Sooner or later,the time comes when we all must become responsible adults,and learn to give up what we want,so we can choose to do what is right.Of course,a life time of responsibility isn'e always easy,and as the years go on,it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear.But still we try to do what is best,what is good.Not only for ourselves,but for those we love.Yes,sooner or later we must all become responsible adults.No one knows this better than the young.
7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. Sooner or later, fashion comes full circle.
9. She will have to face reality sooner or later.
10. Sooner or later he'll tire of politics.
11. House prices have to go up sooner or later.
12. His wife's bound to find out sooner or later.
13. This was bound to happen sooner or later.
14. Mark my words. —I shall revenge sooner or later.
15. The police will find him sooner or later.
16. We must all, of necessity, die sooner or later.
17. He would do well to remember that, sooner or later, everyone's luck runs out.
18. Sooner or later someone would take pity on the poor wallflower and ask her to dance.
19. Sooner or later she's going to realize what a mistake she's made.
20. You're going to have to face him sooner or later.
21. Sooner or later, life will put the relationship to the test.
22. There'll be a serious accident sooner or later if people don't stop playing silly buggers.
23. He believes that death penalty will be repealed sooner or later.
24. He will be hooted off the stage sooner or later.
25. People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.
26. We had to face up to the harsh realities of life sooner or later.
27. You should not have sold the car in that unsafe condition ; sooner or later your misdeeds will come home to roost.
28. She swears that she will be avenged on her enemy sooner or later.
29. I knew he would pick me up on that slip sooner or later.
30. He believes the two parts of north and south Korea will reunite sooner or later.
1. The criminal will be punished sooner or later.
2. It was bound to happen sooner or later .
3. We had to face up to the harsh realities of life sooner or later.
4. You should not have sold the car in that unsafe condition ; sooner or later your misdeeds will come home to roost.
31. He will have to reckon for his bad behaviour sooner or later.
32. If you drive like that, sooner or later you'll have an accident.
33. You should tell her, because she'll find out sooner or later.
34. She'll have to get a job and learn to stand on her own two feet sooner or later.
35. Sooner or later you will have to make a decision.
36. The teacher will catch up with Tom sooner or later.
37. If you go on working like this you're bound to crack up sooner or later.
38. Sooner or later, I'm going to have to face the music.
39. He was implicated in a murder,and sooner or later they would pick him up.
40. Sooner or later she would be caught by the police.
41. The integrated country will rend into several independent regions sooner or later.
42. Keep applying and by the law of averages you'll get a job sooner or later.
43. I imagine they'll be tearing the building down sooner or later.
44. I believe that sooner or later good must triumph over evil.
45. Sooner or later most writers end up making books about the torments of being a writer.
46. Common sense should tell you that people will find out sooner or later.
47. You may as well tell us now - we'll find out sooner or later.
48. All relationships turned to ashes sooner or later.
49. If fecundity continued to evade her, the question of responsibility was bound to come up sooner or later.
50. Only a classic endures, and sooner or later the fashion comes full circle.
51. Gusev knew from experience that sooner or later something would emerge and give the vital clue.
52. They're household names in the States where they've sold well over a million copies of their album Sooner Or Later.
53. But he had an immense capacity for rows, and fell out with everybody sooner or later.
54. If last night hadn't happened, would she still have flown off the handle, sooner or later ...?
55. There was no point in kid gloves; she had to know sooner or later.
56. Morenz would be caught by the police sooner or later, the lab technicians would be subpoenaed-it would make the scandal worse.
57. Sooner or later I'm going to die, but I'm not going to retire. Margaret Mead 
58. He'd have to face Helen sooner or later, so better sooner.
59. Sooner or later the woman will give in, because the squalor is not held against the menfolk but against her.
60. Sooner or later most workers will be wired, and another moderator of inflation will then have been exhausted also.
61. You're going to have to face her sooner or later.
62. It was inevitable that he'd find out her secret sooner or later.
63. Realistically, even the most loyal Raiders fans had to expect a performance like this sooner or later.
64. It also exposes the fallacy of thinking that every possible world might come into existence sooner or later.
65. If steel and concrete were incompatible in any of these areas, reinforced concrete would sooner or later degrade.
66. If he did not haggle, he would sooner or later lose out, with a consequent loss for his client.
67. However unless birth control methods are used, sooner or later the woman is likely to get pregnant.
67. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
68. Sooner or later students will need to swing, or stop a swing, to avoid a collision on the ground.
69. Sooner or later man is shaken out of his unconscious state and is led to his ultimate awakening.
70. Sooner or later you will find one or more adult insects crawling around inside the cage.
71. The engram bank may be balky but enough asking will bring forth any data in it sooner or later.
72. But I do not think that what is possible is bound to happen, sooner or later.
73. Crying is all right in its own way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do. C.S. Lewis 
74. Sooner or later we must find somewhere that we can know really belongs to us.
75. His love for Eloise had been unhealthy, red-hot, bound to burn itself out sooner or later.
76. Asking the rest of the maintenance men about Kev and his life inevitably, sooner or later, led to Polly.
77. However, I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later.
78. Pretty Good Privacy is freeware; like most freeware, its users will sooner or later graduate to commercially supported stuff.
79. Still, sooner or later, some one will have to repeat the experiment.
80. Sooner or later some one will get hurt trying to get away from him.
81. Cripps Christmas dinners were not noted for their decorum nor their sobriety and sooner or later the bread rolls began to fly.
82. Sooner or later the predator will end up feeding preferentially on the most abundant of the available types of prey.
83. Or, should they be slowing down because sooner or later their hectic pace will do them in?
84. The attack would bog down sooner or later.
85. He'll get his just deserts sooner or later.
86. We shall reckon with the renegades sooner or later.
87. 93 Sooner or later, the truth comes to light.
88. I thought he would show the hoof sooner or later.
89. If you go on behaving like this, you'll land up in prison sooner or later.
90. Don't brag so much. I guarantee you will eat your words sooner or later.
91. Those who take delight in other people's pain will suffer retribution sooner or later.
92. Whatever abuse or violence that is inflicted on animals, sooner or later, (this lifetime or the next), will eventually be transferred and experienced by humans. This is an inescapable Divine Law.
93. He cheated Underwood and Underwood threatened to pay him back sooner or later.
94. The messenger boy will run of his legs sooner or later.
95. Since there is fire in Poland and Hungary, it will blaze up sooner or later.
96. Sooner or later, among the in vitro class, instant replay will be considered a human right.
97. Don't cry wolf any more, or no one will trust you sooner or later.
98. But sooner or later, Republicans were bound to notice other reasons to disavow Lincoln. He was, after all, the first president to institute an income tax.
99. The old machinery in this factory will be phased out sooner or later.
100. The markets have failed to zero in on this problem, he writes, because of all the other squeaky wheels in the global economy -- but sooner or later, latch on they will.
101. Sarah Morton: Awards are like hemorrhoids. Sooner or later every asshole gets one.
102. Drivers who habitually cut in are bound to cause accidents sooner or later.
103. Unless we elope, they'll marry you off sooner or later to somebody else.
104. The change gives sooner or later a feeling of emancipation and an urge toward new goals.
105. People believe they can deforest illegally because sooner or later all will be forgiven, " said Philip Fearnside of the government's National Institute for Amazon Research.
106. Guys like you end up in the stockade sooner or later.
107. Practically 90 % of Brazilian rosewood guitars, sooner or later they are split.
108. "People believe they can deforest illegally because sooner or later all will be forgiven, " he told the Associated Press.
109. According to auctorial thinking mode of anti- essentialism , the author should present his, non-essential China's Legal Ambition Prospect sooner or later.
110. It doesn't matter, "The little seed said to himself, "I'm indeed small now, but sooner or later, i will, one day, have a world which is biger and more beautiful than the fishworm has.
111. Even a man made of stone sooner or later will show his weak spot.
112. Will use sooner or later the union - like biofeedback training, may enhance the relaxation effect.
113. Since the connection with the poker chips is established through classical conditioning, sooner or later by that logic the poker chips would lose their power to serve as reinforcers.
114. Some recalled a warning given by one of China's most famous critics, Huang Wanli, before his death ten years ago that the dam would silt up the reservoir basin and sooner or later have to be blown up.
115. Because the favorable factor of substantive progress in the Japanese-South Korea FTA, the negotiation must reopen sooner or later without any doubt.
116. Its steelmakers may be protected and inefficient now, but sooner or later rationalisation and greater technical skill will produce big firms that can make cheap steel.
117. No matter how much of a misanthrope you are there is such a thing as entropy and it will catch up with you sooner or later.
118. The messenger boy will run off his legs sooner or later.
119. Look for them to be hoisted by their own petard—or impaled on the broadsword of history—sooner or later.
120. Sooner or later he may tire of constantly putting himself last.
121. Don't be gobsmacked if genetic testing figures into employment sooner or later.
122. MySpace Moment, sooner or later, is going to enter the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary alongside crowdsourcing, bromance and cougars.
123. What they have, you too will have sooner or later. There is nothing be jealous of.
124. Now, since I was going to have to tell him sooner or later in whose favour I was making the deed of gift, I decided to confess the truth there and then.
125. Flexible schedule - the deliverable may be required sooner or later than initially planned.
126. If you turn a deaf ear to the masses'criticism, sooner or later you will have to pay for it.
127. NOTHING CAN be gained by not discussing issues which call into question the very roots of our society and which, sooner or later(http://), must be faced.
128. He knew that sooner or later he would obey O'Brien's summons.
129. Sooner or later we must ask whether this law meets the test of relativistic invariance.
130. Widely used in whitening lotion, whitening cream, moisturizing lotion, moisturizing cream, moisturizing lotion, sooner or later, cream, foundation cream, lipstick.
131. If unsolved, the problem will sooner or later paralyze our strategy and our foreign policy.
132. Most developers and users of Linux come into contact with a UNIX shell sooner or later.
133. Sooner or later, the birds come to rest on ledges of buildings surrounding the park.
134. Our country has joined WTO, sooner or later it will join Government Purchasing Association ( GPA ).
135. He still believes toughly : Sooner or later he can spell a large award, need not work hard.
136. The cause of the disease will come to light sooner or later.
137. Sooner or later the UN Security Council will again vote for a NO-FLY ZONE over Jammu and Kashmir- well it will be too late for India to react!
138. Programming is like kicking yourself in the face, sooner or later your nose will bleed. " – Kyle Woodbury".
139. Sooner or later your sleepy countrymen will come in and thrash the Japanese.
140. Her heart sank within her when she recognized the man whom Mr Fogg desired, sooner or later, to call to account for his conduct.
141. Making money by drug trafficking is a jailbait , you can make a fortune over night but you will end up in jail sooner or later.
142. A generalized error of economic calculation has been committed and sooner or later it will be discovered and corrected spontaneously by the market.
143. But sooner or later, Republicans were bound to notice other reasons to disavow Lincoln.
144. A leader who moves by guess work, without practical, definite plans, is comparable to a ship without a rudder. Sooner or later he will land on the rocks"."
145. Your turn is coming sooner or later , " Wan - erh replied in agitation . She laughed spitefully.
146. Sooner or later, race will always step forward and take a bow.
147. But, sooner or later the overhang of monetary liabilities would undermine confidence in the key currency.
148. Sooner or later, the total economic output of BRICS countries will surpass that of the G7, which will impact the world to a greater extent than the rise of the former Soviet Union.
149. I thought he would show the cloven hoof sooner or later.
150. When you develop different types of software, sooner or later, you will have to deal with client/server development.




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