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单词 Speak for
1 Have you got anyone to speak for you?
2 I myself agree with you, but I can't speak for my boss.
3 Recent events speak for themselves.
4 The events of that evening speak for themselves.
5 I couldn't speak for laughing.
6 The results speak for themselves.
7 I speak for all my colleagues.
8 Who is prepared to speak for the accused?
9 I speak for all 7,000 members of our organization.
10 What have you to speak for yourself?
11 Overcome with/by emotion, she found herself unable to speak for a few minutes.
12 I can't speak for the others, but I'd love to come myself.
13 I'm going to ask each of you to speak for three minutes.
14 "We're not blaming you," Kate said. "Speak for yourself," Boris muttered.
15 She could hardly speak for the ache in her heart.
16 He had a coughing fit and couldn't speak for a few moments.
17 He believes that his records speak for themselves and ignores those who diss him.
18 Each candidate has to speak for three minutes on their chosen subject.
19 Paisley claims to speak for the majority of local people.
20 How can a belted knight speak for us?
21 They didn't speak for a very long time.
22 The simple facts speak for themselves.
23 Religion is thus allowed to speak for itself. 3.
24 The confirmation numbers speak for themselves.
25 We had no one to speak for us, we had no redress.
26 In this oracular role, though, she does not speak for herself.
27 I can't attend the meeting in person, but I am sending someone to speak for me.
28 He said it was the job of the Church to speak for the underprivileged.
29 When Cardinal Spellman was presiding, he had such difficulty making himself understood that he had to have some one speak for him.
30 She obviously knows what she's doing - the facts speak for themselves.
31 The arrangement seemed to speak for itself: Alice, the true love.
32 She simply let her skills at building positive relationships with others speak for her.
33 Some one, somewhere, must speak for golf - and maybe slap a few wrists.
34 Again, we begin by letting the managers speak for themselves.
35 To be an employed, married mum is quite an achievement and I think I speak for us all.
36 In so far as she possibly can, she lets this great dull store of words speak for themselves, without addition to their number.
37 If I may speak for the Law Officers of the Crown, we are scrupulous in bearing that vital principle in mind.
38 Autoseeker speaks to the thief - the facts speak for themselves.
39 The benefits speak for themselves, but it does have its downside.
40 Facts should normally be allowed to speak for themselves: to spell out a conclusion may spell danger.
41 The other person was a man who could actually speak for hours about his reading, which was extensive.
42 Not all people are gallant enough to speak for justice, and most of them remain silent on injustice. Dr T.P.Chia 
43 Here, new managers speak for themselves as they learn a new craft.
44 Brooks can speak for several minutes without drawing a breath.
45 Let these facts speak for themselves: By the time Barbie was invented, I was too old for dolls.
46 Amid the general ventriloquism she does often manage to speak for herself.
47 Once you've thoroughly researched and analysed the facts, they should speak for themselves.
48 It will want to know what your household income is and what you do, but the benefits speak for themselves.
49 In such a case the purchaser may plead res ipsa loquitur - the facts speak for themselves.
50 I do not intend to speak for hours, but I should like to make a few further comments.
51 Sculptors of monuments which are commissioned to speak for others, then, are placed in an unenviable position.
52 Assumptions are made that a minority person should be able to speak for all minority peo-ple.
53 Director Mike Newell creates the atmosphere and wisely allows the surrounding beauty to speak for itself.
54 They simply put it out and let the music speak for itself.
55 He did not want to have to speak for he did not want to hear the sound of his own voice.
56 By what right did it attempt to speak for the parish?
57 In a sense, even though legislatures usually have spokespersons and leaders, no one can truly speak for the legislature.
58 Mark answered in the traditional matter-of-fact manner, parading all the relevant factors and letting the facts speak for themselves.
59 Concerning investigation into the conditions endured by animals in laboratories, the facts speak for themselves.
60 They have been left to speak for themselves as rites, as works of art through the eyes to the listening heart.
61 The facts of male homosexuality are also endlessly misrepresented and confused by the homosexual women who often speak for gay liberation.
62 Let the News speak for itself!
63 Only even-handed leaders can truly speak for the people.
64 A great photograph should speak for itself, but that't mean aren't great stories behind it.
65 I think I speak for all my fellow employees when I say that we at BBB are delighted to be working with an industry leader like AAA.
66 Most predict that the Abstract will save Hip - Hop but let the music speak for itself.
67 Upon my word I cannot exactly explain the matter ; Darcy must speak for himself.
68 The professor's charisma speak for itself. All the students love him.
69 The fact that lots of clients keep on buying our products, speak for itself.
70 No doubt she simply echoed what was said for her; but she was nearing her twenty-second birthday, and he wondered at what age "nice" women began to speak for themselves.
71 Obviously I can't speak for other people, but certainly no one I know would entertain the idea.
72 Nevertheless Winston did not speak for another moment or two.
73 So here's a program called Arg V, this is fancy speak for argument Vector, a list of arguments for the left or right.
74 Greetings! I am Bismarck and I speak for the clever German folk.
75 If I go out and play hard, everything else will speak for itself.
76 Let the contract speak for itself from within its four corners.
77 Take Alaron's pendant - they ` ll know you speak for all Irollan.
78 Art has the ability to speak for itself without a written or spoken language.
79 In response to a question about Mr. Silver, though, Mr. Bloomberg approached the lectern, sidestepped the question and then cut off the line of inquiry, saying they could not speak for Albany leaders.
80 What he did could well speak for itself : he betrayed all!
81 We speak for the minorities who have not yet entered the mainstream.
82 The fixation on a Gompers agenda suggests that many of those who speak for the humanities, especially within the organized scholarly disciplines, have not quite acknowledged the nature of the problem.
83 His heart skipping unevenly, his face mournful , Mr. Lin was unable to speak for some time.
84 On proportionality , the numbers speak for themselves - up to a point.
85 Extreme Programming advocates using no extra design documents and letting the code speak for itself.
86 Description: The petrifying charm. With this charm the victim is unable to move or speak for a period of time.
87 Hello. Professor Berning. This is Freema good from the White Birch Drilling Compa goody. We were wondering if you could speak for the Drilling Technicing symposium we're sponsoring.
88 For costly company serve is ours honoured. Zealousness welcome hugeness consumer presence supervise, palaver and speak for.
89 Figures aside, the pictures speak for themselves, showing that the danger of nicotine poisoning is real and that better regulation and monitoring is needed.
90 If we are strong, our strength will speak for itself.
91 And Bathsheba said, Well; I will speak for thee unto the king.
92 If Wang can be in the contention of winning Cy Young year in and year out what would that speak for Wang itself?
93 I knew all I had to do let the material speak for itself.




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