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单词 Agree on
1 We agree on the question.
2 We don't agree on this point.
3 Experts cannot agree on the causes of criminal behaviour .
4 They failed to agree on the terms of a settlement.
5 The two sides failed to agree on the wording of a final report.
6 We couldn't agree on a date/when to meet.
7 In essence, both sides agree on the issue.
8 We agree on this count.
9 We don't agree on everything, of course.
10 We rarely agree on what to do.
11 Can we agree on a date?
12 They managed to agree on a date for the wedding.
13 If Europe fails to agree on this, we can say goodbye to any common foreign policy.
14 The deal fell apart when we failed to agree on a price.
15 They agree on fundamentals, like the need for further political reform.
16 The two sides failed to agree on every point but came to an accommodation.
17 Both approaches agree on what is depicted in the poem, but not on how it should be interpreted.
18 The failure to agree on manning levels is a major stumbling-block to progress in the talks.
19 The two countries were unable to agree on a common strategy.
20 A constitutional convention was elected to try to agree on a new form of government.
21 Mike and I certainly don't agree on everything.
22 The committee has until Friday to agree on funding.
23 Most of us, I think, can agree on this.
24 If they don't agree on promotion, the stadium's financial backers may slam on the brakes.
25 Optimism is my middle name because, unable to agree on a name, my parents stuck a pin in a dictionary.
26 It is difficult to imagine how the North and South could ever agree on a formula to unify the divided peninsula.
27 It's not that I don't like her - it's just that we rarely agree on anything!
28 He once pulled a switchblade on his director because they couldn't agree on the way to do a scene.
29 The experts believe they know the causes of the crime wave but they cannot agree on a cure.
30 It is very important that the two partners endeavour to: Agree on discipline.
1 We don't agree on this point.
2 Experts cannot agree on the causes of criminal behaviour .
3 They failed to agree on the terms of a settlement.
4 It is difficult to imagine how the North and South could ever agree on a formula to unify the divided peninsula.
5 The two sides failed to agree on the wording of a final report.
31 Earlier, negotiators at the talks could not agree on who should back off first.
32 But the proposals died when Congress failed to agree on a formula to rescue the trust fund.
33 But to patch things up the friends need to agree on a peace plan.
34 It is much easier to form a coalition against something than to agree on alternatives.
35 Washington seems unable to agree on even its most basic task, which is to fund the government.
36 Neither side can agree on doctors or medical institutes to carry out tests.
37 What makes the situation in Britain today so worrying is that the leaders of both main parties agree on virtually everything.
38 Arthur and Melwas, they said, were brought by some mediator in the Council to agree on terms.
39 It's a budget that the President and Congress can agree on.
40 They could not agree on the Gulf conflict and seem to have no agreed middle east policy.
41 Congress and the President have been at each other's throats for so long that it's a wonder they can agree on anything.
42 What happens if the union and the school board can not agree on a contract?
43 Examine and agree on a job description first and a contract of employment which you are satisfied with and understand.
44 After two weeks of negotiations the two sides still cannot agree on the conditions.
45 Even rational thought will not necessarily enable people to agree on political facts.
46 The court has now told the warring couple to each keep half the ashes until they can agree on a resting place.
47 The group was unable to agree on a way to extend insurance coverage to all Americans.
48 Even among national leaders who agree on current nuclear policy goals, there is disagreement how to reach them.
49 I'd have to take a few hundred and we might get one we both agree on.
50 Federal and state ministers have met 20 times since the earlier massacres and failed to agree on change.
51 But the two chambers must agree on a final version before Clinton can sign it into law.
52 At this stage, the rules in use are known to all, and all agree on what the rules are.
53 Both buyer and seller should agree on the terms before the contract is signed.
54 Civic leaders cannot agree on what is best for the city.
55 Joint control is found where the parent companies must agree on decisions concerning the joint venture company.
56 Anyone who has actually experienced acupuncture, or several other complementary therapies, will agree on this.
57 However, the proposal was never enacted because the administration and congressional Republicans could not agree on a balanced-budget formula.
58 And to an extraordinary extent, diverse groups agree on what the maximum tax burden should be.
59 Management should agree on an annual major unifying exhibition theme which should relate to our main activities.
60 We have already agreed on a price for each tree, so the job is to agree on how many there are.
61 At the end, the reunited brothers will agree on exactly how many flashes there have been.
62 Not all authorities agree on this point and many experienced flyers maintain that the horizontal stabiliser is unnecessary.
63 The Government had failed to agree on a programme: Baldwin was for protection.
64 Unless the two main parties can agree on a successor a contest seems inevitable.
65 Teams must agree on how they will work together to accomplish their purpose and goals.
66 The effort is likely to be politically disastrous, even if they can agree on a successor.
67 If they agree on a pardon, it is passed on to the White House.
68 Partners should watch each other and be sure to agree on the moves.
69 They first had to agree on the ground rules of the debate before they could get started.
70 The delegations again failed to agree on when or where the negotiations should resume.
71 If you agree on the details and choose a theme you can then weave them into your planning at every stage.
72 Such disparate allegiances are more likely to agree on what they oppose than in what they support.
73 The failure to agree on definite targets brought strong criticism from environmentalists.
74 Instead, it set off an uproar among religious activists(), including many who normally agree on little.
75 Adoption is the one issue that pro-choice and pro-life people can agree on.
76 Both sides have to agree on the terms of reference before there can be a trade deal.
77 Women from the different organizations have been able to come together and agree on certain basic principles about what they, as women, are fighting for.
78 He also indicated they could not agree on all the details of a bid.
79 Morrison Knudsen and lenders agree on a plan to avoid a cash shortage.
80 We cannot agree on the budget estimate.
81 We need to agree on a unified basic price.
82 Let's try to agree on a time schedule.
83 We couldn't agree on the budget estimate.
84 The two leaders agree on the investment plan.
85 Let's reestablish the point we agree on.
86 Conservatives and liberals won't agree on the means, but they ought to agree on the end: a nation where it's easier to balance work and child-rearing, however you think that balance should be struck.
87 One thing developers have come to agree on is that well-written code is maintainable, and the Dependency Inversion Principle is a sure way to design for maintainability.
88 So in the meantime countries should agree on more modest accords, or even just informal "rules of the road" that would raise the political cost of cyber-attacks.
89 Question1: With the gradual improvement of construction in habitant community, security guard has become more and more professional occupation. Do you agree on it?
90 It took five months for the coalition to agree on and publish a medium-term economic programme.
91 They would be likely to agree on some meeting-place beforehand, "remarked Holmes."
92 The two sides have been unable to agree on the terms of a power-sharing arrangement to break the political deadlock gripping the country since a disputed presidential election in late December.
93 As to unjust enrichment and negotiorum gestio, the Code grants the parties the freedom to agree on the applicable law.
94 One thing everyone can agree on is that one of the only things worse than a sinus headache is when your sinuses get infected — both of which are things sinuses appear to be very good at.
95 Journalist and source should agree on the terms governing the news organization's use of information.
96 "Germany and France can't agree on the euro's future, with France wanting status quo and Germany saying it can't keep bailing out member states each time there is a crisis," said Ostwald.
97 Executives couldn't agree on much of anything, so the company ended up with "corporate centers" in Stockholm, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Milan and London.
98 Before even starting to think about design classes, the entire team got together to agree on a sensible package structure.
99 The caller and callee must agree on the size of the buffer.
100 All three of us entirely agree on the objective, which is making sure that Iran does not weaponize nuclear power and that we don't trigger a nuclear arms race in the region.
101 I am sure that he will agree on it because he is a soft touch.
102 Agree on a date when the team will reconvene and review the progress on action items.
103 Look at this list of airline service. Agree on the three most important services for the business traveler.
104 So, we appear to agree on the increase of production.
105 If we can agree on the terms of the licensing agreement, that is.
106 Twenty years ago, after OPEC's members failed to agree on a price mechanism, the Saudi oil minister of the day, Sheikh Yamani, predicted a glut.
107 When you and DB2 agree If you and DB2 agree on the best available access path but that path does not deliver satisfactory performance, you need to provide DB2 with a new access path choice.
108 The decision was announced at the hearing before the same judge who declared the mistrial the second time when jurors couldn't agree on any verdicts.
109 Work in groups . Look at this list of airline service . Agree on the three most important services for the business traveler .
110 At the first last year, jurors could not agree on a verdict and a mistrial was declared.
111 Essentially they all agree on the tripartite division of B ü hler's language function: representation, expression and appeal.
112 We agree that man and woman make real, genuine choices from the will of man every day. Augustine, Calvin as well as Arminius, Wesley all agree on this.
113 FANS and foes of Bulgaria's prime minister, Boyko Borisov, agree on one thing: this square-jawed ex-wrestler has enlivened the country's politics.
113 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
114 Even perfidious Anglo - Saxons agree on the need for change.
115 SFL clubs have so far failed to agree on the plans.
116 The ministers met yesterday to agree on the party line on unemployment.
117 As a central ethics idea of the Confucianists, the view of kind-heartedness is one of the very precious things that modern scholars agree on.
118 What all agree on, however, is the improbability of their victory.
119 It is small-scale and literally grass roots — and possibly in some respects more effective than the tortuous efforts of politicians to agree on how to stop global warming.
120 Delegates from nearly 200 nations gather in the Danish capital Copenhagen in December to try to agree on the shape of a post-2012 emissions trading system.
121 Although Americans have different views on many issues, they tend on agree on one subject: taxes are too high.
122 They must also agree on a funding mechanism for helping poor countries offset the cost of development while meeting emissions cuts guidelines.
123 There was only one condition that Orpheus had to agree on.
124 If the above situation exists when working on a straight ladder, a safety harness must be worn and team leader and employee must agree on additional precautions (if any).
125 The current situation in the Middle East and the humanitarian situation in Palestine are worrisome. China does not agree on political isolation or economic blockade.
126 Your appetence is so natural and fierce. For example, without advertisement and mobilization, so many people flock around you and agree on your ideals.
127 "Eric and I agree on 'what' but never on 'how, '" says Lowry. "Because we are willing to challenge each other, we come up with interesting and smarter solutions.
128 Assortative mating means that the children of parents who agree on issues will be more likely to share whatever genes influence those beliefs.
129 "Getting them to agree on a number is crucial," said Tony Morriss, market strategist at ANZ in Sydney.
130 As to the convertible debt, they agree on the terms of the security, and hence value the debt at the level that satisfies the interests of both sides.
131 The appraise committee agree on that the project in the highest flight of China pharmacy industry on MIS based GMP, which is worth being popularized in pharmacy industry.
132 It also is illegal for a manufacturer and retailer to agree on a minimum resale price.
133 The view that the project meets the acceptance criteria and agree on the acceptance a project.
134 Statisticians cannot even agree on the definition of a mosque.
135 The other two opposition parties cannot agree on an electoral pact between themselves.
136 It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price.
137 A meeting this week between Sarkozy and Merkel appeared to agree on some form of treaty change.
138 Robert Heinlein----American novelist: More than three can't agree on when to have dinner, much less when to strike. More than six people cannot decide a thing.
139 The applications predetermine queue names, messages, and message formats, just like two network applications agree on socket numbers.
140 So if, for instance, one EN-V detects another by radar, it can check what that other is intending to do and agree on how to pass it safely.
141 The engineering team had to agree on the package structure early on.
142 Most agree on common hurdles: procrastination, writer's block, the terror of failure that looms over a new project and the attention-sucking power of the Internet.
143 In case the Parties fail to mutually agree on the Sole Arbitrator within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice from ICC, then the Sole Arbitrator shall be appointed by ICC.
144 The only thing observers agree on is that none of the options are savory.
145 If they don't agree on the appeal verdict, they may file a suit in the People's Court within 15 days after their receipt of administrative appeal verdict.
146 Forget about good. Good is a known quantity. Good is what we all agree on.
147 The literati almost all agree on establishing the Principle of Directness and Verbalism in China.
148 Government representatives failed to persuade the union and the employers to agree on new wage plan.
149 They are rather a minimal set of features that we can agree on despite our differences, and believe others can agree on too.




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