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单词 enfold
释义  en·fold /ɪnˈfəʊld $ -ˈfoʊld/ verb [transitive]  formalAROUND/ROUND to cover or surround someone or something completely 搂抱〔某人〕;围住,包住〔某物〕 The wizard screamed as the darkness enfolded him. 黑暗罩住了巫师,他尖叫起来。 He reached out to enfold her in his arms. 他伸手把她拥在怀里。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusenfold• Their eyes are large with concern and empathy, and everywhere there are enfolding arms.• Macushla! your white arms are reaching, I feel them enfolding caressing me still.• We held him between us, enfolding him with our arms as he cried.• The wizard screamed as the dark spread and enfolded him.• She reached to enfold his long fingers, which were so fragrant from the soaps he still used, and overused.• I closed my eyes and lay there for a while, enfolded in darkness.• He shut off the engine and silence enfolded them.en·fold verbChineseSyllable  to someone surround or or something Corpus cover




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