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单词 enforced
释义 Word family  noun enforcement enforcer adjective enforceable enforced verb enforce  Related topics: Lawen·forced /ɪnˈfɔːst $ -ɔːrst/ AWL adjective  SCLFORCE somebody TO DO somethingmade to happen, especially by things you cannot control 强制的;强迫的enforced absence/separation etc a period of enforced isolation 强制隔离期Examples from the Corpusenforced• A text of Modestinus also ends abruptly with the remark that the judge will ensure that the testator's instructions are enforced.• But the agreements were not enforceable, or at any rate were not enforced.• A record balance of payments deficit is not the right background for enforced increases in industrial costs.• The result is not only pain, but an enforced lay-off that can cause as much distress as the discomfort.• He said there would be no enforced redundancies, but some vacant posts would remain unfilled.• The photographs of Coranka Matic illustrate this enforced switch.• Instead of automated leisure, enforced unemployment was on its way back.• Housing Associations are now responsible for helping fill the gap created by local government's enforced withdrawal from property development.enforced absence/separation etc• The horses that got away during his enforced absence continue to rankle.• This enforced separation might make him feel her loss.• In the enforced absence of Elvis, Chuck Berry played guitar for the new man eight Januaries ago.en·forced adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus by cannot things made happen, control especially to you




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